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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ion_cpu.vhdl -- MIPS-I(tm) compatible CPU core -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- project: ION (http://www.opencores.org/project,ion_cpu) -- author: Jose A. Ruiz (ja_rd@hotmail.com) -- created: Jan/11/2011 -- last modified: Apr/13/2011 (ja_rd@hotmail.com) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Use under the terms of the GPL. -- Software 'as is' without warranty. Author liable for nothing. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --### MIPS-I things not implemented -- # Invalid instruction trapping: -- * invalid opcodes do trap but the logic that prevents bad opcodes from -- having side affects has not been tested yet. -- # Kernel/user status -- # RTE instruction (or ERET) -- # Most of the CP0 registers and of course all of the CP1 -- # External interrupts -- --### Things implemented but not tested -- # Memory pause input -- only tested with stub cache -- --### Things with provisional implementation -- -- 1.- Load interlocks: the pipeline is stalled for every load instruction, even -- if the target register is not used in the following instruction. So that -- every load takes two cycles. -- The interlock logic should check register indices (@note2) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.mips_pkg.all; entity mips_cpu is generic( -- Reset vector address minus 4 RESET_VECTOR_M4 : t_word := RESET_VECTOR_M4; -- Trap vector address TRAP_VECTOR : t_word := TRAP_VECTOR; -- Type of memory to be used for register bank in xilinx HW XILINX_REGBANK : string := "distributed" -- {distributed|block} ); port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; interrupt : in std_logic; data_addr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); data_rd : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); data_rd_vma : out std_logic; byte_we : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); data_wr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); code_rd_addr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2); code_rd : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); code_rd_vma : out std_logic; cache_enable : out std_logic; ic_invalidate : out std_logic; mem_wait : in std_logic ); end; --entity mips_cpu architecture rtl of mips_cpu is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pipeline stage 0 signal p0_pc_reg : t_pc; signal p0_pc_restart : t_pc; signal p0_pc_incremented : t_pc; signal p0_pc_jump : t_pc; signal p0_pc_branch : t_pc; signal p0_pc_target : t_pc; signal p0_pc_next : t_pc; signal p0_rs_num : t_regnum; signal p0_rt_num : t_regnum; signal p0_jump_cond_value : std_logic; signal p0_rbank_rs_hazard : std_logic; signal p0_rbank_rt_hazard : std_logic; signal p0_uses_rs1 : std_logic; signal p0_uses_rs2 : std_logic; signal p1_rs1_hazard : std_logic; signal p1_rs2_hazard : std_logic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pipeline stage 1 signal p1_rbank : t_rbank := (others => X"00000000"); -- IMPORTANT: This attribute is used by Xilinx tools to select how to implement -- the register bank. If we don't use it, by default XST would infer 2 BRAMs for -- the 1024-bit 3-port reg bank, which you probably don't want. -- This can take the values {distributed|block}. attribute ram_style : string; attribute ram_style of p1_rbank : signal is XILINX_REGBANK; signal p1_rs, p1_rt : t_word; signal p1_rs_rbank : t_word; signal p1_rt_rbank : t_word; signal p1_rbank_forward : t_word; signal p1_rd_num : t_regnum; signal p1_c0_rs_num : t_regnum; signal p1_rbank_wr_addr : t_regnum; signal p1_rbank_we : std_logic; signal p1_rbank_wr_data : t_word; signal p1_alu_inp1 : t_word; signal p1_alu_inp2 : t_word; signal p1_alu_outp : t_word; -- ALU control inputs (shortened name for brevity in expressions) signal p1_ac : t_alu_control; -- ALU flag outputs (comparison results) signal p1_alu_flags : t_alu_flags; -- immediate data, sign- or zero-extended as required by IR signal p1_data_imm : t_word; signal p1_branch_offset : t_pc; signal p1_branch_offset_sex:std_logic_vector(31 downto 18); signal p1_rbank_rs_hazard : std_logic; signal p1_rbank_rt_hazard : std_logic; signal p1_jump_type_set0 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p1_jump_type_set1 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p1_ir_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal p1_ir_op : std_logic_vector(31 downto 