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-- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
-- provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice.
--     Package name: STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO
--     Purpose: This package overloads the standard TEXTIO procedures
--            READ and WRITE.
--     Author: CRC, TS
use STD.textio.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
--synopsys synthesis_off
       -- Read and Write procedures for STD_ULOGIC and STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC);
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
       procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0);
       procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0);
       -- Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR);
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
       procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0);
       -- Read and Write procedures for Hex and Octal values.
       -- The values appear in the file as a series of characters
       -- between 0-F (Hex), or 0-7 (Octal) respectively.
       -- Hex
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
       procedure HWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0);
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR);
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
       procedure HWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0);
       -- Octal
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
       procedure OWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0);
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR);
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN);
       procedure OWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0);
--synopsys synthesis_on
package body STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO is
--synopsys synthesis_off
       -- Type and constant definitions used to map STD_ULOGIC values
       -- into/from character values.
       type MVL9plus is ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-', ERROR);
       type char_indexed_by_MVL9 is array (STD_ULOGIC) of character;
       type MVL9_indexed_by_char is array (character) of STD_ULOGIC;
       type MVL9plus_indexed_by_char is array (character) of MVL9plus;
       constant MVL9_to_char: char_indexed_by_MVL9 := "UX01ZWLH-";
       constant char_to_MVL9: MVL9_indexed_by_char :=
              ('U' => 'U', 'X' => 'X', '0' => '0', '1' => '1', 'Z' => 'Z',
               'W' => 'W', 'L' => 'L', 'H' => 'H', '-' => '-', others => 'U');
       constant char_to_MVL9plus: MVL9plus_indexed_by_char :=
              ('U' => 'U', 'X' => 'X', '0' => '0', '1' => '1', 'Z' => 'Z',
               'W' => 'W', 'L' => 'L', 'H' => 'H', '-' => '-', others => ERROR);
       -- Overloaded procedures.
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC; GOOD:out BOOLEAN) is
              variable c: character;
              variable readOk: BOOLEAN;
              loop                              -- skip white space
                     read(l,c,readOk);          -- but also exit on a bad read
                     exit when ((readOk = FALSE) or ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT)));
              end loop;
              if (readOk = FALSE) then
                     good := FALSE;
                  if (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = ERROR) then
                     value := 'U';
                     good := FALSE;
                     value := char_to_MVL9(c);
                     good := TRUE;
                  end if;
              end if;
       end READ;
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD:out BOOLEAN) is
              variable m:  STD_ULOGIC;
              variable c:  character;
              variable s:  string(1 to value'length-1);
              variable mv: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 to value'length-1);
              constant allU: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 to value'length-1)
                                         := (others => 'U');
                variable readOk: BOOLEAN;
              loop                              -- skip white space
                     exit when ((readOk = FALSE) or ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT)));
              end loop;
-- Bail out if there was a bad read
                if (readOk = FALSE) then
                        good := FALSE;
                end if;
              if (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = ERROR) then
                     value := allU;
                     good := FALSE;
              end if;
              read(l, s, readOk);
-- Bail out if there was a bad read
                if (readOk = FALSE) then
                        good := FALSE;
                end if;
              for i in 1 to value'length-1 loop
                     if (char_to_MVL9plus(s(i)) = ERROR) then
                           value := allU;
                           good := FALSE;
                     end if;
              end loop;
              mv(0) := char_to_MVL9(c);
              for i in 1 to value'length-1 loop
                     mv(i) := char_to_MVL9(s(i));
              end loop;
              value := mv;
              good := TRUE;
       end READ;
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC) is
              variable c: character;
              loop                              -- skip white space
                     exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
              end loop;
              if (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = ERROR) then
                     value := 'U';
