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[/] [next186/] [trunk/] [Next186_ALU.v] - Rev 10
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This file is part of the Next186 project // http://opencores.org/project,next186 // // Filename: Next186_ALU.v // Description: Part of the Next186 CPU project, arithmetic-logic unit and effective address unit implementation // Version 1.0 // Creation date: 11Apr2011 - 07Jun2011 // // Author: Nicolae Dumitrache // e-mail: ndumitrache@opencores.org // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2011 Nicolae Dumitrache // // This source file may be used and distributed without // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any // later version. // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied // warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General // Public License along with this source; if not, download it // from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional Comments: // // ADD 00_000 // OR 00_001 // ADC 00_010 // SBB 00_011 // AND 00_100 // SUB 00_101 // XOR 00_110 // CMP 00_111 // // INC 01_000 // DEC 01_001 // NOT 01_010 // NEG 01_011 // DAA 01_100 // +0066h // DAS 01_101 // -0066h // AAA 01_110 // +0106h // AAS 01_111 // -0106h // // MUL 10_000 // IMUL 10_001 // // FLAGOP 11_001 // CBW 11_010 // CWD 11_011 // SHF/ROT 1 11_100 // SHF/ROT n 11_101 // PASS FLAGS 11_110 // ALUOP <- FLAGS, clear TF, IF // PASS RB 11_111 // ALUOP <- RB, FLAGS <- RA // // // FLAGS: X X X X OF DF IF TF | SF ZF X AF X PF X CF // // 09Feb2013 - fixed DAA,DAS bug ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1ns / 1ps module Next186_ALU( input [15:0] RA, input [15:0] RB, input [15:0] TMP16, input [15:0] FETCH23, input [15:0]FIN, input [4:0]ALUOP, input [2:0]EXOP, input [3:0]FLAGOP, input WORD, input INC2, output reg [15:0]FOUT, output reg [15:0]ALUOUT, output reg ALUCONT, output NULLSHIFT, output COUT, output SOUT, input [2:0]STAGE, input CLK ); reg CPLOP2; wire [15:0]SUMOP1 = ALUOP[3:1] == 3'b101 ? 16'h0000 : RA; // NEG, NOT reg [15:0]SUMOP21; wire [15:0]SUMOP2 = CPLOP2 ? ~SUMOP21 : SUMOP21; wire SCIN1 = ALUOP[3:1] == 3'b001 ? FIN[0] : ALUOP[3:0] == 4'b1010 ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //ADD/ADC, NOT wire SCIN = CPLOP2 ? ~SCIN1 : SCIN1; // carry in wire SC16OUT; wire SC8OUT; wire AF; wire [15:0]SUMOUT; wire parity = ~^ALUOUT[7:0]; wire zero8 = ~|ALUOUT[7:0]; wire zero = ~|ALUOUT[15:0]; wire overflow8 = (SUMOP1[7] & SUMOP2[7] & !SUMOUT[7]) | (!SUMOP1[7] & !SUMOP2[7] & SUMOUT[7]); wire overflow = (SUMOP1[15] & SUMOP2[15] & !SUMOUT[15]) | (!SUMOP1[15] & !SUMOP2[15] & SUMOUT[15]); wire LONIBBLE = (RA[3:0] > 4'h9) || FIN[4]; wire HINIBBLE = (RA[7:0] > 8'h99) || FIN[0]; // ADDER assign {AF, SUMOUT[3:0]} = SUMOP1[3:0] + SUMOP2[3:0] + SCIN; assign {SC8OUT, SUMOUT[7:4]} = SUMOP1[7:4] + SUMOP2[7:4] + AF; assign {SC16OUT, SUMOUT[15:8]} = SUMOP1[15:8] + SUMOP2[15:8] + SC8OUT; assign COUT = (WORD ? SC16OUT : SC8OUT) ^ CPLOP2; assign SOUT = WORD ? SUMOUT[15] : SUMOUT[7]; // SHIFTER reg [4:0]SHNOPT; // optimized shift wire [4:0]SHN = {STAGE[2:1] ^ SHNOPT[4:3], SHNOPT[2:0]}; assign NULLSHIFT = ~|SHNOPT; wire [2:0]COUNT = |SHN[4:3] ? 