26); signal p1_ir_fn : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); signal p1_op_special : std_logic; signal p1_exception : std_logic; signal p1_do_reg_jump : std_logic; signal p1_do_zero_ext_imm : std_logic; signal p1_set_cp0 : std_logic; signal p1_get_cp0 : std_logic; signal p1_alu_op2_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p1_alu_op2_sel_set0: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p1_alu_op2_sel_set1: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p1_do_load : std_logic; signal p1_do_store : std_logic; signal p1_store_size : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p1_we_control : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); signal p1_load_alu : std_logic; signal p1_load_alu_set0 : std_logic; signal p1_load_alu_set1 : std_logic; signal p1_ld_upper_hword : std_logic; signal p1_ld_upper_byte : std_logic; signal p1_ld_unsigned : std_logic; signal p1_jump_type : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p1_link : std_logic; signal p1_jump_cond_sel : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal p1_data_addr : t_addr; signal p1_data_offset : t_addr; signal p1_muldiv_result : t_word; signal p1_muldiv_func : t_mult_function; signal p1_muldiv_running : std_logic; signal p1_muldiv_started : std_logic; signal p1_muldiv_stall : std_logic; signal p1_unknown_opcode : std_logic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pipeline stage 2 signal p2_muldiv_started : std_logic; signal p2_exception : std_logic; signal p2_rd_addr : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p2_rd_mux_control : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal p2_load_target : t_regnum; signal p2_do_load : std_logic; signal p2_ld_upper_hword : std_logic; signal p2_ld_upper_byte : std_logic; signal p2_ld_unsigned : std_logic; signal p2_wback_mux_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal p2_data_word_rd : t_word; signal p2_data_word_ext : std_logic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global control signals signal load_interlock : std_logic; signal stall_pipeline : std_logic; -- pipeline is stalled for any reason signal pipeline_stalled : std_logic; signal stalled_memwait : std_logic; signal stalled_muldiv : std_logic; -- pipeline is stalled because of a load instruction interlock signal stalled_interlock : std_logic; signal reset_done : std_logic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CP0 registers and signals -- CP0[12]: status register signal cp0_status : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- CP0[12]: status register, cache control signal cp0_cache_control : std_logic_vector(17 downto 16); -- Output of CP0 register bank (only a few regs are implemented) signal cp0_reg_read : t_word; -- CP0[14]: EPC register (PC value saved at exceptions) signal cp0_epc : t_pc; -- CP0[13]: 'Cause' register (cause and attributes of exception) signal cp0_cause : t_word; signal cp0_in_delay_slot : std_logic; signal cp0_cause_bd : std_logic; signal cp0_cause_ce : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal cp0_cause_exc_code : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); begin --############################################################################## -- Register bank & datapath -- Register indices are 'decoded' out of the instruction word BEFORE loading IR p0_rs_num <= std_logic_vector(code_rd(25 downto 21)); with p1_ir_reg(31 downto 26) select p1_rd_num <= p1_ir_reg(15 downto 11) when "000000", p1_ir_reg(20 downto 16) when others; p0_rt_num <= std_logic_vector(code_rd(20 downto 16)); -- also called rs2 in the docs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data input shifter & masker (LB,LBU,LH,LHU,LW) p2_rd_mux_control <= p2_ld_upper_hword & p2_ld_upper_byte & p2_rd_addr; -- Extension for unused bits will be zero or the sign (bit 7 or bit 15) p2_data_word_ext <= '0' when p2_ld_unsigned='1' else -- LH data_rd(31) when p2_ld_upper_byte='1' and p2_rd_addr="00" else data_rd(15) when p2_ld_upper_byte='1' and p2_rd_addr="10" else -- LB data_rd(7) when p2_rd_addr="11" else data_rd(15) when p2_rd_addr="10" else data_rd(23) when p2_rd_addr="01" else data_rd(31); -- byte 0 may come from any of the 4 bytes of the input word with p2_rd_mux_control select p2_data_word_rd(7 downto 0) <= data_rd(31 downto 24) when "0000", data_rd(23 downto 16) when "0001", data_rd(23 downto 16) when "0100", data_rd(15 downto 8) when "0010", data_rd( 7 downto 0) when