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# Target selection dialog for Insight.
# Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implements GDB TargetSelection dialog
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# CONSTRUCTOR - create new target selection window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::constructor {args} {
eval itk_initialize $args
set top [winfo toplevel $itk_interior]
body TargetSelection::getname {target name} {
# Init target database if we haven't already done so
if {[info exists gdb_target($target,$name)]} {
return $gdb_target($target,$name)
} else {
return ""
body TargetSelection::init_target_db {} {
# check to see if we already initialized this database
if {$db_inited} {
set db_inited 1
# Target Database
# Set the following members:
# TARGET,pretty-name: Name to display to user
# TARGET,debaud: Default baudrate
# TARGET,baud-rates: Permissible baudrates
# TARGET,cmd: Abstracted command to run for this target (tcpX and com1 are
# replaced with the real port and host/port in set_target)
# TARGET,runlist: List of preferences for the target: {attach download run cont}
# TARGET,after_attaching: a command to run after attaching to the target
# Simulator
set gdb_target(sim,pretty-name) "Simulator"
set gdb_target(sim,defbaud) ""
set gdb_target(sim,baud-rates) {}
set gdb_target(sim,cmd) "sim"
set gdb_target(sim,runlist) {1 1 1 0}
set gdb_target(sim,options) ""
set gdb_target(sim,after_attaching) {}
# Remote serial port
set gdb_target(serial,pretty-name) "Remote/Serial"
set gdb_target(serial,defbaud) "115200"
set gdb_target(serial,baud-rates) {9600 19200 38400 57600 115200}
set gdb_target(serial,cmd) "remote com1"
set gdb_target(serial,runlist) {1 1 0 1}
set gdb_target(serial,after_attaching) {}
# Remote TCP
set gdb_target(remote,pretty-name) "Remote/TCP"
set gdb_target(remote,defbaud) "TCP"
set gdb_target(remote,baud-rates) {}
set gdb_target(remote,cmd) "remote tcpX"
set gdb_target(remote,runlist) {1 1 0 1}
set gdb_target(remote,after_attaching) {}
body TargetSelection::default_port {} {
global tcl_platform
switch -regexp $tcl_platform(os) {
Windows { set port /dev/com1 }
Linux { set port /dev/ttyS0 }
SunOS { set port /dev/ttya }
AIX { set port /dev/foo1 }
ULTRIX { set port /dev/foo1 }
IRIX { set port /dev/foo1 }
OSF1 { set port /dev/foo1 }
NetBSD { set port /dev/foo1 }
# Special case...
switch -regexp $tcl_platform(osVersion) {
A.09 { set port /dev/tty00 }
B.10 -
B.11 { set port /dev/tty0p0 }
default { set port /dev/ttya }
return $port
body TargetSelection::_init_prefs {} {
if {$prefs_inited} {
set prefs_inited 1
# these are not target-specific
pref define gdb/load/main 1
pref define gdb/load/exit 1
pref define gdb/load/check 0
# these are target-specific
# set up the defaults
pref define gdb/load/default-verbose 0
pref define gdb/load/default-port [default_port]
pref define gdb/load/default-hostname "localhost"
pref define gdb/load/default-after_attaching {}
body TargetSelection::_init_target {} {
global gdb_target_name
# Xilinx changes - Force this to a remote target
set gdb_target_name sim
# end Xilinx changes
#set target_list [get_target_list]
