
Subversion Repositories miniuart2

[/] [miniuart2/] [trunk/] [impl/] [Xilinx_xc2s15/] [__projnav.log] - Rev 22

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ISE Auto-Make Log File

Updating: Analyze Post-Place & Route Static Timing (Timing Analyzer)

Starting: 'exewrap -tapkeep -mode pipe -tcl -command e:/ise/data/projnav/_filesAllClean.tcl _XSTClean.rsp 0'

Creating TCL Process
Cleaning Up Project
Finished cleaning up project
Done: completed successfully.

Starting: 'exewrap -mode pipe -tapkeep -command e:/ise/bin/nt/xst.exe -ifn uart.xst -ofn uart.syr'

Starting: 'e:/ise/bin/nt/xst.exe -ifn uart.xst -ofn uart.syr '

Release 4.2i - xst E.35
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
--> Parameter TMPDIR set to .
CPU : 0.00 / 0.45 s | Elapsed : 0.00 / 0.00 s
--> Parameter overwrite set to YES
CPU : 0.00 / 0.45 s | Elapsed : 0.00 / 0.00 s
--> Parameter xsthdpdir set to ./xst
CPU : 0.00 / 0.45 s | Elapsed : 0.00 / 0.00 s
--> =========================================================================
---- Source Parameters
Input Format                       : VHDL
Input File Name                    : uart.prj

---- Target Parameters
Target Device                      : xc2s15-cs144-6
Output File Name                   : uart
Output Format                      : NGC
Target Technology                  : spartan2

---- Source Options
Entity Name                        : uart
Automatic FSM Extraction           : YES
FSM Encoding Algorithm             : Auto
FSM Flip-Flop Type                 : D
Mux Extraction                     : YES
Resource Sharing                   : YES
Complex Clock Enable Extraction    : YES
ROM Extraction                     : Yes
RAM Extraction                     : Yes
RAM Style                          : Auto
Mux Style                          : Auto
Decoder Extraction                 : YES
Priority Encoder Extraction        : YES
Shift Register Extraction          : YES
Logical Shifter Extraction         : YES
XOR Collapsing                     : YES
Automatic Register Balancing       : No

---- Target Options
Add IO Buffers                     : YES
Equivalent register Removal        : YES
Add Generic Clock Buffer(BUFG)     : 4
Global Maximum Fanout              : 100
Register Duplication               : YES
Move First FlipFlop Stage          : YES
Move Last FlipFlop Stage           : YES
Slice Packing                      : YES
Pack IO Registers into IOBs        : auto
Speed Grade                        : 6

---- General Options
Optimization Criterion             : Speed
Optimization Effort                : 1
Check Attribute Syntax             : YES
Keep Hierarchy                     : No
Global Optimization                : AllClockNets
Write Timing Constraints           : No


Compiling vhdl file J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/utils.vhd in Library work.
Entity <synchroniser> (Architecture <behaviour>) compiled.
Entity <counter> (Architecture <behaviour>) compiled.
Compiling vhdl file J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/Txunit.vhd in Library work.
Entity <txunit> (Architecture <behaviour>) compiled.
Compiling vhdl file J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/Rxunit.vhd in Library work.
Entity <rxunit> (Architecture <behaviour>) compiled.
Compiling vhdl file J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/miniuart.vhd in Library work.
Entity <uart> (Architecture <behaviour>) compiled.

Analyzing Entity <uart> (Architecture <behaviour>).
Entity <uart> analyzed. Unit <uart> generated.

Analyzing generic Entity <counter> (Architecture <behaviour>).
        count = 130
Entity <counter> analyzed. Unit <counter> generated.

Analyzing generic Entity <counter> (Architecture <behaviour>).
        count = 4
Entity <counter> analyzed. Unit <counter0> generated.

Analyzing Entity <txunit> (Architecture <behaviour>).
Entity <txunit> analyzed. Unit <txunit> generated.

