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[/] [lxp32/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [lxp32_icache.vhd] - Rev 10
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instruction cache -- -- Part of the LXP32 CPU -- -- Copyright (c) 2016 by Alex I. Kuznetsov -- -- A simple single-page buffer providing both caching and -- prefetching capabilities. Useful for high-latency memory, -- such as external SDRAM. --------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity lxp32_icache is generic( BURST_SIZE: integer; PREFETCH_SIZE: integer ); port( clk_i: in std_logic; rst_i: in std_logic; lli_re_i: in std_logic; lli_adr_i: in std_logic_vector(29 downto 0); lli_dat_o: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); lli_busy_o: out std_logic; wbm_cyc_o: out std_logic; wbm_stb_o: out std_logic; wbm_cti_o: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); wbm_bte_o: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); wbm_ack_i: in std_logic; wbm_adr_o: out std_logic_vector(29 downto 0); wbm_dat_i: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture rtl of lxp32_icache is signal lli_adr_reg: std_logic_vector(lli_adr_i'range); signal lli_adr_mux: std_logic_vector(lli_adr_i'range); signal ram_waddr: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ram_raddr: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ram_re: std_logic; signal ram_we: std_logic; signal read_base: unsigned(21 downto 0); signal read_offset: unsigned(7 downto 0); signal init: std_logic:='0'; signal burst1: std_logic; signal terminate_burst: std_logic; signal near_miss: std_logic:='0'; signal prefetch_distance: unsigned(7 downto 0); signal wrap_cnt: integer range 0 to 3:=0; signal burst_cnt: integer range 0 to BURST_SIZE:=0; signal wb_stb: std_logic:='0'; signal wb_cti: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Note: the following five signals are zero-initialized for -- simulation only, to suppress warnings from numeric_std. -- This initialization is not required for synthesis. signal current_base: unsigned(21 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); signal current_offset: unsigned(7 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); signal prev_base: unsigned(21 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); signal next_base: unsigned(21 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); signal start_offset: unsigned(7 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); signal hitc: std_logic; signal hitp: std_logic; signal miss: std_logic:='0'; begin assert PREFETCH_SIZE>=4 report "PREFETCH_SIZE cannot be less than 4" severity failure; assert BURST_SIZE>=4 report "BURST_SIZE cannot be less than 4" severity failure; assert PREFETCH_SIZE+BURST_SIZE<=128 report "PREFETCH_SIZE and BURST_SIZE combined cannot be greater than 128" severity failure; process (clk_i) is begin if rising_edge(clk_i) then if miss='0' then lli_adr_reg<=lli_adr_i; end if; end if; end process; lli_adr_mux<=lli_adr_i when miss='0' else lli_adr_reg; read_base<=unsigned(lli_adr_mux(29 downto 8)); read_offset<=unsigned(lli_adr_mux(7 downto 0)); -- Cache RAM ram_waddr<=std_logic_vector(current_offset); ram_raddr<=std_logic_vector(read_offset); ram_we<=wb_stb and wbm_ack_i; ram_re<=lli_re_i or miss; ram_inst: entity work.lxp32_ram256x32(rtl) port map( clk_i=>clk_i, we_i=>ram_we, waddr_i=>ram_waddr, wdata_i=>wbm_dat_i, re_i=>ram_re, raddr_i=>ram_raddr, rdata_o=>lli_dat_o ); -- Determine hit/miss -- This cache uses a single ring buffer. Address in buffer corresponds -- to the lower 8 bits of the full address. The part of the buffer that -- is higher than current_offset represents a previous block ("p"), the -- other part represents a current block ("c"). hitc<='1' when read_base=current_base and read_offset<current_offset and ((wrap_cnt=1 and read_offset>=start_offset) or wrap_cnt=2 or wrap_cnt=3) else '0'; hitp<='1' when read_base=prev_base and read_offset>current_offset and ((wrap_cnt=2 and read_offset>=start_offset) or wrap_cnt=3) else '0'; process (clk_i) is begin if rising_edge(clk_i) then if rst_i='1' then miss<='0'; else if hitc='0' and hitp='0' and ram_re='1' then miss<='1'; else miss<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end process; lli_busy_o<=miss; -- Set INIT flag when the first lli_re_i signal is detected process (clk_i) is begin if rising_edge(clk_i) then if rst_i='1' then init<='0'; elsif lli_re_i='1' then init<='1'; end if; end if; end process; -- Fill cache prefetch_distance<=current_offset-read_offset; -- Note: "near_miss" signal prevents cache invalidation when difference -- between the requested address and the currently fetched address -- is too small (and, therefore, the requested data will be fetched soon -- without invalidation). process (clk_i) is begin if rising_edge(clk_i) then if rst_i='1' then near_miss<='0'; elsif wrap_cnt>0 and read_offset-current_offset<=to_unsigned(BURST_SIZE/2,8) and ((read_base=current_base and read_offset>=current_offset) or (read_base=next_base and read_offset<current_offset)) then near_miss<='1'; else near_miss<='0'; end if; end if; end process; terminate_burst<='1' when burst_cnt<BURST_SIZE-1 and miss='1' and (burst_cnt>2 or burst1='0') and near_miss='0' else '0'; process (clk_i) is begin if rising_edge(clk_i) then if rst_i='1' then burst_cnt<=0; wb_stb<='0'; wrap_cnt<=0; wb_cti<=(others=>'-'); burst1<='-'; current_offset<=(others=>'-'); start_offset<=(others=>'-'); current_base<=(others=>'-'); next_base<=(others=>'-'); prev_base<=(others=>'-'); -- To suppress numeric_std warnings -- synthesis translate_off current_offset<=(others=>'0'); start_offset<=(others=>'0'); current_base<=(others=>'0'); next_base<=(others=>'0'); prev_base<=(others=>'0'); -- synthesis translate_on else if burst_cnt=0 and init='1' then if miss='1' and near_miss='0' then wb_stb<='1'; wb_cti<="010"; current_offset<=read_offset; start_offset<=read_offset; current_base<=read_base; next_base<=read_base+1; burst_cnt<=1; burst1<='1'; wrap_cnt<=1; elsif prefetch_distance<to_unsigned(PREFETCH_SIZE,8) or near_miss='1' then wb_stb<='1'; wb_cti<="010"; burst_cnt<=1; burst1<='0'; end if; else if wbm_ack_i='1' then current_offset<=current_offset+1; if current_offset=X"FF" then current_base<=next_base; next_base<=next_base+1; prev_base<=current_base; if wrap_cnt<3 then wrap_cnt<=wrap_cnt+1; end if; end if; if burst_cnt=BURST_SIZE-1 or terminate_burst='1' then burst_cnt<=BURST_SIZE; wb_cti<="111"; elsif burst_cnt<BURST_SIZE-1 then burst_cnt<=burst_cnt+1; wb_cti<="010"; else if miss='1' and near_miss='0' then wb_stb<='1'; wb_cti<="010"; current_offset<=read_offset; start_offset<=read_offset; current_base<=read_base; next_base<=read_base+1; burst_cnt<=1; burst1<='1'; wrap_cnt<=1; elsif prefetch_distance<to_unsigned(PREFETCH_SIZE,8) or near_miss='1' then wb_stb<='1'; wb_cti<="010"; burst_cnt<=1; burst1<='0'; else burst_cnt<=0; wb_stb<='0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; wbm_cyc_o<=wb_stb; wbm_stb_o<=wb_stb; wbm_cti_o<=wb_cti; wbm_bte_o<="00"; wbm_adr_o<=std_logic_vector(current_base¤t_offset); end architecture;
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