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[/] [open8_urisc/] [trunk/] [VHDL/] [o8_alu16.vhd] - Rev 297
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-- Copyright (c)2006, 2015, 2019, 2020 Jeremy Seth Henry -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution, -- where applicable (as part of a user interface, debugging port, etc.) -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JEREMY SETH HENRY ``AS IS'' AND ANY -- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JEREMY SETH HENRY BE LIABLE FOR ANY -- DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES -- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; -- LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND -- ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF -- THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- VHDL Units : o8_alu16 -- Description: Provides a mix of common 16-bit math functions to accelerate -- : math operations on the Open8 microprocessor core. -- -- Notes : All output registers are updated by writing to offset 0x1F. -- -- : The math unit is busy when the MSB of the status -- : register is high, and done/ready when it reads low. -- : Almost Equal checks to see if Addend 1 is no more, or less, -- : addend 2 within the specified tolerance. For example, -- : addend_1 = 2 is almost equal to addend_2 = -1 with a -- : tolerance of 3, but not a tolerance of 1. Actual function is -- : AE = '1' when (A1 <= A2 + T) and (A1 >= A2 - T) else '0' -- : This is an inherently signed function. -- : Signed Overflow/Underflow is logically equivalent to -- : S_Sum/Dif(16) xor S_Sum/Dif(15), since the apparent result -- : changes sign while the internal sign bit doesn't. For example -- : |8000| will result in (-)8000 due to the way the internal -- : logic handles sign extension. Thus, the O bit should be -- : checked when performing signed math -- : Decimal Adjust converts the contents of a register into its BCD -- : equivalent. This can be used to get the base 10 representation -- : of a value for conversion to ASCII. There are two variants, -- : Byte and Word. Note that conversion times are fairly long, -- : since we are repeatedly issuing division commands, but it is -- : still faster than software emulation. -- : The Byte conversion only operates on the lower 8 bits, and -- : sets the Z and N flags. The N flag is only set when SDAB is -- : used and the signed value of the register is negative. The O -- : bit is set if the upper byte of the register is non-zero, but -- : does not actually result in an calculation error. -- : Examples: -- : UDAB 0x00FE -> 0x0254, Flags -> 0x0 -- : SDAB 0x00FE -> 0x0002, Flags -> 0x4 -- : The Word conversion uses the entire 16-bit word, and uses the -- : Flags register to hold the Tens of Thousands place. Note that -- : the N flag is still used for signed conversions, while it may -- : be used as a data bit for unsigned conversions. -- : Examples: -- : UDAW 0xD431 -> 0x4321, Flags -> 0x5 ('0', MSB, MSB-1, MSB-2) -- : SDAW 0xD431 -> 0x1216, Flags -> 0x5 ('0', N , MSB , MSB-1) -- -- Register Map: -- Offset Bitfield Description Read/Write -- 0x00 AAAAAAAA Register 0 ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x01 AAAAAAAA Register 0 (15:8) (RW) -- 0x02 AAAAAAAA Register 1 ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x03 AAAAAAAA Register 1 (15:8) (RW) -- 0x04 AAAAAAAA Register 2 ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x05 AAAAAAAA Register 2 (15:8) (RW) -- 0x06 AAAAAAAA Register 3 ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x07 AAAAAAAA Register 3 (15:8) (RW) -- 0x08 AAAAAAAA Register 4 ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x09 AAAAAAAA Register 4 (15:8) (RW) -- 0x0A AAAAAAAA Register 5 ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x0B