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[/] [mips_enhanced/] [trunk/] [grlib-gpl-1.0.19-b3188/] [lib/] [micron/] [sdram/] [mt48lc16m16a2.vhd] - Rev 2

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-- Micron Semiconductor Products, Inc.
-- Copyright 1997, Micron Semiconductor Products, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- pragma translate_off
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use std.textio.all;
PACKAGE mti_pkg IS
END mti_pkg;
    -- Convert BIT to STD_LOGIC
            CASE s IS
                WHEN '0' => RETURN ('0');
                WHEN '1' => RETURN ('1');
                WHEN OTHERS => RETURN ('0');
            END CASE;
    -- Convert STD_LOGIC to INTEGER
    VARIABLE result : INTEGER := 0;
    VARIABLE weight : INTEGER := 1;
        IF input = '1' THEN
            result := weight;
            result := 0;                                            -- if unknowns, default to logic 0
        END IF;
        RETURN result;
    -- Convert BIT_VECTOR to INTEGER
    VARIABLE result : INTEGER := 0;
    VARIABLE weight : INTEGER := 1;
        FOR i IN input'LOW TO input'HIGH LOOP
            IF input(i) = '1' THEN
                result := result + weight;
                result := result + 0;                               -- if unknowns, default to logic 0
            END IF;
            weight := weight * 2;
        END LOOP;
        RETURN result;
    VARIABLE result : INTEGER := 0;
    VARIABLE weight : INTEGER := 1;
        FOR i IN input'LOW TO input'HIGH LOOP
            IF input(i) = '1' THEN
                result := result + weight;
                result := result + 0;                               -- if unknowns, default to logic 0
            END IF;
            weight := weight * 2;
        END LOOP;
        RETURN result;
    -- Conver INTEGER to BIT_VECTOR
    VARIABLE work,offset,outputlen,j : INTEGER := 0;
        --length of vector
        IF output'LENGTH > 32 THEN		--'
            outputlen := 32;
            offset := output'LENGTH - 32;		--'
            IF input >= 0 THEN
                FOR i IN offset-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                    output(output'HIGH - i) := '0';		--'
                END LOOP;
                FOR i IN offset-1 DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                    output(output'HIGH - i) := '1';		--'		
                END LOOP;
            END IF;
            outputlen := output'LENGTH; 		--'
        END IF;
        --positive value
        IF (input >= 0) THEN
            work := input;
            j := outputlen - 1;
            FOR i IN 1 to 32 LOOP
                IF j >= 0 then
                    IF (work MOD 2) = 0 THEN 
                        output(output'HIGH-j-offset) := '0'; 		--'
                        output(output'HIGH-j-offset) := '1'; 		--'
                    END IF;
                END IF;
                work := work / 2;
                j := j - 1;
            END LOOP;
            IF outputlen = 32 THEN
                output(output'HIGH) := '0'; 		--'
            END IF;
        --negative value
            work := (-input) - 1;
            j := outputlen - 1;
            FOR i IN 1 TO 32 LOOP
                IF j>= 0 THEN
                    IF (work MOD 2) = 0 THEN 
                        output(output'HIGH-j-offset) := '1'; 		--'
                        output(output'HIGH-j-offset) := '0'; 		--'
                    END IF;
                END IF;    
                work := work / 2;
                j := j - 1;
            END LOOP;
            IF outputlen = 32 THEN
                output(output'HIGH) := '1'; 		--'
            END IF;
        END IF;
END mti_pkg;   
--     File Name: MT48LC16M16A2.VHD
--       Version: 0.0g
--          Date: June 29th, 2000
--         Model: Behavioral
--     Simulator: Model Technology (PC version 5.3 PE)
--  Dependencies: None
--        Author: Son P. Huynh
--         Email:
--         Phone: (208) 368-3825
--       Company: Micron Technology, Inc.
--   Part Number: MT48LC16M16A2 (4Mb x 16 x 4 Banks)
--   Description: Micron 256Mb SDRAM
--    Limitation: - Doesn't check for 4096-cycle refresh 		--'
--          Note: - Set simulator resolution to "ps" accuracy
--                Copyright (c) 1998 Micron Semiconductor Products, Inc.
--                All rights researved
--  Rev   Author          Phone         Date        Changes
--  ----  ----------------------------  ----------  -------------------------------------
--  0.0g  Son Huynh       208-368-3825  06/29/2000  Add Load/Dump memory array
--        Micron Technology Inc.                    Modify tWR + tRAS timing check
--  0.0f  Son Huynh       208-368-3825  07/08/1999  Fix tWR = 1 Clk + 7.5 ns (Auto)
--        Micron Technology Inc.                    Fix tWR = 15 ns (Manual)
--                                                  Fix tRP (Autoprecharge to AutoRefresh)
--  0.0c  Son P. Huynh    208-368-3825  04/08/1999  Fix tWR + tRP in Write with AP
--        Micron Technology Inc.                    Fix tRC check in Load Mode Register
--  0.0b  Son P. Huynh    208-368-3825  01/06/1998  Derive from 64Mb SDRAM model
--        Micron Technology Inc.
    use std.textio.all;
library grlib;
use grlib.stdlib.all;
library gaisler;
use gaisler.sim.all;
ENTITY mt48lc16m16a2 IS
        -- Timing Parameters for -75 (PC133) and CAS Latency = 2
        tAC       : TIME    :=  6.0 ns;
        tHZ       : TIME    :=  7.0 ns;
        tOH       : TIME    :=  2.7 ns;
        tMRD      : INTEGER :=  2;          -- 2 Clk Cycles
        tRAS      : TIME    := 44.0 ns;
        tRC       : TIME    := 66.0 ns;
        tRCD      : TIME    := 20.0 ns;
        tRP       : TIME    := 20.0 ns;
        tRRD      : TIME    := 15.0 ns;
        tWRa      : TIME    :=  7.5 ns;     -- A2 Version - Auto precharge mode only (1 Clk + 7.5 ns)
        tWRp      : TIME    := 15.0 ns;     -- A2 Version - Precharge mode only (15 ns)
        tAH       : TIME    :=  0.8 ns;
        tAS       : TIME    :=  1.5 ns;
        tCH       : TIME    :=  2.5 ns;
        tCL       : TIME    :=  2.5 ns;
        tCK       : TIME    := 10.0 ns;
        tDH       : TIME    :=  0.8 ns;
        tDS       : TIME    :=  1.5 ns;
        tCKH      : TIME    :=  0.8 ns;
        tCKS      : TIME    :=  1.5 ns;
        tCMH      : TIME    :=  0.8 ns;
        tCMS      : TIME    :=  1.5 ns;
        addr_bits : INTEGER := 13;
        data_bits : INTEGER := 16;
        col_bits  : INTEGER :=  9;
        index     : INTEGER :=  0;
	fname     : string := "sdram.srec"	-- File to read from
    PORT (
        Dq    : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z');
        Addr  : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
        Ba    : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR := "00";
        Clk   : IN    STD_LOGIC := '0';
        Cke   : IN    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        Cs_n  : IN    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        Ras_n : IN    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        Cas_n : IN    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        We_n  : IN    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        Dqm   : IN    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00"
END mt48lc16m16a2;
ARCHITECTURE behave OF mt48lc16m16a2 IS
    TYPE   Array4xI    IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF INTEGER;
    TYPE   Array4xT    IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF TIME;
    TYPE   Array4xB    IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO 0) OF BIT;
    TYPE   Array4xCBV  IS ARRAY (4 DOWNTO 0) OF BIT_VECTOR (Col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
    TYPE   Array_state IS ARRAY (4 DOWNTO 0) OF State;
    SIGNAL Operation : State := NOP;
    SIGNAL Mode_reg : BIT_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
    SIGNAL Active_enable, Aref_enable, Burst_term : BIT := '0';
    SIGNAL Mode_reg_enable, Prech_enable, Read_enable, Write_enable : BIT := '0';
    SIGNAL Burst_length_1, Burst_length_2, Burst_length_4, Burst_length_8 : BIT := '0';
    SIGNAL Cas_latency_2, Cas_latency_3 : BIT := '0';
    SIGNAL Ras_in, Cas_in, We_in : BIT := '0';
    SIGNAL Write_burst_mode : BIT := '0';
    SIGNAL RAS_clk, Sys_clk, CkeZ : BIT := '0';
    -- Checking internal wires
    SIGNAL Pre_chk : BIT_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0) := "0000";
    SIGNAL Act_chk : BIT_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0) := "0000";
    SIGNAL Dq_in_chk, Dq_out_chk : BIT := '0';
    SIGNAL Bank_chk : BIT_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
    SIGNAL Row_chk : BIT_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
    SIGNAL Col_chk : BIT_VECTOR (col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
