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[/] [next186/] [trunk/] [Next186_CPU.v] - Rev 20
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This file is part of the Next186 project // http://opencores.org/project,next186 // // Filename: Next186_CPU.v // Description: Implementation of 80186 instruction compatible CPU // Version 1.0 // Creation date: 24Mar2011 - 07Jun2011 // // Author: Nicolae Dumitrache // e-mail: ndumitrache@opencores.org // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2011 Nicolae Dumitrache // // This source file may be used and distributed without // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any // later version. // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied // warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General // Public License along with this source; if not, download it // from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Comments: // This project was developed and tested on a XILINX Spartan3AN board. // // Next186 processor features: // All 80186 intstructions are implemented according with the 80186 specifications (excepting ENTER instruction, // which uses always 0 as the second parameter - level). // Designed with 2 buses: 16bit/20bit data/data_address and 48bit/20bit instruction/instruction_address. // This allows most instructions to be executed in one clock cycle. // In order to couple the CPU unit with a single bus, these sepparate data/instruction buses must be multiplexed by // a dedicated bus interface unit (BIU). // It is able to execute up to 40Mips on Spartan XC3S700AN speed grade -4, performances comparable with a 486 CPU. // Small size, the CPU + BIU requires ~25% or 1500 slices - on Spartan XC3S700AN // // 16May2012 - fixed REP CMPS/SCAS bug when interrupted on the <equal> item // 23Dec2012 - fixed DIV bug (exception on sign bit) // 27Feb2013 - fixed MUL/IMUL 8bit flags bug // 03Apr2013 - fix RET n alignment bug // 04Apr2013 - fix TRAP interrupt acknowledge // 12Apr2013 - fix IDIV when Q=0 // 16May2013 - fix PUSHA SP pushed stack value, which should be the one before PUSHA // 25May2013 - generate invalid opcode exception for MOV FS and GS // 08Sep2016 - separate port address (PORT_ADDR) // 15Sep2017 - implemented SALC undocumented instruction /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1ns / 1ps module Next186_CPU( output [20:0]ADDR, // mem address output [15:0]PORT_ADDR, // port address input [15:0]DIN, // mem/port data in output [15:0]DOUT, // mem data out output [15:0]POUT, // port data out input CLK, input CE, input INTR, input NMI, input RST, output reg MREQ, output reg IORQ, output reg INTA, output reg WR, output reg WORD, output LOCK, output [20:0]IADDR, input [47:0]INSTR, output reg IFETCH, output FLUSH, output reg [2:0]ISIZE, output reg HALT ); // connections wire [15:0]RA; wire [15:0]RB; wire [15:0]TMP16; wire [15:0]SP; wire [15:0]IP; wire [15:0]AX; wire [15:0]BX; wire [15:0]BP; wire [15:0]SI; wire [15:0]DI; wire [15:0]DX; wire [15:0]FLAGS; wire [15:0]FIN; wire [15:0]ALUOUT; wire [15:0]ALUOUTA; wire [15:0]AIMM1; reg [15:0]DIMM1; wire [15:0]RS; wire [15:0]ADDR16; wire [15:0]CS; wire ALUCONT; wire NULLSHIFT; wire [1:0]CXZ; wire COUT; // adder carry out wire DIVEXC; // exit carry for unsigned DIV // Registers reg [7:0]FETCH[5:0]; reg [6:0]STAGE = 0; reg [5:0]CPUStatus = 0; //1:0=SR override, 2=override ON/OFF, 3=Z(REP), 4=REP ON/OFF, 5=LOCK reg TZF = 0, TLF = 0; reg SRST = 0; reg SNMI = 0, FNMI = 0; reg SINTR = 0; reg [15:0]CRTIP; // current instruction ptr (used by interrupts) reg DIVQSGN; reg RDIVEXC; // control reg [2:0]RASEL; reg [2:0]RBSEL; reg BASEL; reg [1:0]BBSEL; reg [1:0]RSSEL; reg [4:0]WE; // 4=flags, 3=TMP16, 2=RSSEL, 1=RASEL_HI, 0=RASEL_LO reg [4:0]ALUOP; reg [3:0]EAC; reg [1:0]DISEL; reg [1:0]ISEL; reg ASEL; reg AEXT; reg DEXT; reg [1:0]DOSEL; reg IPWSEL; reg [5:0]status; //1:0=SR override, 2=override ON/OFF, 3=Z(REP), 4=REP ON/OFF, 5=lock reg NOBP; reg ALUSTAGE; // inc STAGE with 2 reg DIVSTAGE; // inc STAGE with 4 reg DISP16; reg DECCX; reg IRQ; reg [2:0]IRQL; reg REPINT; reg [5:0]ICODE1 = 23; reg NULLSEG; reg DIVOP; reg DIVIRQ; reg AAMIRQ; reg RCOUT; // signals // assign IORQ = &EAC; assign LOCK = CPUStatus[5]; assign FLUSH = ~IPWSEL || (ISIZE == 3'b000); assign PORT_ADDR = FETCH[0][3] ? DX : {8'h00, FETCH[1]}; wire [15:0]IPADD = ISIZE == 3'b000 ? CRTIP : IP + ISIZE; wire [15:0]IPIN = IPWSEL ? IPADD : ALUOUTA; wire [1:0]MOD = FETCH[1][7:6]; wire [2:0]REG = FETCH[1][5:3]; wire [2:0]RM = FETCH[1][2:0]; wire USEBP = RM[1] && ~&RM; wire POP = {EAC[3], EAC[1:0]} == 3'b101; wire [15:0]ADDR16_SP = POP ? SP : ADDR16; wire [1:0]WBIT = {WORD | RASEL[2], WORD | !RASEL[2]}; wire [1:0]ISELS = {DISP16 | AEXT, DISP16 | ~AEXT}; wire [2:0]ISIZES = DISP16 ? 4 : AEXT ? 3 : 2; reg [2:0]ISIZEW; reg [2:0]ISIZEI; // ise imm wire [1:0]WRBIT = WR ? 2'b00 : WBIT; wire RCXZ = CPUStatus[4] && ~|CXZ; wire NRORCXLE1 = ~CPUStatus[4] || ~CXZ[1]; wire [7:0]JMPC = {(FLAGS[7] ^ FLAGS[11]) | FLAGS[6], FLAGS[7] ^ FLAGS[11], FLAGS[2], FLAGS[7], FLAGS[0] | FLAGS[6], FLAGS[6], FLAGS[0], FLAGS[11]}; wire [3:0]LOOPC = {CXZ != 2'b00, CXZ == 2'b01, CXZ == 2'b01 || !FLAGS[6], CXZ == 2'b01 || FLAGS[6]}; wire IDIV = FETCH[0][1] & FETCH[1][3]; wire DIVRSGN = (WORD ? FETCH[3][7] : FETCH[2][7]) & IDIV; wire DIVSGN = DIVQSGN ^ DIVRSGN; wire DIVEND = FETCH[0][0] ? STAGE[6] : STAGE[5]; wire DIVC = ((COUT & ~RDIVEXC) ^ ~DIVRSGN); wire QSGN = (WORD ? DX[15] : AX[15]) & IDIV; // interrupts wire SAMPLEINT = ~(WE[2] & RASEL[1:0] == 2'b10) & ~status[2] & ~status[4] & ~status[5]; // not load SS, no prefix wire NMIACK = SNMI & ~FNMI; // NMI acknowledged wire INTRACK = FLAGS[9] & (~WE[4] | FIN[9]) & SINTR; // INTR acknowledged (IF and not CLI in progress) wire IACK = IRQ | (SAMPLEINT & (NMIACK | INTRACK | (~HALT & FLAGS[8]))); // interrupt acknowledged (fixed 04Apr2013) reg CMPS; // early EQ test for CMPS reg SCAS; // early EQ test for SCAS Next186_Regs REGS ( .RASEL(RASEL), .RBSEL(RBSEL), .BASEL(BASEL), .BBSEL(BBSEL), .RSSEL(RSSEL), .DIN(DIN), .ALUOUT(ALUOUT), .ADDR16(ADDR16), .DIMM(DEXT ? {{8{DIMM1[7]}}, DIMM1[7:0]} : DIMM1), .WE(WE), .IFETCH(IFETCH), .RA(RA), .RB(RB), .TMP16(TMP16), .SP(SP), .IP(IP), .AX(AX), .BX(BX), .BP(BP), .SI(SI), .DI(DI), .DX(DX), .RS(RS), .FIN(FIN), .FOUT(FLAGS), .DISEL(DISEL), .WORD(WORD | &DISEL), .IPIN(IPIN), .CLK(CLK), .CLKEN(CE), .CS(CS), .INCSP(POP), .CXZ(CXZ), .DECCX(DECCX), .DIVOP(DIVOP), .DIVEND(DIVEND), .DIVSGN(DIVSGN), .DIVC(DIVC), .DIVEXC(DIVEXC) ); Next186_ALU ALU16 ( .RA(DOSEL == 2'b01 ? IPADD : RA), .RB(RB), .TMP16(TMP16), .FETCH23({FETCH[3], FETCH[2]}), .FIN(FLAGS), .FOUT(FIN), .ALUOP(ALUOP), .EXOP(FETCH[1][5:3]), .FLAGOP(FETCH[0][3:0]), .ALUOUT(ALUOUT), .ALUOUTA(ALUOUTA), .WORD(WORD), .ALUCONT(ALUCONT), .NULLSHIFT(NULLSHIFT), .STAGE(STAGE[2:0]), .INC2(&DISEL), // when DISEL == 2'b11, inc/dec value is 2 if WORD and 1 if ~WORD .COUT(COUT), .CLK(CLK) ); Next186_EA EA ( .SP(SP), .BX(BX), .BP(NOBP ? 16'h0000 : BP), .SI(SI), .DI(DI), .TMP16(TMP16), .AL(AX[7:0]), .AIMM(AEXT ? {{8{AIMM1[7]}}, AIMM1[7:0]} : (DISP16 ? AIMM1 : 16'h0000)), .ADDR16(ADDR16), .EAC(EAC) ); assign POUT = DOSEL[0] ? AX : TMP16; assign DOUT = DOSEL[1] ? POUT : DOSEL[0] ? IPADD : ALUOUT; assign ADDR = {{NULLSEG ? 