Subversion Repositories lxp32
[/] [lxp32/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [lxp32_decode.vhd] - Rev 12
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instruction decoder -- -- Part of the LXP32 CPU -- -- Copyright (c) 2016 by Alex I. Kuznetsov -- -- The second stage of the LXP32 pipeline. --------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity lxp32_decode is port( clk_i: in std_logic; rst_i: in std_logic; word_i: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); next_ip_i: in std_logic_vector(29 downto 0); current_ip_i: in std_logic_vector(29 downto 0); valid_i: in std_logic; jump_valid_i: in std_logic; ready_o: out std_logic; interrupt_valid_i: in std_logic; interrupt_vector_i: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); interrupt_ready_o: out std_logic; wakeup_i: in std_logic; sp_raddr1_o: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); sp_rdata1_i: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); sp_raddr2_o: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); sp_rdata2_i: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); ready_i: in std_logic; valid_o: out std_logic; cmd_loadop3_o: out std_logic; cmd_signed_o: out std_logic; cmd_dbus_o: out std_logic; cmd_dbus_store_o: out std_logic; cmd_dbus_byte_o: out std_logic; cmd_addsub_o: out std_logic; cmd_mul_o: out std_logic; cmd_div_o: out std_logic; cmd_div_mod_o: out std_logic; cmd_cmp_o: out std_logic; cmd_jump_o: out std_logic; cmd_negate_op2_o: out std_logic; cmd_and_o: out std_logic; cmd_xor_o: out std_logic; cmd_shift_o: out std_logic; cmd_shift_right_o: out std_logic; jump_type_o: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); op1_o: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); op2_o: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); op3_o: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); dst_o: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture rtl of lxp32_decode is -- Decoder FSM state type DecoderState is (Regular,ContinueLc,ContinueCjmp,ContinueInterrupt,Halt); signal state: DecoderState:=Regular; -- Input instruction portions signal opcode: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); signal t1: std_logic; signal t2: std_logic; signal destination: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal rd1: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal rd2: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Signals related to pipeline control signal downstream_busy: std_logic; signal self_busy: std_logic:='0'; signal busy: std_logic; signal valid_out: std_logic:='0'; signal dst_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Signals related to RD operand decoding signal rd1_reg: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal rd2_reg: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal rd1_select: std_logic; signal rd1_direct: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal rd2_select: std_logic; signal rd2_direct: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Signals related to interrupt handling signal interrupt_ready: std_logic:='0'; signal wakeup_reg: std_logic:='0'; begin -- Dissect input word opcode<=word_i(31 downto 26); t1<=word_i(25); t2<=word_i(24); destination<=word_i(23 downto 16); rd1<=word_i(15 downto 8); rd2<=word_i(7 downto 0); -- Pipeline control downstream_busy<=valid_out and not ready_i; busy<=downstream_busy or self_busy; process (clk_i) is begin if rising_edge(clk_i) then if rst_i='1' then