    -- CS# Decode
        Cas_in <= TO_BIT (Cas_n, '1') WHEN '0',
                  '1' WHEN '1',
                  '1' WHEN OTHERS;
        Ras_in <= TO_BIT (Ras_n, '1') WHEN '0',
                  '1' WHEN '1',
                  '1' WHEN OTHERS;
        We_in  <= TO_BIT (We_n,  '1') WHEN '0',
                  '1' WHEN '1',
                  '1' WHEN OTHERS;
    -- Commands Decode
    Active_enable   <= NOT(Ras_in) AND     Cas_in  AND     We_in;
    Aref_enable     <= NOT(Ras_in) AND NOT(Cas_in) AND     We_in;
    Burst_term      <=     Ras_in  AND     Cas_in  AND NOT(We_in);
    Mode_reg_enable <= NOT(Ras_in) AND NOT(Cas_in) AND NOT(We_in);
    Prech_enable    <= NOT(Ras_in) AND     Cas_in  AND NOT(We_in);
    Read_enable     <=     Ras_in  AND NOT(Cas_in) AND     We_in;
    Write_enable    <=     Ras_in  AND NOT(Cas_in) AND NOT(We_in);
    -- Burst Length Decode
    Burst_length_1  <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(1)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(0));
    Burst_length_2  <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND NOT(Mode_reg(1)) AND     Mode_reg(0);
    Burst_length_4  <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND     Mode_reg(1)  AND NOT(Mode_reg(0));
    Burst_length_8  <= NOT(Mode_reg(2)) AND     Mode_reg(1)  AND     Mode_reg(0);
    -- CAS Latency Decode
    Cas_latency_2   <= NOT(Mode_reg(6)) AND     Mode_reg(5)  AND NOT(Mode_reg(4));
    Cas_latency_3   <= NOT(Mode_reg(6)) AND     Mode_reg(5)  AND     Mode_reg(4);
    -- Write Burst Mode
    Write_burst_mode <= Mode_reg(9);
    -- RAS Clock for checking tWR and tRP
        variable Clk0, Clk1 : integer := 0;
        RAS_clk <= '1';
        wait for 0.5 ns;
        RAS_clk <= '0';
        wait for 0.5 ns;
        if Clk0 > 100 or Clk1 > 100 then
            if Clk = '1' and Cke = '1' then
                Clk0 := 0;
                Clk1 := Clk1 + 1;
            elsif Clk = '0' and Cke = '1' then
                Clk0 := Clk0 + 1;
                Clk1 := 0;
            end if;
        end if;
    -- System Clock
    int_clk : PROCESS (Clk)
            IF Clk'LAST_VALUE = '0' AND Clk = '1' THEN 		--'
                CkeZ <= TO_BIT(Cke, '1');
            END IF;
            Sys_clk <= CkeZ AND TO_BIT(Clk, '0');
    state_register : PROCESS
        -- NOTE: The extra bits in RAM_TYPE is for checking memory access.  A logic 1 means
        --       the location is in use.  This will be checked when doing memory DUMP.
        TYPE ram_type IS ARRAY (2**col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF BIT_VECTOR (data_bits DOWNTO 0);
        TYPE ram_pntr IS ACCESS ram_type;
        TYPE ram_stor IS ARRAY (2**addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF ram_pntr;
        VARIABLE Bank0 : ram_stor;
        VARIABLE Bank1 : ram_stor;
        VARIABLE Bank2 : ram_stor;
        VARIABLE Bank3 : ram_stor;
        VARIABLE Row_index, Col_index : INTEGER := 0;
        VARIABLE Dq_temp : BIT_VECTOR (data_bits DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
        VARIABLE Col_addr : Array4xCBV;
        VARIABLE Bank_addr : Array4x2BV;
        VARIABLE Dqm_reg0, Dqm_reg1 : BIT_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
        VARIABLE Bank, Previous_bank : BIT_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
        VARIABLE B0_row_addr, B1_row_addr, B2_row_addr, B3_row_addr : BIT_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
        VARIABLE Col_brst : BIT_VECTOR (col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
        VARIABLE Row : BIT_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
        VARIABLE Col : BIT_VECTOR (col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
        VARIABLE Burst_counter : INTEGER := 0;
        VARIABLE Command : Array_state;
        VARIABLE Bank_precharge : Array4x2BV;
        VARIABLE A10_precharge : Array4xB := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0');
        VARIABLE Auto_precharge : Array4xB := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0');
        VARIABLE Read_precharge : Array4xB := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0');
        VARIABLE Write_precharge : Array4xB := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0');
        VARIABLE RW_interrupt_read : Array4xB := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0');
        VARIABLE RW_interrupt_write : Array4xB := ('0' & '0' & '0' & '0');
        VARIABLE RW_interrupt_bank : BIT_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) := "00";
        VARIABLE Count_time : Array4xT := (0 ns & 0 ns & 0 ns & 0 ns);
        VARIABLE Count_precharge : Array4xI := (0 & 0 & 0 & 0);
        VARIABLE Data_in_enable, Data_out_enable : BIT := '0';
        VARIABLE Pc_b0, Pc_b1, Pc_b2, Pc_b3 : BIT := '0';
        VARIABLE Act_b0, Act_b1, Act_b2, Act_b3 : BIT := '0';
        -- Timing Check
        VARIABLE MRD_chk : INTEGER := 0;
        VARIABLE WR_counter : Array4xI := (0 & 0 & 0 & 0);
        VARIABLE WR_time : Array4xT := (0 ns & 0 ns & 0 ns & 0 ns);
        VARIABLE WR_chkp : Array4xT := (0 ns & 0 ns & 0 ns & 0 ns);
        VARIABLE RC_chk, RRD_chk : TIME := 0 ns;
        VARIABLE RAS_chk0, RAS_chk1, RAS_chk2, RAS_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
        VARIABLE RCD_chk0, RCD_chk1, RCD_chk2, RCD_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
        VARIABLE RP_chk0, RP_chk1, RP_chk2, RP_chk3 : TIME := 0 ns;
        -- Load and Dumb variables
        FILE     file_load : TEXT open read_mode is fname;   -- Data load
        FILE     file_dump : TEXT open write_mode is "dumpdata.txt";   -- Data dump
        VARIABLE bank_load : bit_vector ( 1 DOWNTO 0);
        VARIABLE rows_load : BIT_VECTOR (12 DOWNTO 0);
        VARIABLE cols_load : BIT_VECTOR ( 8 DOWNTO 0);
        VARIABLE data_load : BIT_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0);
        VARIABLE i, j      : INTEGER;
        VARIABLE good_load : BOOLEAN;
        VARIABLE l         : LINE;
	variable load : std_logic := '1';
	variable dump : std_logic := '0';
	variable ch   : character;
	variable rectype : bit_vector(3 downto 0);
	variable recaddr : bit_vector(31 downto 0);
	variable reclen : bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	variable recdata : bit_vector(0 to 16*8-1);
        -- Initialize empty rows
        PROCEDURE Init_mem (Bank : bit_vector (1 DOWNTO 0); Row_index : INTEGER) IS
            VARIABLE i, j : INTEGER := 0;
            IF Bank = "00" THEN
                IF Bank0 (Row_index) = NULL THEN                        -- Check to see if row empty
                    Bank0 (Row_index) := NEW ram_type;                  -- Open new row for access
                    FOR i IN (2**col_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP            -- Filled row with zeros
                        FOR j IN (data_bits) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                            Bank0 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0';
                        END LOOP;
                    END LOOP;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Bank = "01" THEN
                IF Bank1 (Row_index) = NULL THEN
                    Bank1 (Row_index) := NEW ram_type;
                    FOR i IN (2**col_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                        FOR j IN (data_bits) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                            Bank1 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0';
                        END LOOP;
                    END LOOP;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Bank = "10" THEN
                IF Bank2 (Row_index) = NULL THEN
                    Bank2 (Row_index) := NEW ram_type;
                    FOR i IN (2**col_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                        FOR j IN (data_bits) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                            Bank2 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0';
                        END LOOP;
                    END LOOP;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Bank = "11" THEN
                IF Bank3 (Row_index) = NULL THEN
                    Bank3 (Row_index) := NEW ram_type;
                    FOR i IN (2**col_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                        FOR j IN (data_bits) DOWNTO 0 LOOP
                            Bank3 (Row_index) (i) (j) := '0';
                        END LOOP;
                    END LOOP;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        -- Burst Counter
        PROCEDURE Burst_decode IS
            VARIABLE Col_int : INTEGER := 0;
            VARIABLE Col_vec, Col_temp : BIT_VECTOR (col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
