Subversion Repositories iso7816_3_master
[/] [iso7816_3_master/] [trunk/] [test/] [DummyCard.v] - Rev 20
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/* Author: Sebastien Riou (acapola) Creation date: 22:22:43 01/10/2011 $LastChangedDate: 2011-04-18 12:57:36 +0200 (Mon, 18 Apr 2011) $ $LastChangedBy: acapola $ $LastChangedRevision: 20 $ $HeadURL: file:///svn/iso7816_3_master/iso7816_3_master/trunk/test/DummyCard.v $ This file is under the BSD licence: Copyright (c) 2011, Sebastien Riou All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. The names of contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ `default_nettype none module DummyCard( input wire isoReset, input wire isoClk, input wire isoVdd, inout wire isoSio ); // Inputs wire [0:0] clkPerCycle=0; reg [7:0] dataIn; reg nWeDataIn; reg nCsDataOut; reg nCsStatusOut; // Outputs wire [7:0] uart_dataOut; wire [7:0] statusOut; wire serialOut; reg [12:0] cyclesPerEtu; wire cardIsoClk;//card use its own generated clock (like true UARTs) reg useIndirectConventionConfig;//can be changed by commands reg useIndirectConvention; wire stopBit2=1'b1;//0: 1 stop bit, 1: 2 stop bits wire msbFirst = useIndirectConvention;//if 1, bits order is: startBit, b7, b6, b5...b0, parity wire oddParity = 1'b0;//if 1, parity bit is such that data+parity have an odd number of 1 wire sioHighValue = ~useIndirectConvention;//apply only to data bits wire [7:0] uart_dataIn = sioHighValue ? dataIn : ~dataIn; wire [7:0] dataOut = sioHighValue ? uart_dataOut : ~uart_dataOut; HalfDuplexUartIf uartIf ( .nReset(isoReset), .clk(isoClk), .clkPerCycle(clkPerCycle), .dataIn(uart_dataIn), .nWeDataIn(nWeDataIn), .clocksPerBit(cyclesPerEtu), .stopBit2(stopBit2), .oddParity(oddParity), .msbFirst(msbFirst), .dataOut(uart_dataOut), .nCsDataOut(nCsDataOut), .statusOut(statusOut), .nCsStatusOut(nCsStatusOut), .serialIn(isoSio), .serialOut(serialOut), .comClk(cardIsoClk) ); reg sendAtr; reg [8:0] tsCnt;//counter to start ATR 400 cycles after reset release reg [7:0] buffer[256+5:0]; localparam CLA_I= 8*4; localparam INS_I= 8*3; localparam P1_I = 8*2; localparam P2_I = 8*1; localparam P3_I = 0; reg [CLA_I+7:0] tpduHeader; wire COM_statusOut=statusOut; wire COM_clk=isoClk; integer COM_errorCnt; wire txRun,txPending, rxRun, rxStartBit, isTx, overrunErrorFlag, frameErrorFlag, bufferFull; assign {txRun, txPending, rxRun, rxStartBit, isTx, overrunErrorFlag, frameErrorFlag, bufferFull} = statusOut; `include "ComDriverTasks.v" assign isoSio = isTx ? serialOut : 1'bz; /*T=0 card model ATR: 3B/3F 90 97 40 20 3B/3F 94 97 80 1F 42 BA BE BA BE 3B 9E 96 80 1F C7 80 31 E0 73 FE 21 1B 66 D0 00 28 24 01 00 0D Implemented commands: write buffer: tpdu: 00 0C 00 00 LC data sw: 90 00 read buffer: tpdu: 00 0A 00 00 LE response: data sw: 90 00 toggle communication convention (take effect at next reset): tpdu 00 FC 00 00 00 sw: 90 00 any other: sw: 69 86 */ task sendAckByte; sendByte(tpduHeader[INS_I+7:INS_I]); endtask task writeBufferCmd; integer i; begin sendAckByte; for(i=0;i<tpduHeader[P3_I+7:P3_I];i=i+1) begin receiveByte(buffer[i]); end sendHexBytes("9000");//sendWord(16'h9000); end endtask task readBufferCmd; integer i; integer le; begin sendAckByte; le=tpduHeader[P3_I+7:P3_I]; if(0==le) le=256; for(i=0;i<le;i=i+1) begin sendByte(buffer[i]); end sendHexBytes("9000");//sendWord(16'h9000); end endtask task toggleConventionCmd; integer i; begin useIndirectConventionConfig=~useIndirectConventionConfig; sendHexBytes("9000");//sendWord(16'h9000); end endtask //stuff which can be changed by command and affect ATR always @(posedge isoVdd) begin useIndirectConventionConfig<=1'b0; end integer i; always @(posedge isoClk, negedge isoReset) begin if(~isoReset) begin nWeDataIn<=1'b1; nCsDataOut<=1'b1; nCsStatusOut<=1'b1; tsCnt<=9'b0; sendAtr<=1'b1; cyclesPerEtu <= 13'd372-1'b1; useIndirectConvention<=useIndirectConventionConfig; end else if(tsCnt!=9'd400) begin tsCnt <= tsCnt + 1'b1; end else if(sendAtr) begin sendAtr<=1'b0; //sendHexBytes("3B00"); if(useIndirectConvention) sendHexBytes("3F"); else sendHexBytes("3B"); sendHexBytes("90974020"); //sendHexBytes("9497801F42BABEBABE"); //sendHexBytes("9E 97 80 1F C7 80 31 E0 73 FE 21 1B 66 D0 00 28 24 01 00 0D"); //sendHexBytes("9E 97 80 1F C7 80 31 E0 73 FE 21 1B 66 D0 00 28 24 01 00 "); waitEndOfTx; end else begin //get CLA receiveByte(tpduHeader[CLA_I+:8]); //get INS~P2 or PPS for(i=1;i<4;i=i+1) receiveByte(tpduHeader[(CLA_I-(i*8))+:8]); if(8'hFF==tpduHeader[CLA_I+:8]) begin //support only PPS8 for the time being if(32'hFF109778==tpduHeader[7+CLA_I:P2_I]) begin sendHexBytes("FF109778"); waitEndOfTx; cyclesPerEtu <= 13'd8-1'b1; end end else begin //tpdu: get P3 receiveByte(tpduHeader[P3_I+:8]); //dispatch case(tpduHeader[7+CLA_I:P2_I]) 32'h000C0000: writeBufferCmd; 32'h000A0000: readBufferCmd; 32'h00FC0000: toggleConventionCmd; default: sendHexBytes("6986"); endcase end end end endmodule `default_nettype wire