16'h0000 : RS} + {5'b00000, ADDR16_SP[15:4]}, ADDR16_SP[3:0]}; assign IADDR = {CS + {5'b00000, IPIN[15:4]}, IPIN[3:0]}; assign AIMM1 = ASEL ? {FETCH[3], FETCH[2]} : {FETCH[2], FETCH[1]}; always @(posedge CLK) if(CE) begin if(SRST) begin // reset // FETCH[0] <= 8'h0f; FETCH[0][0] <= 1'b1; // for word=1 ICODE1 <= 54; FETCH[5][1:0] <= 2'b01; // RESET STAGE <= 4'b1000; end else begin if(IACK & (IFETCH | HALT | REPINT)) begin // interrupt sampled and acknowledged FETCH[0][1:0] <= 2'b11; ICODE1 <= 54; STAGE <= 4'b1000; FETCH[5][2:0] <= {HALT, 2'b00}; if(IRQ) FETCH[2] <= IRQL != 3'b010 ? {5'b00000, IRQL} : FETCH[1]; else if(NMIACK) begin FETCH[2] <= 8'h02; FNMI <= 1'b1; end else if(INTRACK) FETCH[5][1:0] <= 2'b10; else FETCH[2] <= 8'h01; // trap end else if(IFETCH) begin // no interrupt, fetch FETCH[5] <= INSTR[47:40]; FETCH[4] <= INSTR[39:32]; FETCH[3] <= INSTR[31:24]; FETCH[2] <= INSTR[23:16]; FETCH[1] <= INSTR[15:8]; FETCH[0] <= INSTR[7:0]; STAGE <= 0; CPUStatus[5:0] <= status[5:0]; ICODE1 <= ICODE(INSTR[7:0]); end else begin // no interrupt, no fetch STAGE <= STAGE + {DIVSTAGE, ALUSTAGE} + 1'b1; if(&DOSEL) {FETCH[3], FETCH[2]} <= |DISEL ? DIN : RB; TZF <= FIN[6]; // zero flag for BOUND TLF <= FIN[7] != FIN[11]; // less flag for BOUND end end if(IFETCH & ~status[2] & ~status[4] & ~status[5]) CRTIP <= IPIN; // no prefix SRST <= RST; // level detection RST SINTR <= INTR; // level detection INTR if(NMI) SNMI <= 1'b1; // edge detection NMI else if(FNMI) begin SNMI <= 1'b0; FNMI <= 1'b0; end if(~|STAGE[1:0]) DIVQSGN <= QSGN; RDIVEXC <= DIVOP & DIVEXC & ~IDIV; // bit 8/16 for unsigned DIV CMPS <= (~FETCH[0][0] | (FETCH[3] == DIN[15:8])) & (FETCH[2] == DIN[7:0]); // early EQ test for CMPS SCAS <= (~FETCH[0][0] | (AX[15:8] == DIN[15:8])) & (AX[7:0] == DIN[7:0]); // early EQ test for SCAS RCOUT <= COUT; DIVIRQ <= ~|STAGE[6:3] & DIVC & (~STAGE[2] | (~DIVSGN & IDIV)) & (&STAGE[1:0]); // DIV stage4, div loop AAMIRQ <= ~|STAGE[6:2] & DIVC & (STAGE[1:0] == 2'b01); // AAM stage2, div end always @(ISEL, FETCH[0], FETCH[1], FETCH[2], FETCH[3], FETCH[4], FETCH[5]) case(ISEL) 2'b00: DIMM1 = {FETCH[2], FETCH[1]}; 2'b01: DIMM1 = {FETCH[3], FETCH[2]}; 2'b10: DIMM1 = {FETCH[4], FETCH[3]}; 2'b11: DIMM1 = {FETCH[5], FETCH[4]}; endcase always @(FETCH[0], WORD, DISP16, AEXT) begin case({WORD, DISP16, AEXT}) 3'b000: ISIZEW = 3; 3'b001, 3'b100: ISIZEW = 4; 3'b010, 3'b101: ISIZEW = 5; default: ISIZEW = 6; endcase case({FETCH[0][1:0] == 2'b01, DISP16, AEXT}) 3'b000: ISIZEI = 3; 3'b001, 3'b100: ISIZEI = 4; 3'b110: ISIZEI = 6; default: ISIZEI = 5; endcase end always @(FETCH[0], FETCH[1], FETCH[2], FETCH[3], FETCH[4], FETCH[5], MOD, REG, RM, CPUStatus, USEBP, NOBP, RASEL, ISIZEI, TLF, EAC, RCOUT, DIVEND, DIVIRQ, AAMIRQ, QSGN, CMPS, SCAS, WBIT, ISIZES, ISELS, WRBIT, ISIZEW, STAGE, NULLSHIFT, ALUCONT, FLAGS, CXZ, RCXZ, NRORCXLE1, TZF, JMPC, LOOPC, ICODE1, DIVQSGN, DIVSGN, DIVRSGN, FIN, IDIV, AX) begin WORD = FETCH[0][0]; BASEL = FETCH[0][1] | &MOD; RASEL = FETCH[0][1] ? REG : RM; // destination BBSEL = {1'b0, !FETCH[0][1] | &MOD}; RBSEL = FETCH[0][1] ? RM : REG; // source RSSEL = CPUStatus[2] ? CPUStatus[1:0] : (USEBP && !NOBP ? 2'b10 : 2'b11); WE = 5'b00000; // 5=flags, 3=TMP16, 2=RSSEL, 1=RASEL_HI, 0=RASEL_LO ALUOP = 5'bxxxxx; EAC = {1'b0, RM}; DISEL = 2'b01; // ALU ISEL = 2'bxx; ASEL = 1'bx; AEXT = MOD == 2'b01; DEXT = 1'b0; DOSEL = 2'b00; // ALU MREQ = 1'b1; WR = 1'b0; ISIZE = 3'bxxx; IPWSEL = 1'b1; // IP + ISIZE IFETCH = 1'b1; IORQ = 1'b0; status = 6'b00x0xx; DISP16 = MOD == 2'b10 || NOBP; NOBP = {MOD, RM} == 5'b00110; HALT = 1'b0; INTA = 1'b0; ALUSTAGE = 1'b0; DIVSTAGE = 1'b0; DECCX = 1'b0; IRQ = 1'b0; IRQL = 3'b110; // unused opcode REPINT = 1'b0; NULLSEG = 1'b0; DIVOP = 1'b0; case(ICODE1) // one hot synthesis // -------------------------------- mov R/M to/from R/SR -------------------------------- 0: begin if(FETCH[0][2]) WORD = 1'b1; if(FETCH[0][2:1] == 2'b10) BBSEL = 2'b11; // RB = SR ALUOP = 31; // PASS B DISEL = {1'b0, &MOD}; ASEL = 1'b1; IRQ = FETCH[0][2] & FETCH[1][5]; // 25May2013 - generate invalid opcode exception for MOV FS and GS MREQ = ~&MOD & ~IRQ; WR = MREQ & !FETCH[0][1]; WE = WR | IRQ ? 5'b00000 : &FETCH[0][2:1] ? {2'b00, FETCH[1][4:3] != 2'b01, 2'b00} : {3'b000, WBIT}; // RSSEL, RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO ISIZE = IRQ ? 0 : ISIZES; end // -------------------------------- mov IMM to R/M -------------------------------- 1: begin RASEL = RM; // destination BBSEL = 2'b10; ALUOP = 31; // PASS B ISEL = ISELS; ASEL = 1'b1; MREQ = ~&MOD; WR = MREQ; WE[1:0] = WRBIT; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO ISIZE = ISIZEW; end // -------------------------------- mov IMM to R -------------------------------- 2: begin WORD = FETCH[0][3]; RASEL = FETCH[0][2:0]; // destination BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm WE[1:0] = WBIT; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO ALUOP = 31; // PASS B ISEL = 2'b00; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = WORD ? 3 : 2; end // -------------------------------- mov mem to/from ACC -------------------------------- 3: begin RASEL = 0; // ACC BBSEL = 2'b01; // reg RBSEL = 0; // ACC ALUOP = 31; // PASS B EAC = 4'b0110; DISEL = 2'b00; ASEL = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; WR = FETCH[0][1]; WE[1:0] = WRBIT; // IP, RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO ISIZE = 3; NOBP = 1'b1; end // -------------------------------- segment override prefix -------------------------------- 4: begin status = {CPUStatus[5:3], 1'b1, FETCH[0][4:3]}; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- rep prefix -------------------------------- 5: begin status = {CPUStatus[5], 1'b1, FETCH[0][0], CPUStatus[2:0]}; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- lock prefix -------------------------------- 6: begin status = {1'b1, CPUStatus[4:0]}; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- FF block -------------------------------- 7: begin ISIZE = ISIZES; case({FETCH[0][0], REG}) // -------------------------------- push R/M -------------------------------- 4'b1110: if(!(&MOD || STAGE[0])) begin // stage1, read data in TMP16 WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; ASEL = 1'b1; IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin // stage2, push R/TMP16 RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS ALUOP = 31; // PASS B WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR WR = 1'b1; end // -------------------------------- inc/dec R/M -------------------------------- 4'b0000, 4'b1000, 4'b0001, 4'b1001: begin ASEL = 1'b1; if(!