            -- Advance Burst Counter
            Burst_counter := Burst_counter + 1;
            -- Burst Type
            IF Mode_reg (3) = '0' THEN
                Col_int := TO_INTEGER(Col);
                Col_int := Col_int + 1;
                TO_BITVECTOR (Col_int, Col_temp);
            ELSIF Mode_reg (3) = '1' THEN
                TO_BITVECTOR (Burst_counter, Col_vec);
                Col_temp (2) :=  Col_vec (2) XOR Col_brst (2);
                Col_temp (1) :=  Col_vec (1) XOR Col_brst (1);
                Col_temp (0) :=  Col_vec (0) XOR Col_brst (0);
            END IF;
            -- Burst Length
            IF Burst_length_2 = '1' THEN
                Col (0) := Col_temp (0);
            ELSIF Burst_length_4 = '1' THEN
                Col (1 DOWNTO 0) := Col_temp (1 DOWNTO 0);
            ELSIF Burst_length_8 = '1' THEN
                Col (2 DOWNTO 0) := Col_temp (2 DOWNTO 0);
                Col := Col_temp;
            END IF;
            -- Burst Read Single Write
            IF Write_burst_mode = '1' AND Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                Data_in_enable := '0';
            END IF;
            -- Data counter
            IF Burst_length_1 = '1' THEN
                IF Burst_counter >= 1 THEN
                    IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_in_enable := '0';
                    ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_out_enable := '0';
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Burst_length_2 = '1' THEN
                IF Burst_counter >= 2 THEN
                    IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_in_enable := '0';
                    ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_out_enable := '0';
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Burst_length_4 = '1' THEN
                IF Burst_counter >= 4 THEN
                    IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_in_enable := '0';
                    ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_out_enable := '0';
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Burst_length_8 = '1' THEN
                IF Burst_counter >= 8 THEN
                    IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_in_enable := '0';
                    ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_out_enable := '0';
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        WAIT ON Sys_clk, RAS_clk;
        IF Sys_clk'event AND Sys_clk = '1' AND Load = '0' AND Dump = '0' THEN 		--'
            -- Internal Command Pipeline
            Command(0) := Command(1);
            Command(1) := Command(2);
            Command(2) := Command(3);
            Command(3) := NOP;
            Col_addr(0) := Col_addr(1);
            Col_addr(1) := Col_addr(2);
            Col_addr(2) := Col_addr(3);
            Col_addr(3) := (OTHERS => '0');
            Bank_addr(0) := Bank_addr(1);
            Bank_addr(1) := Bank_addr(2);
            Bank_addr(2) := Bank_addr(3);
            Bank_addr(3) := "00";
            Bank_precharge(0) := Bank_precharge(1);
            Bank_precharge(1) := Bank_precharge(2);
            Bank_precharge(2) := Bank_precharge(3);
            Bank_precharge(3) := "00";
            A10_precharge(0) := A10_precharge(1);
            A10_precharge(1) := A10_precharge(2);
            A10_precharge(2) := A10_precharge(3);
            A10_precharge(3) := '0';
            -- Operation Decode (Optional for showing current command on posedge clock / debug feature)
            IF Active_enable = '1' THEN
                Operation <= ACT;
            ELSIF Aref_enable = '1' THEN
                Operation <= A_REF;
            ELSIF Burst_term = '1' THEN
                Operation <= BST;
            ELSIF Mode_reg_enable = '1' THEN
                Operation <= LMR;
            ELSIF Prech_enable = '1' THEN
                Operation <= PRECH;
            ELSIF Read_enable = '1' THEN
                IF Addr(10) = '0' THEN
                    Operation <= READ;
                    Operation <= READ_A;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Write_enable = '1' THEN
                IF Addr(10) = '0' THEN
                    Operation <= WRITE;
                    Operation <= WRITE_A;
                END IF;
                Operation <= NOP;
            END IF;
            -- Dqm pipeline for Read
            Dqm_reg0 := Dqm_reg1;
            Dqm_reg1 := TO_BITVECTOR(Dqm);
            -- Read or Write with Auto Precharge Counter
            IF Auto_precharge (0) = '1' THEN
                Count_precharge (0) := Count_precharge (0) + 1;
            END IF;
            IF Auto_precharge (1) = '1' THEN
                Count_precharge (1) := Count_precharge (1) + 1;
            END IF;
            IF Auto_precharge (2) = '1' THEN
                Count_precharge (2) := Count_precharge (2) + 1;
            END IF;
            IF Auto_precharge (3) = '1' THEN
                Count_precharge (3) := Count_precharge (3) + 1;
            END IF;
            -- Auto Precharge Timer for tWR
            if (Burst_length_1 = '1' OR Write_burst_mode = '1') then
                if (Count_precharge(0) = 1) then
                    Count_time(0) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(1) = 1) then
                    Count_time(1) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(2) = 1) then
                    Count_time(2) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(3) = 1) then
                    Count_time(3) := NOW;
                end if;
            elsif (Burst_length_2 = '1') then
                if (Count_precharge(0) = 2) then
                    Count_time(0) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(1) = 2) then
                    Count_time(1) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(2) = 2) then
                    Count_time(2) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(3) = 2) then
                    Count_time(3) := NOW;
                end if;
            elsif (Burst_length_4 = '1') then
                if (Count_precharge(0) = 4) then
                    Count_time(0) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(1) = 4) then
                    Count_time(1) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(2) = 4) then
                    Count_time(2) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(3) = 4) then
                    Count_time(3) := NOW;
                end if;
            elsif (Burst_length_8 = '1') then
                if (Count_precharge(0) = 8) then
                    Count_time(0) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(1) = 8) then
                    Count_time(1) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(2) = 8) then
                    Count_time(2) := NOW;
                end if;
                if (Count_precharge(3) = 8) then
                    Count_time(3) := NOW;
                end if;
            end if;
            -- tMRD Counter
            MRD_chk := MRD_chk + 1;
            -- tWR Counter
            WR_counter(0) := WR_counter(0) + 1;
            WR_counter(1) := WR_counter(1) + 1;
            WR_counter(2) := WR_counter(2) + 1;
            WR_counter(3) := WR_counter(3) + 1;
            -- Auto Refresh
            IF Aref_enable = '1' THEN
                -- Auto Refresh to Auto Refresh
                ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk >= tRC)
                    REPORT "tRC violation during Auto Refresh"
                    SEVERITY WARNING;
                -- Precharge to Auto Refresh
                ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP OR NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP OR NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP OR NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP)
                    REPORT "tRP violation during Auto Refresh"
                    SEVERITY WARNING;
                -- All banks must be idle before refresh
                IF (Pc_b3 ='0' OR Pc_b2 = '0' OR Pc_b1 ='0' OR Pc_b0 = '0') THEN
                    ASSERT (FALSE)
                        REPORT "All banks must be Precharge before Auto Refresh"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                END IF;
                -- Record current tRC time
                RC_chk := NOW;
            END IF;
            -- Load Mode Register
            IF Mode_reg_enable = '1' THEN
                Mode_reg <= TO_BITVECTOR (Addr);
                IF (Pc_b3 ='0' OR Pc_b2 = '0' OR Pc_b1 ='0' OR Pc_b0 = '0') THEN
                    ASSERT (FALSE)
                        REPORT "All bank must be Precharge before Load Mode Register"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                END IF;
                -- REF to LMR
                ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk >= tRC)
                    REPORT "tRC violation during Load Mode Register"
                    SEVERITY WARNING;
                -- LMR to LMR
                ASSERT (MRD_chk >= tMRD)
                    REPORT "tMRD violation during Load Mode Register"
                    SEVERITY WARNING;
                -- Record current tMRD time
                MRD_chk := 0;
            END IF;
            -- Active Block (latch Bank and Row Address)
            IF Active_enable = '1' THEN
                IF Ba = "00" AND Pc_b0 = '1' THEN
                    Act_b0 := '1';
                    Pc_b0 := '0';
                    B0_row_addr := TO_BITVECTOR (Addr);
                    RCD_chk0 := NOW;
                    RAS_chk0 := NOW;
                    -- Precharge to Active Bank 0
                    ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk0 >= tRP)
                        REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 0"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "01" AND Pc_b1 = '1' THEN
                    Act_b1 := '1';
                    Pc_b1 := '0';
                    B1_row_addr := TO_BITVECTOR (Addr);
                    RCD_chk1 := NOW;
                    RAS_chk1 := NOW;
                    -- Precharge to Active Bank 1
                    ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk1 >= tRP)
                        REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 1"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "10" AND Pc_b2 = '1' THEN
                    Act_b2 := '1';
                    Pc_b2 := '0';
                    B2_row_addr := TO_BITVECTOR (Addr);
                    RCD_chk2 := NOW;
                    RAS_chk2 := NOW;
                    -- Precharge to Active Bank 2
                    ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk2 >= tRP)
                        REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 2"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "11" AND Pc_b3 = '1' THEN
                    Act_b3 := '1';
                    Pc_b3 := '0';
                    B3_row_addr := TO_BITVECTOR (Addr);
                    RCD_chk3 := NOW;
                    RAS_chk3 := NOW;
                    -- Precharge to Active Bank 3
                    ASSERT (NOW - RP_chk3 >= tRP)
                        REPORT "tRP violation during Activate Bank 3"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "00" AND Pc_b0 = '0' THEN
                    ASSERT (FALSE)
                        REPORT "Bank 0 is not Precharged"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "01" AND Pc_b1 = '0' THEN
                    ASSERT (FALSE)
                        REPORT "Bank 1 is not Precharged"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "10" AND Pc_b2 = '0' THEN
                    ASSERT (FALSE)
                        REPORT "Bank 2 is not Precharged"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "11" AND Pc_b3 = '0' THEN
                    ASSERT (FALSE)
                        REPORT "Bank 3 is not Precharged"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                END IF;
                -- Active Bank A to Active Bank B
                IF ((Previous_bank /= TO_BITVECTOR (Ba)) AND (NOW - RRD_chk < tRRD)) THEN
                    ASSERT (FALSE)
                        REPORT "tRRD violation during Activate"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                END IF;
                -- LMR to ACT
                ASSERT (MRD_chk >= tMRD)
                    REPORT "tMRD violation during Activate"
                    SEVERITY WARNING;
                -- AutoRefresh to Activate
                ASSERT (NOW - RC_chk >= tRC)
                    REPORT "tRC violation during Activate"
                    SEVERITY WARNING;
                -- Record variable for checking violation
                RRD_chk := NOW;
                Previous_bank := TO_BITVECTOR (Ba);
            END IF;
            -- Precharge Block
            IF Prech_enable = '1' THEN
                IF Addr(10) = '1' THEN
                    Pc_b0 := '1'; 
                    Pc_b1 := '1'; 
                    Pc_b2 := '1'; 
                    Pc_b3 := '1';
                    Act_b0 := '0';
                    Act_b1 := '0';
                    Act_b2 := '0';
                    Act_b3 := '0';
                    RP_chk0 := NOW;
                    RP_chk1 := NOW;
                    RP_chk2 := NOW;
                    RP_chk3 := NOW;
                    -- Activate to Precharge all banks
                    ASSERT ((NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) OR (NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS))
                        REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge all banks"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                    -- tWR violation check for Write
                    IF ((NOW - WR_chkp(0) < tWRp) OR (NOW - WR_chkp(1) < tWRp) OR
                        (NOW - WR_chkp(2) < tWRp) OR (NOW - WR_chkp(3) < tWRp)) THEN
                        ASSERT (FALSE)
                            REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge ALL banks"
                            SEVERITY WARNING;
                    END IF;
                ELSIF Addr(10) = '0' THEN
                    IF Ba = "00" THEN
                        Pc_b0 := '1';
                        Act_b0 := '0';
                        RP_chk0 := NOW;
                        -- Activate to Precharge bank 0
                        ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS)
                            REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge bank 0"
                            SEVERITY WARNING;
                    ELSIF Ba = "01" THEN
                        Pc_b1 := '1';
                        Act_b1 := '0';
                        RP_chk1 := NOW;
                        -- Activate to Precharge bank 1
                        ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS)
                            REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge bank 1"
                            SEVERITY WARNING;
                    ELSIF Ba = "10" THEN
                        Pc_b2 := '1';
                        Act_b2 := '0';
                        RP_chk2 := NOW;
                        -- Activate to Precharge bank 2
                        ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS)
                            REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge bank 2"
                            SEVERITY WARNING;
                    ELSIF Ba = "11" THEN
                        Pc_b3 := '1';
                        Act_b3 := '0';
                        RP_chk3 := NOW;
                        -- Activate to Precharge bank 3
                        ASSERT (NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS)
                            REPORT "tRAS violation during Precharge bank 3"
                            SEVERITY WARNING;
                    END IF;
                    -- tWR violation check for Write
                    ASSERT (NOW - WR_chkp(TO_INTEGER(Ba)) >= tWRp)
                        REPORT "tWR violation during Precharge"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                END IF;
                -- Terminate a Write Immediately (if same bank or all banks)
                IF (Data_in_enable = '1' AND (Bank = TO_BITVECTOR(Ba) OR Addr(10) = '1')) THEN
                    Data_in_enable := '0';
                END IF;
                -- Precharge Command Pipeline for READ
                IF CAS_latency_3 = '1' THEN
                    Command(2) := PRECH;
                    Bank_precharge(2) := TO_BITVECTOR (Ba);
                    A10_precharge(2) := TO_BIT(Addr(10));
                ELSIF CAS_latency_2 = '1' THEN
                    Command(1) := PRECH;
                    Bank_precharge(1) := TO_BITVECTOR (Ba);
                    A10_precharge(1) := TO_BIT(Addr(10));
                END IF;
            END IF;
            -- Burst Terminate
            IF Burst_term = '1' THEN
                -- Terminate a Write immediately
                IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                    Data_in_enable := '0';
                END IF;
                -- Terminate a Read depend on CAS Latency
                IF CAS_latency_3 = '1' THEN
                    Command(2) := BST;
                ELSIF CAS_latency_2 = '1' THEN
                    Command(1) := BST;
                END IF;
            END IF;
            -- Read, Write, Column Latch
            IF Read_enable = '1' OR Write_enable = '1' THEN
                -- Check to see if bank is open (ACT) for Read or Write