others; -- byte 1 may come from input bytes 1 or 3 or may be extended for LB, LBU with p2_rd_mux_control select p2_data_word_rd(15 downto 8) <= data_rd(31 downto 24) when "0100", data_rd(15 downto 8) when "0110", data_rd(15 downto 8) when "1100", data_rd(15 downto 8) when "1101", data_rd(15 downto 8) when "1110", data_rd(15 downto 8) when "1111", (others => p2_data_word_ext) when others; -- bytes 2,3 come straight from input or are extended for LH,LHU with p2_ld_upper_hword select p2_data_word_rd(31 downto 16) <= (others => p2_data_word_ext) when '0', data_rd(31 downto 16) when others; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reg bank input multiplexor -- Select which data is to be written back to the reg bank and where p1_rbank_wr_addr <= p1_rd_num when p2_do_load='0' and p1_link='0' else "11111" when p2_do_load='0' and p1_link='1' else p2_load_target; p2_wback_mux_sel <= "00" when p2_do_load='0' and p1_get_cp0='0' and p1_link='0' else "01" when p2_do_load='1' and p1_get_cp0='0' and p1_link='0' else "10" when p2_do_load='0' and p1_get_cp0='1' and p1_link='0' else "11"; with (p2_wback_mux_sel) select p1_rbank_wr_data <= p1_alu_outp when "00", p2_data_word_rd when "01", p0_pc_incremented & "00" when "11", cp0_reg_read when others; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register bank RAM & Rbank WE logic p1_rbank_we <= '1' when (p2_do_load='1' or p1_load_alu='1' or p1_link='1' or p1_get_cp0='1') and -- If target register is $zero, ignore write p1_rbank_wr_addr/="00000" and -- if the cache controller keeps the cpu stopped, do -- not writeback mem_wait='0' and -- if stalled because of muldiv, block writeback stalled_muldiv='0' and --@note1 -- on exception, abort next instruction (by preventing -- regbank writeback). p2_exception='0' else '0'; -- Register bank as triple-port RAM. Should synth to 2 BRAMs unless you use -- synth attributes to prevent it (see 'ram_style' attribute above) or your -- FPGA has 3-port BRAMS, or has none. synchronous_reg_bank: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if p1_rbank_we='1' then p1_rbank(conv_integer(p1_rbank_wr_addr)) <= p1_rbank_wr_data; end if; -- the rbank read port loads in the same conditions as the IR: don't -- update Rs or Rt if the pipeline is frozen if stall_pipeline='0' then p1_rt_rbank <= p1_rbank(conv_integer(p0_rt_num)); p1_rs_rbank <= p1_rbank(conv_integer(p0_rs_num)); end if; end if; end process synchronous_reg_bank; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reg bank 'writeback' data forwarding -- Register writeback data in a DFF in case it needs to be forwarded. data_forward_register: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if p1_rbank_we='1' then -- no need to check for stall cycles p1_rbank_forward <= p1_rbank_wr_data; end if; end if; end process data_forward_register; -- Bypass sync RAM if we're reading and writing to the same address. This saves -- 1 stall cycle and fixes the data hazard. p0_rbank_rs_hazard <= '1' when p1_rbank_wr_addr=p0_rs_num and p1_rbank_we='1' else '0'; p0_rbank_rt_hazard <= '1' when p1_rbank_wr_addr=p0_rt_num and p1_rbank_we='1' else '0'; p1_rs <= p1_rs_rbank when p1_rbank_rs_hazard='0' else p1_rbank_forward; p1_rt <= p1_rt_rbank when p1_rbank_rt_hazard='0' else p1_rbank_forward; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ALU & ALU input multiplexors p1_alu_inp1 <= p1_rs; with p1_alu_op2_sel select p1_alu_inp2 <= p1_data_imm when "11", p1_muldiv_result when "01", --p1_muldiv_result when "10", -- FIXME mux input wasted! p1_rt when others; alu_inst : entity work.mips_alu port map ( clk => clk, reset => reset, ac => p1_ac, flags => p1_alu_flags, inp1 => p1_alu_inp1, inp2 => p1_alu_inp2, outp => p1_alu_outp ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Mul/Div block interface -- Compute the mdiv block function word. If p1_muldiv_func has any value other -- than MULT_NOTHING a new mdiv operation will start, truncating whatever other -- operation that may have been in course. -- So we encode here the function to be performed and make sure the value stays -- there for only one cycle (the first ALU cycle of the mul/div instruction). -- This will be '1' for all mul/div operations other than NOP... p1_muldiv_func(3) <= '1' when p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn(5 downto 4)="01" and -- ...but only if the mdiv is not already running p2_muldiv_started = '0' and p1_muldiv_running ='0' else '0'; -- When bit(3) is zero, the rest