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[/] [modular_oscilloscope/] [trunk/] [hdl/] [memory/] [dual_port_memory_wb.vhd] - Rev 60
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100 --| Modular Oscilloscope --| UNSL - Argentine --| --| File: dual_port_memory_wb.vhd --| Version: 0.1 --| Tested in: Actel A3PE1500 --|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| Description: --| MEMORY - Dual Port Memory Wishbone Interface --| An interface designed for a dual port memory generated by Actel SmartGen tool. It may not work --| with other than ProASIC3 Family FPGA. --| --|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| File history: --| 0.1 | jun-2009 | First testing --| 0.11 | aug-2009 | Corrected error in ACK_O from port B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| Copyright © 2009, Facundo Aguilera. --| --| This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or --| modify it and/or implement it after contacting the author. --| Wishbone Rev. B.3 compatible ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- La memoria solo puede accederse desde la dirección 0 hasta la 15360 (0011 11000 0000 0000). No -- están especificados los valores obtenidos fuera de ese rango. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity dual_port_memory_wb is port( -- Puerto A (Higer prioriry) RST_I_a: in std_logic; CLK_I_a: in std_logic; DAT_I_a: in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); DAT_O_a: out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); ADR_I_a: in std_logic_vector (13 downto 0); CYC_I_a: in std_logic; STB_I_a: in std_logic; ACK_O_a: out std_logic ; WE_I_a: in std_logic; -- Puerto B (Lower prioriry) RST_I_b: in std_logic; CLK_I_b: in std_logic; DAT_I_b: in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); DAT_O_b: out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); ADR_I_b: in std_logic_vector (13 downto 0); CYC_I_b: in std_logic; STB_I_b: in std_logic; ACK_O_b: out std_logic ; WE_I_b: in std_logic ); end entity dual_port_memory_wb; architecture arch01 of dual_port_memory_wb is ---- Componentes ---- component dual_port_memory is port( DINA: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); DOUTA: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ADDRA: in std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); -- Only available up to 15360 (11110000000000) RWA: in std_logic; -- '1' Read, '0' Write BLKA: in std_logic; -- '1' Block select CLKA: in std_logic; -- Rising edge DINB: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); DOUTB: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ADDRB: in std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); RWB: in std_logic; BLKB: in std_logic; CLKB: in std_logic; RESET: in std_logic -- '1' Reset ) ; end component dual_port_memory; ---- Señales ---- signal RST_I_common: std_logic; signal enable_BLK, to_BLKB, to_BLKA : std_logic; signal pre_ACK_O_a_read, pre_ACK_O_a_write: std_logic; signal pre_ACK_O_b_read, pre_ACK_O_b_write: std_logic; signal to_RWB, to_RWA: std_logic; -- para entradas negadas begin RST_I_common <= RST_I_b or RST_I_a; -- Corrección de escritura en la misma dirección to_BLKB <= CYC_I_b and STB_I_b and enable_BLK; to_BLKA <= CYC_I_a and STB_I_a; enable_BLK <= '1' when ADR_I_a /= ADR_I_b or to_BLKA = '0' else '0'; -- Solución de ACK en puerto A ACK_O_a <= pre_ACK_O_a_write or pre_ACK_O_a_read; pre_ACK_O_a_write <= STB_I_a and CYC_I_a and WE_I_a; -- la primera respuesta para el ciclo de lectura debe retrasarse un ciclo P_ACK_a_resolution: process (STB_I_a, CYC_I_a, RST_I_a, CLK_I_a, WE_I_a) begin if STB_I_a = '0' or CYC_I_a = '0' then pre_ACK_O_a_read <= '0'; elsif CLK_I_a'event and CLK_I_a = '1' then if RST_I_a = '1' then pre_ACK_O_a_read <= '0'; elsif STB_I_a = '1' and CYC_I_a = '1' and WE_I_a = '0' then pre_ACK_O_a_read <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; -- Solución de ACK en puerto B ACK_O_b <= (pre_ACK_O_b_write or pre_ACK_O_b_read) and enable_BLK; pre_ACK_O_b_write <= STB_I_b and CYC_I_b and WE_I_b; -- la primera respuesta para el ciclo de lectura debe retrasarse un ciclo P_ACK_b_resolution: process (STB_I_b, CYC_I_b, RST_I_b, CLK_I_b) begin if STB_I_b = '0' or CYC_I_b = '0' then pre_ACK_O_b_read <= '0'; elsif CLK_I_b'event and CLK_I_b = '1' then if RST_I_b = '1' then pre_ACK_O_b_read <= '0'; elsif STB_I_b = '1' and CYC_I_b = '1' and WE_I_b = '0' then pre_ACK_O_b_read <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; -- Instancia to_RWA <= not(WE_I_a); to_RWB <= not(WE_I_b); MEM: dual_port_memory port map ( DINA => DAT_I_a, DOUTA => DAT_O_a, ADDRA => ADR_I_a, RWA => to_RWA, BLKA => to_BLKA, CLKA => CLK_I_a, DINB => DAT_I_b, DOUTB => DAT_O_b, ADDRB => ADR_I_b, RWB => to_RWB, BLKB => to_BLKB, CLKB => CLK_I_b, RESET => RST_I_common ); end architecture;
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