set target_list { sim serial remote }
set target $gdb_target_name
# target = CANCEL should never come into here. If the target was
# returned as CANCEL, it should be fixed by the caller... But it
# should not be harmful if it gets in here.
if {$target == "" || [string compare $target CANCEL] == 0} {
set target default
set defbaud $gdb_target($target,defbaud)
pref define gdb/load/$target-baud $defbaud
pref define gdb/load/$target-port [pref get gdb/load/default-port]
pref define gdb/load/$target-verbose [pref get gdb/load/default-verbose]
pref define gdb/load/$target-portname 1234
pref define gdb/load/$target-hostname [pref get gdb/load/default-hostname]
set err [catch {pref get gdb/load/$target-runlist} run_list]
if {$err} {
set run_list $gdb_target($target,runlist)
pref setd gdb/load/$target-runlist $run_list
pref set gdb/src/run_attach [lindex $run_list 0]
pref set gdb/src/run_load [lindex $run_list 1]
pref set gdb/src/run_run [lindex $run_list 2]
pref set gdb/src/run_cont [lindex $run_list 3]
set err [catch {pref get gdb/load/$target-after_attaching} aa]
if {$err} {
set aa $gdb_target($target,after_attaching)
pref setd gdb/load/$target-after_attaching $aa
body TargetSelection::_init {} {
if {!$trace_inited} {
# Trace all gdb_loaded changes based on target
trace variable gdb_loaded w [code TargetSelection::target_trace]
set trace_inited 1
init_target_db ;# initialize database
_init_prefs ;# initialize load prefs
_init_target ;# initialize target prefs
# This tells us that the target system is inited. Some of these
# init functions need to be called every time the target dialog is
# posted, some only once. The latter functions can check inited to
# see what they should do.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: build_win - build the dialog
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::build_win {} {
global tcl_platform PREFS_state gdb_ImageDir gdb_target_name
set f [frame $itk_interior.f]
set opts [frame $itk_interior.moreoptions]
frame $itk_interior.moreoptionsframe
set btns [frame $itk_interior.buttons]
#labelled frame "Connection"
iwidgets::Labeledframe $f.lab -labelpos nw -labeltext [gettext "Connection"]
set fr [$f.lab childsite]
# target name
label $fr.tarl -text [gettext "Target:"]
combobox::combobox $fr.tar -editable 0 -command [code $this change_target] \
-width $Width -maxheight 10
# baud rate combobox
label $fr.cbl -text [gettext "Baud Rate:"]
combobox::combobox $fr.cb -editable 0 -command [code $this change_baud] \
-textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$target-baud] -width $Width \
-maxheight 10
if {[catch {gdb_cmd "show remotebaud"} res]} {
set baud [pref get gdb/load/$target-baud]
} else {
set baud [lindex $res end]
set baud [string trimright $baud "."]
# When uninitialized, GDB returns a baud rate of 2^32
# Detect this and ignore it.
if {$baud > 4000000000} {
set baud [pref get gdb/load/$target-baud]
} else {
pref setd gdb/load/$target-baud $baud
# host entry widget
entry $fr.host -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$target-hostname] \
-width $Width
# port combobox
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
set editable 0
} else {
set editable 1
label $fr.portl -text [gettext "Port:"]
combobox::combobox $fr.port -editable $editable \
-textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$target-port] \
-width $Width -maxheight 10
# load baud rates into combobox
# load port combobox
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
foreach val [port_list] {
$fr.port list insert end $val
} else {
# fixme: how do I find valid values for these????
switch $tcl_platform(os) {
Linux { set ports [list /dev/cua0 /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS2 /dev/ttyS3]}
