Subversion Repositories lq057q3dc02
[/] [lq057q3dc02/] [trunk/] [design/] [clk_lcd_cyc_cntr.vhd] - Rev 47
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (C) 2007 Jonathon W. Donaldson -- jwdonal a t opencores DOT org -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- $Id: clk_lcd_cyc_cntr.vhd,v 1.1 2008-11-07 00:48:12 jwdonal Exp $ -- -- Description: -- Counts the number of CLK_LCD cycles that have occured after C_VSYNC_TVS -- lines have passed. The output vector is then used by ENAB and the IMAGE -- generator for pulse and data timing. This method allows for a single -- common counter for both the ENAB and image controller blocks. THe less -- efficient way would be to have two counters - one for each block. -- -- Structure: -- - xupv2p.ucf -- - components.vhd -- - lq057q3dc02_tb.vhd -- - lq057q3dc02.vhd -- - dcm_sys_to_lcd.xaw -- - video_controller.vhd -- - enab_control.vhd -- - hsyncx_control.vhd -- - vsyncx_control.vhd -- - clk_lcd_cyc_cntr.vhd -- - image_gen_bram.vhd -- - image_gen_bram_red.xco -- - image_gen_bram_green.xco -- - image_gen_bram_blue.xco -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Naming Conventions: -- active low signals "*x" -- clock signal "CLK_*" -- reset signal "RST" -- generic/constant "C_*" -- user defined type "TYPE_*" -- state machine next state "*_ns" -- state machine current state "*_cs"" -- pipelined signals "*_d#" -- register delay signals "*_p#" -- signal "*_sig" -- variable "*_var" -- storage register "*_reg" -- clock enable signals "*_ce" -- internal version of output port used as connecting wire "*_wire" -- input/output port "ALL_CAPS" -- process "*_PROC" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --////////////////////-- -- LIBRARY INCLUSIONS -- --////////////////////-- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; --////////////////////-- -- ENTITY DECLARATION -- --////////////////////-- ENTITY clk_lcd_cyc_cntr IS generic ( C_VSYNC_TVS, C_LINE_NUM_WIDTH, C_CLK_LCD_CYC_NUM_WIDTH, C_ENAB_TEP, C_ENAB_THE : POSITIVE ); port ( RSTx, CLK_LCD, HSYNCx, VSYNCx : IN std_logic; LINE_NUM : IN std_logic_vector(C_LINE_NUM_WIDTH-1 downto 0); CLK_LCD_CYC_NUM : OUT std_logic_vector(C_CLK_LCD_CYC_NUM_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); END ENTITY clk_lcd_cyc_cntr; --////////////////////////-- -- ARCHITECTURE OF ENTITY -- --////////////////////////-- ARCHITECTURE clk_lcd_cyc_cntr_arch OF clk_lcd_cyc_cntr IS constant C_NUM_LCD_LINES : positive := 240; -- number of drawable lines in the LCD constant C_NUM_LCD_PIXELS : positive := 320; -- number of drawable pixels per line in the LCD --Enables/disables counter for pixel/enab counter process signal clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig : std_logic := '0'; --Stores the number of CLK_LCD cycles that have occurred signal clk_cyc_num_reg : std_logic_vector(C_CLK_LCD_CYC_NUM_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --------------------------------------------------------------- -- States for CLK_Cntr_cntrl_*_PROC --------------------------------------------------------------- --INACTIVE_WAIT_1 => wait here until new screen or new line starts --INACTIVE_WAIT_2 => wait for HSYNCx pulse to deactivate b/c THE is measured from rising edge of HSYNCx pulse --INACTIVE_WAIT_TVS => wait for TVS timespec to pass --INACTIVE_WAIT_THE => wait THE timespec to pass --ACTIVE => enable clock cycle counter type TYPE_CLK_Cntr_sts is ( INACTIVE_WAIT_1, INACTIVE_WAIT_2, INACTIVE_WAIT_TVS, INACTIVE_WAIT_THE, ACTIVE ); signal CLK_Cntr_cs : TYPE_CLK_Cntr_sts; signal CLK_Cntr_ns : TYPE_CLK_Cntr_sts; begin --///////////////////////-- -- CONCURRENT STATEMENTS -- --///////////////////////-- CLK_LCD_CYC_NUM <= clk_cyc_num_reg; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Process Description: -- This is finite state machine process 1 of 3 for counting the -- number of CLK_LCD cycles that have passed which controls -- the pixel and ENAB count value (clk_cyc_num_reg). This process -- only controls the reset of the state and the "current state to -- next state" assignment. -- -- Inputs: -- RSTx -- CLK_LCD -- -- Outputs: -- CLK_Cntr_cs -- -- Notes: -- N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------ CLK_Cntr_cntrl_1_PROC : process( RSTx, CLK_LCD ) begin if( RSTx = '0' ) then CLK_Cntr_cs <= INACTIVE_WAIT_1; elsif( CLK_LCD'event and CLK_LCD = '1' ) then CLK_Cntr_cs <= CLK_Cntr_ns; end if; end process CLK_Cntr_cntrl_1_PROC; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Process Description: -- This is finite state machine process 2 of 3 for counting the -- number of CLK_LCD cycles that have passed which controls -- the pixel and ENAB count value (clk_cyc_num_reg). This process -- controls all of the state changes. -- -- Inputs: -- CLK_Cntr_cs -- HSYNCx -- VSYNCx -- LINE_NUM -- clk_cyc_num_reg -- -- Outputs: -- CLK_Cntr_ns -- -- Notes: -- N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------ CLK_Cntr_cntrl_2_PROC : process( CLK_Cntr_cs, HSYNCx, VSYNCx, LINE_NUM, clk_cyc_num_reg ) begin case CLK_Cntr_cs is when INACTIVE_WAIT_1 => -- once we are in WAIT_1 we are either going to (A) be completely finished drawing the screen or (B) go to the next line. if( HSYNCx = '0' and VSYNCx = '0' ) then -- if new frame has begun CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_TVS; -- go to next state (the reason we do not have to wait for HSYNCx to go high (i.e. go to state INACTIVE_WAIT_2) is b/c LINE_NUM will not change until HSYNCx has already gone high - therefore we do not need to enter WAIT_2 state waiting for HSYNCx to go high. We can just skip that state! :-)) elsif( HSYNCx = '0' and LINE_NUM < (C_VSYNC_TVS + 1) + (C_NUM_LCD_LINES - 1) ) then --if only a new line has begun, not a whole new frame. And only if we have not drawn all the lines already (there is a delay between the last line drawn to the screen and the next VSYNCx pulse!) CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_2; -- Once HSYNCx is activated we need to wait for it to deactivate before couting 'THE' CLK_LCD cycles b/c THE timespec is measured from the rising edge of the HSYNCx pulse!!! else CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_1; -- we haven't drawn a full screen yet! Get ready to send another line of data when HSYNCx activates! end if; when INACTIVE_WAIT_2 => -- wait for HSYNCx pulse to be deactivated (rise) if( HSYNCx = '1' ) then CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_THE; -- Once HSYNCx is deactivated we need to wait THE CLK_LCD cycles before activating again else CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_2; -- keep waiting for HSYNCx pulse to disable end if; when INACTIVE_WAIT_TVS => if( LINE_NUM = C_VSYNC_TVS + 1 ) then -- if enough lines (HSYNCx pulses) have passed after the *falling* edge of VSYNCx pulse (timespec TVS). We need to start sending exactly on the 8th line (i.e. TVS + 1)!! If we start sending even one line before or even one line after the entire screen will not be drawn! CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_THE; -- go to next state else CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_TVS; -- still inactive until _after_ 7 lines (HSYNCx pulses) have passed! end if; when INACTIVE_WAIT_THE => if( clk_cyc_num_reg = C_ENAB_THE - 1 ) then -- 0 to (THE - 1) = THE clocks! CLK_Cntr_ns <= ACTIVE; -- go to next state (PHEW! We can finally start sending data!) else CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_THE; -- still inactive until after timespec THE has passed end if; when ACTIVE => -- Now that ENAB is active we want it to stay active for TEP CLK_LCD cycles if( clk_cyc_num_reg = C_ENAB_THE + C_NUM_LCD_PIXELS - 1 ) then -- C_ENAB_THE to C_ENAB_THE + (320 - 1) = C_ENAB_TEP clocks! CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_1; -- once TEP clocks have passed we disable ENAB! else CLK_Cntr_ns <= ACTIVE; --enable counter (whose value is used by ENAB controller and image generator) end if; when others => --UH OH! How did we get here??? CLK_Cntr_ns <= INACTIVE_WAIT_1; end case; end process CLK_Cntr_cntrl_2_PROC; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Process Description: -- This is finite state machine process 3 of 3 for counting the -- number of CLK_LCD cycles that have passed which controls -- the pixel and ENAB count value (clk_cyc_num_reg). This process -- only controls the change of output values based on the current -- state. -- -- Inputs: -- CLK_Cntr_cs -- -- Outputs: -- clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig -- -- Notes: -- N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------ CLK_Cntr_cntrl_3_PROC : process( CLK_Cntr_cs ) begin case CLK_Cntr_cs is when INACTIVE_WAIT_1 => --reset counter when not sending data (will go to either TVS-wait if a new frame is starting or INACTIVE_WAIT_2 if just a new line is starting) clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig <= '0'; when INACTIVE_WAIT_2 => --reset counter when not sending data (not a new frame, but we still need to wait for HSYNCx to go high, then go to THE) clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig <= '0'; when INACTIVE_WAIT_TVS => --reset counter when waiting for 7 lines (TVS) to pass clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig <= '0'; when INACTIVE_WAIT_THE => --count THE clock wait for ENAB clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig <= '1'; when ACTIVE => --count number of pixels to send (320 pixels across) clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig <= '1'; when others => --UH OH! How did we get here??? clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig <= '0'; end case; end process CLK_Cntr_cntrl_3_PROC; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Process Description: -- This process enables/disables the pixel/enab counter dependent -- upon the value of clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig. -- -- Inputs: -- RSTx -- CLK_LCD -- -- Outputs: -- clk_cyc_num_reg -- -- Notes: -- N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------ CLK_Cycle_Cntr_PROC : process( RSTx, CLK_LCD ) begin if( RSTx = '0' ) then clk_cyc_num_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif( CLK_LCD'event and CLK_LCD = '1' ) then if( clk_cyc_cnt_en_sig = '1' ) then clk_cyc_num_reg <= clk_cyc_num_reg + 1; else clk_cyc_num_reg <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process CLK_Cycle_Cntr_PROC; END ARCHITECTURE clk_lcd_cyc_cntr_arch;