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[/] [light52/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [tb/] [light52_tb_pkg.vhdl] - Rev 20
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library ieee,modelsim_lib; --use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; --use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.light52_pkg.all; use modelsim_lib.util.all; use std.textio.all; use work.txt_util.all; package light52_tb_pkg is -- Maximum line size of for console output log. Lines longer than this will be -- truncated. constant CONSOLE_LOG_LINE_SIZE : integer := 1024*4; type t_addr_array is array(0 to 1) of t_address; constant BRAM_ADDR_LEN : integer := log2(BRAM_SIZE); subtype t_bram_addr is unsigned(BRAM_ADDR_LEN-1 downto 0); type t_opcode_cycle_count is record min : natural; -- Minimum observed cycle count max : natural; -- Maximum observed cycle count exe : natural; -- No. times the opcode was executed end record t_opcode_cycle_count; type t_cycle_count is array(0 to 255) of t_opcode_cycle_count; type t_log_info is record acc_input : t_byte; load_acc : std_logic; a_reg_prev : t_byte; update_sp : std_logic; sp_reg_prev : t_byte; sp : t_byte; rom_size : natural; update_psw_flags : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); psw : t_byte; psw_prev : t_byte; psw_update_addr : t_address; inc_dptr : std_logic; inc_dptr_prev : std_logic; dptr : t_address; xdata_we : std_logic; xdata_vma : std_logic; xdata_addr : t_address; xdata_wr : t_byte; xdata_rd : t_byte; code_addr : t_address; pc : t_address; pc_prev : t_address; next_pc : t_address; pc_z : t_addr_array; ps : t_cpu_state; bram_we : std_logic; bram_wr_addr : t_bram_addr; bram_wr_data_p0 : t_byte; sfr_we : std_logic; sfr_wr : t_byte; sfr_addr : t_byte; -- Observed cycle count for all executed opcodes. cycles : t_cycle_count; last_opcode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); opcode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); code_rd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); cycle_count : natural; -- Console log line buffer -------------------------------------- con_line_buf : string(1 to CONSOLE_LOG_LINE_SIZE); con_line_ix : integer; -- Log trigger -------------------------------------------------- -- Enable logging after fetching from a given address ----------- log_trigger_address : t_address; log_triggered : boolean; end record t_log_info; function hstr(slv: unsigned) return string; procedure log_cpu_status( signal info : inout t_log_info; file l_file : TEXT; file con_file : TEXT); procedure log_cpu_activity( signal clk : in std_logic; signal reset : in std_logic; signal done : in std_logic; mcu : string; signal info : inout t_log_info; rom_size : natural; iname : string; trigger_addr : in t_address; file l_file : TEXT; file con_file : TEXT); -- Flush console output to log console file (in case the end of the -- simulation caught an unterminated line in the buffer) procedure log_flush_console( signal info : in t_log_info; file con_file : TEXT); -- Log cycle count data to file. procedure log_cycle_counts( signal info : in t_log_info); end package; package body light52_tb_pkg is function hstr(slv: unsigned) return string is begin return hstr(std_logic_vector(slv)); end function hstr; procedure log_cpu_status( signal info : inout t_log_info; file l_file : TEXT; file con_file : TEXT) is variable bram_wr_addr : unsigned(7 downto 0); variable opc : natural; variable num_cycles : natural; begin -- Update the opcode observed cycle counters. -- For every opcode, we count the cycles from its decode_0 state to the -- next fetch_1 state. To this we have to add 2 (one each for states -- decode_0 and fetch_1) and we have the cycle count. -- we store the min and the max because of conditional jumps. if (info.ps=decode_0) then info.opcode <= info.last_opcode; info.cycle_count <= 0; else if (info.ps=fetch_1) then -- In state fetch_1, get the opcode from the bus info.last_opcode <= info.code_rd; if info.opcode/="UUUUUUUU" then opc := to_integer(unsigned(info.opcode)); num_cycles := info.cycle_count + 2; if info.cycles(opc).min > num_cycles then info.cycles(opc).min <= num_cycles; end if; if info.cycles(opc).max < num_cycles then info.cycles(opc).max <= num_cycles; end if; info.cycles(opc).exe <= info.cycles(opc).exe + 1; end if; end if; info.cycle_count <= info.cycle_count + 1; end if; bram_wr_addr := info.bram_wr_addr(7 downto 0); -- Log writes to IDATA BRAM if info.bram_we='1' then print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc)& ") ["& hstr(bram_wr_addr) & "] = "& hstr(info.bram_wr_data_p0) ); end if; -- Log writes to SFRs if info.sfr_we = '1' then