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[/] [hicovec/] [trunk/] [cpu/] [units/] [debugger.vhd] - Rev 4
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------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PROJECT: HiCoVec (highly configurable vector processor) -- -- ENTITY: debugger -- -- PURPOSE: debugger for clvp -- controls cpu via rs232 -- -- AUTHOR: harald manske, haraldmanske@gmx.de -- -- VERSION: 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity debugger is port ( clk_in: in std_logic; -- use 50mhz for rs232 timing clk_cpu: out std_logic; clk_mem: out std_logic; reset_out: out std_logic; rs232_txd: out std_logic; rs232_rxd: in std_logic; a: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); x: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); y: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); ir: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); ic: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); mem_switch: out std_logic; mem_ready: in std_logic; mem_access: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); mem_access_dbg: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); mem_addr: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); mem_addr_dbg: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); mem_data: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); mem_data_dbg: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); carry: in std_logic; zero: in std_logic; ir_ready: in std_logic; halted: in std_logic ); end debugger; architecture rtl of debugger is component rs232 -- code from michael schäferling generic( DATABITS: integer:= 8; STARTBITS: integer:= 1; STOPBITS: integer:= 1 ); port( CLK_50MHZ : in std_logic; RS232_RXD : in std_logic; RS232_TXD : out std_logic; DATA_TX : in std_logic_vector(DATABITS-1 downto 0); TX_SEND_DATA : in std_logic; TX_BUSY : out std_logic; DATA_RX : out std_logic_vector(DATABITS-1 downto 0); RX_DATA_RCVD : out std_logic; RX_BUSY : out std_logic ); end component; component bufg port ( i: in std_logic; o: out std_logic ); end component; for rs232_impl: rs232 use entity work.rs232(Behavioral); signal data_tx: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal data_rx: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tx_busy: std_logic; signal rx_busy: std_logic; signal data_received: std_logic; signal send_data: std_logic; signal clk_buffer_cpu, clk_buffer_mem: std_logic; -- statemachine debugger type statetype is (waiting, decode, clock, reset1, reset2, flags, rega, regx, regy, regir, regic, busy8, init8, sending8, busy32, init32, sending32, inc32, echo, ma, md, go, pause, to_fetch_address, to_fetch_data, fetch_address, fetch_data, to_normal, mem_read1, mem_read2, mem_read3,mem_read4, mem_write1, mem_write2, mem_write3, mem_write4, mem_restore1, mem_restore2, mem_restore3, mem_restore4, send_checksum, startcc, stopcc, ccstatus, getcc); signal state : statetype := waiting; signal nextstate : statetype := waiting; -- statemachine clock logic type clocktype is (high, low, freehigh, freelow, memorylow, memoryhigh, ccountstart, ccountlow, ccounthigh); signal clockstate : clocktype := low; signal nextclockstate : clocktype := low; signal counter : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00"; signal inc: std_logic; signal clockcounter : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal clockcounter_inc, clockcounter_res : std_logic; signal in_buffer: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal out_buffer: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ar: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal ar_shift: std_logic; signal dr: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal dr_shift: std_logic; signal load, load_mem_data: std_logic; signal tofree, todebug, tomemory, clocktick : std_logic; signal startclockcount, stopclockcount, clockcountstatus : std_logic; signal status: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal st_input: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal st_set: std_logic; signal checksum : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin rs232_impl: rs232 generic map (DATABITS => 8, STARTBITS => 1, STOPBITS => 1) port map ( CLK_50MHZ => clk_in, RS232_RXD => rs232_rxd, RS232_TXD => rs232_txd, DATA_TX => data_tx, TX_SEND_DATA => send_data, TX_BUSY => tx_busy, DATA_RX => data_rx, RX_DATA_RCVD => data_received, RX_BUSY => rx_busy ); gbuf_for_clk_cpu: bufg port map ( i => clk_buffer_cpu, o => clk_cpu ); gbuf_for_clk_mem: bufg port map ( i => clk_buffer_mem, o => clk_mem ); -- counter process begin wait until clk_in='1' and clk_in'event; counter <= counter; clockcounter <= clockcounter; if inc = '1' then counter <= counter + '1'; end if; if clockcounter_inc = '1' then clockcounter <= clockcounter +1; else if clockcounter_res = '1' then clockcounter <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process; -- register process begin wait until clk_in='1' and clk_in'event; out_buffer <= out_buffer; status <= status; ar <= ar; dr <= dr; if load = '1' then out_buffer <= in_buffer; else if load_mem_data = '1' then out_buffer <= mem_data; end if; end if; if ar_shift = '1' then ar(31 downto 8) <= ar(23 downto 0); ar(7 downto 0) <= data_rx; end if; if dr_shift = '1' then dr(31 downto 8) <= dr(23 downto 0); dr(7 downto 0) <= data_rx; end if; if st_set = '1' then status <= st_input; end if; end process; mem_addr_dbg <= ar; mem_data_dbg <= dr; checksum <= out_buffer(31 downto 24) xor out_buffer(23 downto 16) xor out_buffer(15 downto 8) xor out_buffer(7 downto 0); -- state register process begin wait until clk_in='1' and clk_in'event; state <= nextstate; clockstate <= nextclockstate; end process; -- clock state machine process (clockstate, tofree, todebug, tomemory, clocktick, clockcounter_inc, clockcounter_res, clockcounter, ic, startclockcount, stopclockcount, ar) begin -- avoid latches clk_buffer_cpu <= '0'; clk_buffer_mem <= '0'; clockcountstatus <= '1'; clockcounter_inc <= '0'; clockcounter_res <= '0'; case clockstate is -- CLOCK COUNTING STATES -- when ccountstart => -- start clock counting clockcounter_inc <= '0'; clockcounter_res <= '1'; clockcountstatus <= '0'; nextclockstate <= ccountlow; when ccountlow => -- generate clock low signal clockcountstatus <= '0'; clk_buffer_cpu <= '0'; clk_buffer_mem <= '0'; if stopclockcount = '1' then nextclockstate <= low; else if ic = ar then -- stop when instruction counter value matches given address nextclockstate <= low; else nextclockstate <= ccounthigh; end if; end if; when ccounthigh => -- generate clock high signal clockcountstatus <= '0'; clockcounter_inc <= '1'; clk_buffer_cpu <= '1'; clk_buffer_mem <= '1'; if stopclockcount = '1' then nextclockstate <= low; else nextclockstate <= ccountlow; end if; -- DEBUG MODE STATES -- when low => -- generate clock low signal clk_buffer_cpu <= '0'; clk_buffer_mem <= '0'; if startclockcount = '1' then -- only allow to start clockcount from debug mode nextclockstate <= ccountstart; else if tomemory = '1' then nextclockstate <= memorylow; else if tofree = '1' then nextclockstate <= freelow; else if clocktick = '1' then nextclockstate <= high; else nextclockstate <= low; end if; end if; end if; end if; when high => -- generate clock high signal clk_buffer_cpu <= '1'; clk_buffer_mem <= '1'; if tomemory = '1' then nextclockstate <= memorylow; else if tofree = '1' then nextclockstate <= freelow; else nextclockstate <= low; end if; end if; -- FREE RUNNING MODE STATES -- when freelow => -- generate clock low signal clk_buffer_cpu <= '0'; clk_buffer_mem <= '0'; if tomemory = '1' then nextclockstate <= memorylow; else if todebug = '1' then nextclockstate <= low; else nextclockstate <= freehigh; end if; end if; when freehigh => -- generate clock high signal clk_buffer_cpu <= '1'; clk_buffer_mem <= '1'; if tomemory = '1' then nextclockstate <= memorylow; else if todebug = '1' then nextclockstate <= low; else nextclockstate <= freelow; end if; end if; -- CLOCK MEMORY ONLY STATES -- when memorylow => -- generate memory clock low signal clk_buffer_mem <= '0'; if todebug = '1' then nextclockstate <= low; else nextclockstate <= memoryhigh; end if; when memoryhigh => -- generate memory clock high signal clk_buffer_mem <= '1'; if todebug = '1' then nextclockstate <= low; else nextclockstate <= memorylow; end if; end case; end process; -- debugger state machine process (clk_in, data_rx, a, x, y, ir, ic, carry, zero, ir_ready, tx_busy, data_received, counter, state, out_buffer, mem_addr, mem_data, mem_access, mem_ready, halted, status, checksum, clockcountstatus, clockcounter ) begin -- avoid latches reset_out <= '0'; send_data <= '0'; data_tx <= (others => '0'); in_buffer <= (others => '0'); nextstate <= waiting; inc <= '0'; load <= '0'; tofree <= '0'; todebug <= '0'; tomemory <= '0'; clocktick <= '0'; ar_shift <= '0'; dr_shift <= '0'; st_input <= (others => '0'); st_set <= '0'; mem_switch <= '0'; mem_access_dbg <= "000"; load_mem_data <= '0'; startclockcount <= '0'; stopclockcount <= '0'; case state is -- WAIT FOR COMMANDS / DATA -- when waiting => if data_received = '1' then nextstate <= decode; else nextstate <= waiting; end if; -- DECODE STATE -- when decode => case status is when "00" => -- normal modus case data_rx is when "01100011" | "01000011" => -- c/C = clock nextstate <= clock; when "01110010" | "01010010" => -- r/R = reset nextstate <= reset1; when "01100110" | "01000110" => -- f/F = flags nextstate <= flags; when "01100001" | "01000001" => -- a/A = register a nextstate <= rega; when "01111000" | "01011000" => -- x/X = register x nextstate <= regx; when "01111001" | "01011001" => -- y/Y = register y nextstate <= regy; when "01101001" | "01001001" => -- i/I = instruction register nextstate <= regir; when "01101010" | "01001010" => -- j/J = instruction counter nextstate <= regic; when "01101101" | "01001101" => -- m/M = memory data nextstate <= md; when "01101110" | "01001110" => -- n/N = memory address nextstate <= ma; when "01100111" | "01000111" => -- g/G = enter free-running-mode nextstate <= go; when "01110000" | "01010000" => -- p/P = leave free-running-mode nextstate <= pause; when "00110000" => -- 0 = fetch address nextstate <= to_fetch_address; when "00110001" => -- 1 = fetch data nextstate <= to_fetch_data; when "00110010" => -- 2 = read from memory nextstate <= mem_read1; when "00110011" => -- 3 = write to memory nextstate <= mem_write1; when "00110100" => -- 4 = enter clock count mode nextstate <= startcc; when "00110101" => -- 5 = stop clock count mode nextstate <= stopcc; when "00110110" => -- 6 = clock count status nextstate <= ccstatus; when "00110111" => -- 7 = get clock counter nextstate <= getcc; when others => -- unknown command, echo nextstate <= echo; end case; when "01" => -- receiving memory write command nextstate <= fetch_address; when "10" => -- receiving memory read command nextstate <= fetch_data; when others => nextstate <= to_normal; end case; -- CLOCKCOUNTER STATS -- when startcc => -- start clock counter startclockcount <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; when stopcc => -- stop clock counter stopclockcount <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; when ccstatus => -- get status of clock counter in_buffer(7 downto 1) <= (others => '0'); in_buffer(0) <= clockcountstatus; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy8; when getcc => -- get clockcounter value in_buffer(31 downto 0) <= clockcounter; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy32; -- READ MEMORY STATES -- when mem_read1 => -- complete operation from cpu tomemory <= '1'; if mem_ready = '0' then nextstate <= mem_read1; else nextstate <= mem_read2; end if; when mem_read2 => -- switch from cpu to debugger control mem_switch <= '1'; nextstate <= mem_read3; when mem_read3 => -- start operation mem_switch <= '1'; mem_access_dbg <= "010"; if mem_ready = '1' then nextstate <= mem_read3; else nextstate <= mem_read4; end if; when mem_read4 => -- finish operation mem_switch <= '1'; mem_access_dbg <= "010"; load_mem_data <= '1'; if mem_ready = '1' then nextstate <= mem_restore1; else nextstate <= mem_read4; end if; -- WRITE MEMORY STATES -- when mem_write1 => -- complete operation from cpu tomemory <= '1'; if mem_ready = '0' then nextstate <= mem_write1; else nextstate <= mem_write2; end if; when mem_write2 => -- switch from cpu to debugger control mem_switch <= '1'; nextstate <= mem_write3; when mem_write3 => -- start operation mem_switch <= '1'; mem_access_dbg <= "100"; if mem_ready = '0' then nextstate <= mem_write4; else nextstate <= mem_write3; end if; when mem_write4 => -- finish operation mem_switch <= '1'; mem_access_dbg <= "100"; if mem_ready = '1' then nextstate <= mem_restore1; else nextstate <= mem_write4; end if; -- RESTORE PREVIOUS MEMORY STATES -- when mem_restore1 => -- switch from debugger to cpu control mem_switch <= '1'; nextstate <= mem_restore2; when mem_restore2 => nextstate <= mem_restore3; when mem_restore3 => -- wait for completition if mem_ready = '0' then nextstate <= mem_restore3; else nextstate <= mem_restore4; end if; when mem_restore4 => -- send back answer via rs232 todebug <= '1'; if data_rx = "00110010" then nextstate <= busy32; -- read (send 32 bit data back) else nextstate <= echo; -- write (send ok back) end if; -- FETCH ADDRESS VALUE -- when fetch_address => inc <= '1'; ar_shift <= '1'; if counter = "11" then nextstate <= to_normal; else nextstate <= echo; end if; -- FETCH DATA VALUE -- when fetch_data => inc <= '1'; dr_shift <= '1'; if counter = "11" then nextstate <= to_normal; else nextstate <= echo; end if; -- SWITCH TO FETCH ADDRESS MODE -- when to_fetch_address => st_input <= "01"; st_set <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; -- SWITCH TO FETCH DATA MODE -- when to_fetch_data => st_input <= "10"; st_set <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; -- SWITCH TO NORMAL ADDRESS MODE -- when to_normal => st_input <= "00"; st_set <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; -- SWITCH OT FREE RUNNING MODE -- when go => tofree <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; -- END FREE RUNNING MODE -- when pause => todebug <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; -- GENERATE ONE CLOCKTICK -- when clock => clocktick <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; -- RESET CPU -- when reset1 => reset_out <= '1'; clocktick <= '1'; nextstate <= reset2; when reset2 => reset_out <= '1'; nextstate <= echo; -- SEND FLAGS -- when flags => in_buffer(7 downto 0) <= ir_ready & mem_ready & mem_access & halted & zero & carry; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy8; -- SEND AKKUMULATOR -- when rega => in_buffer(31 downto 0) <= a; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy32; -- SEND REGISTER X -- when regx => in_buffer(31 downto 0) <= x; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy32; -- SEND REGISTER > -- when regy => in_buffer(31 downto 0) <= y; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy32; -- SEND INSTRUCTION REGISTER -- when regir => in_buffer(31 downto 0) <= ir; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy32; -- SEND INSTRUCTION COUNTER -- when regic => in_buffer(31 downto 0) <= ic; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy32; -- SEND MEMORY ADDRESS -- when ma => in_buffer(31 downto 0) <= mem_addr; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy32; -- SEND MEMORY DATA -- when md => in_buffer(31 downto 0) <= mem_data; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy32; -- SEND RECEIVED COMMAND BACK -- when echo => in_buffer(7 downto 0) <= data_rx; load <= '1'; nextstate <= busy8; -- COMMON SENDING ROUTINES -- when busy8 => if tx_busy = '0' then nextstate <= init8; else nextstate <= busy8; end if; when init8 => data_tx <= out_buffer(7 downto 0); send_data <= '1'; if tx_busy = '1' then nextstate <= sending8; else nextstate <= init8; end if; when sending8 => if tx_busy = '0' then nextstate <= waiting; else nextstate <= sending8; end if; when busy32 => if tx_busy = '0' then nextstate <= init32; else nextstate <= busy32; end if; when init32 => case counter is when "00" => data_tx <= out_buffer(7 downto 0); when "01" => data_tx <= out_buffer(15 downto 8); when "10" => data_tx <= out_buffer(23 downto 16); when "11" => data_tx <= out_buffer(31 downto 24); when others => data_tx <= (others => '0'); end case; send_data <= '1'; if tx_busy = '1' then nextstate <= sending32; else nextstate <= init32; end if; when sending32 => if tx_busy = '0' then nextstate <= inc32; else nextstate <= sending32; end if; when inc32 => inc <= '1'; if counter = "11" then nextstate <= send_checksum; else nextstate <= busy32; end if; -- send checksum for 32 bit data when send_checksum => data_tx <= checksum; send_data <= '1'; if tx_busy = '1' then nextstate <= sending8; else nextstate <= send_checksum; end if; end case; end process; end rtl;
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