Analyzing Entity <rxunit> (Architecture <behaviour>).
Entity <rxunit> analyzed. Unit <rxunit> generated.

Analyzing Entity <synchroniser> (Architecture <behaviour>).
Entity <synchroniser> analyzed. Unit <synchroniser> generated.

Synthesizing Unit <synchroniser>.
    Related source file is J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/utils.vhd.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <c1a>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <c1s>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <r>.
        inferred   3 D-type flip-flop(s).
Unit <synchroniser> synthesized.

Synthesizing Unit <rxunit>.
    Related source file is J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/Rxunit.vhd.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <rxav>.
    Found 8-bit register for signal <datao>.
    Found 2-bit adder for signal <$n0002> created at line 91.
    Found 4-bit adder for signal <$n0018> created at line 85.
    Found 4-bit comparator greatequal for signal <$n0038> created at line 81.
    Found 4-bit register for signal <bitpos>.
    Found 8-bit register for signal <rreg>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <rregl>.
    Found 2-bit register for signal <samplecnt>.
        inferred  24 D-type flip-flop(s).
        inferred   2 Adder/Subtracter(s).
        inferred   1 Comparator(s).
Unit <rxunit> synthesized.

Synthesizing Unit <txunit>.
    Related source file is J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/Txunit.vhd.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <txd>.
    Found 4-bit adder for signal <$n0012> created at line 92.
    Found 4-bit register for signal <bitpos>.
    Found 8-bit register for signal <tbuff>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <tbufl>.
    Found 8-bit register for signal <treg>.
        inferred  22 D-type flip-flop(s).
        inferred   1 Adder/Subtracter(s).
Unit <txunit> synthesized.

Synthesizing Unit <counter0>.
    Related source file is J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/utils.vhd.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <o>.
    Found 2-bit down counter for signal <cnt>.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <reset> is never used.
        inferred   1 Counter(s).
        inferred   1 D-type flip-flop(s).
Unit <counter0> synthesized.

Synthesizing Unit <counter>.
    Related source file is J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/utils.vhd.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <o>.
    Found 8-bit down counter for signal <cnt>.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <reset> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <ce> is never used.
        inferred   1 Counter(s).
        inferred   1 D-type flip-flop(s).
Unit <counter> synthesized.

Synthesizing Unit <uart>.
    Related source file is J:/impl/../rtl/vhdl/miniuart.vhd.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sig0> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sig1> is assigned but never used.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <loada>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <reada>.
    Found 8-bit register for signal <txdata>.
        inferred  10 D-type flip-flop(s).
Unit <uart> synthesized.

HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Registers                        : 26
  4-bit register                   : 2
  2-bit register                   : 1
  8-bit register                   : 4
  1-bit register                   : 19
# Counters                         : 2
  2-bit down counter               : 1
  8-bit down counter               : 1
# Adders/Subtractors               : 3
  2-bit adder                      : 1
  4-bit adder                      : 2
# Comparators                      : 1
  4-bit comparator greatequal      : 1


Starting low level synthesis...
Optimizing unit <counter> ...

Optimizing unit <rxunit> ...

Optimizing unit <txunit> ...

Optimizing unit <uart> ...

Building and optimizing final netlist ...

FlipFlop uart_rxunit_rxav has been replicated 1 time(s) to handle iob=true attribute.
Final Results
Top Level Output File Name         : uart
Output Format                      : NGC
Optimization Criterion             : Speed
Target Technology                  : spartan2
Keep Hierarchy                     : No
Macro Generator                    : macro+

Macro Statistics
# Registers                        : 35
  4-bit register                   : 2
  8-bit register                   : 4
  2-bit register                   : 2
  1-bit register                   : 27
# Adders/Subtractors               : 3
  4-bit adder                      : 2
  8-bit subtractor                 : 1

