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[/] [mkjpeg/] [branches/] [16rgb/] [trunk/] [design/] [huffman/] [Huffman.vhd] - Rev 70
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File Name : Huffman.vhd -- -- Project : JPEG_ENC -- -- Module : Huffman -- -- Content : Huffman Encoder -- -- Description : Huffman encoder core -- -- Spec. : -- -- Author : Michal Krepa -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- History : -- 20090228: (MK): Initial Creation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- LIBRARY/PACKAGE --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- generic packages/libraries: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- user packages/libraries: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library work; use work.JPEG_PKG.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ENTITY ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity Huffman is port ( CLK : in std_logic; RST : in std_logic; -- CTRL start_pb : in std_logic; ready_pb : out std_logic; huf_sm_settings : in T_SM_SETTINGS; -- HOST IF sof : in std_logic; img_size_x : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); img_size_y : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); cmp_max : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- RLE rle_buf_sel : out std_logic; rd_en : out std_logic; runlength : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); VLI_size : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); VLI : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); d_val : in std_logic; rle_fifo_empty : in std_logic; -- Byte Stuffer bs_buf_sel : in std_logic; bs_fifo_empty : out std_logic; bs_rd_req : in std_logic; bs_packed_byte : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end entity Huffman; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ARCHITECTURE ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture RTL of Huffman is type T_STATE is (IDLE, RUN_VLC, RUN_VLI, PAD); constant C_M : integer := 23; constant BLK_SIZE : integer := 64; signal state : T_STATE; signal rle_buf_sel_s : std_logic; signal first_rle_word : std_logic; signal word_reg : unsigned(C_M-1 downto 0); signal bit_ptr : unsigned(4 downto 0); signal num_fifo_wrs : unsigned(1 downto 0); signal VLI_ext : unsigned(15 downto 0); signal VLI_ext_size : unsigned(4 downto 0); signal ready_HFW : std_logic; signal fifo_wbyte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal fifo_wrt_cnt : unsigned(1 downto 0); signal fifo_wren : std_logic; signal last_block : std_logic; signal image_area_size : unsigned(33 downto 0); signal block_cnt : unsigned(27 downto 0); signal VLC_size : unsigned(4 downto 0); signal VLC : unsigned(15 downto 0); signal VLC_DC_size : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal VLC_DC : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal VLC_AC_size : unsigned(4 downto 0); signal VLC_AC : unsigned(15 downto 0); signal vlc_vld : std_logic; signal d_val_d1 : std_logic; signal d_val_d2 : std_logic; signal d_val_d3 : std_logic; signal d_val_d4 : std_logic; signal VLI_size_d : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal VLI_d : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); signal VLI_size_d1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal VLI_d1 : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); signal HFW_running : std_logic; signal runlength_r : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal VLI_size_r : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal VLI_r : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); signal rd_en_s : std_logic; signal pad_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pad_reg : std_logic; signal VLC_CR_DC_size : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal VLC_CR_DC : unsigned(10 downto 0); signal VLC_CR_AC_size : unsigned(4 downto 0); signal VLC_CR_AC : unsigned(15 downto 0); signal start_pb_d1 : std_logic; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture: begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin rle_buf_sel <= rle_buf_sel_s; rd_en <= rd_en_s; vlc_vld <= rd_en_s; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- latch FIFO Q ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_latch_fifo : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then VLI_size_r <= (others => '0'); VLI_r <= (others => '0'); elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then if d_val = '1' then VLI_size_r <= VLI_size; VLI_r <= VLI; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DC_ROM Luminance ------------------------------------------------------------------- U_DC_ROM : entity work.DC_ROM port map ( CLK => CLK, RST => RST, VLI_size => VLI_size, VLC_DC_size => VLC_DC_size, VLC_DC => VLC_DC ); ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AC_ROM Luminance ------------------------------------------------------------------- U_AC_ROM : entity work.AC_ROM port map ( CLK => CLK, RST => RST, runlength => runlength, VLI_size => VLI_size, VLC_AC_size => VLC_AC_size, VLC_AC => VLC_AC ); ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DC_ROM Chrominance ------------------------------------------------------------------- U_DC_CR_ROM : entity work.DC_CR_ROM port map ( CLK => CLK, RST => RST, VLI_size => VLI_size, VLC_DC_size => VLC_CR_DC_size, VLC_DC => VLC_CR_DC ); ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AC_ROM Chrominance ------------------------------------------------------------------- U_AC_CR_ROM : entity work.AC_CR_ROM port map ( CLK => CLK, RST => RST, runlength => runlength, VLI_size => VLI_size, VLC_AC_size => VLC_CR_AC_size, VLC_AC => VLC_CR_AC ); ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Double Fifo ------------------------------------------------------------------- U_DoubleFifo : entity work.DoubleFifo port map ( CLK => CLK, RST => RST, -- HUFFMAN data_in => fifo_wbyte, wren => fifo_wren, -- BYTE STUFFER buf_sel => bs_buf_sel, rd_req => bs_rd_req, fifo_empty => bs_fifo_empty, data_out => bs_packed_byte ); ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RLE buf_sel ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_rle_buf_sel : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then rle_buf_sel_s <= '0'; elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then if start_pb = '1' then rle_buf_sel_s <= not rle_buf_sel_s; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- mux for DC/AC ROM Luminance/Chrominance ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_mux : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then VLC_size <= (others => '0'); VLC <= (others => '0'); elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then -- DC if first_rle_word = '1' then -- luminance if huf_sm_settings.cmp_idx = 0 then VLC_size <= unsigned('0' & VLC_DC_size); VLC <= resize(VLC_DC, VLC'length); -- chrominance else VLC_size <= unsigned('0' & VLC_CR_DC_size); VLC <= resize(VLC_CR_DC, VLC'length); end if; -- AC else -- luminance if huf_sm_settings.cmp_idx = 0 then VLC_size <= VLC_AC_size; VLC <= VLC_AC; -- chrominance else VLC_size <= VLC_CR_AC_size; VLC <= VLC_CR_AC; end if; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Block Counter / Last Block detector ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_blk_cnt : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then image_area_size <= (others => '0'); last_block <= '0'; elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then image_area_size <= unsigned(cmp_max)* unsigned(img_size_x)*unsigned(img_size_y); if sof = '1' then block_cnt <= (others => '0'); elsif start_pb = '1' then block_cnt <= block_cnt + 1; end if; if block_cnt = image_area_size(33 downto 6) then last_block <= '1'; else last_block <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; VLI_ext <= unsigned("0000" & VLI_d1); VLI_ext_size <= unsigned('0' & VLI_size_d1); ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- delay line ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_vli_dly : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then VLI_d <= (others => '0'); VLI_size_d <= (others => '0'); VLI_d1 <= (others => '0'); VLI_size_d1 <= (others => '0'); d_val_d1 <= '0'; d_val_d2 <= '0'; d_val_d3 <= '0'; d_val_d4 <= '0'; elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then VLI_d1 <= VLI_r; VLI_size_d1 <= VLI_size_r; VLI_d <= VLI_d1; VLI_size_d <= VLI_size_d1; d_val_d1 <= d_val; d_val_d2 <= d_val_d1; d_val_d3 <= d_val_d2; d_val_d4 <= d_val_d3; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HandleFifoWrites ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_HandleFifoWrites : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then ready_HFW <= '0'; fifo_wrt_cnt <= (others => '0'); fifo_wren <= '0'; fifo_wbyte <= (others => '0'); rd_en_s <= '0'; start_pb_d1 <= '0'; elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then fifo_wren <= '0'; ready_HFW <= '0'; rd_en_s <= '0'; start_pb_d1 <= start_pb; if start_pb_d1 = '1' then rd_en_s <= '1' and not rle_fifo_empty; end if; if HFW_running = '1' and ready_HFW = '0' then -- there is no at least one integer byte to write this time if num_fifo_wrs = 0 then ready_HFW <= '1'; if state = RUN_VLI then rd_en_s <= '1' and not rle_fifo_empty; end if; -- single byte write to FIFO else fifo_wrt_cnt <= fifo_wrt_cnt + 1; fifo_wren <= '1'; -- last byte write if fifo_wrt_cnt + 1 = num_fifo_wrs then ready_HFW <= '1'; if state = RUN_VLI then rd_en_s <= '1' and not rle_fifo_empty; end if; fifo_wrt_cnt <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end if; case fifo_wrt_cnt is when "00" => fifo_wbyte <= std_logic_vector(word_reg(C_M-1 downto C_M-8)); when "01" => fifo_wbyte <= std_logic_vector(word_reg(C_M-8-1 downto C_M-16)); when others => fifo_wbyte <= (others => '0'); end case; if pad_reg = '1' then fifo_wbyte <= pad_byte; end if; end if; end process; -- divide by 8 num_fifo_wrs <= bit_ptr(4 downto 3); ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Variable Length Processor FSM ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_vlp : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then ready_pb <= '0'; first_rle_word <= '0'; state <= IDLE; word_reg <= (others => '0'); bit_ptr <= (others => '0'); HFW_running <= '0'; pad_reg <= '0'; pad_byte <= (others => '0'); elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then ready_pb <= '0'; case state is when IDLE => if start_pb = '1' then first_rle_word <= '1'; state <= RUN_VLC; end if; when RUN_VLC => -- data valid DC or data valid AC if (d_val_d1 = '1' and first_rle_word = '1') or (d_val = '1' and first_rle_word = '0') then for i in 0 to C_M-1 loop if i < to_integer(VLC_size) then word_reg(C_M-1-to_integer(bit_ptr)-i) <= VLC(to_integer(VLC_size)-1-i); end if; end loop; bit_ptr <= bit_ptr + resize(VLC_size,bit_ptr'length); -- HandleFifoWrites HFW_running <= '1'; -- HandleFifoWrites completed elsif HFW_running = '1' and (num_fifo_wrs = 0 or fifo_wrt_cnt + 1 = num_fifo_wrs) then -- shift word reg left to skip bytes already written to FIFO word_reg <= shift_left(word_reg, to_integer(num_fifo_wrs & "000")); -- adjust bit pointer after some bytes were written to FIFO -- modulo 8 operation bit_ptr <= bit_ptr - (num_fifo_wrs & "000"); HFW_running <= '0'; first_rle_word <= '0'; state <= RUN_VLI; end if; when RUN_VLI => if HFW_running = '0' then for i in 0 to C_M-1 loop if i < to_integer(VLI_ext_size) then word_reg(C_M-1-to_integer(bit_ptr)-i) <= VLI_ext(to_integer(VLI_ext_size)-1-i); end if; end loop; bit_ptr <= bit_ptr + resize(VLI_ext_size,bit_ptr'length); -- HandleFifoWrites HFW_running <= '1'; -- HandleFifoWrites completed elsif HFW_running = '1' and (num_fifo_wrs = 0 or fifo_wrt_cnt + 1 = num_fifo_wrs) then -- shift word reg left to skip bytes already written to FIFO word_reg <= shift_left(word_reg, to_integer(num_fifo_wrs & "000")); -- adjust bit pointer after some bytes were written to FIFO -- modulo 8 operation bit_ptr <= bit_ptr - (num_fifo_wrs & "000"); HFW_running <= '0'; -- end of block if rle_fifo_empty = '1' then -- end of segment if bit_ptr - (num_fifo_wrs & "000") /= 0 and last_block = '1' then state <= PAD; else ready_pb <= '1'; state <= IDLE; end if; else state <= RUN_VLC; end if; end if; -- end of segment which requires bit padding when PAD => if HFW_running = '0' then -- 1's bit padding to integer number of bytes for i in 0 to 7 loop if i < bit_ptr then pad_byte(7-i) <= word_reg(C_M-1-i); else pad_byte(7-i) <= '1'; end if; end loop; pad_reg <= '1'; bit_ptr <= to_unsigned(8, bit_ptr'length); -- HandleFifoWrites HFW_running <= '1'; elsif HFW_running = '1' and (num_fifo_wrs = 0 or fifo_wrt_cnt + 1 = num_fifo_wrs) then bit_ptr <= (others => '0'); HFW_running <= '0'; pad_reg <= '0'; ready_pb <= '1'; state <= IDLE; end if; when others => end case; if sof = '1' then bit_ptr <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process; end architecture RTL; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture: end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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