                IF ((Ba="00" AND Pc_b0='1') OR (Ba="01" AND Pc_b1='1') OR (Ba="10" AND Pc_b2='1') OR (Ba="11" AND Pc_b3='1')) THEN
                    ASSERT (FALSE)
                        REPORT "Cannot Read or Write - Bank is not Activated"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                END IF;
                -- Activate to Read or Write
                IF Ba = "00" THEN
                    ASSERT (NOW - RCD_chk0 >= tRCD)
                        REPORT "tRCD violation during Read or Write to Bank 0"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "01" THEN
                    ASSERT (NOW - RCD_chk1 >= tRCD)
                        REPORT "tRCD violation during Read or Write to Bank 1"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "10" THEN
                    ASSERT (NOW - RCD_chk2 >= tRCD)
                        REPORT "tRCD violation during Read or Write to Bank 2"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                ELSIF Ba = "11" THEN
                    ASSERT (NOW - RCD_chk3 >= tRCD)
                        REPORT "tRCD violation during Read or Write to Bank 3"
                        SEVERITY WARNING;
                END IF;
                -- Read Command
                IF Read_enable = '1' THEN
                    -- CAS Latency Pipeline
                    IF Cas_latency_3 = '1' THEN
                        IF Addr(10) = '1' THEN
                            Command(2) := READ_A;
                            Command(2) := READ;
                        END IF;
                        Col_addr (2) := TO_BITVECTOR (Addr(col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0));
                        Bank_addr (2) := TO_BITVECTOR (Ba);
                    ELSIF Cas_latency_2 = '1' THEN
                        IF Addr(10) = '1' THEN
                            Command(1) := READ_A;
                            Command(1) := READ;
                        END IF;
                        Col_addr (1) := TO_BITVECTOR (Addr(col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0));
                        Bank_addr (1) := TO_BITVECTOR (Ba);
                    END IF;
                    -- Read intterupt a Write (terminate Write immediately)
                    IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_in_enable := '0';
                    END IF;
                -- Write Command
                ELSIF Write_enable = '1' THEN
                    IF Addr(10) = '1' THEN
                        Command(0) := WRITE_A;
                        Command(0) := WRITE;
                    END IF;
                    Col_addr (0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Addr(col_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0));
                    Bank_addr (0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Ba);
                    -- Write intterupt a Write (terminate Write immediately)
                    IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_in_enable := '0';
                    END IF;
                    -- Write interrupt a Read (terminate Read immediately)
                    IF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_out_enable := '0';
                    END IF;
                END IF;
                -- Interrupt a Write with Auto Precharge
                IF Auto_precharge(TO_INTEGER(RW_Interrupt_Bank)) = '1' AND Write_precharge(TO_INTEGER(RW_Interrupt_Bank)) = '1' THEN
                    RW_interrupt_write(TO_INTEGER(RW_Interrupt_Bank)) := '1';
                END IF;
                -- Interrupt a Read with Auto Precharge
                IF Auto_precharge(TO_INTEGER(RW_Interrupt_Bank)) = '1' AND Read_precharge(TO_INTEGER(RW_Interrupt_Bank)) = '1' THEN
                    RW_interrupt_read(TO_INTEGER(RW_Interrupt_Bank)) := '1';
                END IF;
                -- Read or Write with Auto Precharge
                IF Addr(10) = '1' THEN
                    Auto_precharge (TO_INTEGER(Ba)) := '1';
                    Count_precharge (TO_INTEGER(Ba)) := 0;
                    RW_Interrupt_Bank := TO_BitVector(Ba);
                    IF Read_enable = '1' THEN
                        Read_precharge (TO_INTEGER(Ba)) := '1';
                    ELSIF Write_enable = '1' THEN
                        Write_precharge (TO_INTEGER(Ba)) := '1';
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            END IF;
            -- Read with AutoPrecharge Calculation
            --      The device start internal precharge when:
            --          1.  BL/2 cycles after command
            --      and 2.  Meet tRAS requirement
            --       or 3.  Interrupt by a Read or Write (with or without Auto Precharge)
            IF ((Auto_precharge(0) = '1') AND (Read_precharge(0) = '1')) THEN
                IF (((NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) AND
                    ((Burst_length_1 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 1)  OR
                     (Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 2)  OR
                     (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 4)  OR
                     (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(0) >= 8))) OR
                     (RW_interrupt_read(0) = '1')) THEN
                    Pc_b0 := '1';
                    Act_b0 := '0';
                    RP_chk0 := NOW;
                    Auto_precharge(0) := '0';
                    Read_precharge(0) := '0';
                    RW_interrupt_read(0) := '0';
                END IF;
            END IF;
            IF ((Auto_precharge(1) = '1') AND (Read_precharge(1) = '1')) THEN
                IF (((NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) AND
                    ((Burst_length_1 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 1)  OR
                     (Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 2)  OR
                     (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 4)  OR
                     (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(1) >= 8))) OR
                     (RW_interrupt_read(1) = '1')) THEN
                    Pc_b1 := '1';
                    Act_b1 := '0';
                    RP_chk1 := NOW;
                    Auto_precharge(1) := '0';
                    Read_precharge(1) := '0';
                    RW_interrupt_read(1) := '0';
                END IF;
            END IF;
            IF ((Auto_precharge(2) = '1') AND (Read_precharge(2) = '1')) THEN
                IF (((NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) AND
                    ((Burst_length_1 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 1)  OR
                     (Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 2)  OR
                     (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 4)  OR
                     (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(2) >= 8))) OR
                     (RW_interrupt_read(2) = '1')) THEN
                    Pc_b2 := '1';
                    Act_b2 := '0';
                    RP_chk2 := NOW;
                    Auto_precharge(2) := '0';
                    Read_precharge(2) := '0';
                    RW_interrupt_read(2) := '0';
                END IF;
            END IF;
            IF ((Auto_precharge(3) = '1') AND (Read_precharge(3) = '1')) THEN
                IF (((NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) AND
                    ((Burst_length_1 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 1)  OR
                     (Burst_length_2 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 2)  OR
                     (Burst_length_4 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 4)  OR
                     (Burst_length_8 = '1' AND Count_precharge(3) >= 8))) OR
                     (RW_interrupt_read(3) = '1')) THEN
                    Pc_b3 := '1';
                    Act_b3 := '0';
                    RP_chk3 := NOW;
                    Auto_precharge(3) := '0';
                    Read_precharge(3) := '0';
                    RW_interrupt_read(3) := '0';
                END IF;
            END IF;
            -- Internal Precharge or Bst
            IF Command(0) = PRECH THEN                          -- PRECH terminate a read if same bank or all banks
                IF Bank_precharge(0) = Bank OR A10_precharge(0) = '1' THEN
                    IF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
                        Data_out_enable := '0';
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Command(0) = BST THEN                         -- BST terminate a read regardless of bank
                IF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
                    Data_out_enable := '0';
                END IF;
