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[/] [marca/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [sc_uart.vhd] - Rev 8

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--	sc_uart.vhd
--	8-N-1 serial interface
--	wr, rd should be one cycle long => trde, rdrf goes 0 one cycle later
--	Author: Martin Schoeberl
--	resources on ACEX1K30-3
--		100 LCs, max 90 MHz
--	resetting rts with fifo_full-1 works with C program on pc
--	but not with javax.comm: sends some more bytes after deassert
--	of rts (16 byte blocks regardless of rts).
--	Try to stop with half full fifo.
--	todo:
--	2000-12-02	first working version
--	2002-01-06	changed tdr and rdr to fifos.
--	2002-05-15	changed clkdiv calculation
--	2002-11-01	don't wait if read fifo is full, just drop the byte
--	2002-11-03	use threshold in fifo to reset rts 
--				don't send if cts is '0'
--	2002-11-08	rx fifo to 20 characters and stop after 4
--	2003-07-05	new IO standard, change cts/rts to neg logic
--	2003-09-19	sync ncts in!
--	2004-03-23	two stop bits
--	2005-11-30	change interface to SimpCon
--	2006-08-07	rxd input register with clk to avoid Quartus tsu violation
--	2006-08-13	use 3 FFs for the rxd input at clk
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.marca_pkg.all;
use work.sc_pkg.all;
entity sc_uart is
  generic (clock_freq : integer;
           baud_rate  : integer;
           txf_depth  : integer; txf_thres : integer;
           rxf_depth  : integer; rxf_thres : integer);
  port (clock         : in  std_logic;
        reset         : in  std_logic;
-- SimpCon interface
        input         : in  SC_IN;
        output        : out SC_OUT;
        intr          : out std_logic;
        txd           : out std_logic;
        rxd           : in  std_logic;
        ncts          : in  std_logic;
        nrts          : out std_logic);
end sc_uart;
architecture rtl of sc_uart is
  component fifo is
    generic (width : integer;
             depth : integer;
             thres : integer);
    port (clk           : in  std_logic;
          reset         : in  std_logic;
          din	    : in  std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
          dout	    : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
          rd	    : in  std_logic;
          wr	    : in  std_logic;
          empty         : out std_logic;
          full          : out std_logic;
          half          : out std_logic);
  end component;
--	signals for uart connection
  signal ua_dout	: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal ua_wr, tdre	: std_logic;
  signal ua_rd, rdrf	: std_logic;
  type uart_tx_state_type	is (s0, s1);
  signal uart_tx_state 	: uart_tx_state_type;
  signal tf_dout	: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- fifo out
  signal tf_rd		: std_logic;
  signal tf_empty	: std_logic;
  signal tf_full	: std_logic;
  signal tf_half	: std_logic;
  signal ncts_buf	: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);	-- sync in
  signal tsr		: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- tx shift register
  signal tx_clk		: std_logic;
  type uart_rx_state_type	is (s0, s1, s2);
  signal uart_rx_state 	: uart_rx_state_type;
  signal rf_wr		: std_logic;
  signal rf_empty	: std_logic;
  signal rf_full	: std_logic;
  signal rf_half	: std_logic;
  signal rxd_reg	: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
  signal rx_buf		: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);	-- sync in, filter
  signal rx_d		: std_logic;			-- rx serial data
  signal rsr		: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- rx shift register
  signal rx_clk		: std_logic;
  signal rx_clk_ena	: std_logic;
  signal rdrf_iena      : std_logic;
  signal tdre_iena      : std_logic;
  constant clk16_cnt	: integer := (clock_freq/baud_rate+8)/16-1;
  output.rdy_cnt <= "00";	-- no wait states
  output.rd_data(SC_REG_WIDTH-1 downto 8) <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, SC_REG_WIDTH-8));
--	The registered MUX is all we need for a SimpCon read.
--	The read data is stored in registered rd_data.
