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--############################################################################## -- This file was generated automatically from '/src/mips_tb2_template.vhdl'. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simulation test bench TB2 -- not synthesizable. -- -- Simulates the CPU core connected to a simulated external static RAM and an -- internal BRAM block through a stub (i.e. empty). -- BRAM is initialized with the program object code, and SRAM is initialized -- with data secions from program. -- The makefile for the source samples include targets to build simulation test -- benches using this template, use them as usage examples. -- -- The memory setup is meant to test the basic 'dummy' cache. -- -- Console output (at addresses compatible to Plasma's) is logged to text file -- "hw_sim_console_log.txt". -- IMPORTANT: The code that echoes UART TX data to the simulation console does -- line buffering; it will not print anything until it gets a CR (0x0d), and -- will ifnore LFs (0x0a). Bear this in mind if you see no output when you -- expect it. -- -- WARNING: Will only work on Modelsim; uses custom library SignalSpy. --############################################################################## library ieee,modelsim_lib; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.mips_pkg.all; use work.mips_pkg.all; use modelsim_lib.util.all; use std.textio.all; use work.txt_util.all; entity @entity_name@ is end; architecture @arch_name@ of @entity_name@ is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simulation parameters -- Master clock period constant T : time := 20 ns; -- Time the UART is unavailable after writing to the TX register -- WARNING: slite does not simulate this. The logs may be different when > 0.0! constant SIMULATED_UART_TX_TIME : time := 0.0 us; -- Simulation length in clock cycles -- 2000 is enough for 'hello' sample, 22000 enough for 10 digits of pi constant SIMULATION_LENGTH : integer := @sim_len@; -- Simulated external SRAM size in 32-bit words constant SRAM_SIZE : integer := @xram_size@; -- Ext. SRAM address length (memory is 16 bits wide so it needs an extra address bit) constant SRAM_ADDR_SIZE : integer := log2(SRAM_SIZE)+1; -- BRAM table and interface signals -------------------------------------------- constant BRAM_SIZE : integer := @code_table_size@; constant BRAM_ADDR_SIZE : integer := @code_addr_size@; subtype t_bram_address is std_logic_vector(BRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- (this table holds one byte-slice; the RAM will have 4 of these) type t_bram is array(0 to BRAM_SIZE-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal bram_rd_addr : t_bram_address; signal bram_wr_addr : t_bram_address; signal bram_rd_data : t_word; signal bram_wr_data : t_word; signal bram_byte_we : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- bram0 is LSB, bram3 is MSB signal bram3 : t_bram := (@code3@); signal bram2 : t_bram := (@code2@); signal bram1 : t_bram := (@code1@); signal bram0 : t_bram := (@code0@); -- This is a 16-bit SRAM split in 2 byte slices; so each slice will have two -- bytes for each word of SRAM_SIZE type t_sram is array(0 to SRAM_SIZE*2-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal sram1 : t_sram := (@data31@); signal sram0 : t_sram := (@data20@); signal data_uart : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal data_uart_status : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal uart_tx_rdy : std_logic := '1'; signal uart_rx_rdy : std_logic := '1'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal clk : std_logic := '0'; signal reset : std_logic := '1'; signal interrupt : std_logic := '0'; signal done : std_logic := '0'; -- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide external SRAM signal sram_address : std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto 1); signal