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-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- -- miniMIPS Superscalar Processor : Instruction decoding stage 2 -- -- based on miniMIPS Processor -- -- -- -- -- -- Author : Miguel Cafruni -- -- miguel_cafruni@hotmail.com -- -- December 2018 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.pack_mips.all; entity pps_di_2 is port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; stop_all2 : in std_logic; -- Unconditionnal locking of the outputs clear : in std_logic; -- Clear the pipeline stage (nop in the outputs) -- Asynchronous outputs bra_detect : out std_logic; -- Branch detection in the current instruction istore2 : out std_logic; --iload2 : out std_logic; -- Asynchronous connexion with the register management and data bypass unit (Conexao assincrona com a unidade de gerenciamento de registradores e desvio de dados) adr_reg1 : out adr_reg_type; -- Address of the first register operand adr_reg2 : out adr_reg_type; -- Address of the second register operand use1 : out std_logic; -- Effective use of operand 1 use2 : out std_logic; -- Effective use of operand 2 stop_di : in std_logic; -- Unresolved detected : send nop in the pipeline data1 : in bus32; -- Operand register 1 data2 : in bus32; -- Operand register 2 -- Datas from EI stage EI_adr : in bus32; -- Address of the instruction EI_instr : in bus32; -- The instruction to decode EI_it_ok : in std_logic; -- Allow hardware interruptions -- Synchronous output to EX2 stage DI_bra : out std_logic; -- Branch decoded DI_link : out std_logic; -- A link for that instruction DI_op1 : out bus32; -- operand 1 for alu DI_op2 : out bus32; -- operand 2 for alu DI_code_ual : out alu_ctrl_type; -- Alu operation DI_offset : out bus32; -- Offset for the address calculation DI_adr_reg_dest : out adr_reg_type; -- Address of the destination register of the result DI_ecr_reg : out std_logic; -- Effective writing of the result DI_mode : out std_logic; -- Address mode (relative to pc or indexed to a register) DI_op_mem : out std_logic; -- Memory operation request DI_r_w : out std_logic; -- Type of memory operation (reading or writing) DI_adr : out bus32; -- Address of the decoded instruction DI_exc_cause : out bus32; -- Potential exception detected DI_level : out level_type; -- Availability of the result for the data bypass DI_it_ok : out std_logic -- Allow hardware interruptions ); end entity; architecture rtl of pps_di_2 is -- Enumeration type used for the micro-code of the instruction type op_mode_type is (OP_NORMAL, OP_SPECIAL, OP_REGIMM, OP_COP0); -- selection du mode de l'instruction type off_sel_type is (OFS_PCRL, OFS_NULL, OFS_SESH, OFS_SEXT); -- selection de la valeur de l'offset type rdest_type is ( D_RT, D_RD, D_31, D_00); -- selection du registre destination -- Record type containg the micro-code of an instruction type micro_instr_type is record op_mode : op_mode_type; -- Instruction codop mode op_code : bus6; -- Instruction codop bra : std_logic; -- Branch instruction link : std_logic; -- Branch with link : the return address is saved in a register code_ual : alu_ctrl_type; -- Operation code for the alu op_mem : std_logic; -- Memory operation needed r_w : std_logic; -- Read/Write selection in memory mode : std_logic; -- Address calculation from the current pc ('1') or the alu operand 1 ('0') off_sel : off_sel_type; -- Offset source : PC(31..28) & Adresse & 00 || 0 || sgn_ext(Imm) & 00 || sgn_ext(Imm) exc_cause : bus32; -- Unconditionnal exception cause to generate cop_org1 : std_logic; -- Source register 1 : general register if 0, coprocessor register if 1 cop_org2 : std_logic; -- Source register 2 : general register if 0, coprocessor register if 1 cs_imm1 : std_logic; -- Use of immediat operand 1 instead of register bank cs_imm2 : std_logic; -- Use of immediat operand 2 instead of register bank imm1_sel : std_logic; -- Origine of immediat operand 1 imm2_sel : std_logic; -- Origine of immediat operand 2 level : level_type; -- Data availability stage for the bypass (Estagio de disponibilidade dos dados para dar a volta) ecr_reg : std_logic; -- Writing the result in a register bank_des : std_logic; -- Register bank selection : GPR if 0, coprocessor system if 1 des_sel : rdest_type ; -- Destination register address : Rt, Rd, $31, $0 end record; type micro_code_type is array (natural range <>) of micro_instr_type; constant micro_code : micro_code_type := ( -- Instruction decoding in micro-instructions table (OP_SPECIAL, "100000", '0', '0', OP_ADD , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- ADD (OP_NORMAL , "001000", '0', '0', OP_ADD , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RT), -- ADDI (OP_NORMAL , "001001", '0', '0', OP_ADDU , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RT), -- ADDIU (OP_SPECIAL, "100001", '0', '0', OP_ADDU , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- ADDU (OP_SPECIAL, "100100", '0', '0', OP_AND , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- AND (OP_NORMAL , "001100", '0', '0', OP_AND , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RT), -- ANDI (OP_NORMAL , "000100", '1', '0', OP_EQU , '0', '0', '1', OFS_SESH, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- BEQ (OP_REGIMM , "000001", '1', '0', OP_LPOS , '0', '0', '1', OFS_SESH, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- BGEZ (OP_REGIMM , "010001", '1', '1', OP_LPOS , '0', '0', '1', OFS_SESH, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_31), -- BGEZAL (OP_NORMAL , "000111", '1', '0', OP_SPOS , '0', '0', '1', OFS_SESH, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- BGTZ (OP_NORMAL , "000110", '1', '0', OP_LNEG , '0', '0', '1', OFS_SESH, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- BLEZ (OP_REGIMM , "000000", '1', '0', OP_SNEG , '0', '0', '1', OFS_SESH, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- BLTZ (OP_REGIMM , "010000", '1', '1', OP_SNEG , '0', '0', '1', OFS_SESH, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_31), -- BLTZAL (OP_NORMAL , "000101", '1', '0', OP_NEQU , '0', '0', '1', OFS_SESH, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- BNE (OP_SPECIAL, "001101", '0', '0', OP_OUI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_BREAK, '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- BREAK (OP_COP0 , "000001", '0', '0', OP_OP2 , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '1', '1', D_00), -- COP0 (OP_NORMAL , "000010", '1', '0', OP_OUI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- J (OP_NORMAL , "000011", '1', '1', OP_OUI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_31), -- JAL (OP_SPECIAL, "001001", '1', '1', OP_OUI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_NULL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- JALR (OP_SPECIAL, "001000", '1', '0', OP_OUI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_NULL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- JR (OP_NORMAL , "001111", '0', '0', OP_LUI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RT), -- LUI (OP_NORMAL , "100011", '0', '0', OP_OUI , '1', '0', '0', OFS_SEXT, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_MEM2, '1', '0', D_RT), -- LW (OP_NORMAL , "110000", '0', '0', OP_OUI , '1', '0', '0', OFS_SEXT, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_MEM2, '1', '1', D_RT), -- LWC0 (OP_COP0 , "000000", '0', '0', OP_OP2 , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- MFC0 (OP_SPECIAL, "010000", '0', '0', OP_MFHI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- MFHI (OP_SPECIAL, "010010", '0', '0', OP_MFLO , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- MFLO (OP_COP0 , "000100", '0', '0', OP_OP2 , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '1', '1', D_RD), -- MTC0 (OP_SPECIAL, "010001", '0', '0', OP_MTHI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- MTHI (OP_SPECIAL, "010011", '0', '0', OP_MTLO , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- MTLO (OP_SPECIAL, "011000", '0', '0', OP_MULT , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- MULT (OP_SPECIAL, "011100", '0', '0', OP_MULT2, '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- MULT2 [RD = RS * RT] (OP_SPECIAL, "011001", '0', '0', OP_MULTU, '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- MULT (OP_SPECIAL, "100111", '0', '0', OP_NOR , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- NOR (OP_SPECIAL, "100101", '0', '0', OP_OR , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- OR (OP_NORMAL , "001101", '0', '0', OP_OR , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RT), -- ORI (OP_SPECIAL, "000000", '0', '0', OP_SLL , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SLL (OP_SPECIAL, "000100", '0', '0', OP_SLL , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SLLV (OP_SPECIAL, "101010", '0', '0', OP_SLT , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SLT (OP_NORMAL , "001010", '0', '0', OP_SLT , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RT), -- SLTI (OP_NORMAL , "001011", '0', '0', OP_SLTU , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RT), -- SLTIU (OP_SPECIAL, "101011", '0', '0', OP_SLTU , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SLTU (OP_SPECIAL, "000011", '0', '0', OP_SRA , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SRA (OP_SPECIAL, "000111", '0', '0', OP_SRA , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SRAV (OP_SPECIAL, "000010", '0', '0', OP_SRL , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SRL (OP_SPECIAL, "000110", '0', '0', OP_SRL , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SRLV (OP_SPECIAL, "100010", '0', '0', OP_SUB , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SUB (OP_SPECIAL, "100011", '0', '0', OP_SUBU , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- SUBU (OP_NORMAL , "101011", '0', '0', OP_OP2 , '1', '1', '0', OFS_SEXT, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- SW (OP_NORMAL , "111000", '0', '0', OP_OP2 , '1', '1', '0', OFS_SEXT, IT_NOEXC, '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- SWC0 (OP_SPECIAL, "001100", '0', '0', OP_OUI , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_SCALL, '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', LVL_DI2 , '0', '0', D_RT), -- SYSC (OP_SPECIAL, "100110", '0', '0', OP_XOR , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RD), -- XOR (OP_NORMAL , "001110", '0', '0', OP_XOR , '0', '0', '0', OFS_PCRL, IT_NOEXC, '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', LVL_EX2 , '1', '0', D_RT) -- XORI ); -- Preparation of the synchronous outputs signal PRE_bra : std_logic; -- Branch operation signal PRE_link : std_logic; -- Branch with link signal PRE_op1 : bus32; -- operand 1 of the ual signal PRE_op2 : bus32; -- operand 2 of the ual signal PRE_code_ual : alu_ctrl_type; -- Alu operation signal PRE_offset : bus32; -- Address offset for calculation signal PRE_adr_reg_dest : adr_reg_type; -- Destination register adress for result signal PRE_ecr_reg : std_logic; -- Writing of result in the bank register signal PRE_mode : std_logic; -- Address calculation with current pc signal PRE_op_mem : std_logic; -- Memory access operation instruction signal PRE_r_w : std_logic; -- Read/write selection in memory signal PRE_exc_cause : bus32; -- Potential exception cause signal PRE_level : level_type; -- Result availability stage for bypass begin -- Instruction decoding process (EI_instr, EI_adr, data1, data2) variable op_code : bus6; -- Effective codop of the instruction variable op_mode : op_mode_type; -- Instruction mode variable flag : boolean; -- Is true if valid instruction variable instr : integer; -- Current micro-instruction adress -- Instruction fields variable rs : bus5; variable rt : bus5; variable rd : bus5; variable shamt : bus5; variable imm : bus16; variable address : bus26; begin -- Selection of the instruction codop and its mode case EI_instr(31 downto 26) is when "000000" => -- special mode op_mode := OP_SPECIAL; op_code := EI_instr(5 downto 0); when "000001" => -- regimm mode op_mode := OP_REGIMM; op_code := '0' & EI_instr(20 downto 16); when "010000" => -- cop0 mode op_mode := OP_COP0; op_code := '0' & EI_instr(25 downto 21); when others => -- normal mode op_mode := OP_NORMAL; op_code := EI_instr(31 downto 26); end case; -- Search the current instruction in the micro-code table flag := false; instr := 0; for i in micro_code'range loop if micro_code(i).op_mode=op_mode and micro_code(i).op_code=op_code then flag := true; -- The instruction exists instr := i; -- Index memorisation end if; end loop; -- Read the instruction field rs := EI_instr(25 downto 21); rt := EI_instr(20 downto 16); rd := EI_instr(15 downto 11); shamt := EI_instr(10 downto 6); imm := EI_instr(15 downto 0); address := EI_instr(25 downto 0); if not flag then -- Unknown instruction -- Synchronous output preparation PRE_bra <= '0'; -- Branch operation PRE_link <= '0'; -- Branch with link PRE_op1 <= (others => '0'); -- operand 1 of the ual PRE_op2 <= (others => '0'); -- operand 2 of the ual PRE_code_ual <= OP_OUI; -- Alu operation PRE_offset <= (others => '0'); -- Address offset for calculation PRE_adr_reg_dest <= (others => '0'); -- Destination register adress for result PRE_ecr_reg <= '0'; -- Writing of result in the bank register PRE_mode <= '0'; -- Address calculation with current pc PRE_op_mem <= '0'; -- Memory access operation instruction PRE_r_w <= '0'; -- Read/write selection in memory PRE_exc_cause <= IT_ERINS; -- Potential exception cause PRE_level <= LVL_DI; -- Result availability