Design Statistics
# IOs                              : 28

Cell Usage :
# BELS                             : 153
#      GND                         : 1
#      LUT1                        : 13
#      LUT1_D                      : 2
#      LUT1_L                      : 3
#      LUT2                        : 21
#      LUT3                        : 24
#      LUT3_L                      : 2
#      LUT4                        : 51
#      LUT4_D                      : 2
#      LUT4_L                      : 2
#      MUXCY                       : 13
#      MUXF5                       : 4
#      VCC                         : 1
#      XORCY                       : 14
# FlipFlops/Latches                : 72
#      FDC                         : 4
#      FDCE                        : 10
#      FDE                         : 40
#      FDPE                        : 1
#      FDR                         : 11
#      FDRE                        : 2
#      FDS                         : 2
#      FDSE                        : 2
# Clock Buffers                    : 2
#      BUFGP                       : 2
# IO Buffers                       : 26
#      IBUF                        : 14
#      OBUF                        : 12



Clock Information:
Clock Signal                       | Clock buffer(FF name)  | Load  |
uart_rxunit_rregl:Q                | NONE                   | 3     |
br_clk_i                           | BUFGP                  | 59    |
loada:Q                            | NONE                   | 1     |
wb_clk_i                           | BUFGP                  | 10    |

Timing Summary:
Speed Grade: -6

   Minimum period: 9.318ns (Maximum Frequency: 107.319MHz)
   Minimum input arrival time before clock: 8.430ns
   Maximum output required time after clock: 10.658ns
   Maximum combinational path delay: 9.098ns

Timing Detail:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)

Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'br_clk_i'
Delay:               9.318ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
  Source:            uart_rxunit_bitpos_0
  Destination:       uart_rxunit_bitpos_2
  Source Clock:      br_clk_i rising
  Destination Clock: br_clk_i rising

  Data Path: uart_rxunit_bitpos_0 to uart_rxunit_bitpos_2
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
    FDCE:C->Q             22   1.085   2.970  uart_rxunit_bitpos_0 (uart_rxunit_bitpos_0)
    LUT1_D:I0->LO          1   0.549   0.000  uart_rxunit_Madd__n0018_inst_lut2_0 (N3009)
    MUXCY:S->O             1   0.659   0.000  uart_rxunit_Madd__n0018_inst_cy_0 (uart_rxunit_Madd__n0018_inst_cy_0)
    MUXCY:CI->O            1   0.042   0.000  uart_rxunit_Madd__n0018_inst_cy_1 (uart_rxunit_Madd__n0018_inst_cy_1)
    XORCY:CI->O            1   0.420   1.035  uart_rxunit_Madd__n0018_inst_sum_2 (uart_rxunit_N181)
    LUT4:I3->O             1   0.549   1.035  uart_rxunit_I_10_LUT_53 (uart_rxunit_N183)
    LUT4_L:I0->LO          1   0.549   0.000  uart_rxunit_I__n0005_2 (uart_rxunit_N201)
    FDCE:D                     0.425          uart_rxunit_bitpos_2
    Total                      9.318ns (4.278ns logic, 5.040ns route)
                                       (45.9% logic, 54.1% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'br_clk_i'
Offset:              8.430ns (Levels of Logic = 3)
  Source:            wb_rst_i
  Destination:       uart_txunit_treg_5
  Destination Clock: br_clk_i rising

  Data Path: wb_rst_i to uart_txunit_treg_5
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
    IBUF:I->O             19   0.776   2.790  wb_rst_i_IBUF (wb_rst_i_IBUF)
    LUT4:I3->O             1   0.549   1.035  uart_txunit_I_1_LUT_11 (N2973)
    LUT4:I3->O             8   0.549   1.845  uart_txunit_I__n0009 (uart_txunit_N83)
    FDE:CE                     0.886          uart_txunit_treg_5
    Total                      8.430ns (2.760ns logic, 5.670ns route)
                                       (32.7% logic, 67.3% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'br_clk_i'
Offset:              10.658ns (Levels of Logic = 3)
  Source:            uart_txunit_tbufl
  Destination:       wb_dat_o_0
  Source Clock:      br_clk_i rising