AAAAAAAA Register 5 (15:8) (RW) -- 0x0C AAAAAAAA Register 6 ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x0D AAAAAAAA Register 6 (15:8) (RW) -- 0x0E AAAAAAAA Register 7 ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x0F AAAAAAAA Register 7 (15:8) (RW) -- 0x10 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x11 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x12 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x13 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x14 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x15 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x16 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x17 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x18 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x19 -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x1A -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x1B -------- Reserved (--) -- 0x1C AAAAAAAA Tolerance ( 7:0) (RW) -- 0x1D AAAAAAAA Tolerance (15:8) (RW) -- 0x1E BBBBBAAA Instruction Register (RW) -- A = Operand (register select) -- B = Opcode (instruction select) -- 0x1F E---DCBA Status & Flags (RW) -- A = Zero Flag -- B = Carry Flag -- C = Negative Flag -- D = Overflow / Error Flag -- E = Busy Flag (1 = busy, 0 = idle) -- -- Instruction Map: -- OP_T0X "0000 0xxx" : Transfer R0 to Rx R0 -> Rx (Sets Z,N) -- OP_TX0 "0000 1xxx" : Transfer Rx to R0 Rx -> R0 (Sets Z,N) -- OP_CLR "0001 0xxx" : Set Rx to 0 0x00 -> Rx (Sets Z,N) -- -- OP_IDIV "0001 1xxx" : Integer Division R0/Rx -> Q:R0, R:Rx -- -- OP_UMUL "0010 0xxx" : Unsigned Multiply R0*Rx -> R1:R0 (Sets Z) -- OP_UADD "0010 1xxx" : Unsigned Addition R0+Rx -> R0 (Sets N,Z,C) -- OP_UADC "0011 0xxx" : Unsigned Add w/Carry R0+Rx+C -> R0 (Sets N,Z,C) -- OP_USUB "0011 1xxx" : Unsigned Subtraction R0-Rx -> R0 (Sets N,Z,C) -- OP_USBC "0100 0xxx" : Unsigned Sub w/Carry R0-Rx-C -> R0 (Sets N,Z,C) -- OP_UCMP "0100 1xxx" : Unsigned Compare R0-Rx - Sets N,Z,C only -- -- OP_SMUL "0101 0xxx" : Signed Multiply R0*Rx -> R1:R0 (Sets N,Z) -- OP_SADD "0101 1xxx" : Signed Addition R0+Rx -> R0 (Sets N,Z,O) -- OP_SSUB "0110 0xxx" : Signed Subtraction R0-Rx -> R0 (Sets N,Z,O) -- OP_SCMP "0110 1xxx" : Signed Compare R0-Rx - Sets N,Z,O only -- OP_SMAG "0111 0xxx" : Signed Magnitude |Rx| -> R0 (Sets Z,O) -- OP_SNEG "0111 1xxx" : Signed Negation -Rx -> R0 (Sets N,Z,O) -- -- OP_ACMP "1000 0xxx" : Signed Almost Equal (see description) -- OP_SCRY "1000 1---" : Set the carry bit (ignores operand) -- -- OP_UDAB "1001 0xxx" : Decimal Adjust Byte (see description) -- OP_SDAB "1001 1xxx" : Decimal Adjust Byte (see description) -- OP_UDAW "1010 0xxx" : Decimal Adjust Word (see description) -- OP_SDAW "1010 1xxx" : Decimal Adjust Word (see description) -- OP_RSVD "1011 0---" : Reserved -- OP_BSWP "1011 1xxx" : Byte Swap (Swaps upper and lower bytes) -- OP_BOR "1100 0xxx" : Bitwise Logical OR Rx or R0 -> R0 -- OP_BAND "1100 1xxx" : Bitwise Logical AND Rx and R0 -> R0 -- OP_BXOR "1101 0xxx" : Bitwise Logical XOR Rx xor R0 -> R0 -- -- OP_BINV "1101 1xxx" : Bitwise logical NOT #Rx -> Rx -- OP_BSFL "1110 0xxx" : Logical Shift Left Rx<<1,0 -> Rx -- OP_BROL "1110 1xxx" : Logical Rotate Left Rx<<1,C -> Rx,C -- OP_BSFR "1111 0xxx" : Logical Shift Right 0,Rx>>1 -> Rx -- OP_BROR "1111 1xxx" : Logical Rotate Right C,Rx>>1 -> Rx,C -- -- Revision History -- Author Date Change ------------------ -------- -------------------------------------------------- -- Seth Henry 07/19/06 Design Start -- Seth Henry 03/13/15 Added "Almost Equal" instruction -- Seth Henry 12/19/19 Renamed to o8_alu16 to fit "theme" -- Seth Henry 04/10/20 Comment and code cleanup -- Seth Henry 04/16/20 Modified to use Open8 bus record -- Seth Henry 05/18/20 Added write qualification input