SunOS { set ports [list /dev/ttya /dev/ttyb] }
AIX { set ports [list /dev/foo1 /dev/foo2] }
ULTRIX { set ports [list /dev/foo1 /dev/foo2] }
IRIX { set ports [list /dev/foo1 /dev/foo2] }
OSF1 { set ports [list /dev/foo1 /dev/foo2] }
NetBSD { set ports [list /dev/foo1 /dev/foo2] }
# Special case...
switch -regexp $tcl_platform(osVersion) {
A.09 { set ports [list /dev/tty00 /dev/tty01] }
B.10 -
B.11 { set ports [list /dev/tty0p0 /dev/tty1p0] }
default { set ports [list UNKNOWN UNKNOWN] }
foreach val $ports {
$fr.port list insert end $val
# Port entry widget
entry $fr.porte -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$target-port] -width $Width
frame $f.fr
checkbutton $f.fr.main -text [gettext "Set breakpoint at 'main'"] \
-variable [pref varname gdb/load/main]
checkbutton $f.fr.exit -text [gettext "Set breakpoint at 'exit'"] \
-variable [pref varname gdb/load/exit]
frame $f.fr.bp
checkbutton $f.fr.bp.at_func -text [gettext "Set breakpoint at"] \
-variable [pref varname gdb/load/bp_at_func]
entry $f.fr.bp.func -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/bp_func] -width 20
checkbutton $f.fr.verb -text [gettext "Display Download Dialog"] \
-variable [pref varname gdb/load/$target-verbose]
checkbutton $f.fr.xterm -text [gettext "Use xterm as inferior's tty"] \
-variable [pref varname gdb/process/xtermtty] \
-onvalue yes -offvalue no
if {![pref get gdb/control_target]} {
$f.fr.main configure -state disabled
$f.fr.exit configure -state disabled
$f.fr.verb configure -state disabled
$f.fr.bp.at_func configure -state disabled
$f.fr.bp.func configure -state disabled
checkbutton $f.fr.check -text [gettext "Compare to remote executable"] \
-variable [pref varname gdb/load/check]
if { $gdb_target_name == "exec" } {
$f.fr.check configure -state disabled
grid $fr.tarl $fr.tar -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $fr.cbl $fr.cb -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $fr.portl $fr.port -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
set mapped1 $fr.cb
set mapped2 $fr.port
grid $f.fr.main -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $f.fr.exit -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
pack $f.fr.bp.at_func $f.fr.bp.func -side left
grid $f.fr.bp -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $f.fr.verb -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $f.fr.xterm -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
if {![pref get gdb/control_target]} {
grid $f.fr.check -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $f.lab $f.fr -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
# Create the "More Options" thingy
if {[lsearch [image names] _MORE_] == -1} {
image create photo _MORE_ -file [file join $gdb_ImageDir more.gif]
image create photo _LESS_ -file [file join $gdb_ImageDir less.gif]
set MoreButton [button $opts.button -image _MORE_ \
-relief flat -command [code $this toggle_more_options]]
set MoreLabel [label $opts.lbl -text {More Options}]
frame $opts.frame -relief raised -bd 1
pack $opts.button $opts.lbl -side left
place $opts.frame -relx 1 -x -10 -rely 0.5 -relwidth 0.73 -height 2 -anchor e
# Create the (hidden) more options frame
set MoreFrame [iwidgets::Labeledframe $itk_interior.moreoptionsframe.frame \
-labelpos nw -labeltext {Run Options}]
set frame [$MoreFrame childsite]
set var [pref varname gdb/src/run_attach]
checkbutton $frame.attach -text {Attach to Target} -variable $var
set var [pref varname gdb/src/run_load]
checkbutton $frame.load -text {Download Program} -variable $var
set rm_frame [iwidgets::labeledframe $frame.run_method -labelpos nw -labeltext "Run Method" ]
set RunMethod [ $rm_frame childsite ]
set rm_label [label $frame.label -text "Run Method:"]
set var [pref varname gdb/src/run_cont]
radiobutton $RunMethod.cont -text {Continue from Last Stop} -value 1 -variable $var \
-command [code $this set_run run]
set var [pref varname gdb/src/run_run]
radiobutton $RunMethod.run -text {Run Program} -value 1 -variable $var \
-command [code $this set_run cont]
# The after attaching command entry
set _after_entry [entry $frame.aftere]
label $frame.afterl -text {Command to issue after attaching:}
grid $frame.label -column 1 -row 0 -sticky w
grid $frame.attach -column 0 -row 1 -ipady 2
grid $frame.load -column 0 -row 2 -ipady 2
grid $RunMethod.run -column 0 -row 1 -sticky w -ipady 2
grid $RunMethod.cont -column 0 -row 2 -sticky w -ipady 2
grid $rm_frame -column 1 -row 1 -rowspan 2 -sticky nsew -ipady 2
grid $frame.afterl -row 4 -sticky we -columnspan 2 -ipady 2
grid $frame.aftere -sticky we -columnspan 2 -ipady 2
grid columnconfigure $frame 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure $frame 1 -weight 1
