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[/] [light52/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [light52_mcu.vhdl] - Rev 9
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- light52_mcu.vhdl -- MCU/SoC built around light52 CPU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The MCU is a minimalistic SoC built around the light52 core mostly for -- demonstration purposes. It has more or less the same features as a plain old -- i8051: an UART, a timer and a bunch of i/o. -- While it can be used as it stands, it is meant to be modified to suit each -- particular application of the core. Thus, no effort has been made to provide -- a variety of general purpose peripherals. You are supposed to supply them -- yourself. -- -- -- A complete explanation of all the peripherals and their SFRs can be found in -- the core datasheet. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- INTERFACE SIGNALS -- -- clk : Clock, active rising edge. -- reset : Synchronous reset, hold for at least 1 cycle. -- -- rxd : UART RxD input. -- txd : UART TxD output. -- -- external_irq : External interrupt request inputs. -- Level active: Will trigger interrupt #0 as long as any -- of them is high (if enabled). -- -- p0_out : Output GP port 0. -- p1_out : Output GP port 1. -- p2_in : Input GP port 2. -- p3_out : Input GP port 3. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GENERICS: -- -- CODE_ROM_SIZE -- Size in bytes of XCODE ROM block to be initialized with application object -- code. Must be 512 <= CODE_ROM_SIZE < 64K. -- -- XDATA_RAM_SIZE -- Size of XDATA RAM. Can be zero. -- -- OBJ_CODE -- Object code constant hardwired onto XCODE ROM block. This value is meant to -- come from a constant defined in an 'object code package', built from the -- project application object code. See the datasheet. -- -- IMPLEMENT_BCD_INSTRUCTIONS -- Whether or not to implement BCD instructions. -- When true, instructions DA and XCHD will work as in the original MCS51. -- When false, those instructions will work as NOP, saving some logic. -- -- SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER -- Sequential vs. combinational multiplier. -- When true, a sequential implementation will be used for the multiplier, -- which will usually save a lot of logic or a dedicated multiplier. -- When false, a combinational registered multiplier will be used. -- (NOT IMPLEMENTED -- setting it to true will raise an assertion failure). -- -- USE_BRAM_FOR_XRAM -- Use extra space in IRAM/uCode RAM as XRAM. -- When true, extra logic will be generated so that the extra space in the -- RAM block used for IRAM/uCode can be used as XRAM. -- This prevents RAM waste at some cost in area and clock rate. -- When false, any extra space in the IRAM physical block will be wasted. -- -- UART_HARDWIRED -- UART baud rate is hardwired to its default value, writes to the SBPL, SBPH -- SFR registers have no effect. -- -- UART_BAUD_RATE -- Default UART baud rate. Must be <= (CLOCK_RATE/16). -- -- CLOCK_RATE -- Main clock frequency in Hz. Used in the computation of the periods of the -- UART and the timer. -- -- TIMER0_COUNT_RATE -- Count rate of Timer0. Used to compute the value of the Timer0 prescaler. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (C) 2012 Jose A. Ruiz -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any -- later version. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.light52_pkg.all; use work.obj_code_pkg.all; entity light52_mcu is generic ( -- External memory configuration -- These default values will be -- overriden in the actual project instantiation. CODE_ROM_SIZE : natural := 2*1024; XDATA_RAM_SIZE : natural := 0; OBJ_CODE : t_obj_code := default_object_code; -- CPU configuration (see CPU module). USE_BRAM_FOR_XRAM : boolean := false; IMPLEMENT_BCD_INSTRUCTIONS : boolean := false; SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER : boolean := false; -- Peripheral configuration (see peripheral modules). UART_HARDWIRED : boolean := false; UART_BAUD_RATE : natural := 19200; CLOCK_RATE : natural := 50e6; -- Timer0 count period = 20 us by default (20e-6 = 1/50e3) TIMER0_COUNT_RATE : natural := 50e3 ); port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; rxd : in std_logic; txd : out std_logic; external_irq : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); p0_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); p1_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); p2_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); p3_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end entity light52_mcu; architecture rtl of light52_mcu is ---- SFR addresses ------------------------------------------------------------- subtype t_mcu_sfr_addr is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- These include only the SFR addresses of the MCU peripherals; the CPU SFRs are -- covered in the main package. -- Note these addresses overlap those of the original 8051 but the SFRs -- themselves are NOT compatible! constant SFR_ADDR_SCON : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"98"; constant SFR_ADDR_SBUF : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"99"; constant SFR_ADDR_SBPL : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"9a"; constant SFR_ADDR_SBPH : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"9b"; constant SFR_ADDR_P0 : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"80"; constant SFR_ADDR_P1 : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"90"; constant SFR_ADDR_P2 : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"a0"; constant SFR_ADDR_P3 : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"b0"; constant SFR_ADDR_TCON : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"88"; constant SFR_ADDR_TL : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"8c"; constant SFR_ADDR_TH : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"8d"; constant SFR_ADDR_TCL : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"8e"; constant SFR_ADDR_TCH : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"8f"; constant SFR_ADDR_EXTINT : t_mcu_sfr_addr := X"c0"; constant P0_RESET_VALUE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00"; constant P1_RESET_VALUE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00"; ----- XCODE interface ---------------------------------------------------------- signal code_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal code_rd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Code ROM must be initialized with the object code. signal code_bram : t_bram(0 to CODE_ROM_SIZE-1) := objcode_to_bram(OBJ_CODE, CODE_ROM_SIZE); signal code_addr_slice : std_logic_vector(log2(CODE_ROM_SIZE)-1 downto 0); ---- XDATA interface ----------------------------------------------------------- signal xdata_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal xdata_rd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal xdata_wr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal xdata_vma : std_logic; signal xdata_we : std_logic; signal xdata_ram : t_bram(0 to XDATA_RAM_SIZE-1); signal data_addr_slice : std_logic_vector(log2(XDATA_RAM_SIZE)-1 downto 0); ---- SFR and peripheral module interface signals ------------------------------- signal sfr_addr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal sfr_rd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal sfr_wr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal sfr_vma : std_logic; signal sfr_we : std_logic; signal uart_re : std_logic; signal uart_ce : std_logic; signal uart_sfr_rd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal uart_irq : std_logic; signal timer_we : std_logic; signal timer_ce : std_logic; signal timer_sfr_rd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal timer_irq : std_logic; signal io_ce : std_logic; signal p0_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal p1_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal p2_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal p3_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ext_irq_ce : std_logic; signal external_irq_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ext_irq : std_logic; signal irq_source : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); begin ---- CPU entity instantiation -------------------------------------------------- cpu: entity work.light52_cpu generic map ( USE_BRAM_FOR_XRAM => USE_BRAM_FOR_XRAM, IMPLEMENT_BCD_INSTRUCTIONS => IMPLEMENT_BCD_INSTRUCTIONS, SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER => SEQUENTIAL_MULTIPLIER ) port map ( clk => clk, reset => reset, code_addr => code_addr, code_rd => code_rd, irq_source => irq_source, xdata_addr => xdata_addr, xdata_rd => xdata_rd, xdata_wr => xdata_wr, xdata_vma => xdata_vma, xdata_we => xdata_we, sfr_addr => sfr_addr, sfr_rd => sfr_rd, sfr_wr => sfr_wr, sfr_vma => sfr_vma, sfr_we => sfr_we ); -- FIXME uart irq is unconnected! irq_source <= "000" & timer_irq & ext_irq; ---- SFR input mux ------------------------------------------------------------- -- You have to modify simplified addressing if you add new peripherals. -- WARNING: -- If we use constant slices for decoding instead of bit vector literals, -- Xilinx ISE 9.2i will complain that 'sfr_rd is not assigned' and will -- optimize away the SFR input mux. -- The only way I've found to fix this is to use literals, though it -- defeats the purpose of using constants in the first place... with sfr_addr(7 downto 3) select sfr_rd <= uart_sfr_rd when "10011", -- SFR_ADDR_SCON(7 downto 3) timer_sfr_rd when "10001", -- SFR_ADDR_TCON(7 downto 3) p0_reg when "10000", -- SFR_ADDR_P0(7 downto 3) p1_reg when "10010", -- SFR_ADDR_P1(7 downto 3) p2_reg when "10100", -- SFR_ADDR_P2(7 downto 3) p3_reg when others; ---- XCODE memory block -------------------------------------------------------- -- Make sure the XCODE size is within bounds. assert 512 <= CODE_ROM_SIZE and CODE_ROM_SIZE <= 65536 report "Invalid value for CODE_ROM_SIZE (<512 or >64KB)." severity failure; code_addr_slice <= code_addr(code_addr_slice'high downto 