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<title>Synthesis Report</title><PRE><FONT FACE="Courier New", monotype><p align=left><b>Synthesis Report</b></p><b><center>Wed Jul 3 16:16:06 2013</center></b><br><hr><br>Release 14.4 - xst P.49d (lin64)<br>Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.<br>--> <br>Parameter TMPDIR set to xst/projnav.tmp<br><br><br>Total REAL time to Xst completion: 0.00 secs<br>Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.05 secs<br> <br>--> <br>Parameter xsthdpdir set to xst<br><br><br>Total REAL time to Xst completion: 0.00 secs<br>Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.05 secs<br> <br>--> <br>Reading design: generic_fifo_dc.prj<br><br>TABLE OF CONTENTS<br> 1) Synthesis Options Summary<br> 2) HDL Parsing<br> 3) HDL Elaboration<br> 4) HDL Synthesis<br> 4.1) HDL Synthesis Report<br> 5) Advanced HDL Synthesis<br> 5.1) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report<br> 6) Low Level Synthesis<br> 7) Partition Report<br> 8) Design Summary<br> 8.1) Primitive and Black Box Usage<br> 8.2) Device utilization summary<br> 8.3) Partition Resource Summary<br> 8.4) Timing Report<br> 8.4.1) Clock Information<br> 8.4.2) Asynchronous Control Signals Information<br> 8.4.3) Timing Summary<br> 8.4.4) Timing Details<br> 8.4.5) Cross Clock Domains Report<br><br><br>=========================================================================<br>* Synthesis Options Summary *<br>=========================================================================<br>---- Source Parameters<br>Input File Name : "generic_fifo_dc.prj"<br>Ignore Synthesis Constraint File : NO<br><br>---- Target Parameters<br>Output File Name : "generic_fifo_dc"<br>Output Format : NGC<br>Target Device : xc6vlx240t-1-ff1156<br><br>---- Source Options<br>Top Module Name : generic_fifo_dc<br>Automatic FSM Extraction : YES<br>FSM Encoding Algorithm : Auto<br>Safe Implementation : No<br>FSM Style : LUT<br>RAM Extraction : Yes<br>RAM Style : Auto<br>ROM Extraction : Yes<br>Shift Register Extraction : YES<br>ROM Style : Auto<br>Resource Sharing : YES<br>Asynchronous To Synchronous : NO<br>Shift Register Minimum Size : 2<br>Use DSP Block : Auto<br>Automatic Register Balancing : No<br><br>---- Target Options<br>LUT Combining : Auto<br>Reduce Control Sets : Auto<br>Add IO Buffers : NO<br>Global Maximum Fanout : 100000<br>Add Generic Clock Buffer(BUFG) : 32<br>Register Duplication : YES<br>Optimize Instantiated Primitives : NO<br>Use Clock Enable : Auto<br>Use Synchronous Set : Auto<br>Use Synchronous Reset : Auto<br>Pack IO Registers into IOBs : Auto<br>Equivalent register Removal : YES<br><br>---- General Options<br>Optimization Goal : Area<br>Optimization Effort : 2<br>Power Reduction : NO<br>Keep Hierarchy : No<br>Netlist Hierarchy : As_Optimized<br>RTL Output : Yes<br>Global Optimization : AllClockNets<br>Read Cores : YES<br>Write Timing Constraints : NO<br>Cross Clock Analysis : NO<br>Hierarchy Separator : /<br>Bus Delimiter : <><br>Case Specifier : Maintain<br>Slice Utilization Ratio : 100<br>BRAM Utilization Ratio : 100<br>DSP48 Utilization Ratio : 100<br>Auto BRAM Packing : NO<br>Slice Utilization Ratio Delta : 5<br><br>---- Other Options<br>Cores Search Directories : {"../../syn/xilinx/src" }<br><br>=========================================================================<br><br><br>=========================================================================<br>* HDL Parsing *<br>=========================================================================<br>Analyzing Verilog file "/home/dinghe/Thesis/mod_sim_exp/trunk/rtl/verilog/generic_fifo_dc.v" into library work<br>Parsing module <generic_fifo_dc>.<br>Parsing VHDL file "/home/dinghe/Thesis/mod_sim_exp/trunk/rtl/vhdl/core/std_functions.vhd" into library mod_sim_exp<br>Parsing package <std_functions>.<br>Parsing package body <std_functions>.<br>Parsing VHDL file "/home/dinghe/Thesis/mod_sim_exp/trunk/rtl/vhdl/ram/dpram_generic.vhd" into library mod_sim_exp<br>Parsing entity <dpram_generic>.<br>Parsing architecture <behavorial> of entity <dpram_generic>.