
Subversion Repositories man2uart

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-- Manchester to UART Converter
--              Manchester signal from Bosch speed doom controller keyboard
--              Device                  : EPM7128
                Total macrocells        : 114/128
-- Design by    Kenneth YK Ho 
--              eyeonfly Limited
--              8 November 2004

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;

entity Man2uart is
        port (  RxD             : in std_logic;
                clk             : in std_logic; 
                reset           : in std_logic;
                check_pt1       : out std_logic;
                check_pt2       : out std_logic;
                check_pt3       : out std_logic;
                check_pt4       : out std_logic;
                check_pt5       : out std_logic;
                uart            : out std_logic
end Man2uart;

architecture behavioural of Man2uart is
        type state_type is (guard_time, preamble, sync_start, data);
        type bit_type is (start,s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,stop);
        signal uart_bit, next_bit                                       : bit_type;
        signal state, next_state                                        : state_type;
        signal phase_one, phase_two, phase_three                        : std_logic;
        signal Data_in, Data_change, Data_bit                           : std_logic;
        signal Data_counter                                             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        signal clock_timer                                              : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
        signal uart_active, uart_start, bit_change                      : std_logic;
        signal uart_not_start                                           : std_logic;
        signal uart_delay                                               : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
        signal Data_buffer, TxD                                         : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
        signal check                                                    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

        process (clk,reset)
        variable timer          : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);  
        variable Data_out       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
                if reset = '1' then
                        state <= guard_time;
                        timer := "0000000";
                        uart <= '1';
                        uart_start <= '0';
                        uart_active <='0';
                elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then
                if clock_timer /= 108 then
                        clock_timer <= clock_timer + 1;
                        clock_timer <= "000000";
                        timer := unsigned(timer) + 1 ;
                        state <= next_state;
                        Data_in <= RxD;
                        data_bit <= not RxD;
                        if Data_in = RxD then 
                                Data_change <= '0';
                                Data_change <= '1';
                        end if;
------------creat time phase---------------------
                        if timer = 12 then
                                phase_one <= '1'; 
                        elsif timer = 19 or timer = 1 then
                                phase_one <= '0'; 
                                phase_one <= phase_one;
                        end if;
                        if timer = 25 then
                                phase_two <= '1'; 
                        elsif timer = 38 or timer = 1 then
                                phase_two <= '0'; 
                                phase_two <= phase_two;
                        end if;
                        if timer = 39 then
                                phase_three <= '1'; 
                        elsif timer = 70 or timer = 1 then
                                phase_three <= '0'; 
                                phase_three <= phase_three;
                        end if;
                        if timer = 91 then
                                timer := "1011010";
                        end if;

check_pt1 <= check(0);
check_pt2 <= check(1);
check_pt3 <= check(2);
check_pt4 <= check(3);
uart_not_start <= not uart_start;
check_pt5 <= uart_not_start; 

                        if Data_change = '1' then
                                case state is
                                        when guard_time =>
check <= "0001";
                                                if timer = "1011010" then
                                                        if Data_in = '0' then
                                                                timer := "0000000";
                                                                next_state <= guard_time;
                                                                timer := "0000000";
                                                                next_state <= preamble;
                                                        end if;
                                                        timer := "0000000";
                                                        next_state <= guard_time;
                                                end if;
                                        when preamble =>
check <= "0010";
                                                if Data_in = '0' then
                                                        if phase_one = '1' then
                                                                next_state <= preamble;
                                                        elsif phase_three = '1' then
                                                                timer := "0000000";
                                                                next_state <= sync_start;
                                                                if timer > 70 then
                                                                        timer := "0000000";
                                                                        next_state <= guard_time;
                                                                end if;
                                                        end if;
                                                        timer := "0000000";
--                                                      if phase_two = '1' then
--                                                              next_state <= preamble;
--                                                      else
--                                                              next_state <= guard_time;
--                                                      end if;
                                                end if;
                                        when sync_start =>
check <= "0100";
                                                if Data_in = '0' then
                                                        timer := "0000000";
                                                        if phase_one = '1' then
                                                                Data_counter <= "0000";
                                                                next_state <= data;
                                                                if timer > 70 then
                                                                        timer := "0000000";
                                                                        next_state <= guard_time;
                                                                end if;
                                                        end if;
                                                        timer := "0000000";
                                                        if phase_three = '1' then
                                                                next_state <= sync_start;
                                                                if timer > 70 then
                                                                        timer := "0000000";
                                                                        next_state <= guard_time;
                                                                end if;
                                                        end if;
                                                end if;
                                        when data =>
check <= "1000";
                                                if phase_one = '1' then
                                                        next_state <= data;
                                                elsif phase_two = '1' then
                                                        timer := "0000000";
                                                        if Data_counter = "1000" then
                                                                uart_active <= '1';
                                                                Data_buffer <= Data_out;
                                                                next_state <= guard_time;
                                                                Data_counter <= Data_counter + 1;
                                                                Data_out(7 downto 0) := Data_bit & Data_out(7 downto 1);
                                                                next_state <= data;
                                                        end if; 
                                                                if timer > 39 then
                                                                        timer := "0000000";
                                                                        next_state <= guard_time;
                                                                end if;
                                                end if;
                                        when others =>
                                                next_state <= guard_time;
                                end case;
                        end if;
----------- UART state                  
                        uart_bit <= next_bit;
                        if uart_delay = 104 then
                                uart_delay <= "0000000";
                                bit_change <= '1';
                                uart_delay <= uart_delay + 1;
                                bit_change <= '0';
                        end if;
                        if uart_active ='1' and uart_start = '0' then
                                uart_active <= '0';
                                uart_start <= '1';
                                TxD <= Data_buffer;
                        end if;
                        if bit_change = '1' then
                                case uart_bit is
                                        when start =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart <= '0';
                                                        next_bit <= s0;
                                                end if;
                                        when s0 =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                uart <= TxD(0);
                                                next_bit <= s1;
                                                end if;
                                        when s1 =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart <= TxD(1);
                                                        next_bit <= s2;
                                                end if;
                                        when s2 =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart <= TxD(2);
                                                        next_bit <= s3;
                                                end if;
                                        when s3 =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart <= TxD(3);
                                                        next_bit <= s4;
                                                end if;
                                        when s4 =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart <= TxD(4);
                                                        next_bit <= s5;
                                                end if;
                                        when s5 =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart <= TxD(5);
                                                        next_bit <= s6;
                                                end if;
                                        when s6 =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart <= TxD(6);
                                                        next_bit <= s7;
                                                end if;
                                        when s7 =>
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart <= TxD(7);
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        uart_start <= '0';
                                                end if;
                                        when stop =>
                                                uart <= '1';
                                                if uart_start = '0' then
                                                        next_bit <= stop;
                                                        next_bit <= start;
                                                end if;
                                        when others =>
                                                next_bit <= stop;
                                                uart_start <= '0';
                                end case;
                        end if;
                end if;
                end if;
        end process;
end behavioural;

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