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== Software Framework

To make actual use of the NEORV32 processor, the project comes with a complete software eco-system. This
ecosystem is based on the RISC-V port of the GCC GNU Compiler Collection and consists of the following elementary parts:

| Application/bootloader start-up code | `sw/common/crt0.S`
| Application/bootloader linker script | `sw/common/neorv32.ld`
| Core hardware driver libraries | `sw/lib/include/` & `sw/lib/source/`
| Makefiles | e.g. `sw/example/blink_led/makefile`
| Auxiliary tool for generating NEORV32 executables | `sw/image_gen/`
| Default bootloader | `sw/bootloader/bootloader.c`

Last but not least, the NEORV32 ecosystem provides some example programs for testing the hardware, for
illustrating the usage of peripherals and for general getting in touch with the project (`sw/example`).

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=== Compiler Toolchain

The toolchain for this project is based on the free RISC-V GCC-port. You can find the compiler sources and
build instructions on the official RISC-V GNU toolchain GitHub page:

The NEORV32 implements a 32-bit base integer architecture (`rv32i`) and a 32-bit integer and soft-float ABI
(ilp32), so make sure you build an according toolchain.

Alternatively, you can download my prebuilt `rv32i/e` toolchains for 64-bit x86 Linux from:

The default toolchain prefix used by the project's makefiles is (can be changed in the makefiles): **`riscv32-unknown-elf`**

More information regarding the toolchain (building from scratch or downloading the prebuilt ones)
can be found in section <<_toolchain_setup>>.

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=== Core Libraries

The NEORV32 project provides a set of C libraries that allows an easy usage of the processor/CPU features.
Just include the main NEORV32 library file in your application's source file(s):

#include <neorv32.h>

Together with the makefile, this will automatically include all the processor's header files located in
`sw/lib/include` into your application. The actual source files of the core libraries are located in
`sw/lib/source` and are automatically included into the source list of your software project. The following
files are currently part of the NEORV32 core library:

| C source file | C header file | Description
| -                  | `neorv32.h`            | main NEORV32 definitions and library file
| `neorv32_cfs.c`    | `neorv32_cfs.h`        | HW driver (stub)footnote:[This driver file only represents a stub, since the real CFS drivers are defined by the actual CFS implementation.] functions for the custom functions subsystem
| `neorv32_cpu.c`    | `neorv32_cpu.h`        | HW driver functions for the NEORV32 **CPU**
| `neorv32_gpio.c`   | `neorv32_gpio.h`       | HW driver functions for the **GPIO**
| -                  | `neorv32_intrinsics.h` | macros for custom intrinsics/instructions
| `neorv32_mtime.c`  | `neorv32_mtime.h`      | HW driver functions for the **MTIME**
| `neorv32_nco.c`    | `neorv32_nco.h`        | HW driver functions for the **NCO**
| `neorv32_neoled.c` | `neorv32_neoled.h`     | HW driver functions for the **NEOLED**
| `neorv32_pwm.c`    | `neorv32_pwm.h`        | HW driver functions for the **PWM**
| `neorv32_rte.c`    | `neorv32_rte.h`        | NEORV32 **runtime environment** and helpers
| `neorv32_spi.c`    | `neorv32_spi.h`        | HW driver functions for the **SPI**
| `neorv32_trng.c`   | `neorv32_trng.h`       | HW driver functions for the **TRNG**
| `neorv32_twi.c`    | `neorv32_twi.h`        | HW driver functions for the **TWI**
| `neorv32_uart.c`   | `neorv32_uart.h`       | HW driver functions for the **UART0** and **UART1**
| `neorv32_wdt.c`    | `neorv32_wdt.h`        | HW driver functions for the **WDT**

All core library software sources are highly documented using _doxygen_. See section <<Building the Software Framework Documentation>>.
The documentation is automatically built and deployed to GitHub pages by the CI workflow (:

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=== Application Makefile

Application compilation is based on **GNU makefiles**. Each project in the `sw/example` folder features
a makefile. All these makefiles are identical. When creating a new project, copy an existing project folder or
at least the makefile to your new project folder. I suggest to create new projects also in `sw/example` to keep
the file dependencies. Of course, these dependencies can be manually configured via makefiles variables
when your project is located somewhere else.

