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[/] [m65c02/] [trunk/] [Sim/] [tb_M65C02.v] - Rev 3
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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2012-2013 by Michael A. Morris, dba M. A. Morris & Associates // // All rights reserved. The source code contained herein is publicly released // under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser Public License. No part of // this source code may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any // means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any // information storage and retrieval system in violation of the license under // which the source code is released. // // The source code contained herein is free; it may be redistributed and/or // modified in accordance with the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of // the GNU Lesser General Public License, or any later version. // // The source code contained herein is freely released WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. (Refer to the GNU Lesser General Public License for // more details.) // // A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License should have been received // along with the source code contained herein; if not, a copy can be obtained // by writing to: // // Free Software Foundation, Inc. // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor // Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // // Further, no use of this source code is permitted in any form or means // without inclusion of this banner prominently in any derived works. // // Michael A. Morris // Huntsville, AL // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1ns / 1ps //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: M. A. Morris & Associates // Engineer: Michael A. Morris // // Create Date: 15:34:45 02/22/2013 // Design Name: M65C02 // Module Name: C:/XProjects/ISE10.1i/M65C02/tb_M65C02.v // Project Name: M65C02 // Target Device: Xilinx Spartan-3A FPGA - XC3S50A-4VQ100 // Tool versions: ISE 10.1i SP3 // // Description: // // Verilog Test Fixture created by ISE for module: M65C02 // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // // 0.01 13B22 MAM File Created // // 1.00 14B24 MAM Initial release // // 1.10 13B26 MAM Changed to support M65C02 with internal 2kB Boot ROM // // Additional Comments: // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module tb_M65C02; parameter pRAM_AddrWidth = 14; parameter pSim_Loop = 16'h0400; // UUT Signal Declarations reg nRst; tri1 nRstO; reg ClkIn; wire Phi1O; wire Phi2O; tri1 nSO; tri1 nNMI; tri1 nIRQ; tri1 nVP; reg BE_In; tri1 Rdy; tri0 Sync; tri1 nML; wire nWait; tri1 [3:0] nCE; tri1 RnW; tri1 nOE; tri1 nWr; tri1 [ 3:0] XA; tri1 [15:0] A; tri1 [ 7:0] DB; wire [4:0] LED; // Define simulation variables reg Sim_nSO, Sim_nNMI, Sim_nIRQ; reg [ 7:0] TestNum; reg [17:0] chkdad, chkadd; integer cycle_cnt = 0; integer instr_cnt = 0; integer Loop_Start = 0; integer Hist_File = 0; // File handle for instruction histogram reg [31:0] Hist [255:0]; // Instruction Histogram array reg [31:0] val; // Instruction Histogram variable reg [31:0] i, j; // loop counters // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) M65C02 #( .pBootROM_File("Src/M65C02_Tst5.txt") ) uut ( .nRst(nRst), .nRstO(nRstO), .ClkIn(ClkIn), .Phi1O(Phi1O), .Phi2O(Phi2O), .nNMI(nNMI), .nIRQ(nIRQ), .nVP(nVP), .BE_In(BE_In), .Sync(Sync), .nML(nML), .nCE(nCE), .RnW(RnW), .nOE(nOE), .nWE(nWr), .Rdy(Rdy), .XA(XA), .A(A), .DB(DB), .nWP_In(1'b0), .nWait(nWait), .LED(LED) // .LED(LED), // // .nSel(nSel), // .SCk(SCk), // .MOSI(MOSI), // .MISO(MISO) ); // Instantiate