# Map everything onto the screen
# This looks like a possible packing bug -- our topmost frame
# will not resize itself. So, instead, use the topmost frame.
#pack $f $opts $itk_interior.moreoptionsframe -side top -fill x
pack $MoreFrame -fill x -expand yes
pack $f $opts -side top -fill x
change_target $gdb_target($target,pretty-name)
button $btns.ok -text [gettext OK] -width 7 -command [code $this save] \
-default active
button $btns.cancel -text [gettext Cancel] -width 7 \
-command [code $this cancel]
button $btns.help -text [gettext Help] -width 7 -command [code $this help] \
-state disabled
standard_button_box $btns
bind $btns.ok <Return> "$btns.ok flash; $btns.ok invoke"
bind $btns.cancel <Return> "$btns.cancel flash; $btns.cancel invoke"
bind $btns.help <Return> "$btns.help flash; $btns.help invoke"
pack $btns -side bottom -anchor e
focus $btns.ok
# set up balloon help
balloon register $f.fr.bp.at_func "Set User-Speficied Breakpoints at Run Time"
balloon register $f.fr.bp.func "Enter a List of Functions for Breakpoints"
window_name "Target Selection"
if {[valid_target $target]} {
$fr.tar configure -value $gdb_target($target,pretty-name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: set_saved - set saved values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::set_saved {} {
set saved_baud [pref get gdb/load/$target-baud]
set saved_port [pref get gdb/load/$target-port]
set saved_main [pref get gdb/load/main]
set saved_exit [pref get gdb/load/exit]
set saved_check [pref get gdb/load/check]
set saved_verb [pref get gdb/load/$target-verbose]
set saved_portname [pref get gdb/load/$target-portname]
set saved_hostname [pref get gdb/load/$target-hostname]
set saved_attach [pref get gdb/src/run_attach]
set saved_load [pref get gdb/src/run_load]
set saved_run [pref get gdb/src/run_run]
set saved_cont [pref get gdb/src/run_cont]
if {[info exists gdb_target($target,options)]} {
if {[catch {pref get gdb/load/$target-opts} saved_options]} {
set saved_options ""
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: write_saved - write saved values to preferences
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::write_saved {} {
pref setd gdb/load/$target-baud $saved_baud
pref setd gdb/load/$target-port $saved_port
pref setd gdb/load/main $saved_main
pref setd gdb/load/exit $saved_exit
pref setd gdb/load/check $saved_check
pref setd gdb/load/$target-verbose $saved_verb
pref setd gdb/load/$target-portname $saved_portname
pref setd gdb/load/$target-hostname $saved_hostname
pref setd gdb/load/$target-runlist [list $saved_attach $saved_load $saved_run $saved_cont]
if {[info exists gdb_target($target,options)]} {
pref setd gdb/load/$target-opts $saved_options
if {[catch {$_after_entry get} saved_after_attaching]} {
set saved_after_attaching ""
pref setd gdb/load/$target-after_attaching $saved_after_attaching
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: fill_rates - fill baud rate combobox
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::fill_rates {} {
$fr.cb list delete 0 end
if {$gdb_target($target,baud-rates) != ""} {
foreach val $gdb_target($target,baud-rates) {
$fr.cb list insert end $val
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: fill_targets - fill target combobox
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::fill_targets {} {
#[$fr.tar subwidget listbox] delete 0 end
$fr.tar list delete 0 end
foreach val $target_list {
if {[info exists gdb_target($val,pretty-name)]} {
$fr.tar list insert end $gdb_target($val,pretty-name)
# Insert TCP target, if it exists
if {[info exists gdb_target(${val}tcp,pretty-name)]} {
$fr.tar list insert end $gdb_target(${val}tcp,pretty-name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: config_dialog - Convenience method to map/unmap/rename
# components onto the screen based on target T.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::config_dialog {t} {
pref define gdb/load/$t-verbose [pref get gdb/load/verbose]
$f.fr.verb config -variable [pref varname gdb/load/$t-verbose]
# Map the correct entries and comboboxes onto the screen
if {$gdb_target($t,defbaud) == "TCP"} {
# we have a tcp target
# map host and porte
if {$mapped1 != "$fr.host"} {
grid forget $mapped1
set mapped1 $fr.host
grid $mapped1 -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