(&MOD || STAGE[0])) begin // stage1, load op from memory in TMP16 WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin // stage2, execute and write BASEL = &MOD; RASEL = RM; // destination ALUOP = {2'b01, FETCH[1][5:3]}; MREQ = ~BASEL; WR = MREQ; WE = {3'b100, WRBIT}; // flags, IP, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end end // -------------------------------- call/jmp near R/M -------------------------------- 4'b1010, 4'b1100: begin if(!STAGE[0] && ~&MOD) begin // stage1, load op in TMP16 ASEL = 1'b1; WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin // stage2, push IP, jump RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS ALUOP = 31; // PASS B EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR DOSEL = 2'b01; // IP MREQ = REG[1]; WR = MREQ; WE[1:0] = {WR, WR}; IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU end end // -------------------------------- call/jmp far R/M -------------------------------- 4'b1011, 4'b1101: begin ALUOP = 31; // PASS B IRQ = &MOD; case({STAGE[1:0], REG[1]}) 3'b001: begin // stage1, push CS RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP BBSEL = 2'b11; RBSEL = 3'b001; // CS RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR MREQ = ~IRQ; WR = MREQ; IFETCH = IRQ; WE[1:0] = IRQ ? 2'b00 : 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO ISIZE = 0; end 3'b011, 3'b000: begin // stage2, read offset in FETCH, ADDR16 in TMP16 RASEL = 3'b100; // SP - write SP to SP for getting ADDR16 to TMP16 BBSEL = 2'b01; RBSEL = 3'b100; // SP WE[3:0] = IRQ ? 4'b0000 : 4'b1011; // TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ASEL = 1'b1; DOSEL = 2'b11; // load FETCH with DIN IFETCH = IRQ; MREQ = ~IRQ; ISIZE = 0; end 3'b101, 3'b010: begin // stage3, read CS RASEL = 3'b001; // CS WE[2] = 1'b1; // RSSEL EAC = 4'b1011; // TMP16 + 2 DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = 1'b0; end 3'b111, 3'b100: begin // stage4, push IP, jump RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR DOSEL = 2'b01; // IP ISEL = 2'b01; MREQ = REG[1]; WR = MREQ; WE[1:0] = {WR, WR}; IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU end endcase end // -------------------------------- bad opcode -------------------------------- default: begin MREQ = 1'b0; IRQ = 1'b1; ISIZE = 0; end endcase end // -------------------------------- push R/SR -------------------------------- 8: begin WORD = 1'b1; RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP BBSEL = {~FETCH[0][6], 1'b1}; RBSEL = FETCH[0][6] ? FETCH[0][2:0] : {1'b0, FETCH[0][4:3]}; // source RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO ALUOP = 31; // PASS B WR = 1'b1; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- push Imm -------------------------------- 9: begin WORD = 1'b1; RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO ALUOP = 31; // PASS B EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR ISEL = 2'b00; DEXT = FETCH[0][1]; WR = 1'b1; ISIZE = FETCH[0][1] ? 2 : 3; end // -------------------------------- pusha -------------------------------- 10: begin WORD = 1'b1; RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP RBSEL = STAGE[2:0]; // source RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS ALUOP = 31; // PASS B EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR WR = 1'b1; ISIZE = 1; IFETCH = STAGE[2:0] == 3'b111; WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO BASEL = STAGE[1:0] == 2'b00; // 16May2013 - fix PUSHA SP pushed stack value, which should be the one before PUSHA BBSEL[0] = STAGE[2:0] != 3'b100; // SP stage end // -------------------------------- pop R/M -------------------------------- 11: case(REG) 3'b000: begin ISIZE = ISIZES; if(!STAGE[0]) begin // pop TMP16/REG RASEL = RM; // destination RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1001; // SP DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = &MOD; WE[3:0] = IFETCH ? 4'b0011 : 4'b1000; // TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end else begin // R/M <- TMP16 RASEL = RM; // destination BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP ALUOP = 31; // PASS B ASEL = 1'b1; MREQ = ~&MOD; WR = MREQ; WE[1:0] = WR ? 2'b00 : 2'b11; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end end default: begin // bad opcode MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 0; IRQ = 1'b1; end endcase // -------------------------------- pop R / SR -------------------------------- 12: begin WORD = 1'b1; RASEL = FETCH[0][6] ? FETCH[0][2:0] : {1'b0, FETCH[0][4:3]}; // destination RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS WE[2:0] = FETCH[0][6] ? 3'b011 : 3'b100; // RSSEL, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO EAC = 4'b1001; // SP DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- popa -------------------------------- 13: begin RASEL = ~STAGE[2:0]; // destination RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1001; // SP DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN ISIZE = 1; IFETCH = &STAGE[2:0]; WE[1:0] = {STAGE[2:0] == 3'b011 ? 2'b00 : 2'b11}; // IP, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO (skip SP) end // -------------------------------- xchg R with R/M/Acc -------------------------------- 14: begin WORD = FETCH[0][0] | FETCH[0][4]; ASEL = 1'b1; MREQ = ~&MOD && !FETCH[0][4]; ALUOP = 31; // PASS B ISIZE = FETCH[0][4] ? 1 : ISIZES; if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, R/M/Acc -> REG -> TMP16 BASEL = 1'b1; RASEL = FETCH[0][4] ? FETCH[0][2:0] : REG; // destination BBSEL = 2'b01; // reg RBSEL = FETCH[0][4] ? 3'b000 : RM; // source DISEL = {1'b0, !MREQ}; WE[1:0] = WBIT; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO IFETCH = ~|FETCH[0][2:0]; // nop end else begin // stage2, TMP16 -> R/M/Acc RASEL = FETCH[0][4] ? 3'b000 : RM; // destination BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP16 WR = MREQ; WE[1:0] = WRBIT; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end end // -------------------------------- in -------------------------------- 15: begin RASEL = 3'b000; // AX/AL WE[1:0] = {WORD, 1'b1}; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO DISEL = 2'b00; //DIN MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = FETCH[0][3] ? 1 : 2; IORQ = 1'b1; // EAC = 4'b1111; // NULLSEG = 1'b1; end // -------------------------------- out -------------------------------- 16: begin DOSEL = 2'b11; // AX MREQ = 1'b0; WR = 1'b1; ISIZE = FETCH[0][3] ? 1 : 2; IORQ = 1'b1; // EAC = 4'b1111; // NULLSEG = 1'b1; end // -------------------------------- xlat -------------------------------- 17: begin WORD = 1'b0; RASEL = 3'b000; // AL WE[0] = 1'b1; // RASEL_LO EAC = 4'b1010; // XLAT DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN ISIZE = 1; NOBP = 1'b1; // for RSSEL end // -------------------------------- lea -------------------------------- 18: begin RASEL = REG; // destination WE[1:0] = {&MOD ? 2'b00 : 2'b11}; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO DISEL = 2'b10; // EA ASEL = 1'b1; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = ISIZES; end // -------------------------------- lds, les -------------------------------- 19: begin WORD = 1'b1; DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN ASEL = 1'b1; if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, load offset RASEL = REG; // destination IFETCH = &MOD; // bad opcode IRQ = IFETCH; ISIZE = 0; WE[3:0] = {2'b10, IFETCH ? 