<br><br>=========================================================================<br>* HDL Elaboration *<br>=========================================================================<br><br>Elaborating module <generic_fifo_dc>.<br>Going to vhdl side to elaborate module dpram_generic<br><br>Elaborating entity <dpram_generic> (architecture <behavorial>) with generics from library <mod_sim_exp>.<br>Back to verilog to continue elaboration<br><br>=========================================================================<br>* HDL Synthesis *<br>=========================================================================<br><br>Synthesizing Unit <generic_fifo_dc>.<br> Related source file is "/home/dinghe/Thesis/mod_sim_exp/trunk/rtl/verilog/generic_fifo_dc.v".<br> dw = 32<br> aw = 5<br> n = 32<br> max_size = 32<br> Found 6-bit register for signal <wp>.<br> Found 6-bit register for signal <rp>.<br> Found 6-bit register for signal <wp_s>.<br> Found 6-bit register for signal <rp_s>.<br> Found 1-bit register for signal <empty>.<br> Found 1-bit register for signal <full>.<br> Found 1-bit register for signal <re_r>.<br> Found 6-bit register for signal <diff_r1>.<br> Found 1-bit register for signal <empty_n>.<br> Found 1-bit register for signal <we_r>.<br> Found 6-bit register for signal <diff_r2>.<br> Found 1-bit register for signal <full_n>.<br> Found 2-bit register for signal <level>.<br> Found 1-bit register for signal <nopop>.<br> Found 1-bit register for signal <nopush>.<br> Found 32-bit register for signal <dout>.<br> Found 6-bit subtractor for signal <diff> created at line 254.<br> Found 6-bit adder for signal <wp_pl1> created at line 217.<br> Found 6-bit adder for signal <rp_pl1> created at line 224.<br> Found 6-bit comparator equal for signal <wp_s[5]_rp[5]_equal_19_o> created at line 243<br> Found 6-bit comparator equal for signal <wp_s[5]_rp_pl1[5]_equal_20_o> created at line 243<br> Found 5-bit comparator equal for signal <wp[4]_rp_s[4]_equal_22_o> created at line 246<br> Found 1-bit comparator not equal for signal <n0022> created at line 246<br> Found 5-bit comparator equal for signal <wp_pl1[4]_rp_s[4]_equal_24_o> created at line 247<br> Found 1-bit comparator not equal for signal <n0027> created at line 247<br> Found 6-bit comparator greater for signal <diff_r1[5]_PWR_1_o_LessThan_31_o> created at line 263<br> Found 6-bit comparator greater for signal <GND_1_o_diff_r2[5]_LessThan_37_o> created at line 272<br> Summary:<br> inferred 3 Adder/Subtractor(s).<br> inferred 78 D-type flip-flop(s).<br> inferred 8 Comparator(s).<br>Unit <generic_fifo_dc> synthesized.<br><br>Synthesizing Unit <dpram_generic>.<br> Related source file is "/home/dinghe/Thesis/mod_sim_exp/trunk/rtl/vhdl/ram/dpram_generic.vhd".<br> depth = 32<br> Set property "ram_style = block" for signal <RAM>.<br> Found 32x32-bit dual-port RAM <Mram_RAM> for signal <RAM>.<br> Found 32-bit register for signal <doutB>.<br> Summary:<br> inferred 1 RAM(s).<br> inferred 32 D-type flip-flop(s).<br>Unit <dpram_generic> synthesized.<br><br>=========================================================================<br>HDL Synthesis Report<br><br>Macro Statistics<br># RAMs : 1<br> 32x32-bit dual-port RAM : 1<br># Adders/Subtractors : 3<br> 6-bit adder : 2<br> 6-bit subtractor : 1<br># Registers : 17<br> 1-bit register : 8<br> 2-bit register : 1<br> 32-bit register : 2<br> 6-bit register : 6<br># Comparators : 8<br> 1-bit comparator not equal : 2<br> 5-bit comparator equal : 2<br> 6-bit comparator equal : 2<br> 6-bit comparator greater : 2<br><br>=========================================================================<br><br>=========================================================================<br>* Advanced HDL Synthesis *<br>=========================================================================<br><br><br>Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <generic_fifo_dc>.<br>The following registers are absorbed into counter <rp>: 1 register on signal <rp>.<br>The following registers are absorbed into counter <wp>: 1 register on signal <wp>.