  Data Path: uart_txunit_tbufl to wb_dat_o_0
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
    FDCE:C->Q              5   1.085   1.566  uart_txunit_tbufl (uart_txunit_tbufl)
    LUT2:I1->O             2   0.549   1.206  uart_txunit_I_busy (N64)
    LUT4:I2->O             1   0.549   1.035  I_wb_dat_o_0 (wb_dat_o_0_OBUF)
    OBUF:I->O                  4.668          wb_dat_o_0_OBUF (wb_dat_o_0)
    Total                     10.658ns (6.851ns logic, 3.807ns route)
                                       (64.3% logic, 35.7% route)

Timing constraint: Default path analysis
Delay:               9.098ns (Levels of Logic = 3)
  Source:            wb_adr_i_1
  Destination:       wb_dat_o_0

  Data Path: wb_adr_i_1 to wb_dat_o_0
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
    IBUF:I->O             11   0.776   2.070  wb_adr_i_1_IBUF (wb_adr_i_1_IBUF)
    LUT4:I0->O             1   0.549   1.035  I_wb_dat_o_0 (wb_dat_o_0_OBUF)
    OBUF:I->O                  4.668          wb_dat_o_0_OBUF (wb_dat_o_0)
    Total                      9.098ns (5.993ns logic, 3.105ns route)
                                       (65.9% logic, 34.1% route)

CPU : 9.22 / 9.67 s | Elapsed : 10.00 / 10.00 s
EXEWRAP detected that program 'e:/ise/bin/nt/xst.exe' completed successfully.

Done: completed successfully.

Starting: 'exewrap @__ednTOngd_exewrap.rsp'

Starting: 'ngdbuild -f __ngdbuild.rsp '

Release 4.2i - ngdbuild E.35
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Command Line: ngdbuild -dd j:/impl/_ngo -nt timestamp -p xc2s15-cs144-6 uart.ngc

Reading NGO file "J:/impl/uart.ngc" ...
Reading component libraries for design expansion...

Checking timing specifications ...
Checking expanded design ...

NGDBUILD Design Results Summary:
  Number of errors:     0
  Number of warnings:   0

Writing NGD file "uart.ngd" ...

Writing NGDBUILD log file "uart.bld"...

EXEWRAP detected that program 'ngdbuild' completed successfully.

Done: completed successfully.

Starting: 'exewrap @_ngdTOnc1_exewrap.rsp'

Creating TCL Process
Starting: 'map -f _map.rsp'

Release 4.2i - Map E.35
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Using target part "2s15cs144-6".
Removing unused or disabled logic...
Running cover...
Writing file uart.ngm...
Running directed packing...
Running delay-based packing...
Running related packing...
Writing design file "uart.ncd"...

Design Summary:
   Number of errors:      0
   Number of warnings:    0
   Number of Slices:                 83 out of    192   43%
   Number of Slices containing
      unrelated logic:                0 out of     83    0%
   Number of Slice Flip Flops:       63 out of    384   16%
   Total Number 4 input LUTs:       115 out of    384   29%
      Number used as LUTs:                        110
      Number used as a route-thru:                  5
   Number of bonded IOBs:            26 out of     86   30%
      IOB Flip Flops:                               9
   Number of GCLKs:                   2 out of      4   50%
   Number of GCLKIOBs:                2 out of      4   50%
Total equivalent gate count for design:  1,329
Additional JTAG gate count for IOBs:  1,344

Mapping completed.
See MAP report file "uart.mrp" for details.
Tcl e:/ise/data/projnav/_map.tcl detected that program 'map -f _map.rsp' completed successfully.

Done: completed successfully.

Starting: 'exewrap @_nc1TOncd_exewrap.rsp'

Creating TCL Process
Found _prepar.rsp
Starting: 'par -f _par.rsp'

Release 4.2i - Par E.35
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

WARNING:Par:69 - Option "-xe" overrides some effects of "-ol".