2'b00 : 2'b11}; // TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end else begin // stage2, load segment RASEL = FETCH[0][0] ? 3'b011 : 3'b000; // ds/es WE[2] = 1'b1; // RSSEL EAC = 4'b1011; // TMP16 + 2 ISIZE = ISIZES; end end // -------------------------------- lahf, sahf -------------------------------- 20: begin WORD = 1'b0; RASEL = 3'b100; // AH WE = {!FETCH[0][0], 2'b00, FETCH[0][0], 1'b0}; // FLAGS, IP, RASEL_HI ALUOP = FETCH[0][0] ? 30 : 31; // PASS/STORE FLAGS MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- pushf -------------------------------- 21: begin WORD = 1'b1; RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS WE[1:0] = 2'b11; ALUOP = 30; // pass flags EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR WR = 1'b1; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- popf -------------------------------- 22: begin ISIZE = 1; IFETCH = STAGE[0]; if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, pop TMP16 RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 EAC = 4'b1001; // SP DISEL = 2'b00; end else begin // stage2, TMP16 to FLAGS BASEL = 1'b0; WE[4] = 1'b1; // flags ALUOP = 31; // store flags MREQ = 1'b0; end end // -------------------------------- add, or, adc, sbb, and, sub, xor, cmp, test R/M with R -------------------------------- 23: begin ASEL = 1'b1; if(!(&MOD || STAGE[0])) begin // stage1, load op from memory in TMP16 WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin // stage2, execute and write ALUOP = {2'b00, FETCH[0][2] ? 3'b100 : FETCH[0][5:3]}; // test = and MREQ = ~&MOD & ~|FETCH[0][2:1] & ~&FETCH[0][5:3]; // no cmp or test WR = MREQ; WE = {3'b100, WR | &FETCH[0][5:3] | FETCH[0][2] ? 2'b00 : WBIT}; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ISIZE = ISIZES; end end // -------------------------------- add, or, adc, sbb, and, sub, xor, cmp R/M with Imm -------------------------------- 24: begin ASEL = 1'b1; if(!(&MOD || STAGE[0])) begin // stage1, load op from memory in TMP16 WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin // stage2, execute and write BASEL = &MOD; RASEL = RM; BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm ALUOP = {2'b00, FETCH[1][5:3]}; ISEL = ISELS; DEXT = FETCH[0][1]; MREQ = ~BASEL & ~&FETCH[1][5:3]; WR = MREQ; WE = {3'b100, WR | &FETCH[1][5:3]? 2'b00 : WBIT}; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ISIZE = ISIZEI; end end // -------------------------------- add, or, adc, sbb, and, sub, xor, cmp, test Acc with Imm -------------------------------- 25: begin // test BASEL = 1'b1; RASEL = 3'b000; // acc BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm WE = {3'b100, &FETCH[0][5:3] | FETCH[0][7] ? 2'b00 : WBIT}; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = {2'b00, FETCH[0][7] ? 3'b100 : FETCH[0][5:3]}; ISEL = 2'b00; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = WORD ? 3 : 2; end // -------------------------------- inc/dec R16 -------------------------------- 26: begin WORD = 1'b1; BASEL = 1'b1; RASEL = FETCH[0][2:0]; // destination WE = 5'b10011; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = {2'b01, FETCH[0][5:3]}; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- test/???/not/neg/mul/imul/div/idiv -------------------------------- 27: begin ASEL = 1'b1; case(REG) 3'b000: begin // TEST R/M with Imm if(!(&MOD || |STAGE[1:0])) begin // stage1, load op from memory in TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; WE[3] = 1'b1; // mem in TMP16 IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin BASEL = &MOD; RASEL = RM; // destination BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm ALUOP = 5'b00100; // AND ISEL = ISELS; MREQ = 1'b0; WE[4] = 1'b1; // flags ISIZE = ISIZEW; end end 3'b010, 3'b011: begin // NOT/NEG R/M if(!(&MOD || |STAGE[1:0])) begin // stage1, load op from memory in TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; WE[3] = 1'b1; // mem in TMP16 IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin BASEL = &MOD; RASEL = RM; // destination ALUOP = {2'b01, REG}; MREQ = ~&MOD; WR = MREQ; WE = {REG[0], 2'b00, WRBIT}; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ISIZE = ISIZES; end end 3'b100, 3'b101: begin // MUL, IMUL ISIZE = ISIZES; ALUOP = {4'b1000, REG[0]}; // BASEL = FETCH[0][1] = 1 WE[4] = 1'b1; // fix MUL/IMUL 8bit flags bug case(STAGE[1:0]) 2'b00: begin // stage1, RA -> TMP16, RB (mem) -> FETCH MREQ = ~&MOD; DISEL = {1'b0, MREQ}; RASEL = 3'b000; // AX DOSEL = 2'b11; IFETCH = 1'b0; end 2'b01: begin // stage2, write AX WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO RASEL = 3'b000; // AX MREQ = 1'b0; IFETCH = ~FETCH[0][0]; end 2'b10: begin // stage 2, write DX WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO RASEL = 3'b010; // DX MREQ = 1'b0; end endcase end 3'b110, 3'b111: begin // div, idiv ISIZE = ISIZES; IRQL = 3'b000; // divide overflow MREQ = 1'b0; case({DIVEND, STAGE[1:0]}) 3'b000: begin // stage1, RB (mem) -> FETCH MREQ = ~&MOD; DISEL = {1'b0, MREQ}; DOSEL = 2'b11; IFETCH = 1'b0; DIVSTAGE = ~QSGN; RASEL = 3'b000; // AX ALUOP = 5'b01001; // DEC end 3'b001: begin // stage2, pre dec AX // WORD = 1'b1; RASEL = 3'b000; // AX WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = 5'b01001; // DEC IFETCH = 1'b0; ALUSTAGE = ~(DIVQSGN && FETCH[0][0] && RCOUT); end 3'b010: begin // stage3, pre dec DX RASEL = 3'b010; // DX WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = 5'b01001; // DEC IFETCH = 1'b0; end 3'b011, 3'b111: begin // stage4, div loop RASEL = WORD ? 3'b010 : 3'b100; // DX/AH BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm WE[1:0] = {1'b1, WORD}; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = {2'b00, DIVSGN ? 3'b000 : 3'b101}; // add/sub ISEL = 2'b01; DIVSTAGE = ~DIVEND; ALUSTAGE = ~DIVEND | ~DIVQSGN; DIVOP = 1'b1; IRQ = DIVIRQ; //~|STAGE[6:3] & DIVC & (~STAGE[2] | (~DIVSGN & IDIV)); // early overflow for positive quotient IFETCH = (DIVEND && ~DIVQSGN && ~DIVRSGN) || DIVIRQ; end 3'b100: begin // stage5, post inc R RASEL = WORD ? 3'b010 : 3'b100; // DX/AH WE[1:0] = {1'b1, WORD}; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = 5'b01000; // inc IFETCH = ~DIVSGN; end default: begin // stage6, post inc Q RASEL = 3'b000; // AX/AL WE[1:0] = {WORD, 1'b1}; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = 5'b01000; // inc // IRQ = SOUT ^ DIVSGN; // overflow for negative quotient - fixed 12Apr2013 - IDIV bug when Q=0 IRQ = ~(FIN[7] | (FETCH[0][0] ? AX[15] : AX[7])); // overflow for negative quotient end endcase end default: begin // bad opcode MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 0; IRQ = 1'b1; end endcase end // -------------------------------- imul imm -------------------------------- 28: begin ASEL = 1'b1; if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, load op from memory (or RA) in TMP16 RASEL = RM; DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN DOSEL = 2'b11; ISEL = ISELS; DEXT = FETCH[0][1]; BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm MREQ = ~&MOD; WE[3] = MREQ; // TMP16 IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin // stage2, execute and write RASEL = REG; ALUOP = 5'b10001; // imul MREQ = 1'b0; WE = 