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[/] [hf-risc/] [trunk/] [hf-riscv/] [platform/] [spartan3e_nexys2/] [spartan3e_nexys2.vhd] - Rev 15
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity hellfire_cpu_if is generic( address_width: integer := 15; memory_file : string := "code.txt"; uart_support : string := "yes" ); port ( clk_in: in std_logic; reset_in: in std_logic; int_in: in std_logic; uart_read: in std_logic; uart_write: out std_logic ); end hellfire_cpu_if; architecture interface of hellfire_cpu_if is signal clock, boot_enable, ram_enable_n, stall, stall_cpu, busy_cpu, irq_cpu, irq_ack_cpu, exception_cpu, data_access_cpu, ram_dly, rff1, reset: std_logic; signal address, data_read, data_write, data_read_boot, data_read_ram, irq_vector_cpu, inst_addr_cpu, inst_in_cpu, data_addr_cpu, data_in_cpu, data_out_cpu: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal ext_irq: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal data_we, data_w_n_ram, data_w_cpu: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin -- clock divider (25MHz clock from 50MHz main clock for Spartan3 Starter Kit) process (reset_in, clk_in, clock) begin if reset_in = '1' then clock <= '0'; else if clk_in'event and clk_in='1' then clock <= not clock; end if; end if; end process; -- reset synchronizer process (clock, reset_in) begin if (reset_in = '1') then rff1 <= '1'; reset <= '1'; elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then rff1 <= '0'; reset <= rff1; end if; end process; process (reset, clock, ext_irq, ram_enable_n) begin if reset = '1' then ram_dly <= '0'; ext_irq <= x"00"; elsif clock'event and clock = '1' then ram_dly <= not ram_enable_n; ext_irq <= "0000000" & int_in; end if; end process; stall <= '0'; boot_enable <= '1' when address(31 downto 28) = "0000" else '0'; ram_enable_n <= '0' when address(31 downto 28) = "0100" else '1'; data_read <= data_read_boot when address(31 downto 28) = "0000" and ram_dly = '0' else data_read_ram; data_w_n_ram <= not data_we; -- HF-RISCV core core: entity work.datapath port map( clock => clock, reset => reset, stall => stall_cpu, busy => busy_cpu, irq_vector => irq_vector_cpu, irq => irq_cpu, irq_ack => irq_ack_cpu, exception => exception_cpu, inst_addr => inst_addr_cpu, inst_in => inst_in_cpu, data_addr => data_addr_cpu, data_in => data_in_cpu, data_out => data_out_cpu, data_w => data_w_cpu, data_access => data_access_cpu ); -- peripherals / busmux logic peripherals_busmux: entity work.busmux generic map( uart_support => uart_support ) port map( clock => clock, reset => reset, stall => stall, stall_cpu => stall_cpu, busy_cpu => busy_cpu, irq_vector_cpu => irq_vector_cpu, irq_cpu => irq_cpu, irq_ack_cpu => irq_ack_cpu, exception_cpu => exception_cpu, inst_addr_cpu => inst_addr_cpu, inst_in_cpu => inst_in_cpu, data_addr_cpu => data_addr_cpu, data_in_cpu => data_in_cpu, data_out_cpu => data_out_cpu, data_w_cpu => data_w_cpu, data_access_cpu => data_access_cpu, addr_mem => address, data_read_mem => data_read, data_write_mem => data_write, data_we_mem => data_we, extio_in => ext_irq, extio_out => open, uart_read => uart_read, uart_write => uart_write ); -- instruction and data memory (boot RAM) boot_ram: entity work.ram generic map (memory_type => "DEFAULT") port map ( clk => clock, enable => boot_enable, write_byte_enable => "0000", address => address(31 downto 2), data_write => (others => '0'), data_read => data_read_boot ); -- instruction and data memory (external RAM) memory0lb: entity work.bram generic map ( memory_file => memory_file, data_width => 8, address_width => address_width, bank => 0) port map( clk => clock, addr => address(address_width -1 downto 2), cs_n => ram_enable_n, we_n => data_w_n_ram(0), data_i => data_write(7 downto 0), data_o => data_read_ram(7 downto 0) ); memory0ub: entity work.bram generic map ( memory_file => memory_file, data_width => 8, address_width => address_width, bank => 1) port map( clk => clock, addr => address(address_width -1 downto 2), cs_n => ram_enable_n, we_n => data_w_n_ram(1), data_i => data_write(15 downto 8), data_o => data_read_ram(15 downto 8) ); memory1lb: entity work.bram generic map ( memory_file => memory_file, data_width => 8, address_width => address_width, bank => 2) port map( clk => clock, addr => address(address_width -1 downto 2), cs_n => ram_enable_n, we_n => data_w_n_ram(2), data_i => data_write(23 downto 16), data_o => data_read_ram(23 downto 16) ); memory1ub: entity work.bram generic map ( memory_file => memory_file, data_width => 8, address_width => address_width, bank => 3) port map( clk => clock, addr => address(address_width -1 downto 2), cs_n => ram_enable_n, we_n => data_w_n_ram(3), data_i => data_write(31 downto 24), data_o => data_read_ram(31 downto 24) ); end interface;
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