                     assert FALSE report "READ(STD_ULOGIC) Error: Character '" &
                                  c & "' read, expected STD_ULOGIC literal.";
                     value := char_to_MVL9(c);
              end if;
       end READ;
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
              variable m: STD_ULOGIC;
              variable c: character;
              variable s: string(1 to value'length-1);
              variable mv: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 to value'length-1);
              constant allU: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(0 to value'length-1)
                            := (others => 'U');
              loop                              -- skip white space
                     exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
              end loop;
              if (char_to_MVL9plus(c) = ERROR) then
                     value := allU;
                     assert FALSE report
                           "READ(STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) Error: Character '" &
                                  c & "' read, expected STD_ULOGIC literal.";
              end if;
              read(l, s);
              for i in 1 to value'length-1 loop
                     if (char_to_MVL9plus(s(i)) = ERROR) then
                         value := allU;
                         assert FALSE report
                           "READ(STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) Error: Character '" &
                                  s(i) & "' read, expected STD_ULOGIC literal.";
                     end if;
              end loop;
              mv(0) := char_to_MVL9(c);
              for i in 1 to value'length-1 loop
                     mv(i) := char_to_MVL9(s(i));
              end loop;
              value := mv;
       end READ;
       procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
              write(l, MVL9_to_char(value), justified, field);
       end WRITE;
       procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
              variable s: string(1 to value'length);
              variable m: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(1 to value'length) := value;
              for i in 1 to value'length loop
                     s(i) := MVL9_to_char(m(i));
              end loop;
              write(l, s, justified, field);
       end WRITE;
       -- Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) is
              variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              READ(L, tmp);
              VALUE := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tmp);
       end READ;
       procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
              variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              READ(L, tmp, GOOD);
              VALUE := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tmp);
       end READ;
       procedure WRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
       end WRITE;
       -- Hex Read and Write procedures.
       -- Hex, and Octal Read and Write procedures for BIT_VECTOR
       --  (these procedures are not exported, they are only used
       --   by the STD_ULOGIC hex/octal reads and writes below.
       procedure Char2QuadBits(C: Character;
                           RESULT: out Bit_Vector(3 downto 0);
                           GOOD: out Boolean;
                           ISSUE_ERROR: in Boolean) is
              case c is
                     when '0' => result :=  x"0"; good := TRUE;
                     when '1' => result :=  x"1"; good := TRUE;
                     when '2' => result :=  x"2"; good := TRUE;
                     when '3' => result :=  x"3"; good := TRUE;
                     when '4' => result :=  x"4"; good := TRUE;
                     when '5' => result :=  x"5"; good := TRUE;
                     when '6' => result :=  x"6"; good := TRUE;
                     when '7' => result :=  x"7"; good := TRUE;
                     when '8' => result :=  x"8"; good := TRUE;
                     when '9' => result :=  x"9"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'A' => result :=  x"A"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'B' => result :=  x"B"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'C' => result :=  x"C"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'D' => result :=  x"D"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'E' => result :=  x"E"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'F' => result :=  x"F"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'a' => result :=  x"A"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'b' => result :=  x"B"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'c' => result :=  x"C"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'd' => result :=  x"D"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'e' => result :=  x"E"; good := TRUE;
                     when 'f' => result :=  x"F"; good := TRUE;
                     when others =>
                        if ISSUE_ERROR then
                              assert FALSE report
                                  "HREAD Error: Read a '" & c &
                                     "', expected a Hex character (0-F).";
                        end if;
                        good := FALSE;
              end case;
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out BIT_VECTOR)  is
              variable ok: boolean;
              variable c:  character;
              constant ne: integer := value'length/4;
              variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1);
              variable s:  string(1 to ne-1);
              if value'length mod 4 /= 0 then
                     assert FALSE report