0 : SHN[2:0]; wire [2:0]SCOUNT = (EXOP[0] ? COUNT[2:0] : 3'b000) - (EXOP[0] ? 3'b001 : COUNT[2:0]); reg [7:0]SHEX; wire [17:0]SHBAR = (EXOP[0] ? {1'bx, SHEX, WORD ? RA[15:8]: SHEX, RA[7:0]} : {RA, SHEX, 1'bx}) >> SCOUNT; // MULTIPLIER wire signed [16:0]MULOP1 = WORD ? {ALUOP[0] & TMP16[15], TMP16} : {ALUOP[0] ? {9{TMP16[7]}} : 9'b000000000, TMP16[7:0]}; wire signed [16:0]MULOP2 = WORD ? {ALUOP[0] & FETCH23[15], FETCH23} : {ALUOP[0] ? {9{FETCH23[7]}} : 9'b000000000, FETCH23[7:0]}; wire signed [31:0]MUL = MULOP1 * MULOP2; always @* begin FOUT[15:8] = {4'bxxxx, WORD ? overflow : overflow8, FIN[10:8]}; FOUT[7] = WORD ? ALUOUT[15] : ALUOUT[7]; FOUT[6] = WORD ? zero : zero8; FOUT[5] = 1'bx; FOUT[4] = AF ^ CPLOP2; FOUT[3] = 1'bx; FOUT[2] = parity; FOUT[1] = 1'bx; FOUT[0] = COUT; ALUOUT = 16'hxxxx; ALUCONT = 1'bx; case(ALUOP[3:0]) // complement second operand 4'b0000, 4'b0010, 4'b1000, 4'b1100, 4'b1110: CPLOP2 = 1'b0; // ADD, ADC, INC, DEC, DAA, AAA default: CPLOP2 = 1'b1; endcase case(ALUOP[3:0]) 4'b1000, 4'b1001: SUMOP21 = INC2 && WORD ? 2 : 1; // INC/DEC 4'b1100, 4'b1101: SUMOP21 = {9'b000000000, HINIBBLE, HINIBBLE, 2'b00, LONIBBLE, LONIBBLE, 1'b0}; 4'b1110, 4'b1111: SUMOP21 = {7'b0000000, LONIBBLE, 5'b00000, LONIBBLE, LONIBBLE, 1'b0}; default: SUMOP21 = RB; endcase if(ALUOP[0]) case({WORD, EXOP[2:1]}) 3'b000: SHNOPT = {2'b00, RB[2:0]}; 3'b001, 3'b101: SHNOPT = RB[4:0]; 3'b010, 3'b011: SHNOPT = |RB[4:3] ? 5'b01000 : RB[4:0]; 3'b100: SHNOPT = {1'b0, RB[3:0]}; 3'b110, 3'b111: SHNOPT = RB[4] ? 5'b10000 : RB[4:0]; endcase else SHNOPT = 5'b00001; case({WORD, EXOP}) 4'b1000: SHEX = RA[15:8]; // ROL16 4'b0010: SHEX = {FIN[0], RA[7:1]}; // RCL8 4'b0011, 4'b1011: SHEX = {RA[6:0], FIN[0]}; // RCR8, RCR16 4'b0111: SHEX = {8{RA[7]}}; // SAR8 4'b0000, 4'b0001, 4'b1001: SHEX = RA[7:0]; // ROL8, ROR8, ROR16 4'b1010: SHEX = {FIN[0], RA[15:9]}; // RCL16 4'b1111: SHEX = {8{RA[15]}}; // SAR16 default: SHEX = 8'h00; // SHL16, SHR16, SHL8, SHR8 endcase case(ALUOP) 5'b00000, 5'b00010, 5'b00011, 5'b00101, 5'b00111, 5'b01010, 5'b01011: ALUOUT = SUMOUT; // ADD, ADC, SBB, SUB, CMP, NOT, NEG 5'b00001: begin // OR ALUOUT = RA | RB; FOUT[0] = 1'b0; FOUT[11] = 1'b0; FOUT[4] = FIN[4]; end 5'b00100: begin // AND ALUOUT = RA & RB; FOUT[0] = 1'b0; FOUT[11] = 1'b0; FOUT[4] = FIN[4]; end 5'b00110: begin // XOR ALUOUT = RA ^ RB; FOUT[0] = 1'b0; FOUT[11] = 1'b0; FOUT[4] = FIN[4]; end 5'b01000, 5'b01001: begin // INC, DEC ALUOUT = SUMOUT; FOUT[0] = FIN[0]; end 5'b01100, 5'b01101: begin // DAA, DAS ALUOUT = SUMOUT; FOUT[0] = HINIBBLE; FOUT[4] = LONIBBLE; end 5'b01110, 5'b01111: begin // AAA, AAS ALUOUT = {SUMOUT[15:8], 4'b0000, SUMOUT[3:0]}; FOUT[0] = LONIBBLE; FOUT[4] = LONIBBLE; end 5'b10000, 5'b10001 : begin // MUL, IMUL ALUOUT = STAGE[1] ? MUL[31:16] : MUL[15:0]; FOUT[0] = WORD ? !zero : |MUL[15:8]; FOUT[11] = FOUT[0]; end 5'b11001: begin // flag op FOUT[11:8] = FIN[11:8]; FOUT[7] = FIN[7]; FOUT[6] = FIN[6]; FOUT[4] = FIN[4]; FOUT[2] = FIN[2]; FOUT[0] = FIN[0]; case(FLAGOP) 4'b1000: FOUT[0] = 1'b0; // CLC 4'b0101: FOUT[0] = !FIN[0]; // CMC 4'b1001: FOUT[0] = 1'b1; // STC 4'b1100: FOUT[10] = 1'b0; // CLD 4'b1101: FOUT[10] = 1'b1; // STD 4'b1010: FOUT[9] = 1'b0; // CLI default: FOUT[9] = 1'b1; // STI endcase end 5'b11010: ALUOUT[7:0] = {8{RB[7]}}; 5'b11011: ALUOUT[15:0] = {16{RB[15]}}; 5'b11100, 5'b11101: begin // ROT/SHF ALUOUT = SHBAR[16:1]; FOUT[0] = EXOP[0] ? SHBAR[0] : WORD ? SHBAR[17] : SHBAR[9]; FOUT[11] = WORD ? RA[15] ^ ALUOUT[15] : RA[7] ^ ALUOUT[7]; // OF is defined only for 1bit rotate/shift if(!EXOP[2]) begin // ROT FOUT[7] = FIN[7]; FOUT[6] = FIN[6]; FOUT[4] = FIN[4]; FOUT[2] = FIN[2]; end case({SHN[4:3], STAGE[2:1]}) 4'b0100, 4'b1101, 4'b0110: ALUCONT = |SHN[2:0]; 4'b1000, 4'b1100, 4'b1001: ALUCONT = 1'b1; default: ALUCONT = 1'b0; endcase end 5'b11110: begin ALUOUT = FIN; FOUT[11] = FIN[11]; FOUT[9] = 1'b0; // IF FOUT[8] = 1'b0; // TF FOUT[7] = FIN[7]; FOUT[6] = FIN[6]; FOUT[4] = FIN[4]; FOUT[2] = FIN[2]; FOUT[0] = FIN[0]; end 5'b11111: begin ALUOUT = RB; FOUT = {WORD ? RA[15:8] : FIN[15:8], RA[7:0]}; end endcase end endmodule // 0000 - BX+SI+DISP // 0001 - BX+DI+DISP // 0010 - BP+SI+DISP // 0011 - BP+DI+DISP // 0100 - SI+DISP // 0101 - DI+DISP // 0110 - BP+DISP // 0111 - BX+DISP // 1000 - SP-2 // 1001 - SP+2 // 1010 - BX+AL // 1011 - TMP16+2 // 1100 - // 1101 - SP+2+DISP // 1110 - DISP[7:0]<<2 // 1111 - PIO module Next186_EA( input [15:0] SP, input [15:0] BX, input [15:0] BP, input [15:0] SI, input [15:0] DI, input [15:0] PIO, input [15:0] TMP16, input [7:0] AL, input [15:0] AIMM, input [3:0]EAC, output [15:0] ADDR16 ); reg [15:0]OP1; reg [15:0]OP2; reg [15:0]OP3; always @* begin case(EAC) 4'b0000, 4'b0001, 4'b0111, 4'b1010: OP1 = BX; 4'b0010, 4'b0011, 4'b0110: OP1 = BP; 4'b1000, 4'b1001, 4'b1101: OP1 = SP; 4'b1011: OP1 = TMP16; default: OP1 = 16'h0000; endcase case(EAC) 4'b0000, 4'b0010, 4'b0100: OP2 = SI; 4'b0001, 4'b0011, 4'b0101: OP2 = DI; 4'b1001, 4'b1011, 4'b1101: OP2 = 16'h0002; // SP/TMP16 + 2 default: OP2 = 16'h0000; endcase case(EAC) 4'b1000: OP3 = 16'hfffe; // SP - 2 4'b1010: OP3 = {8'b00000000, AL}; // XLAT 4'b1001, 4'b1011: OP3 = 16'h0000; // SP/TMP16 + 2 4'b1110: OP3 = {6'b000000, AIMM[7:0], 2'b00}; // int 4'b1111: OP3 = PIO; // in,out default: OP3 = AIMM; endcase end assign ADDR16 = OP1 + OP2 + OP3; endmodule
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