valid_out<='0'; self_busy<='0'; state<=Regular; interrupt_ready<='0'; cmd_loadop3_o<='-'; cmd_signed_o<='-'; cmd_dbus_o<='-'; cmd_dbus_store_o<='-'; cmd_dbus_byte_o<='-'; cmd_addsub_o<='-'; cmd_negate_op2_o<='-'; cmd_mul_o<='-'; cmd_div_o<='-'; cmd_div_mod_o<='-'; cmd_cmp_o<='-'; cmd_jump_o<='-'; cmd_and_o<='-'; cmd_xor_o<='-'; cmd_shift_o<='-'; cmd_shift_right_o<='-'; rd1_select<='-'; rd1_direct<=(others=>'-'); rd2_select<='-'; rd2_direct<=(others=>'-'); op3_o<=(others=>'-'); jump_type_o<=(others=>'-'); dst_out<=(others=>'-'); wakeup_reg<='0'; else interrupt_ready<='0'; wakeup_reg<=wakeup_reg or wakeup_i; if jump_valid_i='1' then valid_out<='0'; self_busy<='0'; state<=Regular; elsif downstream_busy='0' then op3_o<=(others=>'-'); rd1_direct<=std_logic_vector(resize(signed(rd1),rd1_direct'length)); rd2_direct<=std_logic_vector(resize(signed(rd2),rd2_direct'length)); cmd_signed_o<=opcode(0); cmd_div_mod_o<=opcode(1); cmd_shift_right_o<=opcode(1); cmd_dbus_byte_o<=opcode(1); cmd_dbus_store_o<=opcode(2); case state is when Regular => cmd_loadop3_o<='0'; cmd_dbus_o<='0'; cmd_addsub_o<='0'; cmd_negate_op2_o<='0'; cmd_mul_o<='0'; cmd_div_o<='0'; cmd_cmp_o<='0'; cmd_jump_o<='0'; cmd_and_o<='0'; cmd_xor_o<='0'; cmd_shift_o<='0'; jump_type_o<=opcode(3 downto 0); if interrupt_valid_i='1' and valid_i='1' then cmd_jump_o<='1'; cmd_loadop3_o<='1'; op3_o<=current_ip_i&"01"; -- LSB indicates interrupt return dst_out<=X"FD"; -- interrupt return pointer rd1_select<='1'; rd2_select<='0'; valid_out<='1'; interrupt_ready<='1'; self_busy<='1'; state<=ContinueInterrupt; else if opcode(5 downto 3)="101" or opcode="000001" then -- lc or lcs cmd_loadop3_o<='1'; -- Setting op3_o here only affects the lcs instruction op3_o<=std_logic_vector(resize(signed(opcode(2 downto 0)& t1&t2&rd1&rd2),op3_o'length)); end if; if opcode(5 downto 3)="001" then cmd_dbus_o<='1'; end if; if opcode(5 downto 1)="01000" then cmd_addsub_o<='1'; end if; cmd_negate_op2_o<=opcode(0); if opcode="010010" then cmd_mul_o<='1'; end if; if opcode(5 downto 2)="0101" then cmd_div_o<='1'; end if; if opcode(5 downto 3)="100" then -- jump or call cmd_jump_o<='1'; cmd_loadop3_o<=opcode(0); -- Setting op3_o here only affects the call instruction op3_o<=next_ip_i&"00"; end if; -- Note: (a or b) = (a and b) or (a xor b) if opcode(5 downto 1)="01100" then cmd_and_o<='1'; end if; if opcode="011010" or opcode="011001" then cmd_xor_o<='1'; end if; if opcode(5 downto 2)="0111" then cmd_shift_o<='1'; end if; if opcode(5 downto 4)="11" then cmd_cmp_o<='1'; cmd_negate_op2_o<='1'; end if; rd1_select<=t1; rd2_select<=t2; dst_out<=destination; if valid_i='1' then if opcode="000001" then valid_out<='0'; self_busy<='0'; state<=ContinueLc; elsif opcode="000010" then valid_out<='0'; self_busy<='1'; wakeup_reg<='0'; state<=Halt; elsif opcode(5 downto 4)="11" then valid_out<='1'; self_busy<='1'; state<=ContinueCjmp; else valid_out<='1'; end if; else valid_out<='0'; end if; end if; when ContinueLc => if valid_i='1' then valid_out<='1'; op3_o<=word_i; self_busy<='0'; state<=Regular; end if; when ContinueCjmp => valid_out<='1'; cmd_jump_o<='1'; rd1_select<='1'; self_busy<='0'; state<=Regular; when ContinueInterrupt => valid_out<='0'; when Halt => if interrupt_valid_i='1' or wakeup_i='1' or wakeup_reg='1' then self_busy<='0'; state<=Regular; end if; end case; end if; end if; end if; end process; valid_o<=valid_out; dst_o<=dst_out; ready_o<=not busy; interrupt_ready_o<=interrupt_ready; -- Decode RD (register/direct) operands process (clk_i) is begin if rising_edge(clk_i) then if busy='0' then rd1_reg<=rd1; rd2_reg<=rd2; end if; end if; end process; sp_raddr1_o<="11110"&interrupt_vector_i when (state=Regular and interrupt_valid_i='1' and downstream_busy='0') or state=ContinueInterrupt else dst_out when (state=ContinueCjmp and downstream_busy='0') else rd1_reg when busy='1' else rd1; sp_raddr2_o<=rd2_reg when busy='1' else rd2; op1_o<=sp_rdata1_i when rd1_select='1' else rd1_direct; op2_o<=sp_rdata2_i when rd2_select='1' else rd2_direct; end architecture;