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--XTEA encryption algorithm v0.3 --Sergio Johann Filho, 2016 -- --based on reference code (below) released into the public domain by David Wheeler and Roger Needham --the code takes 64 bits of data in v[0] and v[1] and 128 bits of key in key[0] - key[3] --recommended number of rounds is 32 (2 Feistel-network rounds are performed on each iteration). -- -- --void encipher(uint32_t num_rounds, uint32_t v[2], uint32_t const key[4]){ -- uint32_t i; -- uint32_t v0 = v[0], v1 = v[1], sum = 0, delta = 0x9E3779B9; -- -- for (i = 0; i < num_rounds; i++){ -- v0 += (((v1 << 4) ^ (v1 >> 5)) + v1) ^ (sum + key[sum & 3]); -- sum += delta; -- v1 += (((v0 << 4) ^ (v0 >> 5)) + v0) ^ (sum + key[(sum>>11) & 3]); -- } -- v[0] = v0; v[1] = v1; --} -- --void decipher(uint32_t num_rounds, uint32_t v[2], uint32_t const key[4]){ -- uint32_t i; -- uint32_t v0 = v[0], v1 = v[1], delta = 0x9E3779B9, sum = delta * num_rounds; -- -- for (i = 0; i < num_rounds; i++){ -- v1 -= (((v0 << 4) ^ (v0 >> 5)) + v0) ^ (sum + key[(sum>>11) & 3]); -- sum -= delta; -- v0 -= (((v1 << 4) ^ (v1 >> 5)) + v1) ^ (sum + key[sum & 3]); -- } -- v[0] = v0; v[1] = v1; --} library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity xtea is generic ( ROUNDS: integer := 32 ); port ( clock: in std_logic; reset: in std_logic; start: in std_logic; encrypt: in std_logic; key: in std_logic_vector(127 downto 0); input: in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); output: out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); ready: out std_logic ); end xtea; architecture xtea_arch of xtea is type states is (idle, enc_step1, enc_step2, enc_step3, dec_step1, dec_step2, dec_step3, key_sel1, key_sel2, done); signal state: states; signal v0, v1, sum, delta, key_sel: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal counter: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin delta <= x"9e3779b9"; process(clock, reset) begin if reset = '1' then v0 <= (others => '0'); v1 <= (others => '0'); sum <= (others => '0'); key_sel <= (others => '0'); counter <= (others => '0'); output <= (others => '0'); ready <= '0'; elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then case state is when idle => ready <= '0'; counter <= (others => '0'); when key_sel1 => case sum(1 downto 0) is when "00" => key_sel <= key(127 downto 96); when "01" => key_sel <= key(95 downto 64); when "10" => key_sel <= key(63 downto 32); when "11" => key_sel <= key(31 downto 0); when others => null; end case; when key_sel2 => case sum(12 downto 11) is when "00" => key_sel <= key(127 downto 96); when "01" => key_sel <= key(95 downto 64); when "10" => key_sel <= key(63 downto 32); when "11" => key_sel <= key(31 downto 0); when others => null; end case; when enc_step1 => v1 <= input(31 downto 0); v0 <= input(63 downto 32); sum <= (others => '0'); when enc_step2 => v0 <= v0 + ((((v1(27 downto 0) & "0000") xor ("00000" & v1(31 downto 5))) + v1) xor (sum + key_sel)); sum <= sum + delta; when enc_step3 => v1 <= v1 + ((((v0(27 downto 0) & "0000") xor ("00000" & v0(31 downto 5))) + v0) xor (sum + key_sel)); counter <= counter + 1; when dec_step1 => v1 <= input(31 downto 0); v0 <= input(63 downto 32); sum <= x"c6ef3720"; when dec_step2 => v1 <= v1 - ((((v0(27 downto 0) & "0000") xor ("00000" & v0(31 downto 5))) + v0) xor (sum + key_sel)); sum <= sum - delta; when dec_step3 => v0 <= v0 - ((((v1(27 downto 0) & "0000") xor ("00000" & v1(31 downto 5))) + v1) xor (sum + key_sel)); counter <= counter + 1; when done => output(63 downto 32) <= v0; output(31 downto 0) <= v1; ready <= '1'; when others => null; end case; end if; end process; process(clock, reset, state, counter, start, encrypt) begin if reset = '1' then state <= idle; elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then case state is when idle => if (start = '1') then if (encrypt = '1') then state <= enc_step1; else state <= dec_step1; end if; else state <= idle; end if; when key_sel1 => if (encrypt = '1') then state <= enc_step2; else state <= dec_step3; end if; when key_sel2 => if (encrypt = '1') then state <= enc_step3; else state <= dec_step2; end if; when enc_step1 => state <= key_sel1; when enc_step2 => state <= key_sel2; when enc_step3 => if (counter < ROUNDS-1) then state <= key_sel1; else state <= done; end if; when dec_step1 => state <= key_sel2; when dec_step2 => state <= key_sel1; when dec_step3 => if (counter < ROUNDS-1) then state <= key_sel2; else state <= done; end if; when done => if (start = '1') then state <= done; else state <= idle; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end process; end xtea_arch;