0); code_ram_block: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then code_rd <= code_bram(to_integer(unsigned(code_addr_slice))); end if; end process code_ram_block; ---- XDATA memory block -------------------------------------------------------- -- Make sure the XDATA size is within bounds. assert XDATA_RAM_SIZE <= 65536 report "Invalid value for XDATA_RAM_SIZE (>64KB)." severity failure; -- If the XDATA memory is implemented, infer a synchronous RAM block. -- This block will be mirrored all over the 64K space, as usual. xdata_implemented: if XDATA_RAM_SIZE > 0 generate data_addr_slice <= xdata_addr(data_addr_slice'high downto 0); xdata_ram_block: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if xdata_we='1' then xdata_ram(to_integer(unsigned(data_addr_slice))) <= xdata_wr; end if; xdata_rd <= xdata_ram(to_integer(unsigned(data_addr_slice))); end if; end process xdata_ram_block; end generate xdata_implemented; -- If the XDATA memory is not implemented, ground the data input. xdata_unimplemented: if XDATA_RAM_SIZE = 0 generate xdata_rd <= (others => '0'); end generate xdata_unimplemented; ---- UART ---------------------------------------------------------------------- uart : entity work.light52_uart generic map ( HARDWIRED => UART_HARDWIRED, CLOCK_FREQ => CLOCK_RATE, BAUD_RATE => UART_BAUD_RATE ) port map ( rxd_i => rxd, txd_o => txd, irq_o => uart_irq, data_i => sfr_wr, data_o => uart_sfr_rd, addr_i => sfr_addr(1 downto 0), wr_i => sfr_we, rd_i => uart_re, ce_i => uart_ce, clk_i => clk, reset_i => reset ); -- Make sure the simplifications we'll do in the address decoding are valid. assert SFR_ADDR_SCON=X"98" and SFR_ADDR_SBUF=X"99" and SFR_ADDR_SBPL=X"9a" and SFR_ADDR_SBPH=X"9b" report "MCU SFR address decoding assumes standard UART register addresses "& "but addresses configured in light52_mcu are not standard." severity failure; uart_ce <= '1' when sfr_addr(7 downto 3)=SFR_ADDR_SCON(7 downto 3) else '0'; uart_re <= sfr_vma and not sfr_we; ---- Timer --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is a basic 16-bit timer set up as a 20-microsecond-period counter timer: entity work.light52_timer generic map ( PRESCALER_VALUE => CLOCK_RATE / TIMER0_COUNT_RATE ) port map ( irq_o => timer_irq, data_i => sfr_wr, data_o => timer_sfr_rd, addr_i => sfr_addr(2 downto 0), wr_i => timer_we, ce_i => timer_ce, clk_i => clk, reset_i => reset ); timer_ce <= '1' when sfr_addr(7 downto 3)=SFR_ADDR_TCON(7 downto 3) and sfr_vma='1' else '0'; timer_we <= sfr_we; -- Make sure the simplifications we do in the address decoding are valid. assert SFR_ADDR_TCON=X"88" and SFR_ADDR_TL=X"8c" report "MCU SFR simplified address decoding makes assumptions that conflict "& "with the SFR addresses configured in light52_mcu." severity failure; ---- Input/Output ports -------------------------------------------------------- -- FIXME this should be encapsulated in a separate module -- Make sure the simplifications we'll do in the address decoding are valid. assert SFR_ADDR_P0=X"80" and SFR_ADDR_P1=X"90" and SFR_ADDR_P2=X"a0" and SFR_ADDR_P3=X"b0" report "MCU SFR address decoding assumes I/O port addresses are standard "& "but addresses configured in light52_pkg are not." severity failure; io_ce <= '1' when sfr_addr(7 downto 6)=SFR_ADDR_P0(7 downto 6) and sfr_addr(3 downto 0)="0000" and sfr_vma='1' else '0'; output_ports: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then p0_reg <= P0_RESET_VALUE; p1_reg <= P1_RESET_VALUE; else if io_ce='1' and sfr_we='1' then if sfr_addr(5 downto 4)=SFR_ADDR_P0(5 downto 4) then p0_reg <= sfr_wr; end if; if sfr_addr(5 downto 4)=SFR_ADDR_P1(5 downto 4) then p1_reg <= sfr_wr; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process output_ports; -- Note that for output ports the CPU will ALWAYS read the output register and -- not the actual pin status -- like read-modify-write instructions in the -- original MCS51. p0_out <= p0_reg; p1_out <= p1_reg; -- NOTE: input ports are registered but NOT protected against metastability. -- Add a second layer of registers if your application needs the protection. input_ports: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then p2_reg <= p2_in; p3_reg <= p3_in; end if; end process input_ports; ---- External interrupt block -------------------------------------------------- -- FIXME this should be encapsulated in a separate module ext_irq_ce <= '1' when sfr_addr(7 downto 6)=SFR_ADDR_EXTINT(7 downto 6) and sfr_addr(3 downto 0)="0000" and sfr_vma='1' else '0'; external_interrupt_register: process(clk) begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if reset='1' then external_irq_reg <= (others => '0'); else if ext_irq_ce='1' and sfr_we='1' then -- All bits in this register are w1c external_irq_reg <= external_irq_reg and (not sfr_wr); else external_irq_reg <= external_irq or external_irq_reg; end if; end if; end if; end process external_interrupt_register; ext_irq <= '1' when external_irq_reg/=X"00" else '0'; end architecture rtl;
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