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[/] [loadbalancer/] [trunk/] [Balance/] [balance_top.vhd] - Rev 2
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-------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; ------------------------------- ENTITY balance_top IS GENERIC(DATA_WIDTH :INTEGER := 64; CTRL_WIDTH :INTEGER := 8); PORT( SIGNAL in_data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0) ; SIGNAL in_ctrl : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) ; SIGNAL in_wr : IN STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL in_rdy : OUT STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL out_data : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0) ; SIGNAL out_ctrl : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) ; SIGNAL out_wr : OUT STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL out_rdy : IN STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL in_next_mac :IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(47 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_exit_port :IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_next_mac_rdy : IN STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL out_rd_next_mac : OUT STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL key :OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 DOWNTO 0); --- Misc SIGNAL en : IN STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL reset : IN STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL clk : IN STD_LOGIC ); END ENTITY; ------------------------------------------------------ ARCHITECTURE behavior OF balance_top IS -------COMPONENET SMALL FIFO COMPONENT small_fifo IS GENERIC(WIDTH :INTEGER := 72; MAX_DEPTH_BITS :INTEGER := 3); PORT( SIGNAL din : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);--input [WIDTH-1:0] din, // Data in SIGNAL wr_en : IN STD_LOGIC;--input wr_en, // Write enable SIGNAL rd_en : IN STD_LOGIC;--input rd_en, // Read the next word SIGNAL dout :OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0);--output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dout, // Data out SIGNAL full : OUT STD_LOGIC;--output full, SIGNAL nearly_full : OUT STD_LOGIC;--output nearly_full, SIGNAL empty : OUT STD_LOGIC;--output empty, SIGNAL reset :IN STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL clk :IN STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; -------COMPONENET SMALL FIFO COMPONENT balance IS GENERIC(DATA_WIDTH :INTEGER := 64; CTRL_WIDTH :INTEGER := 8); PORT( SIGNAL in_data :IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_ctrl : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_wr :IN STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL in_rdy : OUT STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL out_data : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL out_ctrl : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL out_wr : OUT STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL out_rdy : IN STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL in_next_mac :IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(47 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_exit_port :IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_next_mac_rdy : IN STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL out_rd_next_mac : OUT STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL key :OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL reset :IN STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL clk :IN STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; ------------ one hot encoding state definition TYPE state_type IS (IDLE, IN_MODULE_HDRS,SKIP_HDRS, IN_PACKET, DUMP_1,DUMP_2,DUMP_3); ATTRIBUTE enum_encoding: STRING; ATTRIBUTE enum_encoding of state_type : type is "onehot"; SIGNAL state, state_NEXT : state_type; ------------end state machine definition ----------------------FIFO SIGNAL fifo_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL fifo_ctrl : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_fifo_in : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(71 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_fifo_rd_en : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL in_fifo_rd_en_p : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL in_fifo_go : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL in_fifo_go_i : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL in_fifo_dout : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(71 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL in_fifo_full : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL in_fifo_nearly_full : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL in_fifo_empty : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL wr_en : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL out_data_i : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(63 DOWNTO 0) ; SIGNAL out_ctrl_i : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) ; SIGNAL out_wr_i : STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL out_rdy_int : STD_LOGIC ; --------------------------------------------------- BEGIN ------PORT MAP open_header -------PORT MAP SMALL FIFO DATA small_fifo_Inst : small_fifo GENERIC MAP(WIDTH => 72, MAX_DEPTH_BITS => 5) PORT MAP( din =>(in_fifo_in), wr_en =>wr_en, rd_en => in_fifo_rd_en, dout =>in_fifo_dout, full =>in_fifo_full, nearly_full =>in_fifo_nearly_full, empty => in_fifo_empty, reset => reset , clk => clk ); -------PORT MAP SMALL FIFO -- int2ext_inst : int2ext -- GENERIC MAP(DATA_WIDTH => 64, -- CTRL_WIDTH => 8) -- PORT MAP( -- in_data => out_data_i, -- in_ctrl => out_ctrl_i, -- in_wr => out_wr_i, -- in_rdy => out_rdy_int, -- -- out_data => out_data, -- out_ctrl => out_ctrl, -- out_wr => out_wr, -- out_rdy => out_rdy, -- reset => reset, -- clk => clk -- ); -- balance_Inst : balance GENERIC MAP (DATA_WIDTH => 64, CTRL_WIDTH => 8) PORT MAP ( in_data => out_data_i, in_ctrl => out_ctrl_i, in_wr => out_wr_i, in_rdy => out_rdy_int, out_data => out_data, out_ctrl => out_ctrl, out_wr => out_wr, out_rdy => out_rdy, in_next_mac => in_next_mac, in_exit_port => in_exit_port, in_next_mac_rdy => in_next_mac_rdy, out_rd_next_mac => out_rd_next_mac, key => key, reset => reset, clk =>clk ); ----------------------- in_fifo_in <= in_data & in_ctrl ; wr_en <= en and in_wr; fifo_data <= in_fifo_dout(71 DOWNTO 8) ; fifo_ctrl <= in_fifo_dout(7 DOWNTO 0) ; in_fifo_rd_en <= out_rdy_int and(not in_fifo_empty) ; in_rdy <= (NOT in_fifo_nearly_full);-- or (not en) ; PROCESS(clk,reset) BEGIN IF (reset ='1') THEN state <=IDLE; ELSIF clk'EVENT AND clk ='1' THEN state<=state_next; in_fifo_rd_en_p <= in_fifo_rd_en; END IF; END PROCESS; PROCESS(clk,reset) BEGIN IF clk'EVENT AND clk ='1' THEN out_data_i <= fifo_data; out_ctrl_i <= fifo_ctrl; out_wr_i <= in_fifo_rd_en_p ; END IF; END PROCESS; ---------------Register output -- PROCESS(clk,reset) -- BEGIN -- -- IF clk'EVENT AND clk ='1' THEN -- out_data <= out_data_i; -- out_ctrl <= out_ctrl_i; -- out_wr <= out_wr_i; -- -- END IF; -- END PROCESS; END behavior;