library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_misc.all; library work; use work.open8_pkg.all; entity o8_alu16 is generic( Address : ADDRESS_TYPE ); port( Open8_Bus : in OPEN8_BUS_TYPE; Write_Qual : in std_logic := '0'; Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE; Interrupt : out std_logic ); end entity; architecture behave of o8_alu16 is alias Clock is Open8_Bus.Clock; alias Reset is Open8_Bus.Reset; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Opcode Definitions (should match the table above) -- Register Manipulation constant OP_T0X : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000"; constant OP_TX0 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00001"; constant OP_CLR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00010"; -- Integer Division constant OP_IDIV : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00011"; -- Unsigned Math Operations constant OP_UMUL : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00100"; constant OP_UADD : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00101"; constant OP_UADC : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00110"; constant OP_USUB : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00111"; constant OP_USBC : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01000"; constant OP_UCMP : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01001"; -- Signed Math Operations constant OP_SMUL : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01010"; constant OP_SADD : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01011"; constant OP_SSUB : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01100"; constant OP_SCMP : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01101"; constant OP_SMAG : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01110"; constant OP_SNEG : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01111"; -- Signed Almost Equal constant OP_ACMP : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10000"; -- Carry Flag set/clear constant OP_SCRY : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10001"; -- (Un)Signed Decimal Adjust Byte constant OP_UDAB : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10010"; constant OP_SDAB : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10011"; -- (Un)Signed Decimal Adjust Word constant OP_UDAW : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10100"; constant OP_SDAW : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10101"; -- Reserved for future use constant OP_RSVD : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10110"; -- Byte Swap ( U <> L ) constant OP_BSWP : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10111"; -- Bitwise Boolean Operations (two operand) constant OP_BOR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11000"; constant OP_BAND : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11001"; constant OP_BXOR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11010"; -- In-place Bitwise Boolean Operations (single operand) constant OP_BINV : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11011"; constant OP_BSFL : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11100"; constant OP_BROL : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11101"; constant OP_BSFR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11110"; constant OP_BROR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11111"; ------------------------------------------------------------------- constant User_Addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 5):= Address(15 downto 5); alias Comp_Addr is Open8_Bus.Address(15 downto 5); signal Addr_Match : std_logic := '0'; alias Reg_Sel_d is Open8_Bus.Address(4 downto 0); signal Reg_Sel_q : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000"; signal