are zeroed too. Otherwise, they come from IR p1_muldiv_func(2 downto 0) <= p1_ir_fn(3) & p1_ir_fn(1 downto 0) when p1_muldiv_func(3)='1' else "000"; mult_div: entity work.mips_mult port map ( a => p1_rs, b => p1_rt, c_mult => p1_muldiv_result, pause_out => p1_muldiv_running, mult_func => p1_muldiv_func, clk => clk, reset_in => reset ); -- Active only for the 1st ALU cycle of any mul/div instruction p1_muldiv_started <= '1' when p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn(5 downto 3)="011" and -- p1_muldiv_running='0' else '0'; -- Stall the pipeline to enable mdiv operation completion. -- We need p2_muldiv_started to distinguish the cycle before p1_muldiv_running -- is asserted and the cycle after it deasserts. -- Otherwise we would reexecute the same muldiv endlessly instruction after -- deassertion of p1_muldiv_running, since the IR was stalled and still contains -- the mul opcode... p1_muldiv_stall <= '1' when -- Active for the cycle immediately before p1_muldiv_running asserts -- and NOT for the cycle after it deasserts (p1_muldiv_started='1' and p2_muldiv_started='0') or -- Active until operation is complete p1_muldiv_running = '1' else '0'; --############################################################################## -- PC register and branch logic -- p0_pc_reg will not be incremented on stall cycles p0_pc_incremented <= p0_pc_reg + (not stall_pipeline); -- main pc mux: jump or continue p0_pc_next <= p0_pc_target when -- We jump on jump instructions whose condition is met... ((p1_jump_type(1)='1' and p0_jump_cond_value='1' and -- ...except we abort any jump that follows the victim of an exception p2_exception='0') or -- We jump on exceptions too... p1_exception='1') -- ... but we only jump at all if the pipeline is not stalled and stall_pipeline='0' else p0_pc_incremented; pc_register: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then -- reset to <vector>-4 so that 1st fetch addr is <vector> p0_pc_reg <= RESET_VECTOR_M4(31 downto 2); else if reset_done='1' then -- p0_pc_reg holds the same value as external sync ram addr register p0_pc_reg <= p0_pc_next; -- p0_pc_restart = addr saved to EPC on interrupts (@note2) -- It's the addr of the instruction triggering the exception, -- except when the triggering instruction is in a delay slot. In -- that case, this is the previous jump instruction address. -- I.e. all as per the mips-1 specs. if (p1_jump_type="00" or p0_jump_cond_value='0') then p0_pc_restart <= p0_pc_reg; -- remember if we are in a delay slot, in case there's a trap cp0_in_delay_slot <= '0'; -- NOT in a delay slot else cp0_in_delay_slot <= '1'; -- in a delay slot end if; end if; end if; end if; end process pc_register; -- Common rd/wr address; lowest 2 bits are output as debugging aid only data_addr <= p1_data_addr(31 downto 0); -- 'Memory enable' signals for both memory interfaces data_rd_vma <= p1_do_load and not pipeline_stalled; code_rd_vma <= (not stall_pipeline) and reset_done; -- reset_done will be asserted after the reset process is finished, when the -- CPU can start operating normally. -- We only use it to make sure code_rd_vma is not asserted prematurely. wait_for_end_of_reset: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then reset_done <= '0'; else reset_done <= '1'; end if; end if; end process wait_for_end_of_reset; -- The final value used to access code memory code_rd_addr <= p0_pc_next; -- compute target of J/JR instructions p0_pc_jump <= p1_rs(31 downto 2) when p1_do_reg_jump='1' else p0_pc_reg(31 downto 28) & p1_ir_reg(25 downto 0); -- compute target of relative branch instructions p1_branch_offset_sex <= (others => p1_ir_reg(15)); p1_branch_offset <= p1_branch_offset_sex & p1_ir_reg(15 downto 0); -- p0_pc_reg is the addr of the instruction in delay slot p0_pc_branch <= p0_pc_reg + p1_branch_offset; -- decide which jump target is to be used p0_pc_target <= TRAP_VECTOR(31 downto 2) when p1_exception='1' else p0_pc_jump when p1_jump_type(0)='1' else p0_pc_branch; --############################################################################## -- Instruction decoding and IR instruction_register: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then p1_ir_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif stall_pipeline='0' then p1_ir_reg <= code_rd; end if; end if; end process instruction_register; -- Zero extension/Sign extension of instruction immediate data p1_data_imm(15 downto 0) <= p1_ir_reg(15 downto 0); with