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[/] [modular_oscilloscope/] [trunk/] [hdl/] [tbench/] [modullar_oscilloscope_tbench_text.vhd] - Rev 53
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100 --| Modular Oscilloscope --| UNSL - Argentine --| --| File: modullar_oscilloscope_tbench_text.vhd --| Version: 0.1 --| Tested in: Actel A3PE1500 --| Board: RVI Prototype Board + LP Data Conversion Daughter Board --|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| Description: --| This file is only for test purposes. --| --|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| File history: --| 0.1 | aug-2009 | First release ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| Copyright © 2009, Facundo Aguilera. --| --| This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or --| modify it and/or implement it after contacting the author. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --================================================================================================== -- TO DO -- · Full full test --================================================================================================== -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.math_real.all; entity ctrl_tb_simple_clock is port ( CLK_PERIOD: in time;-- := 20 ns; CLK_DUTY: in real; -- := 0.5; active: in boolean; clk_o: out std_logic ); end entity ctrl_tb_simple_clock ; architecture beh of ctrl_tb_simple_clock is begin P_main: process begin wait until active; while (active = true) loop clk_o <= '0'; wait for CLK_PERIOD * (100.0 - clk_Duty)/100.0; clk_o <= '1'; wait for CLK_PERIOD * clk_Duty/100.0; end loop; clk_o <= '0'; wait; end process; end architecture beh; -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> library ieee, std; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; use ieee.math_real.all; -- Additional libraries used by Model Under Test. use work.ctrl_pkg.all; use work.daq_pkg.all; use work.memory_pkg.all; use work.eppwbn_pkg.all; entity stimulus is port( -- ADC adc_data_I: inout std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := 0; adc_sel_O: in std_logic; adc_clk_O: in std_logic; adc_sleep_O: in std_logic; adc_chip_sel_O: in std_logic; -- EPP nStrobe_I: inout std_logic; -- HostClk/nWrite Data_IO: inout std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);-- AD8..1 (Data1..Data8) nAck_O: in std_logic; -- PtrClk/PeriphClk/Intr busy_O: in std_logic; -- PtrBusy/PeriphAck/nWait PError_O: in std_logic; -- AckData/nAckReverse Sel_O: in std_logic; -- XFlag (Select) nAutoFd_I: inout std_logic; -- HostBusy/HostAck/nDStrb PeriphLogicH_O: in std_logic; -- (Periph Logic High) nInit_I: inout std_logic; -- nReverseRequest nFault_O: in std_logic; -- nDataAvail/nPeriphRequest nSelectIn_I: inout std_logic; -- 1284 Active/nAStrb -- Peripherals reset_I: inout std_logic; pll_clk_I: inout std_logic -- clock signal go to pll, and is divided in two clocks ); end stimulus; architecture STIMULATOR of stimulus is -- Control Signal Declarations signal tb_InitFlag : boolean := false; signal tb_ParameterInitFlag : boolean := false; signal i: std_logic; -- Parm Declarations signal clk_Duty : real := 0.0; signal clk_Period : time := 0 ns; begin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parm Assignment Block P_AssignParms : process variable clk_Duty_real : real; variable clk_Period_real : real; begin -- Basic parameters clk_Period_real := 20.0; --<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<-- clk_Period <= clk_Period_real * 1 ns; clk_Duty_real := 50.0; clk_Duty <= clk_Duty_real; tb_ParameterInitFlag <= true; wait; end process; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clocks -- Clock Instantiation tb_clk: entity work.tb_simple_clock port map ( clk_Period => clk_Period, clk_Duty => clk_Duty, active => tb_InitFlag, clk_o => pll_clk_I ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clocked Sequences P_virtual_adc: process (adc_clk_O) variable data1: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := 1; -- odd variable