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[/] [next186/] [trunk/] [Next186_Regs.v] - Rev 6
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This file is part of the Next186 project // http://opencores.org/project,next186 // // Filename: Next186_Regs.v // Description: Part of the Next186 CPU project, registers module // Version 1.0 // Creation date: 11Apr2011 - 07Jun2011 // // Author: Nicolae Dumitrache // e-mail: ndumitrache@opencores.org // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2011 Nicolae Dumitrache // // This source file may be used and distributed without // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any // later version. // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied // warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General // Public License along with this source; if not, download it // from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1ns / 1ps module Next186_Regs( input [2:0]RASEL, input [2:0]RBSEL, input BASEL, input [1:0]BBSEL, input [1:0]RSSEL, input [15:0]DIN, input [15:0]ALUOUT, input [15:0]ADDR16, input [15:0]DIMM, input [4:0]WE, // 4=flags, 3=TMP16, 2=RSSEL, 1=RASEL_HI, 0=RASEL_LO input IFETCH, input [15:0]FIN, input [1:0]DISEL, input [15:0]IPIN, input WORD, input INCSP, input DECCX, input DIVOP, input DIVEND, input DIVC, input DIVSGN, output [1:0]CXZ, output [15:0]FOUT, output [15:0]RA, output [15:0]RB, output reg [15:0]TMP16, output reg [15:0]SP, output reg [15:0]IP, output reg [15:0]AX, output reg [15:0]BX, output reg [15:0]BP, output reg [15:0]SI, output reg [15:0]DI, output [15:0]RS, output [15:0]CS, output reg [15:0]DX, output DIVEXC, input CLK, input CLKEN ); reg [15:0]CX; reg [15:0]SREG[3:0]; reg [8:0]FLG; reg [15:0]REG_ASEL; reg [15:0]REG_BSEL; wire [15:0]RW = DISEL[0] ? ALUOUT : ADDR16; // x1=ALU, 10=ADDR, 00=DIN wire [2:0]ASEL = {WORD & RASEL[2], RASEL[1:0]}; wire [2:0]BSEL = {WORD & RBSEL[2], RBSEL[1:0]}; wire [7:0]RWHI = WORD || &WE[1:0] ? RW[15:8] : RW[7:0]; wire [8:0]RWDL = {DIVOP && ~DIVC ? DX[7:0] : RW[7:0], AX[15]}; wire [8:0]RWDH = {DIVOP && ~DIVC ? DX[15:7] : {RWHI, RW[7]}}; wire [8:0]RWAH = {DIVOP && ~DIVC ? AX[15:8] : RWHI, AX[7]}; assign DIVEXC = WORD ? RWDH[8] : RWAH[8]; wire FASTDIN = ~|DISEL; wire [15:0]FDRW = FASTDIN ? DIN : RW; wire [7:0]FASTDINH = WORD || &WE[1:0] ? DIN[15:8] : DIN[7:0]; // fast data path for AH/DH (tweak for speed) wire [15:0]CXM1 = CX + 16'hffff; assign FOUT = {4'b0000, FLG[8:3], 1'b0, FLG[2], 1'b0, FLG[1], 1'b1, FLG[0]}; assign CS = SREG[1]; assign CXZ = {|CX[15:1], CX[0]}; wire [15:0]RA1 = {REG_ASEL[15:8], WORD | !RASEL[2] ? REG_ASEL[7:0] : REG_ASEL[15:8]}; assign RA = BASEL ? RA1 : TMP16; assign RB = BBSEL[1] ? BBSEL[0] ? SREG[BSEL[1:0]] : DIMM : BBSEL[0] ? {REG_BSEL[15:8], WORD | !RBSEL[2] ? REG_BSEL[7:0] : REG_BSEL[15:8]} : TMP16; assign RS = SREG[RSSEL]; always @* begin case(ASEL) 0: REG_ASEL = AX; 1: REG_ASEL = CX; 2: REG_ASEL = DX; 3: REG_ASEL = BX; 4: REG_ASEL = SP; 5: REG_ASEL = BP; 6: REG_ASEL = SI; 7: REG_ASEL = DI; endcase case(BSEL) 0: REG_BSEL = AX; 1: REG_BSEL = CX; 2: REG_BSEL = DX; 3: REG_BSEL = BX; 4: REG_BSEL = SP; 5: REG_BSEL = BP; 6: REG_BSEL = SI; 7: REG_BSEL = DI; endcase end /* BUFG BUFG_inst ( .O(CLKD), // Clock buffer output .I(CLK) // Clock buffer input ); */ always @(posedge CLK) if(CLKEN) begin if(WE[0] && ASEL == 0) AX[7:0] <= FDRW[7:0]; else if(DIVOP) AX[7:0] <= {AX[6:0], DIVC ^ DIVSGN}; if(WE[1] && ASEL == 0) AX[15:8] <= FASTDIN ? FASTDINH : (DIVOP && ~DIVEND ? RWAH[7:0] : RWAH[8:1]); else if(DIVOP) AX[15:8] <= AX[14:7]; if(WE[0] && ASEL == 1) CX[7:0] <= FDRW[7:0]; else if(DECCX) CX[7:0] <= CXM1[7:0]; if(WE[1] && ASEL == 1) CX[15:8] <= FASTDIN ? FASTDINH : RWHI; else if(DECCX) CX[15:8] <= CXM1[15:8]; if(WE[0] && ASEL == 2) DX[7:0] <= FASTDIN ? DIN[7:0] : (DIVOP && ~DIVEND ? RWDL[7:0] : RWDL[8:1]); if(WE[1] && ASEL == 2) DX[15:8] <= FASTDIN ? FASTDINH : (DIVOP && ~DIVEND ? RWDH[7:0] : RWDH[8:1]); if(WE[0] && ASEL == 3) BX[7:0] <= FDRW[7:0]; if(WE[1] && ASEL == 3) BX[15:8] <= FASTDIN ? FASTDINH : RWHI; if(WE[0] && ASEL == 4) SP <= FDRW; else if(INCSP) SP <= ADDR16; if(WE[0] && ASEL == 5) BP <= FDRW; if(WE[0] && ASEL == 6) SI <= FDRW; if(WE[0] && ASEL == 7) DI <= FDRW; if(WE[2]) case(RASEL[1:0]) 0: SREG[0] <= FDRW; 1: SREG[1] <= FDRW; 2: SREG[2] <= FDRW; 3: SREG[3] <= FDRW; endcase if(WE[3]) TMP16 <= |WE[1:0] ? (&DISEL[1:0] ? DIN : ADDR16) : FDRW; // TMP16 else TMP16 <= RA; // XCHG, MUL if(WE[4]) FLG <= {FIN[11:6], FIN[4], FIN[2], FIN[0]}; // FLAGS if(IFETCH) IP <= IPIN; // IP end endmodule
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