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[/] [mipsr2000/] [trunk/] [fsm.vhd] - Rev 59
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: Lazaridis Dimitris -- -- Create Date: 00:18:09 06/13/2012 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: fsm - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values --use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating -- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity fsm is Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; rst : in STD_LOGIC; RegDst, RegWrite, ALUSrcA, MemRead, MemWrite, Mult_en, IorD, IRWrite, PCWrite, EqNq,ALUsw : out std_logic; instr_31_26,immed_addr : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); ALUOp, ALUSrcB, PCSource,ALUmux : OUT std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); ALUop_sw,RFmux : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ); end fsm; architecture Behavioral of fsm is TYPE state_type IS ( InstDec, MemAddComp, MemAccL, MemReadCompl, MemAccS, MultWrite, Exec, MultComlFlo, MultComlFhi, RCompl, BranchCompare, BranchCompl, BranchComplNe, I_typeExe, I_typeComplt, JrCompl, JalrCompl, ErrState, InstFetch ); SIGNAL state, next_state : state_type; begin -- State process state_reg : PROCESS(clk, rst) BEGIN IF rst = '0' THEN state <= InstFetch; ELSIF RISING_EDGE(clk) THEN state <= next_state; END IF; END PROCESS; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Logic Process logic_process : PROCESS(state,instr_31_26,immed_addr) -- ALUOp ALUSrcB PCSource ALUmux --4x2bit VARIABLE control_signals : std_logic_vector(21 downto 0); VARIABLE ALUop_3_sw : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Defintion of Constants Constant LOADWORD : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "100011"; Constant LOADBYTE : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "010100"; Constant STOREWORD : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "101011"; Constant RTYPE : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "000000"; Constant BEQ : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "000100"; Constant BNE : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "000101"; Constant ADDI: std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001000"; Constant ADDIU : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001001"; Constant ANDI : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001100"; Constant ORI : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001101"; Constant XORI : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001110"; Constant LUI : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001111"; Constant SLTI : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001010"; Constant SLTIU : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001011"; Constant JR : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001000"; Constant JALR : std_logic_vector(5 Downto 0) := "001001"; BEGIN CASE state IS -- Instruction Fetch WHEN InstFetch => control_signals := "0000000011000100000000"; --checked lw next_state <= InstDec; -- Instruction Decode and Register Fetch WHEN InstDec => control_signals := "0000000010000000000000"; --checked lw "000000000000000001100"; IF instr_31_26 = LOADWORD OR instr_31_26 = LOADBYTE OR instr_31_26 = STOREWORD THEN next_state <= MemAddComp; ELSIF immed_addr = JR AND instr_31_26 = RTYPE THEN next_state <= JrCompl; ELSIF immed_addr = JALR AND instr_31_26 = RTYPE THEN next_state <= JalrCompl; ELSIF (instr_31_26 = RTYPE and immed_addr = "010001") OR --Mthi (instr_31_26 = RTYPE and immed_addr = "010011") OR --Mtlo (instr_31_26 = RTYPE and immed_addr = "011000") THEN --Mult next_state <= MultWrite; ELSIF instr_31_26 = RTYPE THEN next_state <= Exec; ELSIF instr_31_26 = BEQ OR instr_31_26 = BNE THEN next_state <= BranchCompare; ELSIF instr_31_26 = ADDI OR instr_31_26 = ADDIU OR instr_31_26 = ANDI OR instr_31_26 = ORI OR instr_31_26 = XORI OR instr_31_26 = LUI OR instr_31_26 = SLTI OR instr_31_26 = SLTIU THEN next_state <= I_typeExe; ELSE next_state <= ErrState; END IF; -- Memory Address Computation WHEN MemAddComp => control_signals := "0000100010000000001000"; --checked lw have to add alusrca if instr_31_26 = LOADWORD OR instr_31_26 = LOADBYTE THEN next_state <= MemAccL; ELSIF instr_31_26 = STOREWORD THEN next_state <= MemAccS; ELSE next_state <= ErrState; END IF; -- Memory Access Load Word WHEN MemAccL => control_signals := "0000100011001000001000"; --checked lw iii next_state <= MemReadCompl; -- Memory Read Completion WHEN MemReadCompl => control_signals := "0110000110000010001000"; --checked lw "000000110010000001000" next_state <= InstFetch; -- Memory Access Store Word WHEN MemAccS => control_signals := "0000000011101010001000"; --sw next_state <= InstFetch; -- Multi exe write WHEN MultWrite => control_signals := "1000100010010010100000"; next_state <= InstFetch; -- Execution WHEN Exec => control_signals := "1000100010000000100000"; --Mult Completion IF (immed_addr = "010010" and instr_31_26 = RTYPE) THEN --Mflo next_state <= MultComlFlo; --Mflo ELSIF (immed_addr = "010000" and instr_31_26 = RTYPE) THEN --Mfhi next_state <= MultComlFhi; --Mfhi ELSIF (instr_31_26 = RTYPE) THEN next_state <= RCompl; ELSE next_state <= ErrState; END IF; --Mflo Completion WHEN MultComlFlo => control_signals := "1010001110000010100000"; --Mult_Mflo next_state <= InstFetch; --Mfhi Completion WHEN MultComlFhi => control_signals := "1000001110000010100000"; --Mult_Mfhi next_state <= InstFetch; -- R-type Completion WHEN RCompl => control_signals := "1100001110000010100000"; --add next_state <= InstFetch; -- Branch Compare WHEN BranchCompare => control_signals := "0000100010000000110001"; IF instr_31_26 = BEQ THEN next_state <= BranchCompl; ELSIF instr_31_26 = BNE THEN next_state <= BranchComplNe; ELSE next_state <= ErrState; END IF; -- Branch Completion WHEN BranchCompl => control_signals := "0000100010000010110001"; --beq next_state <= InstFetch; -- Branch no equal Completion WHEN BranchComplNe => control_signals := "0000100010000011110001"; --bne next_state <= InstFetch; --I types execution WHEN I_typeExe => control_signals := "1000100010000000111000"; -- I type next_state <= I_typeComplt; --I types Completion WHEN I_typeComplt => control_signals := "0100100110000010001000"; next_state <= InstFetch; -- Jump Completion WHEN JrCompl => control_signals := "0000000000000010000010"; next_state <= InstFetch; WHEN JalrCompl => control_signals := "0001001100000010000010"; next_state <= InstFetch; --WHEN ErrState => --control_signals := "0000000000000000000000"; -- i have to built soft reset --next_state <= InstFetch; WHEN OTHERS => control_signals := (others => 'X'); next_state <= ErrState; END case; ALUsw <= control_signals(21); -- for r types RFmux <= control_signals(20 downto 18); ALUmux <= control_signals(17 downto 16); RegDst <= control_signals(15); RegWrite <= control_signals(14); ALUSrcA <= control_signals(13); MemRead <= control_signals(12); MemWrite <= control_signals(11); Mult_en <= control_signals(10); IorD <= control_signals(9); IRWrite <= control_signals(8); PCWrite <= control_signals(7); EqNq <= control_signals(6); ALUOp <= control_signals(5 downto 4); ALUSrcB <= control_signals(3 downto 2); PCSource <= control_signals(1 downto 0); ALUop_3_sw(1 downto 0) := control_signals(5 downto 4); ALUop_3_sw(2 downto 2) := control_signals(21 downto 21); ALUop_sw <= ALUop_3_sw; END process; end Behavioral;
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