                           "HREAD Error: Trying to read vector " &
                              "with an odd (non multiple of 4) length";
              end if;
              loop                              -- skip white space
                     exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
              end loop;
              Char2QuadBits(c, bv(0 to 3), ok, TRUE);
              if not ok then
              end if;
              read(L, s, ok);
              if not ok then
                     assert FALSE
                           report "HREAD Error: Failed to read the STRING";
              end if;
              for i in 1 to ne-1 loop
                     Char2QuadBits(s(i), bv(4*i to 4*i+3), ok, TRUE);
                     if not ok then
                     end if;
              end loop;
              value := bv;
       end HREAD;
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out BIT_VECTOR;GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
              variable ok: boolean;
              variable c:  character;
              constant ne: integer := value'length/4;
              variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1);
              variable s:  string(1 to ne-1);
              if value'length mod 4 /= 0 then
                     good := FALSE;
              end if;
              loop                              -- skip white space
                     exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
              end loop;
              Char2QuadBits(c, bv(0 to 3), ok, FALSE);
              if not ok then
                     good := FALSE;
              end if;
              read(L, s, ok);
              if not ok then
                     good := FALSE;
              end if;
              for i in 1 to ne-1 loop
                     Char2QuadBits(s(i), bv(4*i to 4*i+3), ok, FALSE);
                     if not ok then
                           good := FALSE;
                     end if;
              end loop;
              good := TRUE;
              value := bv;
       end HREAD;
       procedure HWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in BIT_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
              variable quad: bit_vector(0 to 3);
              constant ne:   integer := value'length/4;
              variable bv:   bit_vector(0 to value'length-1) := value;
              variable s:    string(1 to ne);
              if value'length mod 4 /= 0 then
                     assert FALSE report
                           "HWRITE Error: Trying to read vector " &
                              "with an odd (non multiple of 4) length";
              end if;
              for i in 0 to ne-1 loop
                     quad := bv(4*i to 4*i+3);
                     case quad is
                           when x"0" => s(i+1) := '0';
                           when x"1" => s(i+1) := '1';
                           when x"2" => s(i+1) := '2';
                           when x"3" => s(i+1) := '3';
                           when x"4" => s(i+1) := '4';
                           when x"5" => s(i+1) := '5';
                           when x"6" => s(i+1) := '6';
                           when x"7" => s(i+1) := '7';
                           when x"8" => s(i+1) := '8';
                           when x"9" => s(i+1) := '9';
                           when x"A" => s(i+1) := 'A';
                           when x"B" => s(i+1) := 'B';
                           when x"C" => s(i+1) := 'C';
                           when x"D" => s(i+1) := 'D';
                           when x"E" => s(i+1) := 'E';
                           when x"F" => s(i+1) := 'F';
                     end case;
              end loop;
              write(L, s, JUSTIFIED, FIELD);
       end HWRITE;
       procedure Char2TriBits(C: Character;
                           RESULT: out bit_vector(2 downto 0);
                           GOOD: out Boolean;
                           ISSUE_ERROR: in Boolean) is
              case c is
                     when '0' => result :=  o"0"; good := TRUE;
                     when '1' => result :=  o"1"; good := TRUE;
                     when '2' => result :=  o"2"; good := TRUE;
                     when '3' => result :=  o"3"; good := TRUE;
                     when '4' => result :=  o"4"; good := TRUE;
                     when '5' => result :=  o"5"; good := TRUE;
                     when '6' => result :=  o"6"; good := TRUE;
                     when '7' => result :=  o"7"; good := TRUE;
                     when others =>
                        if ISSUE_ERROR then
                              assert FALSE report
                                  "OREAD Error: Read a '" & c &
                                  "', expected an Octal character (0-7).";
                        end if;
                        good := FALSE;
              end case;
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out BIT_VECTOR)  is
              variable c: character;
              variable ok: boolean;
              constant ne: integer := value'length/3;
              variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1);
              variable s: string(1 to ne-1);
              if value'length mod 3 /= 0 then
                     assert FALSE report
                           "OREAD Error: Trying to read vector " &
                              "with an odd (non multiple of 3) length";
              end if;
              loop                              -- skip white space
                     exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
              end loop;
              Char2TriBits(c, bv(0 to 2), ok, TRUE);
              if not ok then
              end if;
              read(L, s, ok);
              if not ok then