Before you can use the makefiles, you need to install the RISC-V GCC toolchain. Also, you have to add the
installation folder of the compiler to your system's `PATH` variable. More information can be found in chapter

The makefile is invoked by simply executing make in your console:

neorv32/sw/example/blink_led$ make

==== Targets

Just executing `make` will show the help menu showing all available targets. The following targets are

| `help` | Show a short help text explaining all available targets.
| `check` | Check the compiler toolchain. You should run this target at least once after installing the toolchain.
| `info` | Show the makefile configuration (see next chapter).
| `exe` | Compile all sources and generate application executable for upload via bootloader.
| `install` | Compile all sources, generate executable (via exe target) for upload via bootloader and generate and install IMEM VHDL initialization image file `rtl/core/neorv32_application_image.vhd`.
| `all` | Execute `exe` and `install`.
| `clean` | Remove all generated files in the current folder.
| `clean_all` | Remove all generated files in the current folder and also removes the compiled core libraries and the compiled image generator tool.
| `bootloader` | Compile all sources, generate executable and generate and install BOOTROM VHDL initialization image file `rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd`. This target modifies the ROM origin and length in the linker script by setting the `make_bootloader` define.
| `upload` | Upload NEORV32 executable to the bootloader via serial port

An assembly listing file (`main.asm`) is created by the compilation flow for further analysis or debugging purpose.

==== Configuration

The compilation flow is configured via variables right at the beginning of the makefile:

# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI  ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************

| _APP_SRC_         | The source files of the application (`*.c`, `*.cpp`, `*.S` and `*.s` files are allowed; file of these types in the project folder are automatically added via wildcards). Additional files can be added; separated by white spaces
| _APP_INC_         | Include file folders; separated by white spaces; must be defined with `-I` prefix
| _ASM_INC_         | Include file folders that are used only for the assembly source files (`*.S`/`*.s`).
| _EFFORT_          | Optimization level, optimize for size (`-Os`) is default; legal values: `-O0`, `-O1`, `-O2`, `-O3`, `-Os`
| _RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_ | The toolchain prefix to be used; follows the naming convention "architecture-vendor-output"
| _MARCH_           | The targetd RISC-V architecture/ISA. Only `rv32` is supported by the NEORV32. Enable compiler support of optional CPU extension by adding the according extension letter (e.g. `rv32im` for _M_ CPU extension). See section <<_enabling_risc_v_cpu_extensions>>.
| _MABI_            | The default 32-bit integer ABI.
| _USER_FLAGS_      | Additional flags that will be forwarded to the compiler tools
| _NEORV32_HOME_    | Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 project home folder. Adapt this if the makefile/project is not in the project's `sw/example folder`.
| _COM_PORT_        | Default serial port for executable upload to bootloader.

==== Default Compiler Flags

The following default compiler flags are used for compiling an application. These flags are defined via the
`CC_OPTS` variable. Custom flags can be appended via the `USER_FLAGS` variable to the `CC_OPTS` variable.

| `-Wall` | Enable all compiler warnings.
| `-ffunction-sections` | Put functions and data segment in independent sections. This allows a code optimization as dead code and unused data can be easily removed.
| `-nostartfiles` | Do not use the default start code. The makefiles use the NEORV32-specific start-up code instead (`sw/common/crt0.S`).
| `-Wl,--gc-sections` | Make the linker perform dead code elimination.
| `-lm` | Include/link with `math.h`.
| `-lc` | Search for the standard C library when linking.
| `-lgcc` | Make sure we have no unresolved references to internal GCC library subroutines.
| `-mno-fdiv` | Use builtin software functions for floating-point divisions and square roots (since the according instructions are not supported yet).
| `-falign-functions=4` .4+| Force a 32-bit alignment of functions and labels (branch/jump/call targets). This increases performance as it simplifies instruction fetch when using the C extension. As a drawback this will also slightly increase the program code.
| `-falign-labels=4`
| `-falign-loops=4`
| `-falign-jumps=4`

The makefile configuration variables can be (re-)defined directly when invoking the makefile. For
example: `$ make MARCH=-march=rv32ic clean_all exe`

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=== Executable Image Format

When all the application sources have been compiled and linked, a final executable file has to be generated.
For this purpose, the makefile uses the NEORV32-specific linker script `sw/common/neorv32.ld`. This linker script defines three memory sections:
`rom`, `ram` and `iodev`. These sections have specific access attributes: Read access (`r`), write access (`w`) and executable (`x`).