<br>INFO:Xst:3226 - The RAM <u0/Mram_RAM> will be implemented as a BLOCK RAM, absorbing the following register(s): <u0/doutB> <dout><br> -----------------------------------------------------------------------<br> | ram_type | Block | |<br> -----------------------------------------------------------------------<br> | Port A |<br> | aspect ratio | 32-word x 32-bit | |<br> | mode | write-first | |<br> | clkA | connected to signal <wr_clk> | rise |<br> | weA | connected to internal node | high |<br> | addrA | connected to signal <wp<4:0>> | |<br> | diA | connected to signal <din> | |<br> -----------------------------------------------------------------------<br> | optimization | area | |<br> -----------------------------------------------------------------------<br> | Port B |<br> | aspect ratio | 32-word x 32-bit | |<br> | mode | write-first | |<br> | clkB | connected to signal <rd_clk> | rise |<br> | addrB | connected to signal <rp<4:0>> | |<br> | doB | connected to signal <dout> | |<br> -----------------------------------------------------------------------<br> | optimization | area | |<br> -----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Unit <generic_fifo_dc> synthesized (advanced).<br><br>=========================================================================<br>Advanced HDL Synthesis Report<br><br>Macro Statistics<br># RAMs : 1<br> 32x32-bit dual-port block RAM : 1<br># Adders/Subtractors : 3<br> 6-bit adder : 2<br> 6-bit subtractor : 1<br># Counters : 2<br> 6-bit up counter : 2<br># Registers : 34<br> Flip-Flops : 34<br># Comparators : 8<br> 1-bit comparator not equal : 2<br> 5-bit comparator equal : 2<br> 6-bit comparator equal : 2<br> 6-bit comparator greater : 2<br><br>=========================================================================<br><br>=========================================================================<br>* Low Level Synthesis *<br>=========================================================================<br><br>Optimizing unit <generic_fifo_dc> ...<br><br>Mapping all equations...<br>Building and optimizing final netlist ...<br>Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 5) on block generic_fifo_dc, actual ratio is 0.<br><br>Final Macro Processing ...<br><br>=========================================================================<br>Final Register Report<br><br>Macro Statistics<br># Registers : 46<br> Flip-Flops : 46<br><br>=========================================================================<br><br>=========================================================================<br>* Partition Report *<br>=========================================================================<br><br>Partition Implementation Status<br>-------------------------------<br><br> No Partitions were found in this design.<br><br>-------------------------------<br><br>=========================================================================<br>* Design Summary *<br>=========================================================================<br><br>Top Level Output File Name : generic_fifo_dc.ngc<br><br>Primitive and Black Box Usage:<br>------------------------------<br># BELS : 53<br># GND : 1<br># INV : 2<br># LUT2 : 14<br># LUT3 : 6<br># LUT4 : 2<br># LUT5 : 6<br># LUT6 : 10<br># MUXCY : 5<br># VCC : 1<br># XORCY : 6<br># FlipFlops/Latches : 46<br># FD : 34<br># FDRE : 12<br># RAMS : 1<br># RAMB18E1 : 1<br><br>Device utilization summary:<br>---------------------------<br><br>Selected Device : 6vlx240tff1156-1 <br><br><br>Slice Logic Utilization: <br> Number of Slice Registers: 46 out of 301440 0% <br> Number of Slice LUTs: 40 out of 150720 0% <br> Number used as Logic: 40 out of 150720 0% <br><br>Slice Logic Distribution: <br> Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used: 48<br> Number with an unused Flip Flop: 2 out of 48 4% <br> Number with an unused LUT: 8 out of 48 16% <br> Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs: 38 out of 48 79% <br> Number of unique control sets: 4<br><br>IO Utilization: <br> Number of IOs: 77<br> Number of bonded IOBs: 0 out of 600 0% <br><br>Specific Feature Utilization:<br> Number of Block RAM/FIFO: 1 out of 416 0% <br> Number using Block RAM only: 1<br><br>---------------------------<br>Partition Resource Summary:<br>---------------------------<br><br> No Partitions were found in this design.