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[/] [open8_urisc/] [trunk/] [VHDL/] [o8_async_serial.vhd] - Rev 277
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-- Copyright (c)2020 Jeremy Seth Henry -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution, -- where applicable (as part of a user interface, debugging port, etc.) -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JEREMY SETH HENRY ``AS IS'' AND ANY -- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED -- WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JEREMY SETH HENRY BE LIABLE FOR ANY -- DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES -- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; -- LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND -- ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -- (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF -- THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- VHDL Units : o8_async_serial -- Description: Provides a single 8-bit, asynchronous transceiver. While the -- width is fixed at 8-bits, the bit rate and parity controls -- are settable via generics. -- -- Register Map: -- Offset Bitfield Description Read/Write -- 0x00 AAAAAAAA TX Data (WR) RX Data (RD) (RW) -- 0x01 EDCBA--- Status (RO*) -- A: RX Parity Error (write to clear) -- B: RX FIFO Empty -- C: RX FIFO almost full (922/1024) -- D: TX FIFO Empty -- E: TX FIFO almost full (922/1024) -- -- Note: The baud rate generator will produce an approximate frequency. The -- final bit rate should be within +/- 1% of the true bit rate to -- ensure the receiver can successfully receive. With a sufficiently -- high core clock, this is generally achievable for common PC serial -- data rates. -- -- Revision History -- Author Date Change ------------------ -------- --------------------------------------------------- -- Seth Henry 12/20/19 Design Start -- Seth Henry 04/10/20 Code cleanup and register documentation -- Seth Henry 04/16/20 Modified to use Open8 bus record -- Seth Henry 05/18/20 Added write qualification input library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_misc.all; library work; use work.open8_pkg.all; entity o8_async_serial is generic( Disable_Transmit : boolean := FALSE; Disable_Receive : boolean := FALSE; Bit_Rate : real; Enable_Parity : boolean; Parity_Odd_Even_n : std_logic; Clock_Frequency : real; Address : ADDRESS_TYPE ); port( Open8_Bus : in OPEN8_BUS_TYPE; Write_Qual : in std_logic := '1'; Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE; -- TX_Out : out std_logic; CTS_In : in std_logic := '1'; RX_In : in std_logic := '1'; RTS_Out : out std_logic ); end entity; architecture behave of o8_async_serial is alias Clock is Open8_Bus.Clock; alias Reset is Open8_Bus.Reset; alias uSec_Tick is Open8_Bus.uSec_Tick; alias Wr_En is Open8_Bus.Wr_En; alias Wr_Data is Open8_Bus.Wr_Data; alias Rd_En is Open8_Bus.Rd_En; signal FIFO_Reset : std_logic := '0'; constant User_Addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 1) := Address(15 downto 1); alias Comp_Addr is Open8_Bus.Address(15 downto 1); signal Addr_Match : std_logic := '0'; alias Reg_Sel_d is Open8_Bus.Address(0); signal Reg_Sel_q : std_logic := '0'; signal Wr_En_d : std_logic := '0'; signal Wr_En_q : std_logic := '0'; alias Wr_Data_d is Open8_Bus.Wr_Data; signal Wr_Data_q : DATA_TYPE := x"00"; signal Rd_En_d : std_logic := '0'; signal Rd_En_q : std_logic := '0'; signal TX_FIFO_Wr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal TX_FIFO_Wr_Data : DATA_TYPE := x"00"; signal TX_FIFO_Rd_En : std_logic := '0'; signal TX_FIFO_Empty : std_logic := '0'; signal TX_FIFO_AFull : std_logic := '0'; signal TX_FIFO_Rd_Data : DATA_TYPE := x"00"; alias Tx_Data is TX_FIFO_Rd_Data; type TX_CTRL_STATES is (IDLE, TX_BYTE, TX_START, TX_WAIT ); signal TX_Ctrl : TX_CTRL_STATES := IDLE; signal TX_Xmit : std_logic := '0'; signal TX_Done : std_logic := '0'; constant BAUD_RATE_DIV : integer := integer(Clock_Frequency / Bit_Rate); signal CTS_sr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000"; alias CTS_Okay is CTS_sr(3); signal RX_FIFO_Wr_En : std_logic := '0'; signal RX_FIFO_Wr_Data : DATA_TYPE := x"00"; signal RX_FIFO_Rd_En : std_logic := '0'; signal RX_FIFO_Empty : std_logic := '0'; signal RX_FIFO_AFull : std_logic := '0'; signal RX_FIFO_Rd_Data : DATA_TYPE := x"00"; signal Rx_PErr : std_logic := '0'; signal RX_Parity_Err : std_logic := '0'; begin Addr_Match <= '1' when Comp_Addr = User_Addr else '0'; Wr_En_d <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Wr_En; Rd_En_d <= Addr_Match and Open8_Bus.Rd_En; io_reg: process( Clock, Reset ) begin if( Reset = Reset_Level )then Reg_Sel_q <= '0'; Wr_En_q <= '0'; Wr_Data_q <= x"00"; Rd_En_q <= '0'; Rd_Data <= OPEN8_NULLBUS; RTS_Out <= '0'; RX_Parity_Err <= '0'; elsif( rising_edge( Clock ) )then Reg_Sel_q <= Reg_Sel_d; Wr_En_q <= Wr_En_d; Wr_Data_q <= Wr_Data_d; TX_FIFO_Wr_En <= Wr_En_q and not Reg_Sel_q; TX_FIFO_Wr_Data <= Wr_Data_q; if( Rx_PErr = '1' )then RX_Parity_Err <= '1'; elsif( Wr_En_q = '1' and Reg_Sel_q = '1' and Write_Qual = '1' )then RX_Parity_Err <= '0'; end if; Rd_En_q <= Rd_En_d; Rd_Data <= OPEN8_NULLBUS; if( Rd_En_q = '1' and Reg_Sel_q = '1' )then Rd_Data(3) <= RX_Parity_Err; Rd_Data(4) <= RX_FIFO_Empty; Rd_Data(5) <= RX_FIFO_AFull; Rd_Data(6) <= TX_FIFO_Empty; Rd_Data(7) <= TX_FIFO_AFull; end if; if( Rd_En_q = '1' and Reg_Sel_q = '0' )then Rd_Data <= RX_FIFO_Rd_Data; end if; RTS_Out <= not RX_FIFO_AFull; end if; end process; TX_Disabled : if( Disable_Transmit )generate TX_FIFO_Empty <= '1'; TX_FIFO_AFull <= '0'; TX_Out <= '1'; end generate; TX_Enabled : if( not Disable_Transmit )generate FIFO_Reset <= '1' when Reset = Reset_Level else '0'; U_TX_FIFO : entity work.fifo_1k_core port map( aclr => FIFO_Reset, clock => Clock, data => TX_FIFO_Wr_Data, rdreq => TX_FIFO_Rd_En, wrreq => TX_FIFO_Wr_En, empty => TX_FIFO_Empty, almost_full => TX_FIFO_AFull, q => TX_FIFO_Rd_Data ); tx_FSM: process( Clock, Reset ) begin if( Reset = Reset_Level )then TX_Ctrl <= IDLE; TX_Xmit <= '0'; TX_FIFO_Rd_En <= '0'; CTS_sr <= (others => '0'); elsif( rising_edge(Clock) )then TX_Xmit <= '0'; TX_FIFO_Rd_En <= '0'; CTS_sr <= CTS_sr(2 downto 0) & CTS_In; case( TX_Ctrl )is when IDLE => if( TX_FIFO_Empty = '0' and CTS_Okay = '1' )then TX_FIFO_Rd_En <= '1'; TX_Ctrl <= TX_BYTE; end if; when TX_BYTE => TX_Xmit <= '1'; TX_Ctrl <= TX_START; when TX_START => if( Tx_Done = '0' )then TX_Ctrl <= TX_WAIT; end if; when TX_WAIT => if( Tx_Done = '1' )then TX_Ctrl <= IDLE; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end process; U_TX : entity work.async_ser_tx generic map( Reset_Level => Reset_Level, Enable_Parity => Enable_Parity, Parity_Odd_Even_n => Parity_Odd_Even_n, Clock_Divider => BAUD_RATE_DIV ) port map( Clock => Clock, Reset => Reset, -- Tx_Data => Tx_Data, Tx_Valid => TX_Xmit, -- Tx_Out => TX_Out, Tx_Done => Tx_Done ); end generate; RX_Disabled : if( Disable_Receive )generate Rx_PErr <= '0'; RX_FIFO_Empty <= '1'; RX_FIFO_AFull <= '0'; RX_FIFO_Rd_Data <= x"00"; end generate; RX_Enabled : if( not Disable_Receive )generate U_RX : entity work.async_ser_rx generic map( Reset_Level => Reset_Level, Enable_Parity => Enable_Parity, Parity_Odd_Even_n => Parity_Odd_Even_n, Clock_Divider => BAUD_RATE_DIV ) port map( Clock => Clock, Reset => Reset, -- Rx_In => RX_In, -- Rx_Data => RX_FIFO_Wr_Data, Rx_Valid => RX_FIFO_Wr_En, Rx_PErr => Rx_PErr ); RX_FIFO_Rd_En <= Open8_Bus.Rd_En and Addr_Match and (not Reg_Sel_d); U_RX_FIFO : entity work.fifo_1k_core port map( aclr => FIFO_Reset, clock => Clock, data => RX_FIFO_Wr_Data, rdreq => RX_FIFO_Rd_En, wrreq => RX_FIFO_Wr_En, empty => RX_FIFO_Empty, almost_full => RX_FIFO_AFull, q => RX_FIFO_Rd_Data ); end generate; end architecture;
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