RAM Module wire [7:0] RAM_DO; reg RAM_WE; M65C02_RAM #( .pAddrSize(pRAM_AddrWidth), .pDataSize(8), .pFileName("Src/65C02_FT.txt") ) RAM ( .Clk(~Phi2O), // .Ext(1'b1), // 4 cycle memory // .ZP(1'b0), // .Ext(1'b0), // 2 cycle memory // .ZP(1'b0), .Ext(1'b0), // 1 cycle memory .ZP(1'b1), .WE(RAM_WE), .AI(A[(pRAM_AddrWidth - 1):0]), .DI(DB), .DO(RAM_DO) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs nRst = 0; ClkIn = 1; Sim_nSO = 0; Sim_nNMI = 0; Sim_nIRQ = 0; BE_In = 1; TestNum = 0; chkdad = 0; chkadd = 0; // Intialize Simulation Time Format $timeformat (-9, 3, " ns", 12); // Initialize Instruction Execution Histogram array for(cycle_cnt = 0; cycle_cnt < 256; cycle_cnt = cycle_cnt + 1) Hist[cycle_cnt] = 0; cycle_cnt = 0; Hist_File = $fopen("M65C02_Hist_File.txt", "w"); // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #101 nRst = 1; // Start the Simulation Loop wait(A == pSim_Loop); @(posedge Phi1O); // Test WAI w/ IRQ_Mask set fork begin @(negedge nWait); for(i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) @(posedge Phi1O); Sim_nIRQ = 1; @(posedge nWait); @(posedge Phi1O) Sim_nIRQ = 0; end begin while(1) begin @(posedge Phi1O); if(A == pSim_Loop) begin @(posedge Phi1O); @(posedge Phi1O); @(posedge Phi1O); $display("\n\tTest Loop Complete\n"); $display("\tEnd of Simulation-Looping to Start detected\n"); $display("\t\tSuccess - All enabled tests passed.\n"); $fclose(Hist_File); $stop; end end end join end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Clocks // //always #20.000 ClkIn = ~ClkIn; //always #27.127 ClkIn = ~ClkIn; always #33.908 ClkIn = ~ClkIn; //always #12.500 ClkIn = ~ClkIn; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test Structures // always @(posedge nWr) begin TestNum = ((A == 16'h0200) ? DB : TestNum); end always @(posedge nOE) begin chkdad = ((A == 16'h3405) ? (chkdad + 1) : chkdad); end always @(posedge nOE) begin chkadd = ((A == 16'h354E) ? (chkadd + 1) : chkadd); end // Connect ROM/RAM to M65C02 memory bus always @(*) RAM_WE <= Phi2O & ~A[15] & ~nWr; assign DB = ((~nOE) ? RAM_DO : {8{1'bZ}}); // Generate Simulate nIRQ signal based on writes by test program to address // 0xFFF8 (assert nIRQ) or 0xFFF9 (deassert nIRQ) always @(posedge nWr or negedge nRstO) begin if(~nRstO) Sim_nIRQ <= 0; else Sim_nIRQ <= ((A[15:1] == 15'b1111_1111_1111_100) ? ~A[0] : Sim_nIRQ); end // Drive nSO, nNMI, and nIRQ using simulation controlled signals assign nSO = ((Sim_nSO) ? 0 : 1'bZ); assign nNMI = ((Sim_nNMI) ? 0 : 1'bZ); assign nIRQ = ((Sim_nIRQ) ? 0 : 1'bZ); // Count number of cycles and the number of instructions between between // 0x0210 and the repeat at 0x0210 always @(posedge uut.ClkGen.Clk) begin if((uut.ClkGen.Rst | ~uut.ClkGen.nRst)) cycle_cnt = 0; else if(Phi1O & uut.Rdy) cycle_cnt = ((A == 16'h0400) ? 1 : (cycle_cnt + 1)); end always @(posedge uut.ClkGen.Clk) begin if((uut.ClkGen.Rst | ~uut.ClkGen.nRst)) instr_cnt = 0; else if(Sync & Phi1O & uut.Rdy) instr_cnt = ((A == 16'h0400) ? 1 : (instr_cnt + 1)); end // Perform Instruction Histogramming for coverage puposes always @(posedge uut.ClkGen.Clk) begin if(~(uut.ClkGen.Rst | ~uut.ClkGen.nRst)) begin if(uut.Rdy & uut.uP.CE_IR) begin if((A == pSim_Loop)) begin if((Loop_Start == 1)) begin for(i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin // lower nibble for(j = 0; j < 16; j = j + 1) begin // upper nibble val = Hist[(j * 16) + i]; Hist[(j * 16) + i] = 0; if((j == 0) || (j == 8)) $fwrite(Hist_File, "\n%h : %d", (j*16)+i, val); else $fwrite(Hist_File, " %d", val); end end end else begin Loop_Start = 1; end end val = Hist[uut.uP.DI]; Hist[uut.uP.DI] = val + 1; end end end endmodule