<br><br>---------------------------<br><br><br>=========================================================================<br>Timing Report<br><br>NOTE: THESE TIMING NUMBERS ARE ONLY A SYNTHESIS ESTIMATE.<br> FOR ACCURATE TIMING INFORMATION PLEASE REFER TO THE TRACE REPORT<br> GENERATED AFTER PLACE-and-ROUTE.<br><br>Clock Information:<br>------------------<br>-----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+<br>Clock Signal | Clock buffer(FF name) | Load |<br>-----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+<br>rd_clk | NONE(empty) | 23 |<br>wr_clk | NONE(full) | 25 |<br>-----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+<br>INFO:Xst:2169 - HDL ADVISOR - Some clock signals were not automatically buffered by XST with BUFG/BUFR resources. Please use the buffer_type constraint in order to insert these buffers to the clock signals to help prevent skew problems.<br><br>Asynchronous Control Signals Information:<br>----------------------------------------<br>-----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+<br>Control Signal | Buffer(FF name) | Load |<br>-----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+<br>we_full_AND_3_o(we_full_AND_3_o1:O)| NONE(u0/Mram_RAM) | 8 |<br>-----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+<br><br>Timing Summary:<br>---------------<br>Speed Grade: -1<br><br> Minimum period: 2.312ns (Maximum Frequency: 432.526MHz)<br> Minimum input arrival time before clock: 1.104ns<br> Maximum output required time after clock: 0.742ns<br> Maximum combinational path delay: No path found<br><br>Timing Details:<br>---------------<br>All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)<br><br>=========================================================================<br>Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'rd_clk'<br> Clock period: 2.312ns (frequency: 432.526MHz)<br> Total number of paths / destination ports: 100 / 27<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Delay: 2.312ns (Levels of Logic = 3)<br> Source: rp_4 (FF)<br> Destination: empty (FF)<br> Source Clock: rd_clk rising<br> Destination Clock: rd_clk rising<br><br> Data Path: rp_4 to empty<br> Gate Net<br> Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)<br> ---------------------------------------- ------------<br> FDRE:C->Q 6 0.375 0.808 rp_4 (rp_4)<br> LUT5:I0->O 2 0.068 0.497 Result<4>2 (Result<4>)<br> LUT6:I4->O 1 0.068 0.417 wp_s[5]_re_OR_6_o4_SW0 (N13)<br> LUT5:I4->O 1 0.068 0.000 wp_s[5]_re_OR_6_o5 (wp_s[5]_re_OR_6_o)<br> FD:D 0.011 empty<br> ----------------------------------------<br> Total 2.312ns (0.590ns logic, 1.722ns route)<br> (25.5% logic, 74.5% route)<br><br>=========================================================================<br>Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'wr_clk'<br> Clock period: 2.312ns (frequency: 432.526MHz)<br> Total number of paths / destination ports: 152 / 28<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Delay: 2.312ns (Levels of Logic = 3)<br> Source: wp_4 (FF)<br> Destination: full (FF)<br> Source Clock: wr_clk rising<br> Destination Clock: wr_clk rising<br><br> Data Path: wp_4 to full<br> Gate Net<br> Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)<br> ---------------------------------------- ------------<br> FDRE:C->Q 6 0.375 0.808 wp_4 (wp_4)<br> LUT5:I0->O 2 0.068 0.497 Result<4>11 (Result<4>1)<br> LUT6:I4->O 1 0.068 0.417 wp[4]_we_OR_11_o4_SW0 (N11)<br> LUT5:I4->O 1 0.068 0.000 wp[4]_we_OR_11_o5 (wp[4]_we_OR_11_o)<br> FD:D 0.011 full<br> ----------------------------------------<br> Total 2.312ns (0.590ns logic, 1.722ns route)<br> (25.5% logic, 74.5% route)<br><br>=========================================================================<br>Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'rd_clk'<br> Total number of paths / destination ports: 34 / 33<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Offset: 1.104ns (Levels of Logic = 2)<br> Source: re (PAD)<br> Destination: empty (FF)<br> Destination