p1_do_zero_ext_imm select p1_data_imm(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0') when '1', (others => p1_ir_reg(15)) when others; -- 'Extract' main fields from IR, for convenience p1_ir_op <= p1_ir_reg(31 downto 26); p1_ir_fn <= p1_ir_reg(5 downto 0); -- Decode jump type, if any, for instructions with op/=0 with p1_ir_op select p1_jump_type_set0 <= -- FIXME verify that we actually weed out ALL invalid instructions "10" when "000001", -- BLTZ, BGEZ, BLTZAL, BGTZAL "11" when "000010", -- J "11" when "000011", -- JAL "10" when "000100", -- BEQ "10" when "000101", -- BNE "10" when "000110", -- BLEZ "10" when "000111", -- BGTZ "00" when others; -- no jump -- Decode jump type, if any, for instructions with op=0 p1_jump_type_set1 <= "11" when p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_reg(5 downto 1)="00100" else "00"; -- Decode jump type for the instruction in IR (composite of two formats) p1_jump_type <= p1_jump_type_set0 or p1_jump_type_set1; p1_link <= '1' when (p1_ir_op="000000" and p1_ir_reg(5 downto 0)="001001") or (p1_ir_op="000001" and p1_ir_reg(20)='1') or (p1_ir_op="000011") else '0'; -- Decode jump condition: encode a mux control signal from IR... p1_jump_cond_sel <= "001" when p1_ir_op="000001" and p1_ir_reg(16)='0' else -- op1 < 0 BLTZ* "101" when p1_ir_op="000001" and p1_ir_reg(16)='1' else -- !(op1 < 0) BNLTZ* "010" when p1_ir_op="000100" else -- op1 == op2 BEQ "110" when p1_ir_op="000101" else -- !(op1 == op2) BNE "011" when p1_ir_op="000110" else -- op1 <= 0 BLEZ "111" when p1_ir_op="000111" else -- !(op1 <= 0) BGTZ "000"; -- always -- ... and use mux control signal to select the condition value with p1_jump_cond_sel select p0_jump_cond_value <= p1_alu_flags.inp1_lt_zero when "001", not p1_alu_flags.inp1_lt_zero when "101", p1_alu_flags.inp1_eq_inp2 when "010", not p1_alu_flags.inp1_eq_inp2 when "110", (p1_alu_flags.inp1_lt_inp2 or p1_alu_flags.inp1_eq_inp2) when "011", not (p1_alu_flags.inp1_lt_inp2 or p1_alu_flags.inp1_eq_inp2) when "111", '1' when others; -- Decode instructions that launch exceptions p1_exception <= '1' when (p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_reg(5 downto 1)="00110") or p1_unknown_opcode='1' else '0'; -- Decode MTC0/MFC0 instructions p1_set_cp0 <= '1' when p1_ir_reg(31 downto 21)="01000000100" else '0'; p1_get_cp0 <= '1' when p1_ir_reg(31 downto 21)="01000000000" else '0'; -- Raise some signals for some particular group of opcodes p1_op_special <= '1' when p1_ir_op="000000" else '0'; -- group '0' opcodes p1_do_reg_jump <= '1' when p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn(5 downto 1)="00100" else '0'; p1_do_zero_ext_imm <= '1' when (p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="0011") else '0'; -- Decode input data mux control (LW, LH, LB, LBU, LHU) and load enable p1_do_load <= '1' when p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="100" and p1_ir_op(28 downto 26)/="010" and -- LWL p1_ir_op(28 downto 26)/="110" and -- LWR p1_ir_op(28 downto 26)/="111" and -- LWR p2_exception='0' -- abort load if previous instruction triggered trap else '0'; p1_load_alu_set0 <= '1' when p1_op_special='1' and ((p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="000" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="00") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="000" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="10") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="000" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="11") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="000" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="00") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="0100" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="00") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="0100" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="10") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="1000") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="1001") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="1010" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="10") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="1010" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="11") or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="0010" and p1_ir_op(27 downto 26)="01")) else '0'; with p1_ir_op select p1_load_alu_set1 <= '1' when "001000", -- addi '1' when "001001", -- addiu '1' when "001010", -- slti '1' when "001011", -- sltiu '1' when "001100", -- andi '1' when "001101", -- ori '1' when "001110", -- xori '1' when "001111", -- lui '0' when others; p1_load_alu <= (p1_load_alu_set0 or p1_load_alu_set1) and not p1_unknown_opcode; p1_ld_upper_hword <= p1_ir_op(27); -- use input upper hword vs. sign extend/zero p1_ld_upper_byte <= p1_ir_op(26); -- use input upper byte vs. sign extend/zero p1_ld_unsigned <= p1_ir_op(28); -- sign extend vs. zero extend -- ALU input-2 selection: use external data for 2x opcodes (loads) p1_alu_op2_sel_set0 <= "11" when p1_ir_op(31 downto 30)="10" or p1_ir_op(29)='1' else "00"; -- ALU input-2 selection: use registers Hi and Lo for MFHI, MFLO p1_alu_op2_sel_set1 <= "01" when p1_op_special='1' and (p1_ir_fn="010000" or p1_ir_fn="010010") else "00"; -- ALU input-2 final selection p1_alu_op2_sel <= p1_alu_op2_sel_set0 or p1_alu_op2_sel_set1; -- Decode store operations p1_do_store <= '1' when p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="101" and (p1_ir_op(28 downto 26)="000" or -- SB p1_ir_op(28 downto 26)="001" or -- SH p1_ir_op(28 downto 26)="011") and -- SWH p2_exception='0' -- abort when previous instruction triggered exception else '0'; p1_store_size <= p1_ir_op(27 downto 26); -- Extract source and destination C0 register indices p1_c0_rs_num <= p1_ir_reg(15 downto 11); -- Decode ALU control signals p1_ac.use_slt <= '1' when (p1_ir_op="000001" and p1_ir_reg(20 downto 17)="01000") or (p1_ir_op="000000" and p1_ir_reg(5 downto 1)="10101") or p1_ir_op="001010" or p1_ir_op="001011" else '0'; p1_ac.arith_unsigned <= p1_ac.use_slt and (p1_ir_reg(0) or p1_ir_op(26)); p1_ac.use_logic(0) <= '1' when (p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn(5 downto 3)/="000") or -- all immediate arith and logic p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="001" else '0'; p1_ac.use_logic(1) <= '1' when (p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn="100111") else '0'; p1_ac.use_arith <= '1' when p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="0010" or (p1_op_special='1' and (p1_ir_fn(5 downto 2)="1000" or p1_ir_fn(5 downto 2)="1010")) else '0'; -- selection of 2nd internal alu operand: {i2, /i2, i2<<16, 0x0} p1_ac.neg_sel(1)<= '1' when p1_ir_op(29 downto 26) = "1111" else '0'; p1_ac.neg_sel(0)<= '1' when p1_ir_op="001010" or p1_ir_op="001011" or p1_ir_op(31 downto 28)="0001" or (p1_op_special='1' and (p1_ir_fn="100010" or p1_ir_fn="100011" or p1_ir_fn(5 downto 2)="1010")) else '0'; p1_ac.cy_in <= p1_ac.neg_sel(0); p1_ac.shift_sel <= p1_ir_fn(1 downto 0); p1_ac.logic_sel <= "00" when (p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn="100100") else "01" when (p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn="100101") else "10" when (p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn="100110") else "01" when (p1_op_special='1' and p1_ir_fn="100111") else "00" when (p1_ir_op="001100") else "01" when (p1_ir_op="001101") else "10" when (p1_ir_op="001110") else "11"; p1_ac.shift_amount <= p1_ir_reg(10 downto 6) when p1_ir_fn(2)='0' else p1_rs(4 downto 0); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decoding of unimplemented and privileged instructions -- Unimplemented instructions include: -- 1.- All instructions above architecture MIPS-I except: -- 1.1.- eret -- 2.- Unaligned stores and loads (LWL,LWR,SWL,SWR) -- 3.- All CP0 instructions other than mfc0 and mtc0 -- 4.- All CPi instructions -- 5.- All cache instructions -- For the time being, we'll decode them all together. -- FIXME: some of these should trap but others should just NOP (e.g. EHB) p1_unknown_opcode <= '1' when -- decode by 'opcode' field p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="011" or p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="110" or p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="111" or (p1_ir_op(31 downto 29)="010" and p1_ir_op(28 downto 26)/="000") or p1_ir_op="101111" or -- CACHE p1_ir_op="100010" or -- LWL p1_ir_op="100110" or -- LWR p1_ir_op="101010" or -- SWL p1_ir_op="101110" or -- SWR p1_ir_op="100111" or p1_ir_op="101100" or p1_ir_op="101101" or -- decode instructions in the 'special' opcode group (p1_ir_op="000000" and (p1_ir_fn(5 downto 4)="11" or p1_ir_fn="000001" or p1_ir_fn="000101" or p1_ir_fn="001010" or p1_ir_fn="001011" or p1_ir_fn="001110" or p1_ir_fn(5 downto 2)="0101" or p1_ir_fn(5 downto 2)="0111" or p1_ir_fn(5 downto 2)="1011")) or -- decode instructions in the 'regimm' opcode group (p1_ir_op="000001" and (p1_ir_reg(20 downto 16)/="00000" and -- BLTZ is valid p1_ir_reg(20 downto 16)/="00001" and -- BGEZ is valid p1_ir_reg(20 downto 16)/="10000" and -- BLTZAL is valid p1_ir_reg(20 downto 16)/="10001")) -- BGEZAL is valid else '0'; --############################################################################## -- Pipeline registers & pipeline control logic -- Stage 1 pipeline register. Involved in ALU control. pipeline_stage1_register: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then p1_rbank_rs_hazard <= '0'; p1_rbank_rt_hazard <= '0'; elsif stall_pipeline='0' then p1_rbank_rs_hazard <= p0_rbank_rs_hazard; p1_rbank_rt_hazard <= p0_rbank_rt_hazard; end if; end if; end process pipeline_stage1_register; pipeline_stage1_register2: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then p2_muldiv_started <= '0'; else p2_muldiv_started <= p1_muldiv_running; end if; end if; end process pipeline_stage1_register2; -- Stage 2 pipeline register. Split in two for convenience. -- This register deals with two kinds of stalls: -- * When the pipeline stalls because of a load interlock, this register is -- allowed to update so that the load operation can complete while the rest of -- the pipeline is frozen. -- * When the stall is caused by any other reason, this register freezes with -- the rest of the machine. -- Part of stage 2 register that controls load operation pipeline_stage2_register_load_control: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then -- Clear load control, effectively preventing load, at reset or if -- the previous instruction raised an exception. if reset='1' or p2_exception='1' then p2_do_load <= '0'; p2_ld_upper_hword <= '0'; p2_ld_upper_byte <= '0'; p2_ld_unsigned <= '0'; p2_load_target <= "00000"; -- Load signals from previous stage only if there is no pipeline stall -- unless the stall is caused by interlock (@note1). elsif (stall_pipeline='0' or load_interlock='1') then -- Disable reg bank writeback if pipeline is stalled; this prevents -- duplicate writes in case the stall is a mem_wait. if pipeline_stalled='0' then p2_do_load <= p1_do_load; else p2_do_load <= '0'; end if; p2_load_target <= p1_rd_num; p2_ld_upper_hword <= p1_ld_upper_hword; p2_ld_upper_byte <= p1_ld_upper_byte; p2_ld_unsigned <= p1_ld_unsigned; end if; end if; end process pipeline_stage2_register_load_control; -- All the rest of the stage 2 register pipeline_stage2_register_others: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then p2_exception <= '0'; -- Load signals from previous stage only if there is no pipeline stall -- unless the stall is caused by interlock (@note1). elsif (stall_pipeline='0' or load_interlock='1') then p2_rd_addr <= p1_data_addr(1 downto 0); p2_exception <= p1_exception; end if; end if; end process pipeline_stage2_register_others; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pipeline control logic (stall control) -- FIXME demonstrate that this combinational will not have bad glitches stall_pipeline <= mem_wait or load_interlock or p1_muldiv_stall; -- FIXME load interlock should happen only if the instruction following -- the load actually uses the load target register. Something like this: -- (p1_do_load='1' and (p1_rd_num=p0_rs_num or p1_rd_num=p0_rt_num)) load_interlock <= '1' when p1_do_load='1' and -- this is a load instruction pipeline_stalled='0' and -- not already stalled (i.e. assert for 1 cycle) (p1_rs1_hazard='1' or p1_rs2_hazard='1') else '0'; pipeline_stalled <= stalled_interlock or stalled_memwait or stalled_muldiv; pipeline_stall_registers: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then stalled_interlock <= '0'; stalled_memwait <= '0'; stalled_muldiv <= '0'; else if mem_wait='1' then stalled_memwait <= '1'; else stalled_memwait <= '0'; end if; if p1_muldiv_stall='1' then stalled_muldiv <= '1'; else stalled_muldiv <= '0'; end if; -- stalls caused by mem_wait and load_interlock are independent and -- must not overlap; so when mem_wait='1' the cache stall takes -- precedence and the loa interlock must wait. if mem_wait='0' then if load_interlock='1' then stalled_interlock <= '1'; else stalled_interlock <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process pipeline_stall_registers; -- Here's where we stall the pipeline upon load reg bank hazards -- FIXME (@note2) for the time being we stall the pipeline for ALL loads p1_rs1_hazard <= '1'; --'1' when p0_uses_rs1='1' and p1_rd_num=p0_rs_num else '0'; p1_rs2_hazard <= '1'; --'1' when p0_uses_rs2='1' and p1_rd_num=p0_rt_num else '0'; with p1_ir_op select p0_uses_rs1 <= '0' when "000010", '0' when "000011", '0' when "001111", '0' when "001000", '1' when others; with p1_ir_op select p0_uses_rs2 <= '1' when "000000", '1' when "000100", '1' when "000101", '1' when "000110", '1' when "000111", '1' when "010000", '1' when "101000", '1' when "101001", '1' when "101010", '1' when "101011", '1' when "101110", '0' when others; --############################################################################## -- Data memory interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Memory addressing adder (data address generation) p1_data_offset(31 downto 16) <= (others => p1_data_imm(15)); p1_data_offset(15 downto 0) <= p1_data_imm(15 downto 0); p1_data_addr <= p1_rs + p1_data_offset; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Write enable vector -- byte_we is a function of the write size and alignment -- size = {00=1,01=2,11=4}; we 3 is MSB, 0 is LSB; big endian => 00 is msb p1_we_control <= pipeline_stalled & p1_do_store & p1_store_size & p1_data_addr(1 downto 0); with p1_we_control select byte_we <= "1000" when "010000", -- SB %0 "0100" when "010001", -- SB %1 "0010" when "010010", -- SB %2 "0001" when "010011", -- SB %3 "1100" when "010100", -- SH %0 "0011" when "010110", -- SH %2 "1111" when "011100", -- SW %4 "0000" when others; -- all other combinations are spurious so don't write -- Data to be stored always comes straight from the reg bank, but it needs to -- be shifted so that the LSB is aligned to the write address: data_wr(7 downto 0) <= p1_rt(7 downto 0); with p1_we_control select data_wr(15 downto 8) <= p1_rt( 7 downto 0) when "010010", -- SB %2 p1_rt(15 downto 8) when others; with p1_we_control select data_wr(23 downto 16) <= p1_rt( 7 downto 0) when "010001", -- SB %1 p1_rt( 7 downto 0) when "010100", -- SH %0 p1_rt(23 downto 16) when others; with p1_we_control select data_wr(31 downto 24) <= p1_rt( 7 downto 0) when "010000", -- SB %0 p1_rt(15 downto 8) when "010100", -- SH %0 p1_rt(31 downto 24) when others; --############################################################################## -- CP0 (what little is implemented of it) process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then -- "10" => mode=kernel; ints=disabled cp0_status <= "10"; cp0_cache_control <= "00"; cp0_cause_exc_code <= "00000"; cp0_cause_bd <= '0'; else -- no need to check for stall cycles when loading these if p1_set_cp0='1' then -- FIXME check for CP0 reg index cp0_status <= p1_rs(cp0_status'high downto 0); cp0_cache_control <= p1_rs(17 downto 16); end if; if p1_exception='1' and pipeline_stalled='0' then cp0_epc <= p0_pc_restart; if p1_unknown_opcode='1' then cp0_cause_exc_code <= "01010"; -- bad opcode else if p1_ir_fn(0)='0' then cp0_cause_exc_code <= "01000"; -- syscall else cp0_cause_exc_code <= "01001"; -- break end if; end if; cp0_cause_bd <= cp0_in_delay_slot; end if; end if; end if; end process; cache_enable <= cp0_cache_control(17); ic_invalidate <= cp0_cache_control(16); cp0_cause_ce <= "00"; -- FIXME CP* traps merged with unimplemented opcode traps cp0_cause <= cp0_cause_bd & '0' & cp0_cause_ce & X"00000" & "000" & cp0_cause_exc_code; -- FIXME the mux should mask to zero for any unused reg index with p1_c0_rs_num select cp0_reg_read <= X"0000000" & "00" & cp0_status when "01100", cp0_cause when "01101", cp0_epc & "00" when others; end architecture rtl; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implementation notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @note1 : -- -- This is the meaning of these two signals: -- pipeline_stalled & stalled_interlock => -- "00" => normal state -- "01" => normal state (makes for easier decoding) -- "10" => all stages of pipeline stalled, including rbank -- "11" => all stages of pipeline stalled, except reg bank write port -- -- Just to clarify, 'stage X stalled' here means that the registers named -- pX_* don't load. -- -- The register bank WE is enabled when the pipeline is not stalled and when -- it is stalled because of a load interlock; so that in case of interlock the -- load operation can complete while the rest of the pipeline is frozen. -- -- @note2: -- The logic that checks register indices for data hazards is 'commented out' -- because it has not been tested yet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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