$fr.cbl configure -text "Hostname:"
$fr.host config -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$t-hostname]
if {$mapped2 != "$fr.porte"} {
grid forget $mapped2
set mapped2 $fr.porte
grid $mapped2 -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
$fr.portl configure -text {Port:}
$fr.porte config -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$t-portname] -fg black
$mapped1 configure -state normal
$mapped2 configure -state normal
} elseif {$gdb_target($t,defbaud) == "ETH"} {
# we have a udp target
# map host and porte
if {$mapped1 != "$fr.host"} {
grid forget $mapped1
set mapped1 $fr.host
grid $mapped1 -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
$fr.cbl configure -text "Hostname:"
$fr.host config -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$t-hostname]
if {$mapped2 != "$fr.porte"} {
grid forget $mapped2
$fr.portl configure -text {Port: N/A (fixed)}
$mapped1 configure -state normal
$mapped2 configure -state disabled
} elseif {$gdb_target($t,defbaud) != ""} {
# we have a serial target
# map port and cb
if {$mapped1 != "$fr.cb"} {
grid forget $mapped1
set mapped1 $fr.cb
grid $mapped1 -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
$fr.cbl configure -text "Baud Rate:"
$fr.cb configure -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$t-baud]
if {$mapped2 != "$fr.port"} {
grid forget $mapped2
set mapped2 $fr.port
grid $mapped2 -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
$fr.portl configure -text {Port:}
$fr.port configure -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$t-port]
$mapped1 configure -state normal
$mapped2 configure -state normal
} else {
# we have a non-remote(-like) target
# disable all (except tar) and check for
# options
$mapped1 configure -state disabled
$mapped2 configure -state disabled
$fr.porte configure -fg gray
if {[info exists gdb_target($t,options)]} {
if {$mapped1 != "$fr.host"} {
grid forget $mapped1
set mapped1 $fr.host
grid $mapped1 -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5 -pady 5
$mapped1 configure -state normal
$fr.host config -textvariable [pref varname gdb/load/$t-opts]
# We call options "arguments" for the exec target
# FIXME: this is really overloaded!!
if {$t == "exec"} {
set text "Arguments:"
} else {
set text "Options:"
$fr.cbl configure -text $text
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: change_target - callback for target combobox
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::change_target {w {name ""}} {
if {$name == ""} {return}
set target [get_target $name]
if { "$target" == "exec" } {
$RunMethod.run configure -state disabled -value 1
$RunMethod.cont configure -state disabled
} else {
$RunMethod.run configure -state normal
$RunMethod.cont configure -state normal
debug "$target"
set defbaud $gdb_target($target,defbaud)
pref define gdb/load/$target-baud $defbaud
pref define gdb/load/$target-portname 1234
pref define gdb/load/$target-hostname [pref get gdb/load/default-hostname]
if {$defbaud == ""} {
pref define gdb/load/$target-port ""
} else {
pref define gdb/load/$target-port [pref get gdb/load/default-port]
config_dialog $target
# Configure the default run options for this target
set err [catch {pref get gdb/load/$target-runlist} run_list]
if {$err} {
set run_list $gdb_target($target,runlist)
pref setd gdb/load/$target-runlist $run_list
pref set gdb/src/run_attach [lindex $run_list 0]
pref set gdb/src/run_load [lindex $run_list 1]
pref set gdb/src/run_run [lindex $run_list 2]
pref set gdb/src/run_cont [lindex $run_list 3]
set_check_button $name
set err [catch {pref get gdb/load/$target-after_attaching} aa]
if {$err} {
set aa $gdb_target($target,after_attaching)
pref setd gdb/load/$target-after_attaching $aa
$_after_entry delete 0 end
$_after_entry insert 0 $aa
set changes 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE METHOD: change_baud - called when the baud rate is changed.
# If GDB is running, set baud rate in GDB and read it back.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::change_baud {w {baud ""}} {
if {$baud != ""} {
if {([string compare $baud "TCP"] != 0)
&& ([string compare $baud "ETH"] != 0)} {
gdb_cmd "set remotebaud $baud"
if {[catch {gdb_cmd "show remotebaud"} res]} {
set newbaud 0
} else {
set newbaud [lindex $res end]
set newbaud [string trimright $newbaud "."]
