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<html> <head> <title>OPENCORES.ORG</title> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="cores, VHDL, Verilog HDL, ASIC, Synthesizable, standard cell, IP, Intellectual Property, 32-bit RISC, UART, PCI, SDRAM, full custom, system on a chip, SOC, reusable, design, development, synthesis, designs, developers, C, Linux, eCos, open, free, open source cores, RTL code, system-on-a-chip, circuits, digital, GNU, GPL, core, controller, processor, system design, chip design, EDA, design methodology, design tools, ASICs, programmable logic, FPGA's, PLDs, CPLDs, verification, Synthesis, HDL, Simulation, IC design software, semiconductor design, integrated circuits, system designs, chip designs, EDAs, design methodologies, design tool, ASIC, programmable logics, FPGA, PLD, CPLD, Synthesis, circuit, Synopsys, system design, chip design, programmable logic, FPGA's, PLDs, CPLDs, verification, Simulation"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="OPENCORES.ORG endorses development and hosts a repository of free, open source IP cores (chip designs, System-on-a-Chip) and supplemental boards."> </head> <body bgcolor=#ffffff> <table width="100%" cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr valign="top"><td> <center> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width="100%" valign="top" border=0> <tr valign="top"><td bgcolor=#f0f0f0 valign="top"> <center><font size=+3><b>OPENCORES.ORG</b></font> <br><font size=-4><font color=#ffffff>.</font></font> <br> </center> </td></tr></table> </center> </td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width="100%"><tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#f8f8f0"> </td> <td valign="top"> <table cellpadding=5 width="671"><tr><td valign="top" width="655"> <font SIZE="2">-- VHDL structural description generated from `dffres` <p>-- date : Wed Jan 10 18:51:06 2001</p> <p> </p> <p>-- Entity Declaration</p> <p>ENTITY dffres IS</p> <p>PORT (</p> <p>input : in BIT; -- input</p> <p>clk : in BIT; -- clk</p> <p>reset : in BIT; -- reset</p> <p>output : out BIT; -- output</p> <p>vdd : in BIT; -- vdd</p> <p>vss : in BIT -- vss</p> <p>);</p> <p>END dffres;</p> <p>-- Architecture Declaration</p> <p>ARCHITECTURE VST OF dffres IS</p> <p>COMPONENT inv_x1</p> <p>port (</p> <p>i : in BIT; -- i</p> <p>nq : out BIT; -- nq</p> <p>vdd : in BIT; -- vdd</p> <p>vss : in BIT -- vss</p> <p>);</p> <p>END COMPONENT;</p> <p>COMPONENT o2_x2</p> <p>port (</p> <p>i0 : in BIT; -- i0</p> <p>i1 : in BIT; -- i1</p> <p>q : out BIT; -- q</p> <p>vdd : in BIT; -- vdd</p> <p>vss : in BIT -- vss</p> <p>);</p> <p>END COMPONENT;</p> <p>COMPONENT no2_x1</p> <p>port (</p> <p>i0 : in BIT; -- i0</p> <p>i1 : in BIT; -- i1</p> <p>nq : out BIT; -- nq</p> <p>vdd : in BIT; -- vdd</p> <p>vss : in BIT -- vss</p> <p>);</p> <p>END COMPONENT;</p> <p>COMPONENT sff1_x4</p> <p>port (</p> <p>ck : in BIT; -- ck</p> <p>i : in BIT; -- i</p> <p>q : out BIT; -- q</p> <p>vdd : in BIT; -- vdd</p> <p>vss : in BIT -- vss</p> <p>);</p> <p>END COMPONENT;</p> <p>SIGNAL auxsc3 : BIT; -- auxsc3</p> <p>SIGNAL auxsc4 : BIT; -- auxsc4</p> <p>SIGNAL auxreg1 : BIT; -- auxreg1</p> <p>BEGIN</p> <p>output : inv_x1</p> <p>PORT MAP (</p> <p>vss => vss,</p> <p>vdd => vdd,</p> <p>nq => output,</p> <p>i => auxreg1);</p> <p>auxsc4 : o2_x2</p> <p>PORT MAP (</p> <p>vss => vss,</p> <p>vdd => vdd,</p> <p>q => auxsc4,</p> <p>i1 => auxsc3,</p> <p>i0 => reset);</p> <p>auxsc3 : no2_x1</p> <p>PORT MAP (</p> <p>vss => vss,</p> <p>vdd => vdd,</p> <p>nq => auxsc3,</p> <p>i1 => input,</p> <p>i0 => reset);</p> <p>dffres_reg : sff1_x4</p> <p>PORT MAP (</p> <p>vss => vss,</p> <p>vdd => vdd,</p> <p>q => auxreg1,</p> <p>i => auxsc4,</p> <p>ck => clk);</p> <p>end VST;</p> </font> <b><font size=+1>Maintainers and Authors :</font></b> <p>LCD Driver development team <p>current members: <ul> <li> <a href="mailto:marta@vlsi.itb.ac.id">Hendra Gunawan</a></li> <li> <a href="mailto:sigit@students.ee.itb.ac.id">Nurhadi Wiyono</a></li> <li> <a href="mailto:sigit@students.ee.itb.ac.id">Kharisma Sinung P</a></li> </ul> <p> <b><font size=+1>Mailing-list:</font></b> <ul><a href="mailto:cores@opencores.org_NOSPAM">cores@opencores.org_NOSPAM</a></ul> </td></tr></table> </td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#f8f8f0"> </td> <td valign="bottom"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0 width="100%"bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><tr> <td align=left><i><small>Last modified on Sunday, 17-Sep-2000 03:58:04 JAVT</i></td> <td align=right><i><small>Copyright © 1999-2000 OPENCORES.ORG. All rights reserved.</td> </tr></table> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> </body></html>