  process(clock, reset)
    if reset = RESET_ACTIVE then
      output.rd_data(7 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
    elsif rising_edge(clock) then
      ua_rd <= '0';
      if input.rd='1' then
        -- that's our very simple address decoder
        if input.address(0)='0' then
          output.rd_data(7 downto 0) <= "0000" & rdrf_iena & tdre_iena & rdrf & tdre;
          output.rd_data(7 downto 0) <= ua_dout;
          ua_rd <= input.rd;
        end if;
      end if;
      if input.wr='1' then
        if input.address(0)='0' then
          rdrf_iena <= input.wr_data(3);
          tdre_iena <= input.wr_data(2);
        end if;     
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  ua_wr <= input.wr and input.address(0);
  intr <= (rdrf and rdrf_iena) or (tdre and tdre_iena);
--	serial clock
  process(clock, reset)
    variable clk16		: integer range 0 to clk16_cnt;
    variable clktx		: unsigned(3 downto 0);
    variable clkrx		: unsigned(3 downto 0);
    if reset = RESET_ACTIVE then
      clk16 := 0;
      clktx := "0000";
      clkrx := "0000";
      tx_clk <= '0';
      rx_clk <= '0';
      rx_buf <= "111";
    elsif rising_edge(clock) then
      rxd_reg(0) <= rxd;			-- to avoid setup timing error in Quartus
      rxd_reg(1) <= rxd_reg(0);
      rxd_reg(2) <= rxd_reg(1);
      if (clk16=clk16_cnt) then		-- 16 x serial clock
        clk16 := 0;
--	tx clock
        clktx := clktx + 1;
        if (clktx="0000") then
          tx_clk <= '1';
          tx_clk <= '0';
        end if;
--	rx clock
        if (rx_clk_ena='1') then
          clkrx := clkrx + 1;
          if (clkrx="1000") then
            rx_clk <= '1';
            rx_clk <= '0';
          end if;
          clkrx := "0000";
        end if;
--	sync in filter buffer
        rx_buf(0) <= rxd_reg(2);
        rx_buf(2 downto 1) <= rx_buf(1 downto 0);
        clk16 := clk16 + 1;
        tx_clk <= '0';
        rx_clk <= '0';
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
--	transmit fifo
  cmp_tf: fifo generic map (8, txf_depth, txf_thres)
    port map (clock, reset, input.wr_data(7 downto 0), tf_dout, tf_rd, ua_wr, tf_empty, tf_full, tf_half);
  txd <= tsr(0);
  tdre <= not tf_full;
--	state machine for actual shift out
  process(clock, reset)
    variable i : integer range 0 to 11;
    if reset = RESET_ACTIVE then
      uart_tx_state <= s0;
      tsr <= "1111111111";
      tf_rd <= '0';
      ncts_buf <= "111";
    elsif rising_edge(clock) then
      ncts_buf(0) <= ncts;
      ncts_buf(2 downto 1) <= ncts_buf(1 downto 0);
      case uart_tx_state is
        when s0 =>
          i := 0;
          if (tf_empty='0' and ncts_buf(2)='0') then
            uart_tx_state <= s1;
            tsr <= tf_dout & '0' & '1';
            tf_rd <= '1';
          end if;
        when s1 =>
          tf_rd <= '0';
          if (tx_clk='1') then
            tsr(9) <= '1';
            tsr(8 downto 0) <= tsr(9 downto 1);
            i := i+1;
            if (i=11) then				-- two stop bits
              uart_tx_state <= s0;
            end if;
          end if;
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;
--	receive fifo
  cmp_rf: fifo generic map (8, rxf_depth, rxf_thres)
    port map (clock, reset, rsr(8 downto 1), ua_dout, ua_rd, rf_wr, rf_empty, rf_full, rf_half);
  rdrf <= not rf_empty;
  nrts <= rf_half;			-- glitches even on empty fifo!
--	filter rxd
  with rx_buf select
    rx_d <=	'0' when "000",
    '0' when "001",
    '0' when "010",
    '1' when "011",
    '0' when "100",
    '1' when "101",
    '1' when "110",
    '1' when "111",
    'X' when others;
--	state machine for actual shift in
  process(clock, reset)
    variable i : integer range 0 to 10;
    if reset = RESET_ACTIVE then
      uart_rx_state <= s0;
      rsr <= "0000000000";
      rf_wr <= '0';
      rx_clk_ena <= '0';
    elsif rising_edge(clock) then
      case uart_rx_state is
        when s0 =>
          i := 0;
          rf_wr <= '0';
          if (rx_d='0') then
            rx_clk_ena <= '1';
            uart_rx_state <= s1;
            rx_clk_ena <= '0';
          end if;
        when s1 =>
          if (rx_clk='1') then
            rsr(9) <= rx_d;
            rsr(8 downto 0) <= rsr(9 downto 1);
            i := i+1;
            if (i=10) then
              uart_rx_state <= s2;
            end if;
          end if;
        when s2 =>
          rx_clk_ena <= '0';
          if rsr(0)='0' and rsr(9)='1' then
            if rf_full='0' then				-- if full just drop it
              rf_wr <= '1';
            end if;
          end if;
          uart_rx_state <= s0;
      end case;
    end if;
  end process;
end rtl;

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