Wr_En_d : std_logic := '0'; signal Wr_En_q : std_logic := '0'; alias Wr_Data_d is Open8_Bus.Wr_Data; signal Wr_Data_q : DATA_TYPE := x"00"; signal Rd_En_d : std_logic := '0'; signal Rd_En_q : std_logic := '0'; type REG_ARRAY is array( 0 to 7 ) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal regfile : REG_ARRAY := ( x"0000",x"0000",x"0000",x"0000", x"0000",x"0000",x"0000",x"0000"); signal Start : std_logic := '0'; signal Opcode : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Operand_Sel : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Tolerance : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal High_Tol : signed(16 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Low_Tol : signed(16 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Almost_Equal : std_logic := '0'; constant FLAG_Z : integer := 0; constant FLAG_C : integer := 1; constant FLAG_N : integer := 2; constant FLAG_O : integer := 3; signal Flags : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); type ALU_STATES is ( IDLE, LOAD, EXECUTE, IDIV_INIT, IDIV_WAIT, DAW_INIT, DAB_INIT, DAA_WAIT1, DAA_STEP2, DAA_WAIT2, DAA_STEP3, DAA_WAIT3, DAA_STEP4, STORE ); signal alu_ctrl : ALU_STATES := IDLE; signal Busy : std_logic := '0'; signal Busy_q : std_logic := '0'; signal Operand_1 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Operand_2 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); alias Dividend is Operand_1; alias Divisor is Operand_2; alias u_Operand_1 is Operand_1; alias u_Operand_2 is Operand_2; alias u_Addend_1 is Operand_1; alias u_Addend_2 is Operand_2; signal s_Operand_1 : signed(16 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal s_Operand_2 : signed(16 downto 0) := (others => '0'); alias s_Addend_1 is S_Operand_1; alias s_Addend_2 is S_Operand_2; signal u_accum : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0) := (others => '0'); alias u_data is u_accum(15 downto 0); alias u_sign is u_accum(15); alias u_carry is u_accum(16); signal u_prod : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal s_accum : signed(16 downto 0) := (others => '0'); alias s_data is s_accum(15 downto 0); alias s_sign is s_accum(15); alias s_ovf is s_accum(16); signal s_prod : signed(33 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal IDIV_Start : std_logic := '0'; signal IDIV_Busy : std_logic := '0'; constant DIV_WIDTH : integer := 16; -- Width of Operands signal q : std_logic_vector(DIV_WIDTH*2-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal diff : std_logic_vector(DIV_WIDTH downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal count : integer range 0 to DIV_WIDTH + 1 := 0; signal Quotient_i : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Quotient : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Remainder_i : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal Remainder : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal DAA_intreg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal DAA_mode : std_logic := '0'; signal DAA_sign : std_logic := '0'; signal DAA_p4 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal DAA_p3 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal DAA_p2 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); alias DAA_p1 is Quotient(3 downto 0); alias DAA_p0 is Remainder(3 downto 0); signal DAA_result : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin Addr_Match <= '1' when Comp_Addr = User_Addr else '0'; Wr_En_d <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Wr_En and Write_Qual; Rd_En_d <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Rd_En; -- Sign-extend the base operands to created operands for signed math S_Operand_1 <= signed(Operand_1(15) & Operand_1); S_Operand_2 <= signed(Operand_2(15) & Operand_2); -- Compute the