data2: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := 0; -- pair begin if adc_clk_O'event and adc_clk_O = '1' then data1 <= data1 + 2; data2 <= data2 + 2; end if; case adc_sel_O is when '0' => adc_data_I <= data1; when others => adc_data_I <= data2; end case; end process; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sequence: Unclocked P_Unclocked : process begin wait until tb_ParameterInitFlag; tb_InitFlag <= true; load_I <= '0'; RST_I <= '1'; STB_I_port <= '1'; CYC_I_port <= '1'; WE_I_port <= '0'; initial_address_I <= B"01_0000_0000_0000"; biggest_address_I <= B"11_1100_0000_0000"; pause_address_I <= B"00_0000_1000_0000"; enable_I <= '1'; wait for 1.5 * clk_Period; RST_I <= '0'; wait for 1.0 * clk_Period; load_I <= '1'; wait for 1.0 * clk_Period; load_I <= '0'; wait until ADR_O_mem = B"00_0000_1000_0000"; wait for 8.0 * clk_Period; pause_address_I <= B"01_0000_0000_0000"; wait for 20.0 * clk_Period; enable_I <= '0'; wait for 8.0 * clk_Period; enable_I <= '1'; wait until finish_O = '1'; wait for 2.0 * clk_Period; tb_InitFlag <= false; wait; end process; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conditional signals P_mem: process(STB_O_mem, DAT_I_mem, CYC_O_mem, CLK_I, RST_I,i) begin if STB_O_mem = '1' and CYC_O_mem = '1' and i = '1' then ACK_I_mem <= '1'; else ACK_I_mem <= '0'; end if; if CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1' then if RST_I = '1' then DAT_I_mem <= (others => '0'); elsif STB_O_mem = '1' and CYC_O_mem = '1' and i = '1' then DAT_I_mem <= DAT_I_mem + 1; end if; end if; if CLK_I'event and CLK_I = '1' then if RST_I = '1' then i <= '0'; elsif STB_O_mem = '1' and CYC_O_mem = '1' then i <= not(i); end if; end if; end process; end architecture STIMULATOR; -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> library ieee, std; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -- Additional libraries used by Model Under Test. -- ... entity testbench is generic ( MEM_ADD_WIDTH: integer := 14 ); end testbench; architecture tbGeneratedCode of testbench is -- ADC signal adc_data_I: std_logic_vector (9 downto 0); signal adc_sel_O: std_logic; signal adc_clk_O: std_logic; signal adc_sleep_O: std_logic; signal adc_chip_sel_O: std_logic; -- EPP signal nStrobe_I: std_logic; signal Data_IO: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal nAck_O: std_logic; signal busy_O: std_logic; signal PError_O: std_logic; signal Sel_O: std_logic; signal nAutoFd_I: std_logic; signal PeriphLogicH_O: std_logic; signal nInit_I: std_logic; signal nFault_O: std_logic; signal nSelectIn_I: std_logic; -- Peripherals signal reset_I: std_logic; signal pll_clk_I: std_logic; begin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiation of Stimulus. U_stimulus_0 : entity work.stimulus generic map ( MEM_ADD_WIDTH=> MEM_ADD_WIDTH ) port map ( -- ADC adc_data_I => adc_data_I, adc_sel_O => adc_sel_O, adc_clk_O => adc_clk_O, adc_sleep_O => adc_sleep_O, adc_chip_sel_O => adc_chip_sel_O, -- EPP nStrobe_I => nStrobe_I, Data_IO => Data_IO, nAck_O => nAck_O, busy_O => busy_O, PError_O => PError_O, Sel_O => Sel_O, nAutoFd_I => nAutoFd_I, PeriphLogicH_O =>PeriphLogicH_O , nInit_I => nInit_I, nFault_O => nFault_O, nSelectIn_I => nSelectIn_I, -- Peripherals reset_I => reset_I, pll_clk_I => pll_clk_I ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiation of Model Under Test. U_outman_0 : entity work.modular_oscilloscope --<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<-- generic map ( MEM_ADD_WIDTH=> MEM_ADD_WIDTH ) port map ( -- ADC adc_data_I => adc_data_I, adc_sel_O => adc_sel_O, adc_clk_O => adc_clk_O, adc_sleep_O => adc_sleep_O, adc_chip_sel_O => adc_chip_sel_O, -- EPP nStrobe_I => nStrobe_I, Data_IO => Data_IO, nAck_O => nAck_O, busy_O => busy_O, PError_O => PError_O, Sel_O => Sel_O, nAutoFd_I => nAutoFd_I, PeriphLogicH_O =>PeriphLogicH_O , nInit_I => nInit_I, nFault_O => nFault_O, nSelectIn_I => nSelectIn_I, -- Peripherals reset_I => reset_I, pll_clk_I => pll_clk_I ); end tbGeneratedCode; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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