            END IF;
            IF Data_out_enable = '0' THEN
                Dq <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tOH;
            END IF;
            -- Detect Read or Write Command
            IF Command(0) = READ OR Command(0) = READ_A THEN
                Bank := Bank_addr (0);
                Col := Col_addr (0);
                Col_brst := Col_addr (0);
                IF Bank_addr (0) = "00" THEN
                    Row := B0_row_addr;
                ELSIF Bank_addr (0) = "01" THEN
                    Row := B1_row_addr;
                ELSIF Bank_addr (0) = "10" THEN
                    Row := B2_row_addr;
                    Row := B3_row_addr;
                END IF;
                Burst_counter := 0;
                Data_in_enable := '0';
                Data_out_enable := '1';
            ELSIF Command(0) = WRITE OR Command(0) = WRITE_A THEN
                Bank := Bank_addr(0);
                Col := Col_addr(0);
                Col_brst := Col_addr(0);
                IF Bank_addr (0) = "00" THEN
                    Row := B0_row_addr;
                ELSIF Bank_addr (0) = "01" THEN
                    Row := B1_row_addr;
                ELSIF Bank_addr (0) = "10" THEN
                    Row := B2_row_addr;
                    Row := B3_row_addr;
                END IF;
                Burst_counter := 0;
                Data_in_enable := '1';
                Data_out_enable := '0';
            END IF;
            -- DQ (Driver / Receiver)
            Row_index := TO_INTEGER (Row);
            Col_index := TO_INTEGER (Col);
            IF Data_in_enable = '1' THEN
                IF Dqm /= "11" THEN
                    Init_mem (Bank, Row_index);
                    IF Bank = "00" THEN
                        Dq_temp := Bank0 (Row_index) (Col_index);
                        IF Dqm = "01" THEN
                            Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 8) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (15 DOWNTO 8));
                        ELSIF Dqm = "10" THEN
                            Dq_temp (7 DOWNTO 0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (7 DOWNTO 0));
                            Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (15 DOWNTO 0));
                        END IF;
                        Bank0 (Row_index) (Col_index) := ('1' & Dq_temp(data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0));
                    ELSIF Bank = "01" THEN
                        Dq_temp := Bank1 (Row_index) (Col_index);
                        IF Dqm = "01" THEN
                            Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 8) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (15 DOWNTO 8));
                        ELSIF Dqm = "10" THEN
                            Dq_temp (7 DOWNTO 0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (7 DOWNTO 0));
                            Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (15 DOWNTO 0));
                        END IF;
                        Bank1 (Row_index) (Col_index) := ('1' & Dq_temp(data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0));
                    ELSIF Bank = "10" THEN
                        Dq_temp := Bank2 (Row_index) (Col_index);
                        IF Dqm = "01" THEN
                            Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 8) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (15 DOWNTO 8));
                        ELSIF Dqm = "10" THEN
                            Dq_temp (7 DOWNTO 0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (7 DOWNTO 0));
                            Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (15 DOWNTO 0));
                        END IF;
                        Bank2 (Row_index) (Col_index) := ('1' & Dq_temp(data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0));
                    ELSIF Bank = "11" THEN
                        Dq_temp := Bank3 (Row_index) (Col_index);
                        IF Dqm = "01" THEN
                            Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 8) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (15 DOWNTO 8));
                        ELSIF Dqm = "10" THEN
                            Dq_temp (7 DOWNTO 0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (7 DOWNTO 0));
                            Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 0) := TO_BITVECTOR (Dq (15 DOWNTO 0));
                        END IF;
                        Bank3 (Row_index) (Col_index) := ('1' & Dq_temp(data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0));
                    END IF;
                    WR_chkp(TO_INTEGER(Bank)) := NOW;
                    WR_counter(TO_INTEGER(Bank)) := 0;
                END IF;
            ELSIF Data_out_enable = '1' THEN
                IF Dqm_reg0 /= "11" THEN
                    Init_mem (Bank, Row_index);
                    IF Bank = "00" THEN
                        Dq_temp := Bank0 (Row_index) (Col_index);
                        IF Dqm_reg0 = "00" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 0) <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 0)) AFTER tAC;
                        ELSIF Dqm_reg0 = "01" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 8)  <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 8)) AFTER tAC;
                            Dq (7 DOWNTO 0)  <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tAC;
                        ELSIF Dqm_reg0 = "10" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 8)  <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tAC;
                            Dq (7 DOWNTO 0) <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (7 DOWNTO 0)) AFTER tAC;
                        END IF;
                    ELSIF Bank = "01" THEN
                        Dq_temp := Bank1 (Row_index) (Col_index);
                        IF Dqm_reg0 = "00" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 0) <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 0)) AFTER tAC;
                        ELSIF Dqm_reg0 = "01" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 8)  <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 8)) AFTER tAC;
                            Dq (7 DOWNTO 0)  <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tAC;
                        ELSIF Dqm_reg0 = "10" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 8)  <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tAC;
                            Dq (7 DOWNTO 0) <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (7 DOWNTO 0)) AFTER tAC;
                        END IF;
                    ELSIF Bank = "10" THEN
                        Dq_temp := Bank2 (Row_index) (Col_index);
                        IF Dqm_reg0 = "00" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 0) <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 0)) AFTER tAC;
                        ELSIF Dqm_reg0 = "01" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 8)  <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 8)) AFTER tAC;
                            Dq (7 DOWNTO 0)  <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tAC;
                        ELSIF Dqm_reg0 = "10" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 8)  <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tAC;
                            Dq (7 DOWNTO 0) <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (7 DOWNTO 0)) AFTER tAC;
                        END IF;
                    ELSIF Bank = "11" THEN
                        Dq_temp := Bank3 (Row_index) (Col_index);
                        IF Dqm_reg0 = "00" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 0) <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 0)) AFTER tAC;
                        ELSIF Dqm_reg0 = "01" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 8)  <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (15 DOWNTO 8)) AFTER tAC;
                            Dq (7 DOWNTO 0)  <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tAC;
                        ELSIF Dqm_reg0 = "10" THEN
                            Dq (15 DOWNTO 8)  <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tAC;
                            Dq (7 DOWNTO 0) <= TRANSPORT TO_STDLOGICVECTOR (Dq_temp (7 DOWNTO 0)) AFTER tAC;
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                      Dq <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') AFTER tHZ;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        ELSIF Sys_clk'event AND Sys_clk = '1' AND Load = '1' AND Dump = '0' THEN 		--'
            Operation <= LOAD_FILE;
	    load := '0';
--            ASSERT (FALSE) REPORT "Reading memory array from file.  This operation may take several minutes.  Please wait..."