                     assert FALSE
                           report "OREAD Error: Failed to read the STRING";
              end if;
              for i in 1 to ne-1 loop
                     Char2TriBits(s(i), bv(3*i to 3*i+2), ok, TRUE);
                     if not ok then
                     end if;
              end loop;
              value := bv;
       end OREAD;
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out BIT_VECTOR;GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
              variable ok: boolean;
              variable c:  character;
              constant ne: integer := value'length/3;
              variable bv: bit_vector(0 to value'length-1);
              variable s:  string(1 to ne-1);
              if value'length mod 3 /= 0 then
                     good := FALSE;
              end if;
              loop                              -- skip white space
                     exit when ((c /= ' ') and (c /= CR) and (c /= HT));
              end loop;
              Char2TriBits(c, bv(0 to 2), ok, FALSE);
              if not ok then
                     good := FALSE;
              end if;
              read(L, s, ok);
              if not ok then
                     good := FALSE;
              end if;
              for i in 1 to ne-1 loop
                     Char2TriBits(s(i), bv(3*i to 3*i+2), ok, FALSE);
                     if not ok then
                           good := FALSE;
                     end if;
              end loop;
              good := TRUE;
              value := bv;
       end OREAD;
       procedure OWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in BIT_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
              variable tri: bit_vector(0 to 2);
              constant ne:  integer := value'length/3;
              variable bv:  bit_vector(0 to value'length-1) := value;
              variable s:   string(1 to ne);
              if value'length mod 3 /= 0 then
                     assert FALSE report
                           "OWRITE Error: Trying to read vector " &
                              "with an odd (non multiple of 3) length";
              end if;
              for i in 0 to ne-1 loop
                     tri := bv(3*i to 3*i+2);
                     case tri is
                           when o"0" => s(i+1) := '0';
                           when o"1" => s(i+1) := '1';
                           when o"2" => s(i+1) := '2';
                           when o"3" => s(i+1) := '3';
                           when o"4" => s(i+1) := '4';
                           when o"5" => s(i+1) := '5';
                           when o"6" => s(i+1) := '6';
                           when o"7" => s(i+1) := '7';
                     end case;
              end loop;
              write(L, s, JUSTIFIED, FIELD);
       end OWRITE;
       -- Hex Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;GOOD:out BOOLEAN) is
              variable tmp: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              HREAD(L, tmp, GOOD);
              VALUE := To_X01(tmp);
       end HREAD;
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
              variable tmp: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              HREAD(L, tmp);
              VALUE := To_X01(tmp);
       end HREAD;
       procedure HWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
              HWRITE(L, To_bitvector(VALUE),JUSTIFIED, FIELD);
       end HWRITE;
       -- Hex Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) is
              variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              HREAD(L, tmp);
              VALUE := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tmp);
       end HREAD;
       procedure HREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
              variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              HREAD(L, tmp, GOOD);
              VALUE := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tmp);
       end HREAD;
       procedure HWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
              HWRITE(L, To_bitvector(VALUE), JUSTIFIED, FIELD);
       end HWRITE;
       -- Octal Read and Write procedures for STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;GOOD:out BOOLEAN) is
              variable tmp: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              OREAD(L, tmp, GOOD);
              VALUE := To_X01(tmp);
       end OREAD;
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
              variable tmp: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              OREAD(L, tmp);
              VALUE := To_X01(tmp);
       end OREAD;
       procedure OWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
              OWRITE(L, To_bitvector(VALUE),JUSTIFIED, FIELD);
       end OWRITE;
       -- Octal Read and Write procedures for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) is
              variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              OREAD(L, tmp);
              VALUE := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tmp);
       end OREAD;
       procedure OREAD(L:inout LINE; VALUE:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; GOOD: out BOOLEAN) is
              variable tmp: STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(VALUE'length-1 downto 0);
              OREAD(L, tmp, GOOD);
              VALUE := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(tmp);
       end OREAD;
       procedure OWRITE(L:inout LINE; VALUE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
                     JUSTIFIED:in SIDE := RIGHT; FIELD:in WIDTH := 0) is
       end OWRITE;
--synopsys synthesis_on

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