sram_databus : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal sram_byte_we_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal sram_oe_n : std_logic; -- interface cpu-cache signal cpu_data_rd_addr : t_word; signal cpu_data_rd_vma : std_logic; signal cpu_data_rd : t_word; signal cpu_code_rd_addr : t_pc; signal cpu_code_rd : t_word; signal cpu_code_rd_vma : std_logic; signal cpu_data_wr_addr : t_pc; signal cpu_data_wr : t_word; signal cpu_byte_we : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal cpu_mem_wait : std_logic; -- interface to i/o signal io_rd_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal io_wr_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal io_rd_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 2); signal io_wr_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 2); signal io_rd_vma : std_logic; signal io_byte_we : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Logging signals -- These are internal CPU signal mirrored using Modelsim's SignalSpy signal rbank : t_rbank; signal pc, cp0_epc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 2); signal reg_hi, reg_lo : t_word; signal negate_reg_lo : std_logic; signal ld_upper_byte : std_logic; signal ld_upper_hword : std_logic; signal data_rd_vma : std_logic; signal code_rd_vma : std_logic; signal data_rd_address : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Log file file l_file: TEXT open write_mode is "hw_sim_log.txt"; -- Console output log file file con_file: TEXT open write_mode is "hw_sim_console_log.txt"; -- Maximum line size of for console output log. Lines longer than this will be -- truncated. constant CONSOLE_LOG_LINE_SIZE : integer := 1024*4; -- Console log line buffer signal con_line_buf : string(1 to CONSOLE_LOG_LINE_SIZE); signal con_line_ix : integer := 1; -- Debug signals --------------------------------------------------------------- signal full_rd_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal full_wr_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal full_code_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin cpu: entity work.mips_cpu port map ( interrupt => '0', data_rd_addr=> cpu_data_rd_addr, data_rd_vma => cpu_data_rd_vma, data_rd => cpu_data_rd, code_rd_addr=> cpu_code_rd_addr, code_rd => cpu_code_rd, code_rd_vma => cpu_code_rd_vma, data_wr_addr=> cpu_data_wr_addr, data_wr => cpu_data_wr, byte_we => cpu_byte_we, mem_wait => cpu_mem_wait, clk => clk, reset => reset ); cache: entity work.mips_cache_stub generic map ( BRAM_ADDR_SIZE => BRAM_ADDR_SIZE, SRAM_ADDR_SIZE => SRAM_ADDR_SIZE ) port map ( clk => clk, reset => reset, -- Interface to CPU core data_rd_addr => cpu_data_rd_addr, data_rd => cpu_data_rd, data_rd_vma => cpu_data_rd_vma, code_rd_addr => cpu_code_rd_addr, code_rd => cpu_code_rd, code_rd_vma => cpu_code_rd_vma, data_wr_addr => cpu_data_wr_addr, byte_we => cpu_byte_we, data_wr => cpu_data_wr, mem_wait => cpu_mem_wait, -- interface to FPGA i/o devices io_rd_data => io_rd_data, io_wr_data => io_wr_data, io_rd_addr => io_rd_addr, io_wr_addr => io_wr_addr, io_rd_vma => io_rd_vma, io_byte_we => io_byte_we, -- interface to synchronous 32-bit-wide FPGA BRAM bram_rd_data => bram_rd_data, bram_wr_data => bram_wr_data, bram_rd_addr => bram_rd_addr, bram_wr_addr => bram_wr_addr, bram_byte_we => bram_byte_we, -- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide external SRAM sram_address => sram_address, sram_databus => sram_databus, sram_byte_we_n => sram_byte_we_n, sram_oe_n => sram_oe_n ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Master clock: free running clock used as main module clock run_master_clock: process(done, clk) begin if done = '0' then clk <= not clk after T/2; end if; end process run_master_clock; drive_uut: process variable l : line; begin wait for T*4; reset <= '0'; wait for T*SIMULATION_LENGTH; -- Flush console output to log console file (in case the end