5'b10011; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ISIZE = ISIZEI; end end // -------------------------------- aad -------------------------------- 29: begin MREQ = 1'b0; WORD = 1'b0; BASEL = 1'b1; IFETCH = &STAGE[1:0]; case(STAGE[1:0]) 2'b00: begin // stage1, load AH in TMP16, move imm in FETCH RASEL = 3'b100; // AH DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN DOSEL = 2'b11; // write FETCH ISEL = 2'b00; // RB -> FETCH BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm end 2'b01: begin // stage2, TMP16 <- TMP16 * 10 ALUOP = 5'b10000; // mul WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 end 2'b10: begin // stage3, AL <- TMP16 + AL RASEL = 3'b000; // AL BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP16 WE = 5'b10001; // flags, RASEL_LO ALUOP = 5'b00000; // ADD end 2'b11: begin // stage4, AH <- 0 RASEL = 3'b100; // AH RBSEL = 3'b100; // AH WE[1] = 1'b1; // RASEL_HI ALUOP = 5'b00101; // SUB ISIZE = 2; end endcase end // -------------------------------- daa, das, aaa, aas -------------------------------- 30: begin WORD = FETCH[0][4]; RASEL = 3'b000; // AX,AL WE = {3'b100, FETCH[0][4], 1'b1}; // flags, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = {2'b01, FETCH[0][5:3]}; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- shift/rot -------------------------------- 31: begin // imm ALUOP = {4'b1110, FETCH[0][4:1] != 4'b1000}; ASEL = 1'b1; if(!(&MOD || STAGE[0])) begin // stage1, load op from memory in TMP16 WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin // stage2, execute and write BASEL = &MOD && ~|STAGE[2:1]; RASEL = RM; BBSEL = FETCH[0][1] ? 2'b01 : 2'b10; // imm/reg RBSEL = 3'b001; // CL ISEL = ISELS; IRQ = REG == 3'b110; MREQ = ~&MOD && ~NULLSHIFT && ~ALUCONT && ~IRQ; WR = MREQ; WE = NULLSHIFT || IRQ ? 5'b00000 : ALUCONT ? 5'b11000 : {3'b100, WRBIT}; // flags, TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO IFETCH = ~ALUCONT || IRQ; ALUSTAGE = 1'b1; if(IRQ) ISIZE = 0; else case({|FETCH[0][4:1], DISP16, AEXT}) 3'b100: ISIZE = 2; 3'b000, 3'b101: ISIZE = 3; 3'b001, 3'b110: ISIZE = 4; default: ISIZE = 5; endcase end end // -------------------------------- (rep)movs -------------------------------- 32: begin BASEL = 1'b1; AEXT = 1'b0; DISP16 = 1'b0; NOBP = 1'b1; // for RSSEL if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, read DS:[SI] in TMP16, inc/dec SI RASEL = 3'b110; // SI ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; EAC = 4'b0100; // SI+DISP DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit IFETCH = RCXZ; // REP & CX==0 MREQ = ~RCXZ; WE = IFETCH ? 5'b00000 : 5'b01011; // TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end else begin // stage2, write TMP16 in ES:[DI], inc/dec DI, dec CX RASEL = 3'b111; // DI RSSEL = 2'b00; // ES WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; EAC = 4'b0101; // DI + DISP DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit DOSEL = 2'b10; // TMP16 WR = 1'b1; IFETCH = NRORCXLE1; // not REP or CX<=1 DECCX = CPUStatus[4]; REPINT = 1'b1; end ISIZE = IFETCH ? 1 : 0; end // -------------------------------- (rep)cmps -------------------------------- 33: begin DISP16 = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; NOBP = 1'b1; // for RSSEL case(STAGE[1:0]) 2'b00: begin // stage1, read ES:[DI] in FETCH[3:2], inc/dec DI RASEL = 3'b111; // SI RSSEL = 2'b00; // ES ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; EAC = 4'b0101; // DI+DISP DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit DOSEL = 2'b11; // read data to FETCH IFETCH = RCXZ;//(~|CXZ || (CPUStatus[3] ^ TZF)); // REP & CX==0 MREQ = ~RCXZ; WE[1:0] = IFETCH ? 2'b00 : 2'b11; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end 2'b01: begin // stage2, read DS:[SI] in TMP16, inc/dec SI RASEL = 3'b110; // DI ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; EAC = 4'b0100; // SI+DISP DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit IFETCH = 1'b0; WE[3:0] = 4'b1011; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end 2'b10: begin // stage3, compare TMP16 with imm, set flags, dec CX BASEL = 1'b0; // TMP16 BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm ISEL = 2'b01; WE[4] = 1'b1; // flags ALUOP = 5'b00111; // cmp MREQ = 1'b0; IFETCH = NRORCXLE1 | (CPUStatus[3] ^ CMPS); DECCX = CPUStatus[4]; ALUSTAGE = 1'b1; REPINT = 1'b1; end endcase ISIZE = IFETCH ? 1 : 0; end // -------------------------------- (rep)scas -------------------------------- 34: begin DISP16 = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, read ES:[DI] in TMP16, inc/dec DI RASEL = 3'b111; // DI RSSEL = 2'b00; // ES ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; EAC = 4'b0101; // DI+DISP DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit IFETCH = RCXZ;//(~|CXZ || (CPUStatus[3] ^ TZF)); // REP & CX==0 MREQ = ~RCXZ; WE[3:0] = IFETCH ? 4'b0000 : 4'b1011; // TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end else begin //stage2, compare AL/AX with TMP16, set flags, dec CX RASEL = 3'b000; // AL/AX BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP16 WE[4] = 1'b1; // flags ALUOP = 5'b00111; // cmp MREQ = 1'b0; IFETCH = NRORCXLE1 | (CPUStatus[3] ^ SCAS); DECCX = CPUStatus[4]; REPINT = 1'b1; end ISIZE = IFETCH ? 1 : 0; end // -------------------------------- (rep)lods -------------------------------- 35: begin BASEL = 1'b1; DISP16 = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; NOBP = 1'b1; // for RSSEL if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, read DS:[SI] in AL/AX RASEL = 3'b000; // AX EAC = 4'b0100; // SI+DISP DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = RCXZ; // REP & CX==0 MREQ = ~RCXZ; WE[1:0] = IFETCH ? 2'b00 : {WORD, 1'b1}; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end else begin // stage2, inc/dec SI, dec CX RASEL = 3'b110; // SI ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit IFETCH = NRORCXLE1; // nor REP or CX<=1 MREQ = 1'b0; WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO DECCX = CPUStatus[4]; REPINT = 1'b1; end ISIZE = IFETCH ? 1 : 0; end // -------------------------------- (rep)stos -------------------------------- 36: begin // stage1, write AL/AX in ES:[DI], inc/dec DI, dec CX BASEL = 1'b1; DISP16 = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; RASEL = 3'b111; // DI RSSEL = 2'b00; // ES ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; EAC = 4'b0101; // DI + DISP DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit DOSEL = 2'b11; // AX IFETCH = NRORCXLE1; // not REP or CX<=1 MREQ = ~RCXZ; WR = ~RCXZ; WE[1:0] = {MREQ, MREQ}; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO DECCX = CPUStatus[4] && |CXZ; REPINT = 1'b1; ISIZE = IFETCH ? 1 : 0; end // -------------------------------- (rep)ins -------------------------------- 37: begin BASEL = 1'b1; DISP16 = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, input in TMP16 WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 DISEL = 2'b00; //DIN IFETCH = RCXZ; // REP & CX==0 MREQ = 1'b0; IORQ = ~RCXZ; // EAC = {~RCXZ, 3'b111}; // NULLSEG = 1'b1; end else begin // stage2, write TMP16 in ES:[DI], inc/dec DI, dec CX RASEL = 3'b111; // DI RSSEL = 2'b00; // ES WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; EAC = 4'b0101; // DI + DISP DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit DOSEL = 2'b10; // TMP16 WR = 1'b1; IFETCH = NRORCXLE1; // not REP or CX<=1 DECCX = CPUStatus[4]; REPINT = 1'b1; end ISIZE = IFETCH ? 