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[/] [layer2/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [intercon/] [bench/] [tb_icon.vhd] - Rev 4
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- layer[2] Testbench -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version: 1.0.0 -- -- VHDL: 2002 -- -- Sim: Modelsim 10.0a PE Student Edition -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (C)2011 Mathias Hörtnagl <mathias.hoertnagl@gmail.comt> -- -- -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.iwb.all; use work.iwbm.all; use work.icon.all; use work.icpu.all; use work.imem.all; use work.iflash.all; -- use work.iddr.all; use work.ivga.all; use work.ikeyb.all; use work.ipit.all; use work.iuart.all; entity tb_icon is end tb_icon; architecture tb of tb_icon is constant SIZE : positive := 11; -- address bus size constant BUSS : positive := 32; -- address bus width constant GRAN : positive := 8; -- granularity signal SF_OE : std_logic; signal SF_CE : std_logic; signal SF_WE : std_logic; signal SF_BYTE : std_logic; -- signal SF_STS : in std_logic; signal SF_A : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); signal SF_D : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal PF_OE : std_logic; signal LCD_RW : std_logic; signal LCD_E : std_logic; signal SPI_ROM_CS : std_logic; signal SPI_ADC_CONV : std_logic; signal SPI_DAC_CS : std_logic; signal SD_CK_N : std_logic; signal SD_CK_P : std_logic; signal SD_CKE : std_logic; signal SD_BA : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal SD_A : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); signal SD_CMD : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal SD_DM : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal SD_DQS : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal SD_DQ : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal VGA_HSYNC : std_logic; signal VGA_VSYNC : std_logic; signal VGA_RED : std_logic; signal VGA_GREEN : std_logic; signal VGA_BLUE : std_logic; signal PS2_CLK : std_logic; signal PS2_DATA : std_logic; signal RS232_DCE_RXD : std_logic; signal RS232_DCE_TXD : std_logic; signal ci : cpu_in_t; signal co : cpu_out_t; signal mi : master_in_t; signal mo : master_out_t; signal irq : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pit_intr : std_logic; signal brami, flasi, ddri, dispi, keybi, piti, uartri, uartti : slave_in_t; signal bramo, flaso, ddro, dispo, keybo, pito, uartro, uartto : slave_out_t; signal LED : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal CLK50_I : std_logic; signal CLK25_I : std_logic; signal CLK25P90_I : std_logic; constant clk50_period : time := 20 ns; signal RST_I : std_logic; begin irq <= "0000000" & pit_intr; clk50 : process begin CLK50_I <= '0'; CLK25_I <= '0'; CLK25P90_I <= '1'; wait for clk50_period / 4; CLK50_I <= '1'; CLK25_I <= '0'; CLK25P90_I <= '0'; wait for clk50_period / 4; CLK50_I <= '0'; CLK25_I <= '1'; CLK25P90_I <= '0'; wait for clk50_period / 4; CLK50_I <= '1'; CLK25_I <= '1'; CLK25P90_I <= '1'; wait for clk50_period / 4; end process; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MIPS I Cpu -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpu0 : cpu port map( ci => ci, co => co ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Cpu's Wishbone Master -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uut1 : wbm port map( ci => ci, co => co, mi => mi, mo => mo, LED => LED, irq => irq ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Block Memory -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NOTE: The starting point of execution. mem0 : mem port map( si => brami, so => bramo ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Flash Memory -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- flas : flash port map( si => flasi, so => flaso, -- Non Wishbone Signals SF_OE => SF_OE, SF_CE => SF_CE, SF_WE => SF_WE, SF_BYTE => SF_BYTE, --SF_STS => SF_STS, SF_A => SF_A, SF_D => SF_D, PF_OE => PF_OE, LCD_RW => LCD_RW, LCD_E => LCD_E, SPI_ROM_CS => SPI_ROM_CS, SPI_ADC_CONV => SPI_ADC_CONV, SPI_DAC_CS => SPI_DAC_CS ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DDR2 Memory -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ddr2 : ddr port map( -- si => ddri, -- so => ddro, --Non Wishbone Signals -- clk0 => CLK25_I, -- clk90 => CLK25P90_I, -- SD_CK_N => SD_CK_N, -- SD_CK_P => SD_CK_P, -- SD_CKE => SD_CKE, -- SD_BA => SD_BA, -- SD_A => SD_A, -- SD_CMD => SD_CMD, -- SD_DM => SD_DM, -- SD_DQS => SD_DQS, -- SD_DQ => SD_DQ -- ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- VGA 100x37 Text Display -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- disp : vga port map( si => dispi, so => dispo, -- Non Wishbone Signals VGA_HSYNC => VGA_HSYNC, VGA_VSYNC => VGA_VSYNC, VGA_RED => VGA_RED, VGA_GREEN => VGA_GREEN, VGA_BLUE => VGA_BLUE ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Keyboard -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- key : keyb port map( si => keybi, so => keybo, -- Non-Wishbone Signals PS2_CLK => PS2_CLK, PS2_DATA => PS2_DATA, intr => open ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Programmable Intervall Timer -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pit0 : pit port map( si => piti, so => pito, -- Non-Wishbone Signals intr => pit_intr ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RS-232 Receiver -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- recv : uartr port map( si => uartri, so => uartro, -- Non-Wishbone Signals RS232_DCE_RXD => RS232_DCE_RXD ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RS-232 Transmitter -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- send : uartt port map( si => uartti, so => uartto, -- Non-Wishbone Signals RS232_DCE_TXD => RS232_DCE_TXD ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Shared Bus -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sbus : intercon port map( CLK50_I => CLK50_I, CLK25_I => CLK25_I, RST_I => RST_I, mi => mi, mo => mo, brami => brami, bramo => bramo, flasi => flasi, flaso => flaso, ddri => ddri, ddro => ddro, dispi => dispi, dispo => dispo, keybi => keybi, keybo => keybo, piti => piti, pito => pito, uartri => uartri, uartro => uartro, uartti => uartti, uartto => uartto ); sti : process begin RST_I <= '1'; wait for 3*clk50_period/2; RST_I <= '0'; wait; -- Important: no wait, no simulation. end process; end tb;
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