Constraints file: uart.pcf

Loading design for application par from file par_temp.ncd.
   "uart" is an NCD, version 2.37, device xc2s15, package cs144, speed -6
Loading device for application par from file '2s15.nph' in environment e:/ise.
Device speed data version:  PRELIMINARY 1.23 2001-12-19.

Resolving physical constraints.
Finished resolving physical constraints.

Device utilization summary:

   Number of External GCLKIOBs         2 out of 4      50%
   Number of External IOBs            26 out of 86     30%
      Number of LOCed External IOBs    0 out of 26      0%

   Number of SLICEs                   83 out of 192    43%

   Number of GCLKs                     2 out of 4      50%

Overall effort level (-ol):   2 (set by user)
Placer effort level (-pl):    2 (set by user)
Placer cost table entry (-t): 1
Router effort level (-rl):    2 (set by user)
Extra effort level (-xe):     0 (set by user)

Starting initial Placement phase. REAL time: 0 secs 
Finished initial Placement phase. REAL time: 0 secs 
Starting the placer. REAL time: 0 secs 
Placement pass 1 ....
Placer score = 7875
Placement pass 2 ...............
Placer score = 7375
Optimizing ... 
Placer score = 6385
Placer score = 5890
Placer completed in real time: 0 secs 

Dumping design to file uart.ncd.

Total REAL time to Placer completion: 0 secs 
Total CPU time to Placer completion: 1 secs 

0 connection(s) routed; 522 unrouted active, 4 unrouted PWR/GND.
Starting router resource preassignment
Completed router resource preassignment. REAL time: 0 secs 
Starting iterative routing. 
Routing active signals.
End of iteration 1 
526 successful; 0 unrouted; (0) REAL time: 0 secs 
Constraints are met. 
Total REAL time: 2 secs 
Total CPU  time: 1 secs 
End of route.  526 routed (100.00%); 0 unrouted.
No errors found. 
Completely routed. 

This design was run without timing constraints.  It is likely that much better
circuit performance can be obtained by trying either or both of the following:

  - Enabling the Delay Based Cleanup router pass, if not already enabled
  - Supplying timing constraints in the input design

Total REAL time to Router completion: 2 secs 
Total CPU time to Router completion: 1 secs 

Generating PAR statistics.
Dumping design to file uart.ncd.

All signals are completely routed.

Total REAL time to PAR completion: 4 secs 
Total CPU time to PAR completion: 1 secs 

Placement: Completed - No errors found.
Routing: Completed - No errors found.

PAR done.
Tcl e:/ise/data/projnav/_par.tcl detected that program 'par -f _par.rsp' completed successfully.

PAR completed successfully
Done: completed successfully.

Launching: 'exewrap -tcl -command __launchTA.tcl'

ISE Auto-Make Log File

Starting: 'jhdparse'

JHDPARSE - VHDL/Verilog Parser.
ISE 4.1i Copyright(c) 1999-2001 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved. 

Scanning    j:/rtl/vhdl/Rxunit.vhd
Scanning    j:/rtl/vhdl/Rxunit.vhd
Writing Rxunit.jhd.

JHDPARSE complete -    0 errors,    0 warnings.

Done: completed successfully.

Starting: 'jhdparse'

Starting: 'jhdparse'

JHDPARSE - VHDL/Verilog Parser.
ISE 4.1i Copyright(c) 1999-2001 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved. 

Scanning    j:/rtl/vhdl/utils.vhd
Scanning    j:/rtl/vhdl/utils.vhd
j:/rtl/vhdl/utils.vhd(47) library IEEE,STD;
Warning 0008: Unable to open library std.
Writing utils.jhd.

JHDPARSE complete -    0 errors,    1 warning.

Done: completed successfully.

Starting: 'jhdparse'

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