Subversion Repositories mjpeg-decoder
[/] [mjpeg-decoder/] [trunk/] [mjpeg/] [pcores/] [myipif/] [hdl/] [vhdl/] [jpeg_dezigzag.vhd] - Rev 4
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Two shift registers are used, when nr1 is full and nr2 is empty -- they are nr1 is mapped on nr2 in a reverse-zigzag order. Additionally -- the "matrix" is transposed to compensate transponation of successional -- the idct-core. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity jpeg_dezigzag is port( Clk : in std_logic; context_i: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); data_i : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); reset_i : in std_logic; context_o: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); data_o : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- flow control datavalid_i : in std_logic; datavalid_o : out std_logic; ready_i : in std_logic; ready_o : out std_logic ); end entity jpeg_dezigzag; architecture IMP of jpeg_dezigzag is type sr is array (0 to 63) of std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); signal sr_in, sr_out : sr := (others=>X"000"); signal ce_in, ce_out : std_logic :='0'; signal counter_in : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) :=(others=>'0'); signal counter_out : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) :=(others=>'0'); signal do_copy, do_copy_D : std_logic :='0'; signal stop_in, stop_in_D : std_logic :='0'; signal stop_out, stop_out_D : std_logic :='1'; signal stop_eoi_out, stop_eoi_out_D : std_logic := '1'; signal context, context_D : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) :=(others=>'0'); signal eoi, eoi_D : std_logic :='0'; signal eoi_hold, eoi_hold_D : std_logic :='0'; signal ready, ready_D : std_logic :='1'; begin ready_o <= ready; datavalid_o <= (ce_out and not do_copy); data_o <= sr_out(0); context_o <= context; process(ready, counter_in, do_copy) begin ready_D <= ready; if (counter_in=63) then ready_D <='0'; elsif(do_copy='1') then ready_D<='1'; end if; end process; process(Clk) begin if rising_edge(Clk) then if(reset_i='1') then ready <='1'; elsif ce_in='1' then ready <= ready_D; end if; end if; end process; process(stop_eoi_out, counter_in, do_copy) begin stop_eoi_out_D <= stop_eoi_out; if (counter_in=1) then stop_eoi_out_D <='1'; elsif(do_copy='1') then stop_eoi_out_D<='0'; end if; end process; process(Clk) begin if rising_edge(Clk) then if(reset_i='1') then stop_eoi_out <='1'; elsif ce_in='1' then stop_eoi_out <= stop_eoi_out_D; end if; end if; end process; -- handle the context process(eoi, eoi_hold, context_i, counter_out, do_copy, stop_eoi_out) begin eoi_D <= eoi; eoi_hold_D <= eoi_hold; if (context_i(3)='1' and do_copy='0' and stop_eoi_out='1') then eoi_hold_D <= '1'; elsif(context_i(3)='1' and (do_copy='1' and stop_eoi_out='1')) then eoi_D <= '1'; eoi_hold_D <= '0'; elsif(context_i(3)='1' and stop_eoi_out='0') then eoi_D <= '1'; eoi_hold_D <= '0'; elsif(eoi_hold='1' and do_copy='1') then