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[/] [light52/] [trunk/] [boards/] [terasic_de1/] [vhdl/] [c2sb_soc_tb.vhdl] - Rev 5
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- c2sb_soc_tb.vhdl -- Minimal test bench for c2sb_soc. -- -- c2sb_soc is a light52 MCU demo on a Cyclone 2 starter Board (C2SB). This -- is a minimalistic simulation test bench. The test bench only drives the clock -- and reset inputs. -- -- This simulation test bench can be marginally useful for basic troubleshooting -- of a C2SB board demo or as a starting point for a true test bench. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.numeric_std.ALL; use std.textio.all; use work.light52_tb_pkg.all; use work.txt_util.all; entity c2sb_soc_tb is end entity c2sb_soc_tb; architecture testbench of c2sb_soc_tb is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simulation parameters -- T: simulated clock period (50MHz) constant T : time := 20 ns; -- SIMULATION_LENGTH: maximum simulation time in clock cycles constant SIMULATION_LENGTH : natural := 99000000; -- enough for most purposes -- Size of ROM, as defined in the top file. Used to catch stray jumps. constant ROM_SIZE : natural := 16384; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FPGA interface & simulation signals signal clk : std_logic := '0'; signal reset : std_logic; signal done : std_logic := '0'; signal buttons : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal switches : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); signal green_leds : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal txd : std_logic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Logging signals -- Log file file log_file: TEXT open write_mode is "hw_sim_log.txt"; -- Console output log file file con_file: TEXT open write_mode is "hw_sim_console_log.txt"; -- Info record needed by the logging fuctions signal log_info : t_log_info; begin ---- UUT instantiation --------------------------------------------------------- -- We're leaving unconnected all the FPGA pins that ars not used in the demo uut: entity work.c2sb_soc port map ( clk_50MHz => clk, buttons => buttons, switches => switches, rxd => txd, txd => txd, flash_data => (others => '0'), sd_data => '0', green_leds => green_leds ); -- The reset signal is used by the logging functions only. reset <= not switches(9); ---- Master clock: free running clock used as main module clock ------------ run_master_clock: process(done, clk) begin if done = '0' then clk <= not clk after T/2; end if; end process run_master_clock; ---- Main simulation process: reset MCU and wait for fixed period ---------- drive_uut: process begin switches <= (others => '0'); -- Leave reset asserted for a few clock cycles... switches(9) <= '0'; wait for T*4; switches(9) <= '1'; -- ...and wait for the test to hit a termination condition (evaluated by -- function log_cpu_activity) or to just timeout. wait for T * SIMULATION_LENGTH; -- If we arrive here, the simulation timed out (termination conditions -- trigger a failed assertion). -- So print a timeout message and quit. print("TB timed out."); done <= '1'; wait; end process drive_uut; -- Logging process: launch logger functions -------------------------------- log_execution: process begin -- Log cpu activity until done='1'. log_cpu_activity(clk, reset, done, "/uut/mcu", log_info, ROM_SIZE, "log_info", X"0000", log_file, con_file); -- Flush console log file when finished. log_flush_console(log_info, con_file); wait; end process log_execution; end testbench;