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[/] [mlite/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [mult.vhd] - Rev 7
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TITLE: Multiplication and Division Unit -- AUTHOR: Steve Rhoads (rhoadss@yahoo.com) -- DATE CREATED: 1/31/01 -- FILENAME: mult.vhd -- PROJECT: MIPS CPU core -- COPYRIGHT: Software placed into the public domain by the author. -- Software 'as is' without warranty. Author liable for nothing. -- DESCRIPTION: -- Implements the multiplication and division unit. -- Normally takes 32 clock cycles. -- if b(31 downto 16) = ZERO(31 downto 16) then mult in 16 cycles. -- if b(31 downto 8) = ZERO(31 downto 8) then mult in 8 cycles. --------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.mips_pack.all; entity mult is port(clk : in std_logic; a, b : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); mult_func : in mult_function_type; c_mult : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); pause_out : out std_logic); end; --entity mult architecture logic of mult is -- type mult_function_type is ( -- mult_nothing, mult_read_lo, mult_read_hi, mult_write_lo, -- mult_write_hi, mult_mult, mult_divide, mult_signed_divide); signal do_div_reg : std_logic; signal do_signed_reg : std_logic; signal count_reg : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); signal reg_a : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal reg_b : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); signal answer_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin --multiplication/division unit mult_proc: process(clk, a, b, mult_func, do_div_reg, do_signed_reg, count_reg, reg_a, reg_b, answer_reg) variable do_div_temp : std_logic; variable do_signed_temp : std_logic; variable count_temp : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); variable a_temp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable b_temp : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); variable answer_temp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable sign_extension : std_logic; variable aa, bb : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0); variable sum : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0); variable start : std_logic; variable do_write : std_logic; variable do_hi : std_logic; begin do_div_temp := do_div_reg; do_signed_temp := do_signed_reg; count_temp := count_reg; a_temp := reg_a; b_temp := reg_b; answer_temp := answer_reg; sign_extension := '0'; aa := '0' & ZERO; bb := '0' & ZERO; sum := '0' & ZERO; start := '0'; do_write := '0'; do_hi := '0'; case mult_func is when mult_read_lo => when mult_read_hi => do_hi := '1'; when mult_write_lo => do_write := '1'; when mult_write_hi => do_write := '1'; do_hi := '1'; when mult_mult => start := '1'; do_div_temp := '0'; when mult_divide => start := '1'; do_div_temp := '1'; do_signed_temp := '0'; when mult_signed_divide => start := '1'; do_div_temp := '1'; do_signed_temp := '1'; when others => end case; if start = '1' then count_temp := "000000"; a_temp := a; answer_temp := ZERO; if do_div_temp = '1' then if do_signed_temp = '0' or b(31) = '0' then b_temp(62 downto 31) := b; else b_temp(62 downto 31) := bv_negate(b); a_temp := bv_negate(a); end if; b_temp(30 downto 0) := ZERO(30 downto 0); else --multiply b_temp := ZERO & b; end if; elsif do_write = '1' then if do_hi = '0' then b_temp(31 downto 0) := a; else b_temp(63 downto 32) := a; end if; end if; if do_div_reg = '1' then bb := reg_b(32 downto 0); else bb := '0' & reg_b(63 downto 32); end if; sign_extension := reg_a(31) and do_signed_reg; aa := sign_extension & reg_a; sum := bv_adder(aa, bb, do_div_reg); -- sum := bv_adder_lookahead(aa, bb, do_div_reg); if count_reg(5) = '0' and start = '0' then count_temp := bv_inc6(count_reg); if do_div_reg = '1' then answer_temp(31 downto 1) := answer_reg(30 downto 0); if reg_b(63 downto 32) = ZERO and sum(32) = '0' then a_temp := sum(31 downto 0); --aa=aa-bb; answer_temp(0) := '1'; else answer_temp(0) := '0'; end if; if count_reg /= "011111" then b_temp(62 downto 0) := reg_b(63 downto 1); else b_temp(63 downto 32) := a_temp; b_temp(31 downto 0) := answer_temp; end if; else -- mult_mode if reg_b(0) = '1' then b_temp(63 downto 31) := sum; else b_temp(63 downto 31) := '0' & reg_b(63 downto 32); end if; b_temp(30 downto 0) := reg_b(31 downto 1); if count_reg = "010000" and --early stop reg_b(15 downto 0) = ZERO(15 downto 0) then count_temp := "111111"; b_temp(31 downto 0) := reg_b(47 downto 16); end if; if count_reg = "001000" and --early stop reg_b(23 downto 0) = ZERO(23 downto 0) then count_temp := "111111"; b_temp(31 downto 0) := reg_b(55 downto 24); end if; end if; end if; if rising_edge(clk) then do_div_reg <= do_div_temp; do_signed_reg <= do_signed_temp; count_reg <= count_temp; reg_a <= a_temp; reg_b <= b_temp; answer_reg <= answer_temp; end if; if count_reg(5) = '0' and mult_func/= mult_nothing and start = '0' then pause_out <= '1'; else pause_out <= '0'; end if; if mult_func = mult_read_lo then c_mult <= reg_b(31 downto 0); elsif mult_func = mult_read_hi then c_mult <= reg_b(63 downto 32); else c_mult <= ZERO; end if; end process; end; --architecture logic
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