1 : 0; end // -------------------------------- (rep)outs -------------------------------- 38: begin BASEL = 1'b1; DISP16 = 1'b0; NOBP = 1'b1; // for RSSEL if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, read DS:[SI] in TMP16, inc/dec SI AEXT = 1'b0; // tweak for speed (can be moved outside <if>) RASEL = 3'b110; // SI ALUOP = {4'b0100, FLAGS[10]}; EAC = 4'b0100; // SI+DISP DISEL = 2'b11; // ALU 16bit IFETCH = RCXZ; // REP & CX==0 MREQ = ~RCXZ; WE[3:0] = IFETCH ? 4'b0000 : 4'b1011; // TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO end else begin // stage2, out TMP16 at port DX, dec CX DOSEL = 2'b10; // TMP16 MREQ = 1'b0; IORQ = 1'b1; // EAC = 4'b1111; WR = 1'b1; IFETCH = NRORCXLE1; // not REP or CX<=1 DECCX = CPUStatus[4]; REPINT = 1'b1; // NULLSEG = 1'b1; end ISIZE = IFETCH ? 1 : 0; end // -------------------------------- call/jmp direct near -------------------------------- 39: begin // jump long WORD = 1'b1; ALUOP = 0; // ADD DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR ISIZE = FETCH[0][1] ? 2 : 3; RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS DOSEL = 2'b01; // IP EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm ISEL = 2'b00; DEXT = FETCH[0][1]; MREQ = !FETCH[0][0]; WR = MREQ; WE[1:0] = FETCH[0][0] ? 2'b00 : 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU end // -------------------------------- call/jmp far imm -------------------------------- 40: begin WORD = 1'b1; ALUOP = 31; // PASS B case({STAGE[1:0], FETCH[0][6]}) 3'b000: begin // stage1, push CS RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP BBSEL = 2'b11; RBSEL = 3'b001; // CS RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR WR = 1'b1; IFETCH = 1'b0; WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO end 3'b010, 3'b001: begin // stage2, load CS RASEL = 3'b001; // CS BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm WE[2] = 1'b1; // RSSEL ISEL = 2'b10; MREQ = 1'b0; IFETCH = 1'b0; end 3'b100, 3'b011: begin // stage3, push IP, load IP RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR DOSEL = 2'b01; // IP ISEL = 2'b00; MREQ = FETCH[0][4]; WR = MREQ; WE[1:0] = {WR, WR}; IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU ISIZE = 5; end endcase end // -------------------------------- ret near -------------------------------- 41: begin WORD = 1'b1; // fix RET n alignment bug - 03Apr2013 ISIZE = FETCH[0][0] ? 1 : 3; IFETCH = STAGE[0]; ALUOP = 31; // PASS B if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, pop TMP16 RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 ASEL = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; DISP16 = 1'b1; EAC = {1'b1, !FETCH[0][0], 2'b01}; // SP + 2 (+ imm) DISEL = 2'b00; end else begin // stage2, TMP16 to IP BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP16 IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU MREQ = 1'b0; end end // -------------------------------- ret far -------------------------------- 42: begin WORD = 1'b1; // fix RET n alignment bug - 03Apr2013 ALUOP = 31; // PASS B RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS IFETCH = STAGE[1]; DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN case(STAGE[1:0]) 2'b00: begin // stage1, pop IP in TMP16 WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 EAC = 4'b1001; // SP + 2 end 2'b01: begin // stage2, pop CS, TMP16 <- RA RASEL = 3'b001; // CS WE[2] = 1'b1; EAC = {1'b1, !FETCH[0][0], 2'b01}; ASEL = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; DISP16 = 1'b1; BASEL = 1'b0; // RA <- TMP16 end 2'b10: begin // stage3, IP <- TMP16 BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP16 IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = FETCH[0][0] ? 1 : 3; end endcase end // -------------------------------- iret -------------------------------- 43: begin ALUOP = 31; // PASS B RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS ISIZE = 1; IFETCH = &STAGE[1:0]; case(STAGE[1:0]) 2'b00: begin // stage1, pop IP in FETCH EAC = 4'b1001; // SP + 2 DOSEL = 2'b11; // write FETCH end 2'b01: begin // stage2, pop CS RASEL = 3'b001; // CS WE[2] = 1'b1; EAC = {1'b1, !FETCH[0][0], 2'b01}; DISEL = 2'b00; ASEL = 1'b0; AEXT = 1'b0; DISP16 = 1'b1; end 2'b10: begin // stage3, pop flags in TMP16 WE[3] = 1'b1; // TMP16 EAC = 4'b1001; // SP DISEL = 2'b00; end 2'b11: begin // stage4, IP <- FETCH, FLAGS <- TM BASEL = 1'b0; BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm WE[4] = 1'b1; // flags ISEL = 2'b01; DEXT = 1'b0; IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU MREQ = 1'b0; end endcase end // -------------------------------- cbw/cwd -------------------------------- 44: begin RASEL = FETCH[0][0] ? 3'b010 : 3'b100; // AH/DX RBSEL = 3'b000; // AX WE[1:0] = {1'b1, FETCH[0][0]}; // RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ALUOP = {4'b1101, FETCH[0][0]}; // cbw/cwd MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- JMP cond, LOOP, LOOPZ, LOOPNZ, JCXZ -------------------------------- 45: begin // loop/loopz/loopnz/jcxz ALUOP = 0; // add ISIZE = 2; DOSEL = 2'b01; // IP BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm ISEL = 2'b00; DEXT = 1'b1; MREQ = 1'b0; IPWSEL = FETCH[0][7] ? LOOPC[FETCH[0][1:0]] : (JMPC[FETCH[0][3:1]] ~^ FETCH[0][0]); DECCX = FETCH[0][7] && (FETCH[0][1:0] != 2'b11); end // -------------------------------- CLC, CMC, STC, CLD, STD, CLI, STI -------------------------------- 46: begin WE[4] = 1'b1; // flags ALUOP = 5'b11001; // flag op ISIZE = 1; MREQ = 1'b0; end // -------------------------------- enter -------------------------------- 47: begin WORD = 1'b1; WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO case(STAGE[1:0]) 2'b00: begin // push BP RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP RBSEL = 3'b101; // BP RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR ALUOP = 31; // PASS B WR = 1'b1; IFETCH = 1'b0; end 2'b01: begin // mov BP, SP RASEL = 3'b101; // BP RBSEL = 3'b100; // SP ALUOP = 31; // PASS B MREQ = 1'b0; IFETCH = 1'b0; end 2'b10: begin // sub SP, imm BASEL = 1'b1; RASEL = 3'b100; // SP BBSEL = 2'b10; ALUOP = 5'b00101; // sub ISEL = 2'b00; MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 4; end endcase end // -------------------------------- leave -------------------------------- 48: begin WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO if(!STAGE[0]) begin // stage1, mov sp, bp RASEL = 3'b100; // BP RBSEL = 3'b101; // SP ALUOP = 31; // PASS B MREQ = 1'b0; IFETCH = 1'b0; end else begin // stage2, pop bp RASEL = 3'b101; // BP RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS EAC = 4'b1001; // SP DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN ISIZE = 1; end end // -------------------------------- int, int 3, into -------------------------------- 49: begin MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = FETCH[0][1:0] == 2'b01 ? 