--                SEVERITY NOTE;
            WHILE NOT endfile(file_load) LOOP
                readline(file_load, l);
                read(l, ch);
                if (ch /= 'S') or (ch /= 's') then
                  hexread(l, rectype);
                  hexread(l, reclen);
		  recaddr := (others => '0');
		  case rectype is 
		  when "0001" =>
                    hexread(l, recaddr(15 downto 0));
		  when "0010" =>
                    hexread(l, recaddr(23 downto 0));
		  when "0011" =>
                    hexread(l, recaddr);
		    recaddr(31 downto 24) := (others => '0');
		  when others => next;
		  end case;
	 	  if true then
                    hexread(l, recdata);
		    Bank_Load := recaddr(25 downto 24);
		    Rows_Load := recaddr(23 downto 11);
		    Cols_Load := recaddr(10 downto 2);
                    Init_Mem (Bank_Load, To_Integer(Rows_Load));
                    IF Bank_Load = "00" THEN
		      for i in 0 to 3 loop
                        Bank0 (To_Integer(Rows_Load)) (To_Integer(Cols_Load)+i) := ('1' & recdata(i*32+index to i*32+index+15));
		      end loop;
                    ELSIF Bank_Load = "01" THEN
		      for i in 0 to 3 loop
                        Bank1 (To_Integer(Rows_Load)) (To_Integer(Cols_Load)+i) := ('1' & recdata(i*32+index to i*32+index+15));
		      end loop;
                    ELSIF Bank_Load = "10" THEN
		      for i in 0 to 3 loop
                        Bank2 (To_Integer(Rows_Load)) (To_Integer(Cols_Load)+i) := ('1' & recdata(i*32+index to i*32+index+15));
		      end loop;
                    ELSIF Bank_Load = "11" THEN
		      for i in 0 to 3 loop
                        Bank3 (To_Integer(Rows_Load)) (To_Integer(Cols_Load)+i) := ('1' & recdata(i*32+index to i*32+index+15));
		      end loop;
                    END IF;
                  END IF;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
        ELSIF Sys_clk'event AND Sys_clk = '1' AND Load = '0' AND Dump = '1' THEN 		--'
            Operation <= DUMP_FILE;
            ASSERT (FALSE) REPORT "Writing memory array to file.  This operation may take several minutes.  Please wait..."
                SEVERITY NOTE;
            WRITE (l, string'("# Micron Technology, Inc. (FILE DUMP / MEMORY DUMP)")); 		--'
            WRITELINE (file_dump, l);
            WRITE (l, string'("# BA ROWS          COLS      DQ")); 		--'
            WRITELINE (file_dump, l);
            WRITE (l, string'("# -- ------------- --------- ----------------")); 		--'
            WRITELINE (file_dump, l);
            -- Dumping Bank 0
            FOR i IN 0 TO 2**addr_bits -1 LOOP
                -- Check if ROW is NULL
                IF Bank0 (i) /= NULL THEN
                    For j IN 0 TO 2**col_bits - 1 LOOP
                        -- Check if COL is NULL
                        NEXT WHEN Bank0 (i) (j) (data_bits) = '0';
                        WRITE (l, string'("00"), right, 4); 		--'
                        WRITE (l, To_BitVector(Conv_Std_Logic_Vector(i, addr_bits)), right, addr_bits+1);
                        WRITE (l, To_BitVector(Conv_std_Logic_Vector(j, col_bits)), right, col_bits+1);
                        WRITE (l, Bank0 (i) (j) (data_bits -1 DOWNTO 0), right, data_bits+1);
                        WRITELINE (file_dump, l);
                    END LOOP;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
            -- Dumping Bank 1
            FOR i IN 0 TO 2**addr_bits -1 LOOP
                -- Check if ROW is NULL
                IF Bank1 (i) /= NULL THEN
                    For j IN 0 TO 2**col_bits - 1 LOOP
                        -- Check if COL is NULL
                        NEXT WHEN Bank1 (i) (j) (data_bits) = '0';
                        WRITE (l, string'("01"), right, 4); 		--'
                        WRITE (l, To_BitVector(Conv_Std_Logic_Vector(i, addr_bits)), right, addr_bits+1);
                        WRITE (l, To_BitVector(Conv_std_Logic_Vector(j, col_bits)), right, col_bits+1);
                        WRITE (l, Bank1 (i) (j) (data_bits -1 DOWNTO 0), right, data_bits+1);
                        WRITELINE (file_dump, l);
                    END LOOP;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
            -- Dumping Bank 2
            FOR i IN 0 TO 2**addr_bits -1 LOOP
                -- Check if ROW is NULL
                IF Bank2 (i) /= NULL THEN
                    For j IN 0 TO 2**col_bits - 1 LOOP
                        -- Check if COL is NULL
                        NEXT WHEN Bank2 (i) (j) (data_bits) = '0';
                        WRITE (l, string'("10"), right, 4); 		--'
                        WRITE (l, To_BitVector(Conv_Std_Logic_Vector(i, addr_bits)), right, addr_bits+1);
                        WRITE (l, To_BitVector(Conv_std_Logic_Vector(j, col_bits)), right, col_bits+1);
                        WRITE (l, Bank2 (i) (j) (data_bits -1 DOWNTO 0), right, data_bits+1);
                        WRITELINE (file_dump, l);
                    END LOOP;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
            -- Dumping Bank 3
            FOR i IN 0 TO 2**addr_bits -1 LOOP
                -- Check if ROW is NULL
                IF Bank3 (i) /= NULL THEN
                    For j IN 0 TO 2**col_bits - 1 LOOP
                        -- Check if COL is NULL
                        NEXT WHEN Bank3 (i) (j) (data_bits) = '0';
                        WRITE (l, string'("11"), right, 4); 		--'
                        WRITE (l, To_BitVector(Conv_Std_Logic_Vector(i, addr_bits)), right, addr_bits+1);
                        WRITE (l, To_BitVector(Conv_std_Logic_Vector(j, col_bits)), right, col_bits+1);
                        WRITE (l, Bank3 (i) (j) (data_bits -1 DOWNTO 0), right, data_bits+1);
                        WRITELINE (file_dump, l);
                    END LOOP;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
        END IF;
        -- Write with AutoPrecharge Calculation
        --      The device start internal precharge when:
        --          1.  tWR cycles after command
        --      and 2.  Meet tRAS requirement
        --       or 3.  Interrupt by a Read or Write (with or without Auto Precharge)
        IF ((Auto_precharge(0) = '1') AND (Write_precharge(0) = '1')) THEN
            IF (((NOW - RAS_chk0 >= tRAS) AND
               (((Burst_length_1 = '1' OR Write_burst_mode = '1' ) AND Count_precharge(0) >= 1 AND NOW - Count_time(0) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_2 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(0) >= 2 AND NOW - Count_time(0) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_4 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(0) >= 4 AND NOW - Count_time(0) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_8 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(0) >= 8 AND NOW - Count_time(0) >= tWRa))) OR
                 (RW_interrupt_write(0) = '1' AND WR_counter(0) >= 1 AND NOW - WR_time(0) >= tWRa)) THEN
                Auto_precharge(0) := '0';
                Write_precharge(0) := '0';
                RW_interrupt_write(0) := '0';
                Pc_b0 := '1';
                Act_b0 := '0';
                RP_chk0 := NOW;
                ASSERT FALSE REPORT "Start Internal Precharge Bank 0" SEVERITY NOTE;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF ((Auto_precharge(1) = '1') AND (Write_precharge(1) = '1')) THEN