if {$newbaud > 4000000} {
set newbaud 0
if {$newbaud != $baud} {
pref set gdb/load/$target-baud $newbaud
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: port_list - return a list of valid ports for Windows
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::port_list {} {
set plist ""
# Scan com1 - com8 trying to open each one.
# If permission is denied that means it is in use,
# which is OK because we may be using it or the user
# may be setting up the remote target manually with
# a terminal program.
for {set i 1} {$i < 9} { incr i} {
if {[catch { set fd [::open com$i: RDWR] } msg]} {
# Failed. Find out why.
if {[string first "permission denied" $msg] != -1} {
# Port is there, but busy right now. That's OK.
lappend plist /dev/com$i
} else {
# We got it. Now close it and add to list.
close $fd
lappend plist /dev/com$i
return $plist
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: get_target_list - return a list of targets supported
# by this GDB. Parses the output of "help target"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::get_target_list {} {
set native [native_debugging]
set names ""
set res [gdb_cmd "help target"]
for each line [split $res \n] {
if {![string compare [lindex $line 0] "target"]} {
set name [lindex $line 1]
# For cross debuggers, do not allow the target "exec"
if {$name == "exec" && !$native} {
lappend names $name
return $names
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: save - save values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::save {} {
global gdb_target_name
set err [catch {
set gdb_target_name $target
pref setd gdb/load/target $target
} errtxt]
if {$err} {debug "target: $errtxt"}
if {[valid_target $gdb_target_name]} {
# Dismiss the dialog box
} else {
tk_messageBox -message "The current target is not valid."
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: cancel - restore previous values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::cancel {} {
global gdb_target_name
catch {gdb_cmd "set remotebaud $saved_baud"}
$fr.cb configure -value $saved_baud
if {$exportcancel} {
set gdb_target_name CANCEL
# Now dismiss the dialog
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: set_check_button - enable/disable compare-section command
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::set_check_button {name} {
if {[winfo exists $itk_interior.f.fr.check]} {
if { $name == "exec" } {
$itk_interior.f.fr.check configure -state disabled
} else {
$itk_interior.f.fr.check configure -state normal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: help - launches context sensitive help.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::help {} {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: reconfig - used when preferences change
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::reconfig {} {
# for now, just delete and recreate
destroy $itk_interior.f
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: get_target - get the internal name of a target from the
# pretty-name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::get_target {name} {
set t {}
set list [array get gdb_target *,pretty-name]
set i [lsearch -exact $list $name]
if {$i != -1} {
incr i -1
set t [lindex [split [lindex $list $i] ,] 0]
} else {
debug "unknown pretty-name \"$name\""
return $t
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: toggle_more_options -- toggle displaying the More/Fewer
# Options pane
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::toggle_more_options {} {
if {[$MoreLabel cget -text] == "More Options"} {
$MoreLabel configure -text "Fewer Options"
$MoreButton configure -image _LESS_
# Bug in Tk? The top-most frame does not shrink...
#pack $MoreFrame
pack $itk_interior.moreoptionsframe -after $itk_interior.moreoptions -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5
} else {
$MoreLabel configure -text "More Options"
$MoreButton configure -image _MORE_
#pack forget $MoreFrame
pack forget $itk_interior.moreoptionsframe
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# METHOD: set_run - set the run button. Make sure not both run and
# continue are selected.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::set_run {check_which} {
global PREFS_state
set var [pref varname gdb/src/run_$check_which]
global $var
if {[set $var]} {
set $var 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROCEDURE: target_trace
# This procedure is used to configure gdb_loaded
# and possible more) whenever the value of gdb_loaded
# is changed based on the current target.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body TargetSelection::target_trace {variable index op} {
global gdb_target_name gdb_loaded
switch $gdb_target_name {
exec {
# The exec target is always loaded.
set gdb_loaded 1
# Returns 1 if TARGET is a _runnable_ target for this gdb.
body TargetSelection::valid_target {target} {
#set err [catch {gdb_cmd "help target $target"}]
set err 0
if {$target == "exec" && ![native_debugging]} {
set err 1
if {[regexp "tcp$" $target]} {
# Special case (of course)
regsub tcp$ $target {} foo
return [valid_target $foo]
return [expr {$err == 0}]
# Returns 1 if this is not a cross debugger.
body TargetSelection::native_debugging {} {
global GDBStartup
set r [string compare $GDBStartup(host_name) $GDBStartup(target_name)]
return [expr {!$r}]