Clock: rd_clk rising<br><br> Data Path: re to empty<br> Gate Net<br> Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)<br> ---------------------------------------- ------------<br> LUT5:I0->O 1 0.068 0.581 wp_s[5]_re_OR_6_o3 (wp_s[5]_re_OR_6_o3)<br> LUT5:I2->O 1 0.068 0.000 wp_s[5]_re_OR_6_o5 (wp_s[5]_re_OR_6_o)<br> FD:D 0.011 empty<br> ----------------------------------------<br> Total 1.104ns (0.523ns logic, 0.581ns route)<br> (47.4% logic, 52.6% route)<br><br>=========================================================================<br>Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'wr_clk'<br> Total number of paths / destination ports: 34 / 33<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Offset: 1.104ns (Levels of Logic = 2)<br> Source: we (PAD)<br> Destination: full (FF)<br> Destination Clock: wr_clk rising<br><br> Data Path: we to full<br> Gate Net<br> Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)<br> ---------------------------------------- ------------<br> LUT5:I0->O 1 0.068 0.581 wp[4]_we_OR_11_o3 (wp[4]_we_OR_11_o3)<br> LUT5:I2->O 1 0.068 0.000 wp[4]_we_OR_11_o5 (wp[4]_we_OR_11_o)<br> FD:D 0.011 full<br> ----------------------------------------<br> Total 1.104ns (0.523ns logic, 0.581ns route)<br> (47.4% logic, 52.6% route)<br><br>=========================================================================<br>Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'rd_clk'<br> Total number of paths / destination ports: 35 / 35<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Offset: 0.742ns (Levels of Logic = 0)<br> Source: u0/Mram_RAM (RAM)<br> Destination: dout<31> (PAD)<br> Source Clock: rd_clk rising<br><br> Data Path: u0/Mram_RAM to dout<31><br> Gate Net<br> Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)<br> ---------------------------------------- ------------<br> RAMB18E1:CLKARDCLK->DOBDO15 0 0.742 0.000 u0/Mram_RAM (dout<31>)<br> ----------------------------------------<br> Total 0.742ns (0.742ns logic, 0.000ns route)<br> (100.0% logic, 0.0% route)<br><br>=========================================================================<br>Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'wr_clk'<br> Total number of paths / destination ports: 5 / 5<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Offset: 0.375ns (Levels of Logic = 0)<br> Source: level_1 (FF)<br> Destination: level<1> (PAD)<br> Source Clock: wr_clk rising<br><br> Data Path: level_1 to level<1><br> Gate Net<br> Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)<br> ---------------------------------------- ------------<br> FD:C->Q 0 0.375 0.000 level_1 (level_1)<br> ----------------------------------------<br> Total 0.375ns (0.375ns logic, 0.000ns route)<br> (100.0% logic, 0.0% route)<br><br>=========================================================================<br><br>Cross Clock Domains Report:<br>--------------------------<br><br>Clock to Setup on destination clock rd_clk<br>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+<br> | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|<br>Source Clock |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|<br>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+<br>rd_clk | 2.312| | | |<br>wr_clk | 1.544| | | |<br>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+<br><br>Clock to Setup on destination clock wr_clk<br>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+<br> | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|<br>Source Clock |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|<br>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+<br>rd_clk | 2.171| | | |<br>wr_clk | 2.312| | | |<br>---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+<br><br>=========================================================================<br><br><br>Total REAL time to Xst completion: 10.00 secs<br>Total CPU time to Xst completion: 9.75 secs<br> <br>--> <br><br><br>Total memory usage is 416720 kilobytes<br><br>Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered)<br>Number of warnings : 0 ( 0 filtered)<br>Number of infos : 2 ( 0 filtered)<br><br></PRE></FONT>