of the -- simulation caugh an unterminated line in the buffer) if con_line_ix > 1 then write(l, con_line_buf(1 to con_line_ix)); writeline(con_file, l); end if; print("TB0 finished"); done <= '1'; wait; end process drive_uut; full_rd_addr <= cpu_data_rd_addr; full_wr_addr <= cpu_data_wr_addr & "00"; full_code_addr <= cpu_code_rd_addr & "00"; data_ram_block: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='0' then bram_rd_data <= bram3(conv_integer(unsigned(bram_rd_addr))) & bram2(conv_integer(unsigned(bram_rd_addr))) & bram1(conv_integer(unsigned(bram_rd_addr))) & bram0(conv_integer(unsigned(bram_rd_addr))); if bram_byte_we(3)='1' then bram3(conv_integer(unsigned(bram_wr_addr))) <= cpu_data_wr(31 downto 24); end if; if bram_byte_we(2)='1' then bram2(conv_integer(unsigned(bram_wr_addr))) <= cpu_data_wr(23 downto 16); end if; if bram_byte_we(1)='1' then bram1(conv_integer(unsigned(bram_wr_addr))) <= cpu_data_wr(15 downto 8); end if; if bram_byte_we(0)='1' then bram0(conv_integer(unsigned(bram_wr_addr))) <= cpu_data_wr( 7 downto 0); end if; end if; end if; end process data_ram_block; sram_databus <= sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) & sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) when sram_oe_n='0' else (others => 'Z'); -- Do a very basic simulation of an external SRAM simulated_sram: process(sram_byte_we_n, sram_address) begin -- FIXME should add OE\ to control logic if sram_byte_we_n'event or sram_address'event then if sram_byte_we_n(1)='0' then sram1(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) <= sram_databus(15 downto 8); end if; if sram_byte_we_n(0)='0' then sram0(conv_integer(unsigned(sram_address))) <= sram_databus( 7 downto 0); end if; end if; end process simulated_sram; simulated_io: process(clk) variable i : integer; variable uart_data : integer; begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if io_byte_we/="0000" then if io_wr_addr(31 downto 28)=X"2" then -- Write to UART -- If we're simulating the UART TX time, pulse RDY low if SIMULATED_UART_TX_TIME > 0 us then uart_tx_rdy <= '0', '1' after SIMULATED_UART_TX_TIME; end if; -- TX data may come from the high or low byte (opcodes.s -- uses high byte, no_op.c uses low) if io_byte_we(0)='1' then uart_data := conv_integer(unsigned(io_wr_data(7 downto 0))); else uart_data := conv_integer(unsigned(io_wr_data(31 downto 24))); end if; -- UART TX data goes to output after a bit of line-buffering -- and editing if uart_data = 10 then -- CR received: print output string and clear it print(con_file, con_line_buf(1 to con_line_ix)); con_line_ix <= 1; for i in 1 to con_line_buf'high loop con_line_buf(i) <= ' '; end loop; elsif uart_data = 13 then -- ignore LF else -- append char to output string if con_line_ix < con_line_buf'high then con_line_buf(con_line_ix) <= character'val(uart_data); con_line_ix <= con_line_ix + 1; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process simulated_io; -- UART read registers; only status, and hardwired, for the time being data_uart <= data_uart_status; data_uart_status <= X"0000000" & "00" & uart_tx_rdy & uart_rx_rdy; signalspy_rbank: process begin init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/p1_rbank", "rbank", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/p0_pc_reg", "pc", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/mult_div/upper_reg", "reg_hi", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/mult_div/lower_reg", "reg_lo", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/mult_div/negate_reg", "negate_reg_lo", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/cp0_epc", "cp0_epc", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/p2_ld_upper_byte", "ld_upper_byte", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/p2_ld_upper_byte", "ld_upper_hword", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/data_rd_vma", "data_rd_vma", 