.Linker memory sections
| Memory section  | Attributes | Description
| `rom`           | `rx`       | Instruction memory (IMEM) **OR** bootloader ROM
| `ram`           | `rwx`      | Data memory (DMEM)
| `iodev`         | `rw`       | Memory-mapped IO/peripheral devices

The `iodev` section is reserved for processor-internal memory-mapped IO and peripheral devices. The linker does not use this section at all
and just passes the start and end adresses of this section to the start-up code `crt0.S` (see next section).

The `rom` region is used to place the instructions of "normal" applications. If the bootloader is being compiled, the makefile defines the `make_bootloader`
symbol, which changes the _ORIGIN_ (base address) and _LENGTH_ (size) attributes of the `rom` region according to the BOOTROM definitions.

The linker maps all the regions from the compiled object files into only four final sections: `.text`, `.rodata`, `.data` and `.bss`
using the specified memory section. These four regions contain everything required for the application to run:

.Executable regions
| Region    | Description 
| `.text`   | Executable instructions generated from the start-up code and all application sources.
| `.rodata` | Constants (like strings) from the application; also the initial data for initialized variables.
| `.data`   | This section is required for the address generation of fixed (= global) variables only.
| `.bss`    | This section is required for the address generation of dynamic memory constructs only.

The `.text` and `.rodata` sections are mapped to processor's instruction memory space and the `.data` and
`.bss` sections are mapped to the processor's data memory space. Finally, the `.text`, `.rodata` and `.data` sections are extracted and concatenated into a single file

**Executable Image Generator**

The **`main.bin`** file is processed by the NEORV32 image generator (`sw/image_gen`) to generate the final
executable. It is automatically compiled when invoking the makefile. The image generator can generate three
types of executables, selected by a flag when calling the generator:

| `-app_bin` | Generates an executable binary file `neorv32_exe.bin` (for UART uploading via the bootloader).
| `-app_img` | Generates an executable VHDL memory initialization image for the processor-internal IMEM. This option generates the `rtl/core/neorv32_application_image.vhd` file.
| `-bld_img` | Generates an executable VHDL memory initialization image for the processor-internal BOOT ROM. This option generates the `rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd` file.

All these options are managed by the makefile – so you don't actually have to think about them. The normal
application compilation flow will generate the `neorv32_exe.bin` file in the current software project folder
ready for upload via UART to the NEORV32 bootloader.

The actual executable provides a very small header consisting of three 32-bit words located right at the
beginning of the file. This header is generated by the image generator. The first word of the executable is the signature
word and is always `0x4788cafe`. Based on this word, the bootloader can identify a valid image file. The next word represents the size in bytes of the actual program
image in bytes. A simple "complement" checksum of the actual program image is given by the third word. This
provides a simple protection against data transmission or storage errors.

=== Start-Up Code (crt0)

The CPU (and also the processor) requires a minimal start-up and initialization code o bring the CPU (and the SoC) into a stable and initialized state before the
acutal application can be executed. This start-up code is located in `sw/common/crt0.S` and is automatically linked with _every_ application program.
The `crt0.S` is directly executed right after a reset and performs the following operations:

* Initialize integer registers `x1 - x31` (or `x1 - x15` when using the `E` CPU extension) to a defined value.
* Initialize all CPU core CSRs and also install a default "dummy" trap handler for _all_ traps.
* Initialize the global pointer `gp` and the stack pointer `sp` according to the `.data` segment layout provided by the linker script.
* Clear IO area: Write zero to all memory-mapped registers within the IO region (`iodev` section). If certain devices have not been implemented, a bus access fault exception will occur. This exception is captured by the dummy trap handler.
* Clear the `.bss` section defined by the linker script.
* Copy read-only data from the `.text` section to the `.data` section to set initialized variables.
* Call the application's `main` function (with no arguments: `argc` = `argv` = 0).
* If the `main` function returns, the processor goes to an endless sleep mode (using a simple loop or via the `wfi` instruction if available).