print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc)& ") SFR["& hstr(info.sfr_addr)& "] = "& hstr(info.sfr_wr)); end if; -- Log ACC updates. -- Note we exclude the 'intermediate update' of ACC in DA instruction. if (info.load_acc='1' and info.ps/=alu_daa_0) then if info.a_reg_prev /= info.acc_input then print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc)& ") A = "& hstr(info.acc_input) ); end if; info.a_reg_prev <= info.acc_input; end if; -- Log XRAM writes if (info.xdata_we='1') then print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc)& ") <"& hstr(info.xdata_addr)& "> = "& hstr(info.xdata_wr) ); end if; -- Log SP explicit and implicit updates. -- At the beginning of each instruction we log the SP change if there is -- any. SP changes at different times for different instructions. This way, -- the log is always done at the end of the instruction execution, as is -- done in B51. if (info.ps=fetch_1) then if info.sp_reg_prev /= info.sp then print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc)& ") SP = "& hstr(info.sp) ); end if; info.sp_reg_prev <= info.sp; end if; -- Log DPTR increments if (info.inc_dptr_prev='1') then print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc)& ") DPTR = "& hstr(info.dptr) ); end if; info.inc_dptr_prev <= info.inc_dptr; -- Console logging --------------------------------------------------------- -- TX data may come from the high or low byte (opcodes.s -- uses high byte, no_op.c uses low) if info.sfr_we = '1' and info.sfr_addr = X"99" then -- UART TX data goes to output after a bit of line-buffering -- and editing if info.sfr_wr = X"0A" then -- CR received: print output string and clear it print(con_file, info.con_line_buf(1 to info.con_line_ix)); info.con_line_ix <= 1; info.con_line_buf <= (others => ' '); elsif info.sfr_wr = X"0D" then -- ignore LF else -- append char to output string if info.con_line_ix < info.con_line_buf'high then info.con_line_buf(info.con_line_ix) <= character'val(to_integer(info.sfr_wr)); info.con_line_ix <= info.con_line_ix + 1; --print(str(info.con_line_ix)); end if; end if; end if; -- Log jumps -- FIXME remove internal state dependency if info.ps = long_jump or info.ps = lcall_4 or info.ps = jmp_adptr_0 or info.ps = ret_3 or info.ps = rel_jump or info.ps = cjne_a_imm_2 or info.ps = cjne_rn_imm_3 or info.ps = cjne_ri_imm_5 or info.ps = cjne_a_dir_3 or info.ps = jrb_bit_4 or info.ps = djnz_dir_4 then -- Catch attempts to jump to addresses out of the ROM bounds -- assume -- mirroring is not expected to be useful in this case. -- Note it remains possible to just run into uninitialized ROM areas -- or out of ROM bounds, we're not checking any of that. assert info.next_pc < info.rom_size report "Jump to unmapped code address "& hstr(info.next_pc)& "h at "& hstr(info.pc)& "h. Simulation stopped." severity failure; print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc)& ") PC = "& hstr(info.next_pc) ); end if; -- Log PSW implicit updates: first, whenever the PSW is updated, save the PC -- for later reference... if (info.update_psw_flags(0)='1' or info.load_acc='1') then info.psw_update_addr <= info.pc; end if; -- ...then, when the PSW change is actually detected, log it along with the -- PC value we saved before. -- The PSW changes late in the instruction cycle and we need this trick to -- keep the logs ordered. if (info.psw) /= (info.psw_prev) then print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.psw_update_addr)& ") PSW = "& hstr(info.psw) ); info.psw_prev <= info.psw; end if; -- Stop the simulation if we find an unconditional, one-instruction endless -- loop. This will not catch multi-instruction endless loops and is only -- intended to replicate the behavior of B51 and give the SW a means to -- cleanly end the simulation. -- FIXME use some jump signal, not a single state if info.ps = long_jump and (info.pc = info.next_pc) then -- Before quitting, optionally log cycle count table to separate file. log_cycle_counts(info); assert false report "NONE. Endless loop encountered. Simulation terminated." severity failure; end if; -- Update the address of the current instruction. -- The easiest way to know the address of the current instruction is to look -- at the state machine; when in state decode_0, we know that the opcode -- address was on code_addr bus two cycles earlier. -- We don't need to track the PC value cycle by cycle, we only need info.pc -- to be valid when the logs above are executed, and that's always after -- state decode_0. info.pc_z(1) <= info.pc_z(0); info.pc_z(0) <= info.code_addr; if info.ps = decode_0 then info.pc_prev <= info.pc; info.pc <= info.pc_z(1); end if; end