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-- A 1 clock x 4 stage pipe square root. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use work.powerGrid.all; entity sqrt is generic ( W2 : integer := 64 ); port ( clk,rst,ena : in std_logic; radical : in std_logic_vector (W2-1 downto 0); root : out std_logic_vector ((W2/2)-1 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture rtl of sqrt is constant WP : integer:= W2/2; constant WP_2 : integer:= WP/2; signal sa0,sb0,sx0,sy0,sb0_1 : std_logic_vector (WP-1 downto 0); signal sa1,sb1,sx1,sy1,sb1_1,muxs1 : std_logic_vector (WP-1 downto 0); signal sa2,sb2,sx2,sy2 : std_logic_vector (WP-1 downto 0); signal localenc1 : integer range 0 to WP-1; signal localenc2 : integer range 0 to WP-1; signal sho : std_logic; signal a,b,x,y : std_logic_vector ((W2/2)-1 downto 0); signal decoder : integer range 0 to (W2/2)-1; signal ab,xy : std_logic_vector (W2-1 downto 0); begin -- Logic function signals ...... if some day there's a paper of how this logic circuit works, it will be easier to comprehend this block of code sb0_1<=sa0(WP-2 downto 0) & '0'; signalization : for i in 0 to WP-1 generate -- Stage 0. Functions for A,B,X and preliminar Y. sb0(i)<=radical(i*2); sa0(i)<=radical(i*2+1); sx0(i)<=sb0(i) or sa0(i); sy0(i)<=sb0(i) and sa0(i); -- Stage 1 : Function for signal Y. muxs1(i) <= sy1(i) or (not(sx1(i)) and sb1_1(i)); -- Stage 3 : ab(i*2) <= b(i); ab(i*2+1) <= a(i); xy(i*2) <= y(i); xy(i*2+1) <= x(i); end generate signalization; stages: process (rst,clk,ena,sx0,sx1,localenc2) variable localenc0 : integer range 0 to WP-1; begin -- Highest signifcant pair enconder : look for the bit pair with the most significant bit. localenc0 := WP-1; stg0henc: while localenc0>0 loop exit when (sx0(localenc0)='1'); localenc0:=localenc0-1; end loop; -- Clocking process; if rst='0' then -- Stage 1 sa1<=(others => '0'); sb1<=(others => '0'); sx1<=(others => '0'); sy1<=(others => '0'); sb1_1<=(others => '0'); -- Stage 2 sx2<=(others => '0'); sa2<=(others => '0'); sb2<=(others => '0'); sy2<=(others => '0'); --Stage 3 x<=(others => '0'); y<=(others => '0'); a<=(others => '0'); b<=(others => '0'); --Stage 4 root <= (others=>'0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) and ena='1' then -- Stage01 sa1<=sa0; sb1<=sb0; sx1<=sx0; sy1<=sy0; sb1_1<=sb0_1; localenc1<=localenc0; -- Stage12 sx2<=sx1; sa2<=sa1; sb2<=sb1; sy2<= muxs1; localenc2<=localenc1; -- Stage 23 Shift 1 bit to right if the high bit in the highest significant pair is set. if sa2(localenc2)='1' then -- Shift Right a <= '0' & sb2(WP-1 downto 1); b <= sa2; x <= '0' & sy2(WP-1 downto 1); y <= sx2; else -- Leave me alone x <= sx2; y <= sy2; a <= sa2; b <= sb2; end if; decoder<=localenc2; sho<=sa2(localenc2); -- stage34 for i in 0 to WP-1 loop if i>decoder then root(i)<='0'; elsif decoder-i>2 then root(i)<=ab(decoder+i+1); elsif decoder-i=2 then root(i)<=(ab(decoder+i+1) and not(sho)) or (xy(decoder+i+1) and sho); else root(i)<=xy(decoder+i+1); end if; end loop; end if; end process stages; end rtl;
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