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=== Bootloader

The default bootloader (sw/bootloader/bootloader.c) of the NEORV32 processor allows to upload
new program executables at every time. If there is an external SPI flash connected to the processor (like the
FPGA's configuration memory), the bootloader can store the program executable to it. After reset, the
bootloader can directly boot from the flash without any user interaction.

The bootloader is only implemented when the BOOTLOADER_EN generic is true and requires the
CSR access CPU extension (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr generic is true).

The bootloader requires the primary UART (UART0) for user interaction (_IO_UART0_EN_ generic is _true_).

For the automatic boot from an SPI flash, the SPI controller has to be implemented (_IO_SPI_EN_
generic is _true_) and the machine system timer MTIME has to be implemented (_IO_MTIME_EN_
generic is _true_), too, to allow an auto-boot timeout counter.

The bootloader is intended to work independent of the actual hardware (-configuration). Hence, it
should be compiled with the minimal base ISA only. The current version of the bootloader uses the
`rv32i` ISA – so it will not work on `rv32e` architectures. To make the bootloader work on an embedded
CPU configuration or on any other more sophisticated configuration, recompile it using the according ISA
(see section <<_customizing_the_internal_bootloader>>).

To interact with the bootloader, connect the primary UART (UART0) signals (`uart0_txd_o` and
`uart0_rxd_o`) of the processor's top entity via a serial port (-adapter) to your computer (hardware flow control is
not used so the according interface signals can be ignored.), configure your
terminal program using the following settings and perform a reset of the processor. 

Terminal console settings (`19200-8-N-1`):

* 19200 Baud
* 8 data bits
* no parity bit
* 1 stop bit
* newline on `\r\n` (carriage return, newline)
* no transfer protocol / control flow protocol - just the raw byte stuff

The bootloader uses the LSB of the top entity's `gpio_o` output port as high-active status LED (all other
output pin are set to low level by the bootloader). After reset, this LED will start blinking at ~2Hz and the
following intro screen should show up in your terminal:

<< NEORV32 Bootloader >>

BLDV: Mar 23 2021
HWV:  0x01050208
CLK:  0x05F5E100
USER: 0x10000DE0
MISA: 0x40901105
ZEXT: 0x00000023
PROC: 0x0EFF0037
IMEM: 0x00004000 bytes @ 0x00000000
DMEM: 0x00002000 bytes @ 0x80000000

Autoboot in 8s. Press key to abort.

This start-up screen also gives some brief information about the bootloader and several system configuration parameters:

| `BLDV` | Bootloader version (built date).
| `HWV`  | Processor hardware version (from the `mimpid` CSR) in BCD format (example: `0x01040606` = v1.4.6.6).
| `USER` | Custom user code (from the _USER_CODE_ generic).
| `CLK`  | Processor clock speed in Hz (via the SYSINFO module, from the _CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ generic).
| `MISA` | CPU extensions (from the `misa` CSR).
| `ZEXT` | CPU sub-extensions (from the `mzext` CSR)
| `PROC` | Processor configuration (via the SYSINFO module, from the IO_* and MEM_* configuration generics).
| `IMEM` | IMEM memory base address and size in byte (from the _MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE_ generic).
| `DMEM` | DMEM memory base address and size in byte (from the _MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE_ generic).

Now you have 8 seconds to press any key. Otherwise, the bootloader starts the auto boot sequence. When
you press any key within the 8 seconds, the actual bootloader user console starts:

<< NEORV32 Bootloader >>

BLDV: Mar 23 2021
HWV:  0x01050208
CLK:  0x05F5E100
USER: 0x10000DE0
MISA: 0x40901105
ZEXT: 0x00000023
PROC: 0x0EFF0037
IMEM: 0x00004000 bytes @ 0x00000000
DMEM: 0x00002000 bytes @ 0x80000000

Autoboot in 8s. Press key to abort.

