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[/] [mkjpeg/] [trunk/] [design/] [JFIFGen/] [JFIFGen.vhd] - Rev 31
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File Name : JFIFGen.vhd -- -- Project : JPEG_ENC -- -- Module : JFIFGen -- -- Content : JFIF Header Generator -- -- Description : -- -- Spec. : -- -- Author : Michal Krepa -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- History : -- 20090309: (MK): Initial Creation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- LIBRARY/PACKAGE --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- generic packages/libraries: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.JPEG_PKG.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- user packages/libraries: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ENTITY ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity JFIFGen is port ( CLK : in std_logic; RST : in std_logic; -- CTRL start : in std_logic; ready : out std_logic; eoi : in std_logic; -- ByteStuffer num_enc_bytes : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- HOST IF qwren : in std_logic; qwaddr : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); qwdata : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); image_size_reg : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); image_size_reg_wr : in std_logic; -- OUT RAM ram_byte : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ram_wren : out std_logic; ram_wraddr : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) ); end entity JFIFGen; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ARCHITECTURE ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture RTL of JFIFGen is constant C_SIZE_Y_H : integer := 25; constant C_SIZE_Y_L : integer := 26; constant C_SIZE_X_H : integer := 27; constant C_SIZE_X_L : integer := 28; constant C_EOI : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"FFD9"; signal hr_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal hr_waddr : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); signal hr_raddr : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); signal hr_we : std_logic; signal hr_q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal size_wr_cnt : unsigned(2 downto 0); signal size_wr : std_logic; signal rd_cnt : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal rd_en : std_logic; signal rd_en_d1 : std_logic; signal rd_cnt_d1 : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal rd_cnt_d2 : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal eoi_cnt : unsigned(1 downto 0); signal eoi_wr : std_logic; signal eoi_wr_d1 : std_logic; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture: begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Header RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------- U_Header_RAM : entity work.RAMZ generic map ( RAMADDR_W => 9, RAMDATA_W => 8 ) port map ( d => hr_data, waddr => hr_waddr, raddr => hr_raddr, we => hr_we, clk => CLK, q => hr_q ); hr_raddr <= std_logic_vector(rd_cnt); ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Host programming ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_host_wr : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then size_wr_cnt <= (others => '0'); size_wr <= '0'; hr_we <= '0'; hr_data <= (others => '0'); hr_waddr <= (others => '0'); elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then hr_we <= '0'; if image_size_reg_wr = '1' then size_wr_cnt <= (others => '0'); size_wr <= '1'; end if; -- write image size if size_wr = '1' then if size_wr_cnt = 4 then size_wr_cnt <= (others => '0'); size_wr <= '0'; else size_wr_cnt <= size_wr_cnt + 1; hr_we <= '1'; case size_wr_cnt is -- height H byte when "000" => hr_data <= image_size_reg(15 downto 8); hr_waddr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(C_SIZE_Y_H,hr_waddr'length)); -- height L byte when "001" => hr_data <= image_size_reg(7 downto 0); hr_waddr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(C_SIZE_Y_L,hr_waddr'length)); -- width H byte when "010" => hr_data <= image_size_reg(31 downto 24); hr_waddr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(C_SIZE_X_H,hr_waddr'length)); -- width L byte when "011" => hr_data <= image_size_reg(23 downto 16); hr_waddr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(C_SIZE_X_L,hr_waddr'length)); when others => null; end case; end if; -- write Quantization table elsif qwren = '1' then hr_waddr <= std_logic_vector( resize(unsigned(qwaddr),hr_waddr'length) + to_unsigned(44,hr_waddr'length)); hr_we <= '1'; hr_data <= qwdata; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CTRL ------------------------------------------------------------------- p_ctrl : process(CLK, RST) begin if RST = '1' then ready <= '0'; rd_en <= '0'; rd_cnt <= (others => '0'); rd_cnt_d1 <= (others => '0'); rd_cnt_d2 <= (others => '0'); rd_cnt_d1 <= (others => '0'); rd_en_d1 <= '0'; eoi_wr_d1 <= '0'; eoi_wr <= '0'; eoi_cnt <= (others => '0'); ram_wren <= '0'; ram_byte <= (others => '0'); ram_wraddr <= (others => '0'); elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then ready <= '0'; rd_cnt_d1 <= rd_cnt; rd_cnt_d2 <= rd_cnt_d1; rd_en_d1 <= rd_en; eoi_wr_d1 <= eoi_wr; -- defaults: encoded data write ram_wren <= rd_en_d1; ram_wraddr <= std_logic_vector(resize(rd_cnt_d1,ram_wraddr'length)); ram_byte <= hr_q; -- start JFIF if start = '1' and eoi = '0' then rd_cnt <= (others => '0'); rd_en <= '1'; elsif start = '1' and eoi = '1' then eoi_wr <= '1'; eoi_cnt <= (others => '0'); end if; -- read JFIF Header if rd_en = '1' then if rd_cnt = C_HDR_SIZE-1 then rd_en <= '0'; ready <= '1'; else rd_cnt <= rd_cnt + 1; end if; end if; -- EOI MARKER write if eoi_wr = '1' then if eoi_cnt = 2 then eoi_cnt <= (others => '0'); eoi_wr <= '0'; ready <= '1'; else eoi_cnt <= eoi_cnt + 1; ram_wren <= '1'; if eoi_cnt = 0 then ram_byte <= C_EOI(15 downto 8); ram_wraddr <= num_enc_bytes; elsif eoi_cnt = 1 then ram_byte <= C_EOI(7 downto 0); ram_wraddr <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(num_enc_bytes) + to_unsigned(1,ram_wraddr'length)); end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; end architecture RTL; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture: end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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