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[/] [oks8/] [trunk/] [bench/] [verilog/] [oks8_tb.v] - Rev 7
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// -*- Mode: Verilog -*- // Filename : oks8_tb.v // Description : OKS8 CPU Simulation using model RAM/ROM // Author : Jian Li // Created On : Sat Jan 07 09:09:49 2006 // Last Modified By: . // Last Modified On: . // Update Count : 0 // Status : Unknown, Use with caution! /* * Copyright (C) 2006 to Jian Li * Contact: kongzilee@yahoo.com.cn * * This source file may be used and distributed without restriction * provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file * and that any derivative works contain the original copyright notice * and the associated disclaimer. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDE "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ `include "oks8_defines.v" `include "oks8.v" // synopsys translate_off `timescale 1ns / 10ps // synopsys translate_on // ===================================================================== // OKS8 CPU SIMULATION // This is only for simulation purposes. It can be used to simulate // RTL and also Gate Level Netlist. // // All ROM codes should be loaded from a file named "oks8sim.rom". // // ===================================================================== module oks8_tb (); parameter iw = `W_INST; reg clk_i, rst_i, int_i; wire clk_o; wire ien_o; wire den_o; wire we_o; wire rst_o; wire [15:0] add_o; wire [7:0] dat_i, dat_o; oks8 mcu0 (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .rst_o (rst_o), .clk_o (clk_o), .ien_o (ien_o), .den_o (den_o), .we_o (we_o), .add_o (add_o), .dat_o (dat_o), // Inputs .rst_i (rst_i), .clk_i (clk_i), .int_i (int_i), // Inputs .dat_i (dat_i) ); ex_mem imem(/*AUTOINST*/ .clk (clk_o), .address (add_o[iw-1:0]), .en (ien_o), .we (we_o), .din (dat_o), .dout (dat_i) ); ex_mem dmem(/*AUTOINST*/ .clk (clk_o), .address (add_o[iw-1:0]), .en (den_o), .we (we_o), .din (dat_o), .dout (dat_i) ); // // SIMULATED CLOCK & RESET // initial begin $readmemh("../../sw/oks8sim.rom",imem.mem); int_i = 0; clk_i = 0; rst_i = 1; $display ("time ", $time, " reset ON"); $dumpfile("oks8sim.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, clk_i, rst_i, int_i); $dumpvars(1, clk_o, rst_o); $dumpvars(1, add_o, dat_i, dat_o, ien_o, den_o, we_o); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.s$_clk, mcu0.p$_clk); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.pow0.idle, mcu0.pow0.stop); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.dc_final, mcu0.ex_final, mcu0.pc); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.s$_fen); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.d0.en_i, mcu0.d0.op, mcu0.d0.fin_o); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.ex0.en_i, mcu0.ex0.alu, mcu0.ex0.sts); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.ex0.r1, mcu0.ex0.r1_t, mcu0.ex0.r2, mcu0.ex0.r2_t, mcu0.ex0.r3); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.ex0.src_finish, mcu0.ex0.dst_finish, mcu0.ex0.ex_final); $dumpvars(1, mcu0.ex0.skp_o, mcu0.ex0.do_int_); $dumpon; #40 rst_i = 0; $display ("time ", $time, " reset OFF"); #2000 int_i = 1; // Simulate a interrupt #100 int_i = 0; #3000 rst_i = 0; $monitoroff; $display("time ", $time, " End of Bench"); $stop; end always clk_i = #5 ~clk_i; endmodule // oks8_tb // ===================================================================== // SIMULATION RAM/ROM // Provides 2K of RAM/ROM Space from 0000h // ===================================================================== module ex_mem (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk, address, en, we, din, // Outputs dout ); parameter ew = `W_INST; parameter depth = 8192; input clk; input [ew-1:0] address; input en; input we; input [7:0] din; output [7:0] dout; reg [ew-1:0] addr_r; reg [7:0] mem[0:depth-1]; always @(posedge clk) addr_r <= address; assign dout = (en) ? mem[addr_r] : `DAT_Z; always @(posedge clk) if (en && we) mem[address] <= din; endmodule // ex_mem // =====================================================================
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