tolerance bounds for the Almost Equal function High_Tol <= S_Operand_2 + signed('0' & Tolerance); Low_Tol <= S_Operand_2 - signed('0' & Tolerance); -- Combinational logic for the Decimal Adjust logic DAA_result <= DAA_p4 & DAA_p3 & DAA_p2 & DAA_p1 & DAA_p0; -- Combinational logic for the division logic diff <= ('0' & Q(DIV_WIDTH*2-2 downto DIV_WIDTH-1)) - ('0' & Divisor); Quotient_i <= q(DIV_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Remainder_i <= q(DIV_WIDTH*2-1 downto DIV_WIDTH); ALU_proc: process( Clock, Reset ) variable Reg_Sel : integer; variable Oper_Sel : integer; begin if( Reset = Reset_Level )then Reg_Sel_q <= (others => '0'); Wr_En_q <= '0'; Wr_Data_q <= x"00"; Rd_En_q <= '0'; Rd_Data <= OPEN8_NULLBUS; Opcode <= (others => '0'); Operand_Sel <= (others => '0'); Tolerance <= (others => '0'); Start <= '0'; Busy_q <= '0'; Interrupt <= '0'; for i in 0 to 7 loop regfile(i) <= (others => '0'); end loop; alu_ctrl <= IDLE; Operand_1 <= (others => '0'); Operand_2 <= (others => '0'); u_accum <= (others => '0'); u_prod <= (others => '0'); s_accum <= (others => '0'); s_prod <= (others => '0'); Quotient <= (others => '0'); Remainder <= (others => '0'); Flags <= (others => '0'); Almost_Equal <= '0'; Busy <= '0'; DAA_mode <= '0'; DAA_sign <= '0'; DAA_intreg <= (others => '0'); DAA_p4 <= (others => '0'); DAA_p3 <= (others => '0'); DAA_p2 <= (others => '0'); IDIV_Start <= '0'; q <= (others => '0'); count <= DIV_WIDTH; IDIV_Busy <= '0'; elsif( rising_edge(Clock) )then -- For convenience, convert these to integers and assign them to -- variables Reg_Sel := conv_integer(Reg_Sel_q(3 downto 1)); Oper_Sel := conv_integer(Operand_Sel); Wr_En_q <= Wr_En_d; Wr_Data_q <= Wr_Data_d; Reg_Sel_q <= Reg_Sel_d; Start <= '0'; if( Wr_En_q = '1' )then case( Reg_Sel_q )is -- Even addresses go to the lower byte of the register when "00000" | "00010" | "00100" | "00110" | "01000" | "01010" | "01100" | "01110" => regfile(Reg_Sel)(7 downto 0) <= Wr_Data_q; -- Odd addresses go to the upper byte of the register when "00001" | "00011" | "00101" | "00111" | "01001" | "01011" | "01101" | "01111" => regfile(Reg_Sel)(15 downto 8)<= Wr_Data_q; when "11100" => -- 0x1C -> Tolerance.l Tolerance(7 downto 0) <= Wr_Data_q; when "11101" => -- 0x1D -> Tolerance.u Tolerance(15 downto 8) <= Wr_Data_q; when "11110" => -- 0x1E -> Opcode register Opcode <= Wr_Data_q(7 downto 3); Operand_Sel <= Wr_Data_q(2 downto 0); when "11111" => -- 0x1F -> Status/Start register Start <= '1'; when others => null; end case; end if; Rd_En_q <= Rd_En_d; Rd_Data <= OPEN8_NULLBUS; if( Rd_En_q = '1' )then case( Reg_Sel_q )is when "00000" | "00010" | "00100" | "00110" | "01000" | "01010" | "01100" | "01110" => Rd_Data <= regfile(Reg_Sel)(7 downto 0); when "00001" | "00011" | "00101" | "00111" | "01001" | "01011" | "01101" | "01111" => Rd_Data <= regfile(Reg_Sel)(15 downto 8); when "11100" => -- 0x1C -> Tolerance.l Rd_Data <= Tolerance(7 downto 0); when "11101" => -- 0x1D -> Tolerance.u Rd_Data <= Tolerance(15 downto 8); when "11110" => -- 0x1E -> Opcode register Rd_Data <= Opcode & Operand_Sel; when "11111" => -- 0x1F -> Flags & Status register Rd_Data <= Busy & "000" & Flags; when others => null; end case; end if; Busy <= '1'; IDIV_Start <= '0'; case( alu_ctrl )is when IDLE => Busy <= '0'; if( Start = '1' )then alu_ctrl <= LOAD; end if; -- Load the operands from the reg file. We also check for specific -- opcodes to set the DAA mode (signed vs unsigned). This is the only -- place where we READ the register file outside of the bus interface when LOAD => Operand_1 <= regfile(0); Operand_2 <= regfile(Oper_Sel); DAA_mode <= '0'; if( Opcode = OP_SDAW or Opcode = OP_SDAB )then DAA_mode <= '1'; end if; alu_ctrl <= EXECUTE; -- Now that the operands are loaded, we can execute the actual