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""" Builds VHDL file from a template by replacing tags with parameter values. See the makefiles of the code samples included in project ION for usage examples. """ import sys import getopt import math def usage(): print "" print "usage:" print "python bin2hdl.py [arguments]\n" print "Inserts data in VHDL template\n" print "ALL of the following arguments should be given, in any order:" print "{c|code} <filename> Code binary image file name" print "{v|vhdl} <filename> VHDL template" print "{a|architecture} <name> Name of target VHDL architecture" print "{e|entity} <name> Name of target VHDL entity" print "{o|output} <filename> Target VHDL file name" print "code_size <number> Size of bram memory in words (decimal)" print "data_size <number> Size of data memory in words (decimal)" print "flash_size <number> Size of flash memory in words (decimal)" print "(note the flash and xram info are used in simulation only)" print "" print "Additionally, any of these arguments can be given:" print "{t|log_trigger} <number> Fetch address that triggers file logging" print "{s|sim_len} <number> Length of simulation in clock cycles" print "{d|data} <filename> Data binary image file name or 'empty'" print "{h|help} Display some help text and exit" print "{i|indent} <number> Indentation in VHDL tables (decimal)" def help(): print "\nPurpose:\n" print "Reads the code and data binary files and 'slices' them in byte" print "columns." print "The data columns are converted to VHDL strings and then inserted" print "into the vhdl template, in place of tags @code0@ .. @code3@ and " print "@data0@ .. @data3@. Column 0 is LSB and column3 is MSB.\n" print "Tags like @data31@ and @data20@ etc. can be used to initialize" print "memories in 16-bit buses, also split in byte columns.\n" print "Other template tags are replaced as follows:" print "@entity_name@ : Name of entity in target vhdl file" print "@arch_name@ : Name of architecture in target vhdl file" print "@sim_len@ : Length of simulation in clock cycles" print "@code_table_size@ : Size of code RAM block, in words" print "@code_addr_size@ : ceil(Log2(@code_table_size@))" print "@data_table_size@ : Size of data RAM block, in words" print "@data_addr_size@ : ceil(Log2(@data_table_size@))" def build_vhdl_flash_table(flash, table_size, indent_size): # Build vhdl table for flash data # fill up empty table space with zeros if len(flash) < table_size*4: flash = flash + '\0'*4*(table_size-len(flash)/4) num_words = len(flash)/4 remaining = num_words; col = 0 vhdl_flash_string = "\n" + " "*indent_size for w in range(num_words): b0 = ord(flash[w*4+0]); b1 = ord(flash[w*4+1]); b2 = ord(flash[w*4+2]); b3 = ord(flash[w*4+3]); if remaining > 1: item = "X\"%02X%02X%02X%02X\"," % (b0, b1, b2, b3) else: item = "X\"%02X%02X%02X%02X\"" % (b0, b1, b2, b3) remaining = remaining - 1 col = col + 1 if col == 4: col = 0 item = item + "\n" + " "*indent_size vhdl_flash_string = vhdl_flash_string + item return vhdl_flash_string def build_vhdl_tables(code,table_size, indent_size): # Build the four byte column tables. [0] is LSB, [3] is MSB # Useful only for BRAM and SRAM tables tables = [[0 for i in range(table_size)] for i in range(4)] # Separate binary data into byte columns # (here's where data endianess matters, we're assuming big endian) byte = 0 # byte 0 is LSB, 3 is MSB index = 0 # index into column table for c in code: #print str(ord(c)) + " " + str(byte) + " " + str(index) tables[3-byte][index] = ord(c) #for k in tables: # print k[0:4] byte = byte + 1 if byte == 4: byte = 0 index = index + 1 # Write the data for each of the four column tables as a VHDL byte # constant table. vhdl_data_strings = [" "*indent_size]*7 for j in range(4): col = 0 word = len(tables[j]) for c in tables[j]: word = word - 1 if word > 0: item = "X\"%02X\"," % c else: item = "X\"%02X\"" % c col = col + 1 if col == 8: col = 0 item = item + "\n" + " "*indent_size vhdl_data_strings[j] = vhdl_data_strings[j] + item vhdl_data_strings[j] = "\n" + vhdl_data_strings[j] # ok, now build init strings for 16-bit wide memories, split in 2 byte # columns: an odd column with bytes 3:1 and an even column with bytes 2:0 byte_order = [3,1,2,0] for j in range(2): col = 0 word_count = len(tables[j*2]) for i in range(word_count): w_high = tables[byte_order[j*2+0]][i] w_low = tables[byte_order[j*2+1]][i] word_count = word_count - 1 if word_count > 0: item_h = "X\"%02X\"," % w_high item_l = "X\"%02X\"," % w_low else: item_h = "X\"%02X\"," % w_high item_l = "X\"%02X\"" % w_low item = item_h + item_l col = col + 1 if col == 4: col = 0 item = item + "\n" + " "*indent_size vhdl_data_strings[4+j] = vhdl_data_strings[4+j] + item vhdl_data_strings[4+j] = "\n" + vhdl_data_strings[4+j] # finally, build init strings for 32-bit wide memories not split into # byte columns; useful for read-only 32-bit wide BRAMs byte_order = [3,2,1,0] col = 0 word_count = len(tables[0]) for i in range(word_count): w3 = tables[byte_order[0]][i] w2 = tables[byte_order[1]][i] w1 = tables[byte_order[2]][i] w0 = tables[byte_order[3]][i] word_count = word_count - 1 if word_count > 0: item = "X\"%02X%02X%02X%02X\"," % (w3, w2, w1, w0) else: item = "X\"%02X%02X%02X%02X\"" % (w3, w2, w1, w0) col = col + 1 if col == 4: col = 0 item = item + "\n" + " "*indent_size vhdl_data_strings[6] = vhdl_data_strings[6] + item vhdl_data_strings[6] = "\n" + vhdl_data_strings[6] return vhdl_data_strings def main(argv): code_filename = "" # file with bram contents ('code') data_filename = "" # file with xram contents ('data') flash_filename = "" # file with flash contents ('flash') vhdl_filename = "" # name of vhdl template file entity_name = "mips_tb" # name of vhdl entity to be generated arch_name = "testbench" # name of vhdl architecture to be generated