2 : 1; IRQ = ~FETCH[0][1] | FLAGS[11]; IRQL = FETCH[0][1] ? 3'b100 : {1'b0, ~FETCH[0][1:0]}; // 4, 2, 3 end // -------------------------------- bound -------------------------------- 50: begin WORD = 1'b1; DOSEL = 2'b11; // load FETCH with DIN case(STAGE[1:0]) 2'b00: begin // stage1, read min in FETCH, ADDR16 in TMP16 RASEL = 3'b100; // SP - write SP to SP for getting ADDR16 to TMP16 BBSEL = 2'b01; RBSEL = 3'b100; // SP ALUOP = 31; // PASS B WE[3:0] = 4'b1011; // TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ASEL = 1'b1; IRQ = &MOD; // illegal instruction ISIZE = 0; IFETCH = IRQ; end 2'b01, 2'b10, 2'b11: begin // stage2,3,4 load min/max in TMP16, compare reg with imm BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm ALUOP = 5'b00111; // cmp EAC = 4'b1011; // TMP16 + 2 ISEL = 2'b01; IRQ = STAGE[1] & (STAGE[0] ? ~TLF & ~TZF : TLF); MREQ = ~&STAGE[1:0]; IFETCH = IRQ | ~MREQ; IRQL = 3'b101; ISIZE = IRQ ? 0 : ISIZES; // return address is BOUND end endcase end // -------------------------------- hlt -------------------------------- 51: begin IFETCH = 1'b0; HALT = 1'b1; MREQ = 1'b0; end // -------------------------------- wait -------------------------------- 52: begin // do nothing ISIZE = 1; MREQ = 1'b0; end // -------------------------------- aam -------------------------------- 53: begin MREQ = 1'b0; IRQL = 3'b000; // divide overflow ISIZE = 2; case({DIVEND, STAGE[1:0]}) 3'b000: begin // stage1, clear AH BASEL = 1'b0; // TMP16 RASEL = 3'b100; // AH BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP16 WE[1] = 1'b1; // RASEL_HI ALUOP = 5'b00101; // sub IFETCH = 1'b0; end 3'b001, 3'b101: begin // stage2, div RASEL = 3'b100; // AH BASEL = 1'b1; BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm WE[1] = 1'b1; // RASEL_HI ALUOP = 5'b00101; // sub ISEL = 2'b00; DIVSTAGE = ~DIVEND; ALUSTAGE = ~DIVEND; DIVOP = 1'b1; IRQ = AAMIRQ;//~|STAGE[6:2] & DIVC; IFETCH = AAMIRQ; end 3'b110: begin // stage 3, AH <- AL, TMP16 <- AH RASEL = 3'b100; // AH BASEL = 1'b1; RBSEL = 3'b000; // AL WE[1] = 1'b1; // RASEL_HI ALUOP = 31; // PASS B IFETCH = 1'b0; end 3'b111: begin // stage4, AL <- TMP16 | TMP16, set flags RASEL = 3'b000; // dest = AL BASEL = 1'b0; // TMP16 BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP16 WE = 5'b10001; // FLAGS, RASEL_LO ALUOP = 5'b00001; // OR end endcase end // -------------------------------- reset, irq, nmi, intr -------------------------------- 54: if(STAGE[3]) begin if(FETCH[5][0]) begin // reset RASEL = {1'b0, STAGE[1:0]}; // ES, CS, SS, DS WE = 5'b11100; // FLAGS, TMP16, RSSEL BASEL = 1'b0; // TMP16 BBSEL = 2'b00; // TMP16 ALUOP = STAGE[0] ? STAGE[1] ? 31 : 5'b01001 : 5'b00101; // pass, dec, sub MREQ = 1'b0; IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU16 IFETCH = &STAGE[1:0]; end else case({FETCH[5][1], STAGE[2:0]}) 4'b1000: begin // stage1 intr DOSEL = 2'b11; // read FETCH[2] MREQ = 1'b0; IFETCH = 1'b0; INTA = 1'b1; end 4'b1001, 4'b0000: begin // stage1 irq, nmi, tf, stage2 intr - push flags, clear TF, IF RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS WE = 5'b10011; // flags, SP ALUOP = 30; // pass flags EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR WR = 1'b1; IFETCH = 1'b0; end 4'b1010, 4'b0001: begin // stage2 irq, nmi, tf, stage3 intr - push CS RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP BBSEL = 2'b11; RBSEL = 3'b001; // CS RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS ALUOP = 31; // PASS B EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR WR = 1'b1; IFETCH = 1'b0; WE[1:0] = 2'b11; // RASEL_HI/RASEL_LO end 4'b1011, 4'b0010: begin // stage3 irq, nmi, tf, stage4 intr - read offset in FETCH, ADDR16 in TMP16 RASEL = 3'b100; // SP - write SP to SP for getting ADDR16 to TMP16 BBSEL = 2'b01; RBSEL = 3'b100; // SP ALUOP = 31; // PASS B EAC = 4'b1110; // int vector WE[3:0] = 4'b1011; // TMP16, RASEL_HI, RASEL_LO ASEL = 1'b1; DISP16 = 1'b1; DOSEL = 2'b11; // load FETCH with DIN IFETCH = 1'b0; NULLSEG = 1'b1; end 4'b1100, 4'b0011: begin // stage4 irq, nmi, tf, stage5 intr - read CS RASEL = 3'b001; // CS WE[2] = 1'b1; // RSSEL EAC = 4'b1011; // TMP16 + 2 DISEL = 2'b00; // DIN IFETCH = 1'b0; NULLSEG = 1'b1; end 4'b1101, 4'b0100: begin // stage5 irq, nmi, tf, stage6 intr - push IP, jump RASEL = 3'b100; // write SP BBSEL = 2'b10; // imm RSSEL = 2'b10; // SS ALUOP = 31; // PASS B EAC = 4'b1000; // SP - 2 DISEL = 2'b10; // ADDR DOSEL = 2'b01; // IP ISEL = 2'b01; WR = 1'b1; WE[1:0] = 2'b11; ISIZE = FETCH[5][2] ? 1 : 0; IPWSEL = 1'b0; // ALU end endcase end else begin MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 0; IRQ = 1'b1; end // -------------------------------- SALC -------------------------------- 55: begin RASEL = 3'b000; // dest AL (WORD is default 0) BASEL = 1'b0; BBSEL = 2'b00; ALUOP = 3; // sbb MREQ = 1'b0; WE[0] = 1'b1; // RASEL_LO ISIZE = 1; end // -------------------------------- bad opcode/esc -------------------------------- default: begin MREQ = 1'b0; ISIZE = 0; IRQ = 1'b1; if(FETCH[0][7:3] == 5'b11011) IRQL = 3'b111; // esc end endcase end // instruction pre-decoder function [5:0]ICODE; input [7:0]INSTR; begin case(INSTR[7:0]) // -------------------------------- mov R/M to/from R/SR -------------------------------- 8'b10001000, 8'b10001001, 8'b10001010, 8'b10001011, 8'b10001110, 8'b10001100: ICODE = 0; // -------------------------------- mov IMM to R/M -------------------------------- 8'b11000110, 8'b11000111: ICODE = 1; // -------------------------------- mov IMM to R -------------------------------- 8'b10110_000, 8'b10110_001, 8'b10110_010, 8'b10110_011, 8'b10110_100, 8'b10110_101, 8'b10110_110, 8'b10110_111, 8'b10111_000, 8'b10111_001, 8'b10111_010, 8'b10111_011, 8'b10111_100, 8'b10111_101, 8'b10111_110, 8'b10111_111: ICODE = 2; // -------------------------------- mov mem to/from ACC -------------------------------- 8'b10100000, 8'b10100001, 8'b10100010, 8'b10100011: ICODE = 3; // -------------------------------- segment override prefix -------------------------------- 8'b001_00_110, 8'b001_01_110, 8'b001_10_110, 8'b001_11_110: ICODE = 4; // -------------------------------- rep prefix -------------------------------- 8'b11110010, 8'b11110011: ICODE = 5; // -------------------------------- lock prefix -------------------------------- 8'b11110000: ICODE = 6; // -------------------------------- FF block -------------------------------- 8'b11111111, 8'b11111110: ICODE = 7; // -------------------------------- push R/SR -------------------------------- 8'b01010_000, 8'b01010_001, 8'b01010_010, 8'b01010_011, 8'b01010_100, 8'b01010_101, 8'b01010_110, 8'b01010_111, 8'b000_00_110, 8'b000_01_110, 8'b000_10_110, 8'b000_11_110: ICODE = 8; // -------------------------------- push Imm -------------------------------- 8'b01101000, 8'b01101010: ICODE = 9; // -------------------------------- pusha -------------------------------- 8'b01100000: ICODE = 10; // -------------------------------- pop R/M -------------------------------- 8'b10001111: ICODE = 11; // -------------------------------- pop R / SR -------------------------------- 8'b01011_000, 8'b01011_001, 8'b01011_010, 8'b01011_011, 8'b01011_100, 8'b01011_101, 8'b01011_110, 8'b01011_111, 8'b000_00_111, 8'b000_10_111, 8'b000_11_111: ICODE = 12; // -------------------------------- popa -------------------------------- 8'b01100001: ICODE = 13; // -------------------------------- xchg R with R/M/Acc -------------------------------- 8'b10000110, 8'b10000111, 8'b10010000, 8'b10010001, 8'b10010010, 8'b10010011, 8'b10010100, 8'b10010101, 8'b10010110, 8'b10010111: ICODE = 14; // -------------------------------- in -------------------------------- 8'b11100100, 8'b11100101, 8'b11101100, 8'b11101101: ICODE = 15; // -------------------------------- out -------------------------------- 8'b11100110, 8'b11100111, 8'b11101110, 8'b11101111: ICODE = 16; // -------------------------------- xlat -------------------------------- 8'b11010111: ICODE = 17; // -------------------------------- lea -------------------------------- 8'b10001101: ICODE = 18; // -------------------------------- lds, les -------------------------------- 8'b11000101, 8'b11000100: ICODE = 19; // -------------------------------- lahf, sahf -------------------------------- 8'b10011111, 8'b10011110: ICODE = 20; // -------------------------------- pushf -------------------------------- 8'b10011100: ICODE = 21; // -------------------------------- popf -------------------------------- 8'b10011101: ICODE = 22; // -------------------------------- add, or, adc, sbb, and, sub, xor, cmp, test R/M with R -------------------------------- 8'b00000000, 8'b00000001, 8'b00000010, 8'b00000011, // add 8'b00001000, 8'b00001001, 8'b00001010, 8'b00001011, // or 8'b00010000, 8'b00010001, 8'b00010010, 8'b00010011, // adc 8'b00011000, 8'b00011001, 8'b00011010, 8'b00011011, // sbb 8'b00100000, 8'b00100001, 8'b00100010, 8'b00100011, // and 8'b00101000, 8'b00101001, 8'b00101010, 8'b00101011, // sub 8'b00110000, 8'b00110001, 8'b00110010, 8'b00110011, // xor 8'b00111000, 8'b00111001, 8'b00111010, 8'b00111011, // cmp 8'b10000100, 8'b10000101: ICODE = 23; // test // -------------------------------- add, or, adc, sbb, and, sub, xor, cmp R/M with Imm -------------------------------- 8'b10000000, 8'b10000001, 8'b10000010, 8'b10000011: ICODE = 24; // -------------------------------- add, or, adc, sbb, and, sub, xor, cmp, test Acc with Imm -------------------------------- 8'b00000100, 8'b00000101, // add 8'b00001100, 8'b00001101, // or 8'b00010100, 8'b00010101, // adc 8'b00011100, 8'b00011101, // sbb 8'b00100100, 8'b00100101, // and 8'b00101100, 8'b00101101, // sub 8'b00110100, 8'b00110101, // xor 8'b00111100, 8'b00111101, // cmp 8'b10101000, 8'b10101001: ICODE = 25; // test // -------------------------------- inc/dec R16 -------------------------------- 8'b01000000, 8'b01000001, 8'b01000010, 8'b01000011, 8'b01000100, 8'b01000101, 8'b01000110, 8'b01000111, 8'b01001000, 8'b01001001, 8'b01001010, 8'b01001011, 8'b01001100, 8'b01001101, 8'b01001110, 8'b01001111: ICODE = 26; // -------------------------------- test/???/not/neg/mul/imul/div/idiv -------------------------------- 8'b11110110, 8'b11110111: ICODE = 27; // -------------------------------- imul imm -------------------------------- 8'b01101001, 8'b01101011: ICODE = 28; // -------------------------------- aad -------------------------------- 8'b11010101: ICODE = 29; // -------------------------------- daa, das, aaa, aas -------------------------------- 8'b00_100_111, 8'b00_101_111, 8'b00_110_111, 8'b00_111_111: ICODE = 30; // -------------------------------- shift/rot -------------------------------- 8'b11010000, 8'b11010001, // 1 8'b11010010, 8'b11010011, // CL 8'b11000000, 8'b11000001: ICODE = 31; // imm // -------------------------------- (rep)movs -------------------------------- 8'b10100100, 8'b10100101: ICODE = 32; // -------------------------------- (rep)cmps -------------------------------- 8'b10100110, 8'b10100111: ICODE = 33; // -------------------------------- (rep)scas -------------------------------- 8'b10101110, 8'b10101111: ICODE = 34; // -------------------------------- (rep)lods -------------------------------- 8'b10101100, 8'b10101101: ICODE = 35; // -------------------------------- (rep)stos -------------------------------- 8'b10101010, 8'b10101011: ICODE = 36; // stage1, write AL/AX in ES:[DI], inc/dec DI, dec CX // -------------------------------- (rep)ins -------------------------------- 8'b01101100, 8'b01101101: ICODE = 37; // -------------------------------- (rep)outs -------------------------------- 8'b01101110, 8'b01101111: ICODE = 38; // -------------------------------- call/jmp direct near -------------------------------- 8'b11101000, // call long 8'b11101011, // jump short 8'b11101001: ICODE = 39; // jump long // -------------------------------- call/jmp far imm -------------------------------- 8'b10011010, 8'b11101010: ICODE = 40; // -------------------------------- ret near -------------------------------- 8'b11000011, 8'b11000010: ICODE = 41; // -------------------------------- ret far -------------------------------- 8'b11001011, 8'b11001010: ICODE = 42; // -------------------------------- iret -------------------------------- 8'b11001111: ICODE = 43; // -------------------------------- cbw/cwd -------------------------------- 8'b10011000, 8'b10011001: ICODE = 44; // -------------------------------- JMP cond, LOOP, LOOPZ, LOOPNZ, JCXZ -------------------------------- 8'b01110000, 8'b01110001, // JO/JNO 8'b01110010, 8'b01110011, // JB/JNB 8'b01110100, 8'b01110101, // JE/JNE 8'b01110110, 8'b01110111, // JBE/JA 8'b01111000, 8'b01111001, // JS/JNS 8'b01111010, 8'b01111011, // JP/JNP 8'b01111100, 8'b01111101, // JL/JNL 8'b01111110, 8'b01111111, // JLE/JG 8'b11100010, 8'b11100001, 8'b11100000, 8'b11100011: ICODE = 45; // loop/loopz/loopnz/jcxz // -------------------------------- CLC, CMC, STC, CLD, STD, CLI, STI -------------------------------- 8'b11111000, 8'b11110101, 8'b11111001, 8'b11111100, 8'b11111101, 8'b11111010, 8'b11111011: ICODE = 46; // -------------------------------- enter -------------------------------- 8'b11001000: ICODE = 47; // -------------------------------- leave -------------------------------- 8'b11001001: ICODE = 48; // -------------------------------- int, int 3, into -------------------------------- 8'b11001101, 8'b11001100, 8'b11001110: ICODE = 49; // -------------------------------- bound -------------------------------- 8'b01100010: ICODE = 50; // -------------------------------- hlt -------------------------------- 8'b11110100: ICODE = 51; // -------------------------------- wait -------------------------------- 8'b10011011: ICODE = 52; // do nothing // -------------------------------- aam -------------------------------- 8'b11010100: ICODE = 53; // -------------------------------- reset, irq, nmi, intr -------------------------------- 8'b00001111: ICODE = 54; // -------------------------------- SALC -------------------------------- 8'b11010110: ICODE = 55; // -------------------------------- bad opcode/esc -------------------------------- default: ICODE = 56; endcase end endfunction endmodule