Available commands:
h: Help
r: Restart
u: Upload
s: Store to flash
l: Load from flash
e: Execute

The auto-boot countdown is stopped and now you can enter a command from the list to perform the
corresponding operation:

* `h`: Show the help text (again)
* `r`: Restart the bootloader and the auto-boot sequence
* `u`: Upload new program executable (`neorv32_exe.bin`) via UART into the instruction memory
* `s`: Store executable to SPI flash at `spi_csn_o(0)`
* `l`: Load executable from SPI flash at `spi_csn_o(0)`
* `e`: Start the application, which is currently stored in the instruction memory (IMEM)
* `#`: Shortcut for executing u and e afterwards (not shown in help menu)

A new executable can be uploaded via UART by executing the `u` command. After that, the executable can be directly
executed via the `e` command. To store the recently uploaded executable to an attached SPI flash press `s`. To
directly load an executable from the SPI flash press `l`. The bootloader and the auto-boot sequence can be
manually restarted via the `r` command.

The CPU is in machine level privilege mode after reset. When the bootloader boots an application,
this application is also started in machine level privilege mode.

==== External SPI Flash for Booting

If you want the NEORV32 bootloader to automatically fetch and execute an application at system start, you
can store it to an external SPI flash. The advantage of the external memory is to have a non-volatile program
storage, which can be re-programmed at any time just by executing some bootloader commands. Thus, no
FPGA bitstream recompilation is required at all.

**SPI Flash Requirements**

The bootloader can access an SPI compatible flash via the processor top entity's SPI port and connected to
chip select `spi_csn_o(0)`. The flash must be capable of operating at least at 1/8 of the processor's main
clock. Only single read and write byte operations are used. The address has to be 24 bit long. Furthermore,
the SPI flash has to support at least the following commands:

* READ (`0x03`)
* READ STATUS (`0x05`)
* WRITE ENABLE (`0x06`)
* PAGE PROGRAM (`0x02`)
* READ ID (`0x9E`)

Compatible (FGPA configuration) SPI flash memories are for example the "Winbond W25Q64FV2 or the "Micron N25Q032A".

**SPI Flash Configuration**

The base address `SPI_FLASH_BOOT_ADR` for the executable image inside the SPI flash is defined in the
"user configuration" section of the bootloader source code (`sw/bootloader/bootloader.c`). Most
FPGAs that use an external configuration flash, store the golden configuration bitstream at base address 0.
Make sure there is no address collision between the FPGA bitstream and the application image. You need to
change the default sector size if your flash has a sector size greater or less than 64kB:

/** SPI flash boot image base address */
#define SPI_FLASH_BOOT_ADR 0x00800000
/** SPI flash sector size in bytes */
#define SPI_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE (64*1024)

For any change you made inside the bootloader, you have to recompile the bootloader (see section
<<_customizing_the_internal_bootloader>>) and do a new synthesis of the processor.

==== Auto Boot Sequence
When you reset the NEORV32 processor, the bootloader waits 8 seconds for a user console input before it
starts the automatic boot sequence. This sequence tries to fetch a valid boot image from the external SPI
flash, connected to SPI chip select `spi_csn_o(0)`. If a valid boot image is found and can be successfully
transferred into the instruction memory, it is automatically started. If no SPI flash was detected or if there
was no valid boot image found, the bootloader stalls and the status LED is permanently activated.

==== Bootloader Error Codes

If something goes wrong during bootloader operation, an error code is shown. In this case the processor
stalls, a bell command and one of the following error codes are send to the terminal, the bootloader status
LED is permanently activated and the system must be reset manually.

| **`ERROR_0`** | If you try to transfer an invalid executable (via UART or from the external SPI flash), this error message shows up. There might be a transfer protocol configuration error in the terminal program. See section <<_uploading_and_starting_of_a_binary_executable_image_via_uart>> for more information. Also, if no SPI flash was found during an auto-boot attempt, this message will be displayed.
| **`ERROR_1`** | Your program is way too big for the internal processor’s instructions memory. Increase the memory size or reduce (optimize!) your application code.
| **`ERROR_2`** | This indicates a checksum error. Something went wrong during the transfer of the program image (upload via UART or loading from the external SPI flash). If the error was caused by a UART upload, just try it again. When the error was generated during a flash access, the stored image might be corrupted.
| **`ERROR_3`** | This error occurs if the attached SPI flash cannot be accessed. Make sure you have the right type of flash and that it is properly connected to the NEORV32 SPI port using chip select #0.
| **`ERROR_4`** | The instruction memory is marked as read-only. Set the _MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM_ generic to _false_ to allow write accesses.
| **`ERROR_5`** | This error pops up when an unexpected exception or interrupt was triggered. The cause of the trap (`mcause` CSR) is displayed for further investigation. This might be caused if an ISA extension is used that has not been synthesized.
| **`ERROR_?`** | Something really bad happened when there is no specific error code available :(