            IF (((NOW - RAS_chk1 >= tRAS) AND
               (((Burst_length_1 = '1' OR Write_burst_mode = '1' ) AND Count_precharge(1) >= 1 AND NOW - Count_time(1) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_2 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(1) >= 2 AND NOW - Count_time(1) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_4 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(1) >= 4 AND NOW - Count_time(1) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_8 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(1) >= 8 AND NOW - Count_time(1) >= tWRa))) OR
                 (RW_interrupt_write(1) = '1' AND WR_counter(1) >= 1 AND NOW - WR_time(1) >= tWRa)) THEN
                Auto_precharge(1) := '0';
                Write_precharge(1) := '0';
                RW_interrupt_write(1) := '0';
                Pc_b1 := '1';
                Act_b1 := '0';
                RP_chk1 := NOW;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF ((Auto_precharge(2) = '1') AND (Write_precharge(2) = '1')) THEN
            IF (((NOW - RAS_chk2 >= tRAS) AND
               (((Burst_length_1 = '1' OR Write_burst_mode = '1' ) AND Count_precharge(2) >= 1 AND NOW - Count_time(2) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_2 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(2) >= 2 AND NOW - Count_time(2) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_4 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(2) >= 4 AND NOW - Count_time(2) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_8 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(2) >= 8 AND NOW - Count_time(2) >= tWRa))) OR
                 (RW_interrupt_write(2) = '1' AND WR_counter(2) >= 1 AND NOW - WR_time(2) >= tWRa)) THEN
                Auto_precharge(2) := '0';
                Write_precharge(2) := '0';
                RW_interrupt_write(2) := '0';
                Pc_b2 := '1';
                Act_b2 := '0';
                RP_chk2 := NOW;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF ((Auto_precharge(3) = '1') AND (Write_precharge(3) = '1')) THEN
            IF (((NOW - RAS_chk3 >= tRAS) AND
               (((Burst_length_1 = '1' OR Write_burst_mode = '1' ) AND Count_precharge(3) >= 1 AND NOW - Count_time(3) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_2 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(3) >= 2 AND NOW - Count_time(3) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_4 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(3) >= 4 AND NOW - Count_time(3) >= tWRa)  OR
                 (Burst_length_8 = '1'                             AND Count_precharge(3) >= 8 AND NOW - Count_time(3) >= tWRa))) OR
                 (RW_interrupt_write(0) = '1' AND WR_counter(0) >= 1 AND NOW - WR_time(3) >= tWRa)) THEN
                Auto_precharge(3) := '0';
                Write_precharge(3) := '0';
                RW_interrupt_write(3) := '0';
                Pc_b3 := '1';
                Act_b3 := '0';
                RP_chk3 := NOW;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        -- Checking internal wires (Optional for debug purpose)
        Pre_chk (0) <= Pc_b0;
        Pre_chk (1) <= Pc_b1;
        Pre_chk (2) <= Pc_b2;
        Pre_chk (3) <= Pc_b3;
        Act_chk (0) <= Act_b0;
        Act_chk (1) <= Act_b1;
        Act_chk (2) <= Act_b2;
        Act_chk (3) <= Act_b3;
        Dq_in_chk   <= Data_in_enable;
        Dq_out_chk  <= Data_out_enable;
        Bank_chk    <= Bank;
        Row_chk     <= Row;
        Col_chk     <= Col;
    END PROCESS;    
    -- Clock timing checks
--    Clock_check : PROCESS
--        VARIABLE Clk_low, Clk_high : TIME := 0 ns;
--    BEGIN       
--        WAIT ON Clk;
--        IF (Clk = '1' AND NOW >= 10 ns) THEN
--            ASSERT (NOW - Clk_low >= tCL)
--                REPORT "tCL violation"
--                SEVERITY WARNING;
--            ASSERT (NOW - Clk_high >= tCK)
--                REPORT "tCK violation"
--                SEVERITY WARNING;
--            Clk_high := NOW;
--        ELSIF (Clk = '0' AND NOW /= 0 ns) THEN
--            ASSERT (NOW - Clk_high >= tCH)
--                REPORT "tCH violation"
--                SEVERITY WARNING;
--            Clk_low := NOW;
--        END IF;
--    END PROCESS;    
    -- Setup timing checks
    Setup_check : PROCESS
        WAIT ON Clk;
        IF Clk = '1' THEN
            ASSERT(Cke'LAST_EVENT >= tCKS) 		--'
                REPORT "CKE Setup time violation -- tCKS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Cs_n'LAST_EVENT >= tCMS) 		--'
                REPORT "CS# Setup time violation -- tCMS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Cas_n'LAST_EVENT >= tCMS) 		--'
                REPORT "CAS# Setup time violation -- tCMS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Ras_n'LAST_EVENT >= tCMS) 		--'
                REPORT "RAS# Setup time violation -- tCMS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(We_n'LAST_EVENT >= tCMS) 		--'
                REPORT "WE# Setup time violation -- tCMS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Dqm'LAST_EVENT >= tCMS) 		--'
                REPORT "Dqm Setup time violation -- tCMS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Addr'LAST_EVENT >= tAS) 		--'
                REPORT "ADDR Setup time violation -- tAS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Ba'LAST_EVENT >= tAS) 		--'
                REPORT "BA Setup time violation -- tAS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Dq'LAST_EVENT >= tDS) 		--'
                REPORT "Dq Setup time violation -- tDS"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
        END IF;   
    -- Hold timing checks
    Hold_check : PROCESS
        IF Clk'DELAYED (tCKH) = '1' THEN 		--'
            ASSERT(Cke'LAST_EVENT > tCKH) 		--'
                REPORT "CKE Hold time violation -- tCKH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
        END IF;
        IF Clk'DELAYED (tCMH) = '1' THEN 		--'
            ASSERT(Cs_n'LAST_EVENT > tCMH) 		--'
                REPORT "CS# Hold time violation -- tCMH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Cas_n'LAST_EVENT > tCMH) 		--'
                REPORT "CAS# Hold time violation -- tCMH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Ras_n'LAST_EVENT > tCMH) 		--'
                REPORT "RAS# Hold time violation -- tCMH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(We_n'LAST_EVENT > tCMH) 		--'
                REPORT "WE# Hold time violation -- tCMH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Dqm'LAST_EVENT > tCMH) 		--'
                REPORT "Dqm Hold time violation -- tCMH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
        END IF;
        IF Clk'DELAYED (tAH) = '1' THEN 		--'
            ASSERT(Addr'LAST_EVENT > tAH) 		--'
                REPORT "ADDR Hold time violation -- tAH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
            ASSERT(Ba'LAST_EVENT > tAH) 		--'
                REPORT "BA Hold time violation -- tAH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
        END IF;
        IF Clk'DELAYED (tDH) = '1' THEN 		--'
            ASSERT(Dq'LAST_EVENT > tDH) 		--'
                REPORT "Dq Hold time violation -- tDH"
                SEVERITY WARNING;
        END IF;
END behave;
-- pragma translate_on

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