procedure log_cpu_status; procedure log_cpu_activity( signal clk : in std_logic; signal reset : in std_logic; signal done : in std_logic; mcu : string; signal info : inout t_log_info; rom_size : natural; iname : string; trigger_addr : in t_address; file l_file : TEXT; file con_file : TEXT) is begin -- 'Connect' all the internal signals we want to watch to members of -- the info record. init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/alu/"&"acc_input",iname&".acc_input", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/alu/"&"load_acc", iname&".load_acc", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/update_sp", iname&".update_sp", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/SP_reg", iname&".sp", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"psw", iname&".psw", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"update_psw_flags",iname&".update_psw_flags(0)", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"code_addr", iname&".code_addr", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"ps", iname&".ps", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"bram_we", iname&".bram_we", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"bram_addr_p0", iname&".bram_wr_addr", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"bram_wr_data_p0", iname&".bram_wr_data_p0", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"next_pc", iname&".next_pc", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"sfr_we", iname&".sfr_we", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"sfr_wr", iname&".sfr_wr", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"sfr_addr", iname&".sfr_addr", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"inc_dptr", iname&".inc_dptr", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"DPTR_reg", iname&".dptr", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/"&"xdata_we", iname&".xdata_we", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/"&"xdata_vma", iname&".xdata_vma", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/"&"xdata_addr", iname&".xdata_addr", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/"&"xdata_wr", iname&".xdata_wr", 0); init_signal_spy(mcu& "/cpu/"&"code_rd", iname&".code_rd", 0); -- We force both 'rdy' uart outputs to speed up the simulation (since the -- UART operation is not simulated by B51, just logged). signal_force(mcu&"/uart/rx_rdy_flag", "1", 0 ms, freeze, -1 ms, 0); signal_force(mcu&"/uart/tx_busy", "0", 0 ms, freeze, -1 ms, 0); -- And we force the UART RX data to a predictable value until we implement -- UART RX simulation in the B51 simulator, eventually. signal_force(mcu&"/uart/rx_buffer", "00000000", 0 ms, freeze, -1 ms, 0); -- Initialize the console log line buffer... info.con_line_buf <= (others => ' '); -- ...and take note of the ROM size -- FIXME this should not be necessary, we know the array size already. info.rom_size <= rom_size; -- Initialize the observed cycle counting logic... info.cycles <= (others => (999,0,0)); info.cycle_count <= 0; info.last_opcode <= "UUUUUUUU"; -- ...and we're ready to start monitoring the system while done='0' loop wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if reset='1' then -- Initialize some aux vars so as to avoid spurious 'diffs' upon -- reset. info.pc <= X"0000"; info.psw_prev <= X"00"; info.sp_reg_prev <= X"07"; info.a_reg_prev <= X"00"; -- Logging must be enabled from outside by setting -- log_trigger_address to a suitable value. info.log_trigger_address <= trigger_addr; info.log_triggered <= false; info.con_line_ix <= 1; -- uart log line buffer is empty else log_cpu_status(info, l_file, con_file); end if; end loop; -- Once finished, optionally log the cycle count table to a separate file. log_cycle_counts(info); end procedure log_cpu_activity; procedure log_flush_console( signal info : in t_log_info; file con_file : TEXT) is variable l : line; begin -- If there's any character in the line buffer... if info.con_line_ix > 1 then -- ...then write the line buffer to the console log file. write(l, info.con_line_buf(1 to info.con_line_ix)); writeline(con_file, l); end if; end procedure log_flush_console; procedure log_cycle_counts( signal info : in t_log_info) is variable cc : t_opcode_cycle_count; variable opc : natural; file log_cycles_file: TEXT open write_mode is "cycle_count_log.csv"; begin for row in 0 to 15 loop for col in 0 to 15 loop opc := col*16 + row; cc := info.cycles(opc); print(log_cycles_file, ""& hstr(to_unsigned(opc,8))& ","& str(cc.min)& ","& str(cc.max)& ","& str(cc.exe)); end loop; end loop; end procedure log_cycle_counts; end package body;
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