eoi_D <= '1'; eoi_hold_D <= '0'; end if; if (counter_out=63 and eoi='1') then eoi_D <= '0'; eoi_hold_D <= '0'; end if; end process; process(Clk) begin if rising_edge(Clk) then eoi <= eoi_D; eoi_hold <= eoi_hold_D; context <= '0' & '0' & context(1 downto 0); if counter_in=60 then context_D <= context_i; end if; if do_copy='1' then context <= context_D; end if; if reset_i='1' then context <= (others=>'0'); eoi <='0'; eoi_hold <='0'; elsif counter_out=63 and ce_out='1' then context(3) <= eoi; end if; end if; end process; -- SHIFT_IN process(Clk) begin if rising_edge(Clk) then if reset_i='1' then sr_in <= (others=>X"000"); counter_in <= (others=>'0'); elsif ce_in='1' and do_copy='0' then sr_in <= sr_in(1 to 63) & data_i; counter_in <= counter_in+1; end if; end if; end process; process(datavalid_i, stop_in, do_copy) begin if datavalid_i='1' and stop_in='0' then ce_in <='1'; elsif(do_copy='1') then ce_in <= '1'; else ce_in <='0'; end if; end process; process(counter_in, do_copy, ce_in) begin stop_in_D <= stop_in; if(do_copy='1') then stop_in_D <= '0'; elsif counter_in="111111" and ce_in='1' then stop_in_D <= '1'; end if; end process; process(Clk) begin if rising_edge(Clk) then if reset_i='1' then stop_in <= '0'; else stop_in <= stop_in_D; end if; end if; end process; -- DO_COPY process(stop_in, stop_out) begin if stop_in ='1' and stop_out='1' then do_copy_D <= '1'; else do_copy_D <= '0'; end if; end process; process(Clk) begin if rising_edge(Clk) then if(reset_i='1') then do_copy <='0'; else do_copy <= do_copy_D; end if; end if; end process; -- SHIFT_OUT process(Clk) begin if rising_edge(Clk) then if reset_i='1' then sr_out <= (others=>X"000"); counter_out <= (others=>'0'); elsif do_copy='1' then -- -- do the Zig-Zag Mapping -- sr_out(00) <= sr_in(00); -- sr_out(01) <= sr_in(01); -- sr_out(02) <= sr_in(05); -- sr_out(03) <= sr_in(06); -- sr_out(04) <= sr_in(14); -- sr_out(05) <= sr_in(17); -- sr_out(06) <= sr_in(27); -- sr_out(07) <= sr_in(28); -- sr_out(08) <= sr_in(02); -- sr_out(09) <= sr_in(04); -- sr_out(10) <= sr_in(07); -- sr_out(11) <= sr_in(13); -- sr_out(12) <= sr_in(16); -- sr_out(13) <= sr_in(26); -- sr_out(14) <= sr_in(29); -- sr_out(15) <= sr_in(42); -- sr_out(16) <= sr_in(03); -- sr_out(17) <= sr_in(08); -- sr_out(18) <= sr_in(12); -- sr_out(19) <= sr_in(17); -- sr_out(20) <= sr_in(25); -- sr_out(21) <= sr_in(30); -- sr_out(22) <= sr_in(41); -- sr_out(23) <= sr_in(43); -- sr_out(24) <= sr_in(09); -- sr_out(25) <= sr_in(11); -- sr_out(26) <= sr_in(18); -- sr_out(27) <= sr_in(24); -- sr_out(28) <= sr_in(31); -- sr_out(29) <= sr_in(40); -- sr_out(30) <= sr_in(44); -- sr_out(31) <= sr_in(53); -- sr_out(32) <= sr_in(10); -- sr_out(33) <= sr_in(19); -- sr_out(34) <= sr_in(23); -- sr_out(35) <= sr_in(32); -- sr_out(36) <= sr_in(39); -- sr_out(37) <= sr_in(45); -- sr_out(38) <= sr_in(52); -- sr_out(39) <= sr_in(54); -- sr_out(40) <= sr_in(20); -- sr_out(41) <= sr_in(22); -- sr_out(42) <= sr_in(33); -- sr_out(43) <= sr_in(38); -- sr_out(44) <= sr_in(46); -- sr_out(45) <= sr_in(51); -- sr_out(46) <= sr_in(55); -- sr_out(47) <= sr_in(60); -- sr_out(48) <= sr_in(21); -- sr_out(49) <= sr_in(34); -- sr_out(50) <= sr_in(37); -- sr_out(51) <= sr_in(47); -- sr_out(52) <= sr_in(50); -- sr_out(53) <= sr_in(56); -- sr_out(54) <= sr_in(59); -- sr_out(55) <= sr_in(61); -- sr_out(56) <= sr_in(35); -- sr_out(57) <= sr_in(36); -- sr_out(58) <= sr_in(48); -- sr_out(59) <= sr_in(49); -- sr_out(60) <= sr_in(57); -- sr_out(61) <= sr_in(58); -- sr_out(62) <= sr_in(62); -- sr_out(63) <= sr_in(63); -- additionally transpose the inputx matrix -- to compensate the column-wise output of the successional idct-entity sr_out(00) <= sr_in(00); sr_out(08) <= sr_in(01); sr_out(16) <= sr_in(05); sr_out(24) <= sr_in(06); sr_out(32) <= sr_in(14); sr_out(40) <= sr_in(17); sr_out(48) <= sr_in(27); sr_out(56) <= sr_in(28); sr_out(01) <= sr_in(02); sr_out(09) <= sr_in(04); sr_out(17) <= sr_in(07); sr_out(25) <= sr_in(13); sr_out(33) <= sr_in(16); sr_out(41) <= sr_in(26); sr_out(49) <= sr_in(29); sr_out(57) <= sr_in(42); sr_out(02) <= sr_in(03); sr_out(10) <= sr_in(08); sr_out(18) <= sr_in(12); sr_out(26) <= sr_in(17); sr_out(34) <= sr_in(25); sr_out(42) <= sr_in(30); sr_out(50) <= sr_in(41); sr_out(58) <= sr_in(43); sr_out(03) <= sr_in(09); sr_out(11) <= sr_in(11); sr_out(19) <= sr_in(18); sr_out(27) <= sr_in(24); sr_out(35) <= sr_in(31); sr_out(43) <= sr_in(40); sr_out(51) <= sr_in(44); sr_out(59) <= sr_in(53); sr_out(04) <= sr_in(10); sr_out(12) <= sr_in(19); sr_out(20) <= sr_in(23); sr_out(28) <= sr_in(32); sr_out(36) <= sr_in(39); sr_out(44) <= sr_in(45); sr_out(51) <= sr_in(52); sr_out(60) <= sr_in(54); sr_out(05) <= sr_in(20); sr_out(13) <= sr_in(22); sr_out(21) <= sr_in(33); sr_out(29) <= sr_in(38); sr_out(37) <= sr_in(46); sr_out(45) <= sr_in(51); sr_out(53) <= sr_in(55); sr_out(61) <= sr_in(60); sr_out(06) <= sr_in(21); sr_out(14) <= sr_in(34); sr_out(22) <= sr_in(37); sr_out(30) <= sr_in(47); sr_out(38) <= sr_in(50); sr_out(46) <= sr_in(56); sr_out(54) <= sr_in(59); sr_out(62) <= sr_in(61); sr_out(07) <= sr_in(35); sr_out(15) <= sr_in(36); sr_out(23) <= sr_in(48); sr_out(31) <= sr_in(49); sr_out(39) <= sr_in(57); sr_out(47) <= sr_in(58); sr_out(55) <= sr_in(62); sr_out(63) <= sr_in(63); elsif ce_out='1' and do_copy='0' then sr_out <= sr_out(1 to 63) & X"000"; counter_out <= counter_out+1; end if; end if; end process; process(ready_i, stop_out, do_copy) begin if ready_i='1' and stop_out='0' then ce_out <='1'; elsif(do_copy='1') then ce_out <= '1'; else ce_out <='0'; end if; end process; process(counter_out, do_copy, ce_out) begin stop_out_D <= stop_out; if(do_copy='1') then stop_out_D <= '0'; elsif counter_out="111111" and ce_out='1' then stop_out_D <= '1'; end if; end process; process(Clk) begin if rising_edge(Clk) then if reset_i='1' then stop_out <= '1'; else stop_out <= stop_out_D; end if; end if; end process; end IMP;
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