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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This file is part of the Next186 Soc PC project // http://opencores.org/project,next186 // // Filename: vga.v // Description: Part of the Next186 SoC PC project, VGA module // customized VGA, only modes 3 (25x80x256 text), 13h (320x200x256 graphic) // and VESA 101h (640x480x256) implemented // Version 1.0 // Creation date: Jan2012 // // Author: Nicolae Dumitrache // e-mail: ndumitrache@opencores.org // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2012 Nicolae Dumitrache // // This source file may be used and distributed without // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any // later version. // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied // warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General // Public License along with this source; if not, download it // from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps module VGA_SG ( input wire [9:0] tc_hsblnk, input wire [9:0] tc_hssync, input wire [9:0] tc_hesync, input wire [9:0] tc_heblnk, output reg [9:0] hcount = 0, output reg hsync, output reg hblnk = 0, input wire [9:0] tc_vsblnk, input wire [9:0] tc_vssync, input wire [9:0] tc_vesync, input wire [9:0] tc_veblnk, output reg [9:0] vcount = 0, output reg vsync, output reg vblnk = 0, input wire clk, input wire ce ); //******************************************************************// // This logic describes a 10-bit horizontal position counter. // //******************************************************************// always @(posedge clk) if(ce) begin if(hcount >= tc_heblnk) begin hcount <= 0; hblnk <= 0; end else begin hcount <= hcount + 1; hblnk <= (hcount >= tc_hsblnk); end hsync <= (hcount >= tc_hssync) && (hcount < tc_hesync); end //******************************************************************// // This logic describes a 10-bit vertical position counter. // //******************************************************************// always @(posedge clk) if(ce && hcount == tc_heblnk) begin if (vcount >= tc_veblnk) begin vcount <= 0; vblnk <= 0; end else begin vcount <= vcount + 1; vblnk <= (vcount >= tc_vsblnk); end vsync <= (vcount >= tc_vssync) && (vcount < tc_vesync); end //******************************************************************// // This is the logic for the horizontal outputs. Active video is // // always started when the horizontal count is zero. Example: // // // // tc_hsblnk = 03 // // tc_hssync = 07 // // tc_hesync = 11 // // tc_heblnk = 15 (htotal) // // // // hcount 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 // // hsync ________________________------------____________ // // hblnk ____________------------------------------------ // // // // hsync time = (tc_hesync - tc_hssync) pixels // // hblnk time = (tc_heblnk - tc_hsblnk) pixels // // active time = (tc_hsblnk + 1) pixels // // // //******************************************************************// //******************************************************************// // This is the logic for the vertical outputs. Active video is // // always started when the vertical count is zero. Example: // // // // tc_vsblnk = 03 // // tc_vssync = 07 // // tc_vesync = 11 // // tc_veblnk = 15 (vtotal) // // // // vcount 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 // // vsync ________________________------------____________ // // vblnk ____________------------------------------------ // // // // vsync time = (tc_vesync - tc_vssync) lines // // vblnk time = (tc_veblnk - tc_vsblnk) lines // // active time = (tc_vsblnk + 1) lines // // // //******************************************************************// endmodule module VGA_DAC( input CE, input WR, input [3:0]addr, input [7:0]din, output [7:0]dout, input CLK, input VGA_CLK, input [7:0]vga_addr, input setindex, output [17:0]color, output reg vgatext = 1, output reg vga400 = 1, output reg vgaflash = 0, output reg half = 0, output reg [3:0]hrzpan = 0 ); reg [7:0]mask = 8'hff; reg [9:0]index = 0; reg mode = 0; reg [1:0]a0mode = 0; reg a0data = 0; wire [7:0]pal_dout; wire [31:0]pal_out; wire addr6 = addr == 6; wire addr7 = addr == 7; wire addr8 = addr == 8; wire addr9 = addr == 9; wire addr0 = addr == 0; DAC_SRAM vga_dac ( .clka(CLK), // input clka .wea(CE & WR & addr9), // input [0 : 0] wea .addra(index), // input [9 : 0] addra .dina(din), // input [7 : 0] dina .douta(pal_dout), // output [7 : 0] douta .clkb(VGA_CLK), // input clkb .web(1'b0), // input [0 : 0] web .addrb(vga_addr & mask), // input [7 : 0] addrb .dinb(32'h00000000), // input [31 : 0] dinb .doutb(pal_out) // output [31 : 0] doutb ); assign color = {pal_out[21:16], pal_out[13:8], pal_out[5:0]}; assign dout = addr6 ? mask : addr7 ? {6'bxxxxxx, mode, mode} : addr8 ? index[9:2] : pal_dout; always @(posedge CLK) begin if(setindex) a0data <= 0; else if(CE && addr0 && WR) a0data <= ~a0data; if(CE) begin if(addr0) begin if(WR) begin if(a0data) case(a0mode) 2'b01: {vga400, half, vgaflash, vgatext} <= {din[6], din[4:3], ~din[0]}; 2'b10: hrzpan <= din[3:0]; endcase else case(din[4:0]) 5'h10: a0mode <= 2'b01; 5'h13: a0mode <= 2'b10; default: a0mode <= 2'b00; endcase end end if(addr6 && WR) mask <= din; if(addr7 | addr8) begin if(WR) index <= {din, 2'b00}; mode <= addr8; end else if(addr9) index <= index + (index[1:0] == 2'b10 ? 2 : 1); end end endmodule module VGA_CRT( input CE, input WR, input WORD, input [15:0]din, input addr, output reg [7:0]dout, input CLK, output reg oncursor, output wire [11:0]cursorpos, output wire [15:0]scraddr, output reg v240 = 1'b0, output reg [7:0]offset = 8'h28 ); reg [7:0]crtc[3:0]; reg [4:0]index = 0; assign cursorpos = {crtc[2][3:0], crtc[3]}; assign scraddr = {crtc[0], crtc[1]}; always @(posedge CLK) begin if(CE && WR) begin if(addr) begin if(index == 5'h6) v240 <= ~din[7]; if(index == 5'ha) oncursor <= din[5]; if(index >= 5'hc && index <= 5'hf) crtc[index[1:0]] <= din[7:0]; if(index == 5'h13) offset <= din[7:0]; end else begin if(WORD) begin if(din[4:0] == 5'h6) v240 <= ~din[15]; if(din[4:0] == 5'ha) oncursor <= din[13]; if(din[4:0] >= 5'hc && din[4:0] <= 5'hf) crtc[din[1:0]] <= din[15:8]; if(din[4:0] == 5'h13) offset <= din[15:8]; end index <= din[4:0]; end end dout <= crtc[index[1:0]]; end endmodule module VGA_SC( input CE, input WR, input WORD, input [15:0]din, output reg [7:0]dout, input addr, input CLK, output reg planarreq, output reg[3:0]wplane ); reg [2:0]index = 0; always @(posedge CLK) begin if(CE && WR) begin if(addr) begin if(index == 2) wplane <= din[3:0]; if(index == 4) planarreq <= ~din[3]; end else begin if(WORD) begin if(din[2:0] == 2) wplane <= din[11:8]; if(din[2:0] == 4) planarreq <= ~din[11]; end index <= din[2:0]; end end dout <= {4'b0000, index == 2 ? wplane : {~planarreq, 3'b000}}; end endmodule module VGA_GC( input CE, input WR, input WORD, input [15:0]din, output reg [7:0]dout, input addr, input CLK, output reg [1:0]rplane = 2'b00, output reg[7:0]bitmask = 8'b11111111, output reg [2:0]rwmode = 3'b000, output reg [3:0]setres = 4'b0000, output reg [3:0]enable_setres = 4'b0000, output reg [1:0]logop = 2'b00, output reg [3:0]color_compare, output reg [3:0]color_dont_care ); reg [3:0]index = 0; always @(posedge CLK) begin if(CE && WR) begin if(addr) begin case(index) 0: setres <= din[3:0]; 1: enable_setres <= din[3:0]; 2: color_compare <= din[3:0]; 3: logop <= din[4:3]; 4: rplane <= din[1:0]; 5: rwmode <= {din[3], din[1:0]}; 7: color_dont_care <= din[3:0]; 8: bitmask <= din[7:0]; endcase end else begin if(WORD) case(din[3:0]) 0: setres <= din[11:8]; 1: enable_setres <= din[11:8]; 2: color_compare <= din[11:8]; 3: logop <= din[12:11]; 4: rplane <= din[9:8]; 5: rwmode <= {din[11], din[9:8]}; 7: color_dont_care <= din[11:8]; 8: bitmask <= din[15:8]; endcase index <= din[3:0]; end end case(index) 0: dout[3:0] <= setres; 1: dout[3:0] <= enable_setres; 2: dout[3:0] <= color_compare; 3: dout[4:3] <= logop; 4: dout[1:0] <= rplane; 5: dout[3:0] <= {rwmode[2], 1'bx, rwmode[1:0]}; 7: dout[3:0] <= color_dont_care; 8: dout[7:0] <= bitmask; endcase end endmodule