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=== NEORV32 Runtime Environment

The NEORV32 provides a minimal runtime environment (RTE) that takes care of a stable
and _safe_ execution environment by handling _all_ traps (including interrupts).

Using the RTE is **optional**. The RTE provides a simple and comfortable way of delegating traps while making sure that all traps (even though they are not
explicitly used by the application) are handled correctly. Performance-optimized applications or embedded operating systems should not use the RTE for delegating traps.

When execution enters the application's `main` function, the actual runtime environment is responsible for catching all implemented exceptions
and interrupts. To activate the NEORV32 RTE execute the following function:

void neorv32_rte_setup(void);

This setup initializes the `mtvec` CSR, which provides the base entry point for all trap
handlers. The address stored to this register reflects the first-level exception handler provided by the
NEORV32 RTE. Whenever an exception or interrupt is triggered, this first-level handler is called.

The first-level handler performs a complete context save, analyzes the source of the exception/interrupt and
calls the according second-level exception handler, which actually takes care of the exception/interrupt
handling. For this, the RTE manages a private look-up table to store the addresses of the according trap

After the initial setup of the RTE, each entry in the trap handler's look-up table is initialized with a debug
handler, that outputs detailed hardware information via the **primary UART (UART0)** when triggered. This
is intended as a fall-back for debugging or for accidentally-triggered exceptions/interrupts.
For instance, an illegal instruction exception catched by the RTE debug handler might look like this in the UART0 output:

<RTE> Illegal instruction @0x000002d6, MTVAL=0x00001537 </RTE>

To install the **actual application's trap handlers** the NEORV32 RTE provides functions for installing and
un-installing trap handler for each implemented exception/interrupt source.

int neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t id, void (*handler)(void));

| ID name [C] | Description / trap causing entry
| `RTE_TRAP_I_MISALIGNED` | instruction address misaligned
| `RTE_TRAP_I_ACCESS`     | instruction (bus) access fault
| `RTE_TRAP_I_ILLEGAL`    | illegal instruction
| `RTE_TRAP_BREAKPOINT`   | breakpoint (`ebreak` instruction)
| `RTE_TRAP_L_MISALIGNED` | load address misaligned
| `RTE_TRAP_L_ACCESS`     | load (bus) access fault
| `RTE_TRAP_S_MISALIGNED` | store address misaligned
| `RTE_TRAP_S_ACCESS`     | store (bus) access fault
| `RTE_TRAP_MENV_CALL`    | environment call from machine mode (`ecall` instruction)
| `RTE_TRAP_UENV_CALL`    | environment call from user mode (`ecall` instruction)
| `RTE_TRAP_MTI`          | machine timer interrupt
| `RTE_TRAP_MEI`          | machine external interrupt
| `RTE_TRAP_MSI`          | machine software interrupt
| `RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_0` : `RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_15` | fast interrupt channel 0..15

When installing a custom handler function for any of these exception/interrupts, make sure the function uses
**no attributes** (especially no interrupt attribute!), has no arguments and no return value like in the following

void handler_xyz(void) {

  // handle exception/interrupt...

Do NOT use the `((interrupt))` attribute for the application exception handler functions! This
will place an `mret` instruction to the end of it making it impossible to return to the first-level
exception handler of the RTE, which will cause stack corruption.

Example: Installation of the MTIME interrupt handler:

neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXC_MTI, handler_xyz);

To remove a previously installed exception handler call the according un-install function from the NEORV32
runtime environment. This will replace the previously installed handler by the initial debug handler, so even
un-installed exceptions and interrupts are further captured.

int neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(uint8_t id);

Example: Removing the MTIME interrupt handler:


More information regarding the NEORV32 runtime environment can be found in the doxygen
software documentation (also available online at[GitHub pages]).

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