math -- operations. We do it with separate operand registers to pipeline -- the logic. when EXECUTE => alu_ctrl <= STORE; case( Opcode)is when OP_T0X => u_accum <= '0' & Operand_1; when OP_TX0 => u_accum <= '0' & Operand_2; when OP_CLR | OP_SCRY => u_accum <= (others => '0'); when OP_BSWP => u_accum <= '0' & Operand_2(7 downto 0) & Operand_2(15 downto 8); when OP_SMAG => s_accum <= S_Operand_2; if( S_Operand_2 < 0)then s_accum <= -S_Operand_2; end if; when OP_SNEG => s_accum <= -S_Operand_2; when OP_SMUL => s_prod <= S_Operand_1 * S_Operand_2; when OP_UMUL => u_prod <= U_Operand_1 * U_Operand_2; when OP_SADD => s_accum <= S_Addend_1 + S_Addend_2; when OP_UADD => u_accum <= ('0' & Operand_1) + ('0' & Operand_2); when OP_UADC => u_accum <= ('0' & Operand_1) + ('0' & Operand_2) + Flags(FLAG_C); when OP_SSUB | OP_SCMP => s_accum <= S_Addend_1 - S_Addend_2; when OP_USUB | OP_UCMP => u_accum <= ('0' & U_Addend_1) - ('0' & U_Addend_2); when OP_USBC => u_accum <= ('0' & U_Addend_1) - ('0' & U_Addend_2) - Flags(FLAG_C); when OP_ACMP => -- Perform the function -- AE = '1' when (A1 <= A2 + T) and (A1 >= A2 - T) else '0' Almost_Equal <= '0'; if( (S_Addend_1 <= High_Tol) and (S_Addend_1 >= Low_Tol) )then Almost_Equal <= '1'; end if; when OP_BINV => u_accum <= '0' & (not U_Operand_1); when OP_BSFL => u_accum <= U_Operand_1 & '0'; when OP_BROL => u_accum <= U_Operand_1 & Flags(FLAG_C); when OP_BSFR => u_accum <= "00" & U_Operand_1(15 downto 1); when OP_BROR => u_accum <= U_Operand_1(0) & Flags(FLAG_C) & U_Operand_1(15 downto 1); when OP_BOR => u_accum <= '0' & (U_Operand_1 or U_Operand_2); when OP_BAND => u_accum <= '0' & (U_Operand_1 and U_Operand_2); when OP_BXOR => u_accum <= '0' & (U_Operand_1 xor U_Operand_2); -- Division unit has a longer latency, so we need to wait for its busy -- signal to return low before storing results. Trigger the engine, -- and then jump to the wait state for it to finish when OP_IDIV => IDIV_Start <= '1'; alu_ctrl <= IDIV_INIT; -- Decimal Adjust Word initialization -- Stores the sign bit for later use setting the N flag -- Assigns Operand_1 to register as-is -- If the sign bit is set, do a 2's complement of the register when OP_UDAW | OP_SDAW => IDIV_Start <= '1'; DAA_sign <= Operand_2(15); Operand_1 <= Operand_2; if( (Operand_2(15) and DAA_mode) = '1' )then Operand_1 <= (not Operand_2) + 1; end if; Operand_2 <= x"2710"; alu_ctrl <= DAW_INIT; -- Decimal Adjust Byte initialization -- Stores the sign bit for later use setting the N flag -- Assigns Operand_1 to the lower byte of the register -- If the sign bit is set, do a 2's complement of the register when OP_UDAB | OP_SDAB => IDIV_Start <= '1'; DAA_p4 <= (others => '0'); DAA_p3 <= (others => '0'); DAA_sign <= Operand_2(7); Operand_1 <= x"00" & Operand_2(7 downto 0); if( (Operand_2(7) and DAA_mode) = '1' )then Operand_1 <= ((not Operand_2) + 1) and x"00FF"; end if; Operand_2 <= x"0064"; alu_ctrl <= DAB_INIT; when others => null; end case; -- These three states look superfluous, but simplify the state machine -- logic enough to improve performance. Leave them. when IDIV_INIT => if( IDIV_Busy = '1' )then alu_ctrl <= IDIV_WAIT; end if; when DAW_INIT => if( IDIV_Busy = '1' )then alu_ctrl <= DAA_WAIT1; end if; when DAB_INIT => if( IDIV_Busy = '1' )then alu_ctrl <= DAA_WAIT3; end if; when DAA_WAIT1 => if( IDIV_Busy = '0' )then DAA_p4 <= Quotient_i(3 downto 0); DAA_intreg <= Remainder_i; alu_ctrl <= DAA_STEP2; end if; when DAA_STEP2 => Operand_1 <= DAA_intreg; Operand_2 <= x"03E8"; IDIV_Start <= '1'; if( IDIV_Busy = '1' )then alu_ctrl <= DAA_WAIT2; end if; when DAA_WAIT2 => if( IDIV_Busy = '0' )then DAA_p3 <= Quotient_i(3 downto 0); DAA_intreg <= Remainder_i; alu_ctrl <= DAA_STEP3; end if; when DAA_STEP3 => Operand_1 <= DAA_intreg; Operand_2 <= x"0064"; IDIV_Start <= '1'; if( IDIV_Busy = '1' )then alu_ctrl <= DAA_WAIT3; end if; when DAA_WAIT3 => if( IDIV_Busy = '0' )then DAA_p2 <= Quotient_i(3 downto 0); DAA_intreg <= Remainder_i; alu_ctrl <= DAA_STEP4; end if; when DAA_STEP4 => Operand_1 <= DAA_intreg; Operand_2 <= x"000A"; IDIV_Start <= '1'; if( IDIV_Busy = '1' )then alu_ctrl <= IDIV_WAIT; end if; when IDIV_WAIT => if( IDIV_Busy = '0' )then Quotient <= Quotient_i; Remainder <= Remainder_i; alu_ctrl <= STORE; end if; -- All ALU writes to the register file go through here. This is also -- where the flag register gets updated. This should be the only -- place where the register file gets WRITTEN outside of the bus -- interface. when STORE => Flags <= (others => '0'); case( Opcode)is when OP_T0X | OP_CLR | OP_BSWP => regfile(Oper_Sel) <= u_data; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(u_data); Flags(FLAG_N) <= u_sign; when OP_TX0 => regfile(0) <= u_data; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(u_data); Flags(FLAG_N) <= u_sign; when OP_SCRY => Flags(FLAG_C) <= '0'; if( Oper_Sel > 0 )then Flags(FLAG_C)<= '1'; end if; when OP_IDIV => regfile(0) <= Quotient; regfile(Oper_Sel) <= Remainder; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(Quotient); when OP_SMAG | OP_SNEG | OP_SADD | OP_SSUB => regfile(0) <= std_logic_vector(s_data); Flags(FLAG_N) <= s_sign; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(std_logic_vector(s_data)); Flags(FLAG_O) <= s_ovf xor s_sign; when OP_SMUL => regfile(0) <= std_logic_vector(s_prod(15 downto 0)); regfile(1) <= std_logic_vector(s_prod(31 downto 16)); Flags(FLAG_N) <= s_prod(33) or s_prod(32); Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(std_logic_vector(s_prod)); when OP_UMUL => regfile(0) <= u_prod(15 downto 0); regfile(1) <= u_prod(31 downto 16); Flags(FLAG_N) <= u_prod(31); Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(u_prod); when OP_UADD | OP_USUB => regfile(0) <= u_data; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(u_data); Flags(FLAG_N) <= u_sign; Flags(FLAG_C) <= u_carry; when OP_SCMP => Flags(FLAG_N) <= s_ovf; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(std_logic_vector(s_data)); Flags(FLAG_O) <= s_accum(16) xor s_accum(15); when OP_UCMP => Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(u_data); Flags(FLAG_C) <= u_carry; when OP_ACMP => Flags(FLAG_Z) <= Almost_Equal; when OP_UDAB | OP_SDAB => regfile(Oper_Sel) <= DAA_result(15 downto 0); Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(DAA_result); Flags(FLAG_N) <= DAA_sign; when OP_UDAW | OP_SDAW => regfile(Oper_Sel) <= DAA_result(15 downto 0); Flags(3 downto 0) <= DAA_result(19 downto 16); if( DAA_mode = '1' )then Flags(FLAG_N) <= DAA_sign; end if; when OP_BOR | OP_BAND | OP_BXOR => regfile(0) <= u_data; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(u_data); Flags(FLAG_N) <= u_sign; when OP_BINV => regfile(Oper_Sel) <= u_data; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(u_data); Flags(FLAG_N) <= u_sign; when OP_BSFL | OP_BROL | OP_BSFR | OP_BROR => regfile(Oper_Sel) <= u_data; Flags(FLAG_Z) <= nor_reduce(u_data); Flags(FLAG_N) <= u_sign; Flags(FLAG_C) <= u_carry; when others => null; end case; alu_ctrl <= IDLE; when others => null; end case; IDIV_Busy <= '0'; if( IDIV_Start = '1' )then IDIV_Busy <= '1'; count <= 0; q <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,DIV_WIDTH) & Dividend; elsif( count < DIV_WIDTH )then IDIV_Busy <= '1'; count <= count + 1; q <= diff(DIV_WIDTH-1 downto 0) & q(DIV_WIDTH-2 downto 0) & '1'; if( diff(DIV_WIDTH) = '1' )then q <= q(DIV_WIDTH*2-2 downto 0) & '0'; end if; end if; -- Fire on the falling edge of Busy Busy_q <= Busy; Interrupt <= not Busy and Busy_q; end if; end process; end architecture;
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