stage for bypass -- Set asynchronous outputs adr_reg1 <= (others => '0'); -- First operand register adr_reg2 <= (others => '0'); -- Second operand register bra_detect <= '0'; -- Detection of a branch in current instruction use1 <= '0'; -- Effective use of operand 1 use2 <= '0'; -- Effective use of operand 2 istore2 <= '0'; else -- Valid instruction -- Offset signal preparation case micro_code(instr).off_sel is when OFS_PCRL => -- PC(31..28) & Adresse & 00 PRE_offset <= EI_adr(31 downto 28) & address & "00"; -- instrucao J (jump) when OFS_NULL => -- 0 PRE_offset <= (others => '0'); when OFS_SESH => -- sgn_ext(Imm) & 00 if imm(15)='1' then PRE_offset <= "11111111111111" & imm & "00"; -- BNE para trás else PRE_offset <= "00000000000000" & imm & "00"; -- BNE para frente end if; when OFS_SEXT => -- sgn_ext(Imm) if imm(15)='1' then PRE_offset <= "1111111111111111" & imm; else PRE_offset <= "0000000000000000" & imm; end if; end case; -- Alu operand preparation if micro_code(instr).cs_imm1='0' then -- Datas from register banks PRE_op1 <= data1; -- BNE usa registradores para comparar op1 else -- Immediate datas if micro_code(instr).imm1_sel='0' then PRE_op1 <= (others => '0'); -- Immediate operand = 0 (J) else PRE_op1 <= X"000000" & "000" & shamt; -- Immediate operand = shamt end if; end if; if micro_code(instr).cs_imm2='0' then -- Datas from register banks PRE_op2 <= data2; -- BNE usa registradores para comparar op2 else -- Immediate datas if micro_code(instr).imm2_sel='0' then PRE_op2 <= X"0000" & imm; -- Immediate operand = imm else if imm(15)='1' then -- Immediate operand = sgn_ext(imm) PRE_op2 <= X"FFFF" & imm; else PRE_op2 <= X"0000" & imm; end if; end if; end if; -- Selection of destination register address case micro_code(instr).des_sel is when D_RT => PRE_adr_reg_dest <= micro_code(instr).bank_des & rt; when D_RD => PRE_adr_reg_dest <= micro_code(instr).bank_des & rd; when D_31 => PRE_adr_reg_dest <= micro_code(instr).bank_des & "11111"; when D_00 => PRE_adr_reg_dest <= micro_code(instr).bank_des & "00000"; end case; -- Command signal affectation PRE_bra <= micro_code(instr).bra; -- Branch operation PRE_link <= micro_code(instr).link; -- Branch with link PRE_code_ual <= micro_code(instr).code_ual; -- Alu operation PRE_ecr_reg <= micro_code(instr).ecr_reg; -- Writing the result in a bank register PRE_mode <= micro_code(instr).mode; -- Type of calculation for the address with current pc PRE_op_mem <= micro_code(instr).op_mem; -- Memory operation needed PRE_r_w <= micro_code(instr).r_w; -- Read/Write in memory selection PRE_exc_cause <= micro_code(instr).exc_cause; -- Potential cause exception PRE_level <= micro_code(instr).level; -- Set asynchronous outputs adr_reg1 <= micro_code(instr).cop_org1 & rs; -- First operand register address adr_reg2 <= micro_code(instr).cop_org2 & rt; -- Second operand register address bra_detect <= micro_code(instr).bra; -- Branch detection in current instruction use1 <= not micro_code(instr).cs_imm1; -- Effective use of operande 1 use2 <= not micro_code(instr).cs_imm2; -- Effective use of operande 2 istore2 <= micro_code(instr).r_w; -- insere nops apos SW end if; end process; -- Set the synchronous outputs process (clock) begin if falling_edge(clock) then if reset='1' then DI_bra <= '0'; DI_link <= '0'; DI_op1 <= (others => '0'); DI_op2 <= (others => '0'); DI_code_ual <= OP_OUI; DI_offset <= (others => '0'); DI_adr_reg_dest <= (others => '0'); DI_ecr_reg <= '0'; DI_mode <= '0'; DI_op_mem <= '0'; DI_r_w <= '0'; DI_adr <= (others => '0'); DI_exc_cause <= IT_NOEXC; DI_level <= LVL_DI; DI_it_ok <= '0'; elsif stop_all2='0' then if clear='1' or stop_di='1' then -- Nop instruction DI_bra <= '0'; DI_link <= '0'; DI_op1 <= (others => '0'); DI_op2 <= (others => '0'); DI_code_ual <= OP_OUI; DI_offset <= (others => '0'); DI_adr_reg_dest <= (others => '0'); DI_ecr_reg <= '0'; DI_mode <= '0'; DI_op_mem <= '0'; DI_r_w <= '0'; DI_adr <= EI_adr; DI_exc_cause <= IT_NOEXC; DI_level <= LVL_DI; if clear='1' then DI_it_ok <= '0'; else DI_it_ok <= EI_it_ok; end if; else -- Noraml step DI_bra <= PRE_bra; DI_link <= PRE_link; DI_op1 <= PRE_op1; DI_op2 <= PRE_op2; DI_code_ual <= PRE_code_ual; DI_offset <= PRE_offset; DI_adr_reg_dest <= PRE_adr_reg_dest; DI_ecr_reg <= PRE_ecr_reg; DI_mode <= PRE_mode; DI_op_mem <= PRE_op_mem; DI_r_w <= PRE_r_w; DI_adr <= EI_adr; DI_exc_cause <= PRE_exc_cause; DI_level <= PRE_level; DI_it_ok <= EI_it_ok; end if; end if; end if; end process; end rtl;
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