target_filename = "tb.vhdl" # name of target vhdl file indent = 4 # indentation for table data, in spaces code_table_size = -1 # size of VHDL table data_table_size = -1 # size of VHDL table flash_table_size = 32; # default size of flash table in 32-bit words log_trigger_addr = "X\"FFFFFFFF\"" # default log trigger address flash = ['\0']*4*flash_table_size # default simulated flash bin_words = 0 # size of binary file in 32-bit words simulation_length = 22000 # length of logic simulation in clock cycles # try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hc:d:v:a:e:o:i:s:f:t:", ["help", "code=", "data=", "vhdl=", "architecture=", "entity=", "output=", "indent=", "sim_len=", "flash=", "log_trigger=", "code_size=", "data_size=", "flash_size="]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print "" print err usage() sys.exit(2) # Parse coommand line parameters for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() help() exit(1) if opt in ("-v", "--vhdl"): vhdl_filename = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): target_filename = arg elif opt in ("-c", "--code"): code_filename = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--data"): data_filename = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--flash"): flash_filename = arg elif opt in ("-a", "--architecture"): arch_name = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--entity"): entity_name = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--indent"): indent = int(arg) elif opt in ("-t", "--log_trigger"): log_trigger_addr = "X\"%08X\"" % (int(arg,16)) elif opt in ("-s", "--sim_len"): simulation_length = int(arg) elif opt == "--code_size": code_table_size = int(arg) elif opt == "--data_size": data_table_size = int(arg) elif opt == "--flash_size": flash_table_size = int(arg) # See if all mandatory options are there if code_filename=="" or vhdl_filename=="" or \ code_table_size < 0 or data_table_size<0: print "Some mandatory parameter is missing\n" usage() sys.exit(2) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read BRAM initialization file, if any try: fin = open(code_filename, "rb") code = fin.read() fin.close() except IOError: print "Binary File %s not found" % code_filename # Make sure the code and data will fit in the tables bin_words = len(code) / 4 if bin_words > code_table_size: print "Code does not fit table: " + str(bin_words) + " words,", print str(code_table_size) + " table entries" sys.exit(1) # Build the VHDL strings for each slice of the BRAM tables vhdl_code_strings = build_vhdl_tables(code, code_table_size, indent) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read XRAM initialization file, if any. if data_filename != "": if data_filename == "empty": data = [] else: try: fin = open(data_filename, "rb") data = fin.read() fin.close() except IOError: print "Binary File %s not found" % data_filename # FIXME We're not checking for BSS size here, only .data (?) bin_words = len(data) / 4 if bin_words > data_table_size: print "Data does not fit table: " + str(bin_words) + " words,", print str(data_table_size) + " table entries" sys.exit(1) vhdl_data_strings = build_vhdl_tables(data, data_table_size, indent) else: # In case we didn't get a data binary, we will initialize any XRAM in # the template with zeros vhdl_data_strings = (["(others => X\"00\")"]*4) + \ (["(others => X\"00\")"]*2) + \ (["(others => X\"00000000\")"]) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read FLASH initialization file, if any if flash_filename != "": if flash_filename == "empty": flash = [0]*flash_table_size else: try: fin = open(flash_filename, "rb") flash = fin.read() fin.close() except IOError: print "Binary File %s not found" % flash_filename # make sure file will fit simulated FLASH size bin_words = len(flash) / 4 if bin_words > flash_table_size: print "Flash data does not fit table: " + str(bin_words) + " words,", print str(flash_table_size) + " table entries" sys.exit(1) # Build the VHDL strings for the simulated FLASH vhdl_flash_string = build_vhdl_flash_table(flash, flash_table_size, indent) #=========================================================================== # OK, we just read all binary files and built all VHDL memory initialization # strings. Now start scanning the VHDL template, inserting data where needed # Read template file... fin = open(vhdl_filename, "r") vhdl_lines = fin.readlines() fin.close() # ...and build the keyword and replacement tables keywords = ["@code0@","@code1@","@code2@","@code3@", "@code31@", "@code20@", "@code-32bit@", "@data0@","@data1@","@data2@","@data3@", "@data31@", "@data20@", "@data-32bit@", "@flash@", "@entity_name@","@arch_name@", "@sim_len@", "@xram_size@", "@code_table_size@","@code_addr_size@", "@data_table_size@","@data_addr_size@", "@prom_size@", "@log_trigger_addr@"]; replacement = vhdl_code_strings + vhdl_data_strings + \ [vhdl_flash_string, entity_name, arch_name, str(simulation_length), str(data_table_size), str(code_table_size), str(int(math.floor(math.log(code_table_size,2)))), str(data_table_size), str(int(math.floor(math.log(data_table_size,2)))), str(flash_table_size), log_trigger_addr] # Now traverse the template lines replacing any keywords with the proper # vhdl stuff we just built above. output = "" for vhdl_line in vhdl_lines: temp = vhdl_line for i in range(len(keywords)): if temp.rfind(keywords[i]) >= 0: temp = temp.replace(keywords[i], replacement[i]) # uncomment this break to check for ONE keyword per line only #break output = output + temp try: fout = open(target_filename, "w") fout.write(output) fout.close() print "Wrote VHDL file '%s'" % target_filename except IOError: print "Could not write to file %s" % target_filename sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(0)
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