0, -1); init_signal_spy("/@entity_name@/cpu/code_rd_vma", "code_rd_vma", 0, -1); wait; end process signalspy_rbank; log_cpu_activity: process(clk) variable prev_rbank : t_rbank := (others => X"00000000"); variable ri : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); variable full_pc : t_word := (others => '0'); variable prev_pc : t_word := (others => '0'); variable prev_hi : t_word := (others => '0'); variable prev_lo : t_word := (others => '0'); variable prev_epc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 2) := (others => '0'); variable wr_data : t_word := (others => '0'); variable temp : t_word := (others => '0'); variable size : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00"; variable prev_vma_data : std_logic := '0'; variable prev_rd_addr : t_word := (others => '0'); variable prev_rd_data : t_word := (others => '0'); variable rd_size : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00"; begin -- we'll be sampling control & data signals at falling edge, when -- they're stable if clk'event and clk='0' then if reset='0' then -- log loads (data only) -- IMPORTANT: memory reads should be logged first because we're -- logging them the cycle after they actually happen. If you put -- the log code after any other log, the order of the operations -- will appear wrong in the log even though it is not. if prev_vma_data='1' and cpu_mem_wait='0' then if ld_upper_hword='1' then rd_size := X"04"; elsif ld_upper_byte='1' then rd_size := X"02"; else rd_size := X"01"; end if; print(l_file, "("& hstr(prev_pc) &") ["& hstr(prev_rd_addr) &"] <"& "**"& --hstr(rd_size)& ">="& hstr(cpu_data_rd)& " RD"); end if; prev_rd_data := cpu_data_rd; if cpu_mem_wait='0' then prev_vma_data := data_rd_vma; prev_rd_addr := full_rd_addr; end if; -- log register changes ri := X"00"; for i in 0 to 31 loop if prev_rbank(i)/=rbank(i) then print(l_file, "("& hstr(full_pc)& ") ["& hstr(ri)& "]="& hstr(rbank(i))); end if; ri := ri + 1; end loop; -- log aux register changes, only when pipeline is not stalled if prev_lo /= reg_lo and reg_lo(0)/='U' and code_rd_vma='1' then -- we're observing the value of reg_lo, but the mult core -- will output the negated value in some cases. We -- have to mimic that behavior. if negate_reg_lo='1' then -- negate reg_lo before displaying prev_lo := not reg_lo; prev_lo := prev_lo + 1; print(l_file, "("& hstr(full_pc)& ") [LO]="& hstr(prev_lo)); else print(l_file, "("& hstr(full_pc)& ") [LO]="& hstr(reg_lo)); end if; end if; if prev_hi /= reg_hi and reg_hi(0)/='U' and code_rd_vma='1' then print(l_file, "("& hstr(full_pc)& ") [HI]="& hstr(reg_hi)); end if; if prev_epc /= cp0_epc and cp0_epc(31)/='U' then temp := cp0_epc & "00"; print(l_file, "("& hstr(full_pc)& ") [EP]="& hstr(temp)); end if; -- 'remember' last value of hi and lo only when pipeline is not -- stalled; that's because we don't want to be tracking the -- changing values when mul/div is running (because the SW -- simulator doesn't) if code_rd_vma='1' then prev_hi := reg_hi; prev_lo := reg_lo; end if; full_pc := pc & "00"; prev_pc := full_pc; prev_rbank := rbank; prev_epc := cp0_epc; -- log writes if cpu_byte_we/="0000" then wr_data := X"00000000"; if cpu_byte_we(3)='1' then wr_data(31 downto 24) := cpu_data_wr(31 downto 24); end if; if cpu_byte_we(2)='1' then wr_data(23 downto 16) := cpu_data_wr(23 downto 16); end if; if cpu_byte_we(1)='1' then wr_data(15 downto 8) := cpu_data_wr(15 downto 8); end if; if cpu_byte_we(0)='1' then wr_data( 7 downto 0) := cpu_data_wr( 7 downto 0); end if; size := "0000" & cpu_byte_we; -- mask, really print(l_file, "("& hstr(full_pc) &") ["& hstr(full_wr_addr) &"] |"& hstr(size)& "|="& hstr(wr_data)& " WR" ); end if; if full_code_addr(31 downto 28)="1111" then print(l_file, "ERROR: Code addressed upper memory area" ); end if; end if; end if; end process log_cpu_activity; end architecture @arch_name@;
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