Subversion Repositories mjpeg-decoder
[/] [mjpeg-decoder/] [web_uploads/] [oc_checkin.sh] - Rev 5
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#!/bin/bash # AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED SCRIPT # Scans the cores directory, excludes the projects and subdirectories # listed below, and generates a script which checks in all of the # remaining files to the SVN repository # This should be run and the output piped to a new file something like: # ./oc_cvs_checkin.sh > checkin_script.sh # and then probably the execute permission enabled on checkin_script.sh 8b10b_encdec acxbrd adder ae68 aes_128_192_256 aes_fekete256 all_digital_fm_receiver alternascope aquarius aspida ata auto_baud a_vhd_16550_uart a_vhdl_can_controller avr_core baudgen binary_to_bcd biquad bluespec-h264 bluetooth board camellia can cereon cf_cordic cf_fft cf_fir cf_fp_mul cf_interleaver cf_ldpc cf_rca cf_ssp const_encoder cordic cpugen cryptosorter dct ddr_sdr decoder des dfp diogenes dram dualspartainc6713cpci dwt2d e123mux e1framerdeframer embedded_risc epp erp ethernet_tri_mode eus100lx eusfs fac2222m fast-crc fbas_encoder fcpu ffr16 fht fifouart filter firewire fir_filter_generator floating_point_adder_subtractor fpga fpgaconfig fpu fpu100 freetools gamepads gh_vhdl_library gpio graphicallcd graphiti gsc gup hamming_gen hdlc help i2c i2clog i2c_slave i2s i2s_interface ic6821 idea iiepci interface_vga80x40 irda iso7816-3 jpeg jpegcompression jtag keypad_scanner l8051 lcd lcd_controller ldpc_decoder_802_3an ldpc_encoder_802_3an lem1_9min lowpowerfir lpu lwrisc man2uart manchesterencoderdecoder maxii-evalboard mb-jpeg mcpu mdct mem_ctrl memory_cores memory_sizer mfpga minimips minirisc mips789 mipss most mpdma ncore neptune-core nnARM npigrctrl oab1 ocmips ocrp-1 opencores openfire2 openh263 openriscdevboard opentech openverifla or1k-new ovcodec pavr pci pci-board pci_controller pci_mini performance_counter perlilog picoblaze_interrupt_controller piranha profibus_dp project ps2 ptc radixrsa raggedstone rfid rijndael risc16f84 risc5x risc_core_i riscmcu rng_lib robot_control_library rs232_syscon rs_5_3_gf256 rsa rsencoder scarm sdram serial_div_uu sfpga sha1 simple_uart single_port smbus_if sonet spacewire spimaster spi-slave ssram sts1 sxp system09 system11 system68 system6801 tdm tdm_switch template test test1 test2 test-project ts7300_opencore turbocodes tv80 twofish_team uart16550 ucore ultimate_crc upcable usb_dongle_fpga usbhost usbhostslave usucc vga_lcd vhcg vhdl_cpu_emulator video_starter_kit wb2hpi wb_builder wb_conmax wbc_parallel_master wb_dma wb_rtc wb_tk wb_vga wishbone xmatchpro yellowstar yoda z80soc zpu