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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S E M _ D I M -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Aspects; use Aspects; with Atree; use Atree; with Einfo; use Einfo; with Errout; use Errout; with Lib; use Lib; with Namet; use Namet; with Nlists; use Nlists; with Nmake; use Nmake; with Opt; use Opt; with Rtsfind; use Rtsfind; with Sem; use Sem; with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval; with Sem_Res; use Sem_Res; with Sinfo; use Sinfo; with Snames; use Snames; with Stand; use Stand; with Stringt; use Stringt; with Table; with Tbuild; use Tbuild; with Uintp; use Uintp; with Urealp; use Urealp; with GNAT.HTable; package body Sem_Dim is ------------------------- -- Rational arithmetic -- ------------------------- type Whole is new Int; subtype Positive_Whole is Whole range 1 .. Whole'Last; type Rational is record Numerator : Whole; Denominator : Positive_Whole; end record; Zero : constant Rational := Rational'(Numerator => 0, Denominator => 1); No_Rational : constant Rational := Rational'(Numerator => 0, Denominator => 2); -- Used to indicate an expression that cannot be interpreted as a rational -- Returned value of the Create_Rational_From routine when parameter Expr -- is not a static representation of a rational. -- Rational constructors function "+" (Right : Whole) return Rational; function GCD (Left, Right : Whole) return Int; function Reduce (X : Rational) return Rational; -- Unary operator for Rational function "-" (Right : Rational) return Rational; function "abs" (Right : Rational) return Rational; -- Rational operations for Rationals function "+" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational; function "-" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational; function "*" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational; function "/" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational; ------------------ -- System types -- ------------------ Max_Number_Of_Dimensions : constant := 7; -- Maximum number of dimensions in a dimension system High_Position_Bound : constant := Max_Number_Of_Dimensions; Invalid_Position : constant := 0; Low_Position_Bound : constant := 1; subtype Dimension_Position is Nat range Invalid_Position .. High_Position_Bound; type Name_Array is array (Dimension_Position range Low_Position_Bound .. High_Position_Bound) of Name_Id; -- A data structure used to store the names of all units within a system No_Names : constant Name_Array := (others => No_Name); type Symbol_Array is array (Dimension_Position range Low_Position_Bound .. High_Position_Bound) of String_Id; -- A data structure used to store the symbols of all units within a system No_Symbols : constant Symbol_Array := (others => No_String); type System_Type is record Type_Decl : Node_Id; Names : Name_Array; Symbols : Symbol_Array; Count : Dimension_Position; end record; Null_System : constant System_Type := (Empty, No_Names, No_Symbols, Invalid_Position); subtype System_Id is Nat; -- The following table maps types to systems package System_Table is new Table.Table ( Table_Component_Type => System_Type, Table_Index_Type => System_Id, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 5, Table_Increment => 5, Table_Name => "System_Table"); -------------------- -- Dimension type -- -------------------- type Dimension_Type is array (Dimension_Position range Low_Position_Bound .. High_Position_Bound) of Rational; Null_Dimension : constant Dimension_Type := (others => Zero); type Dimension_Table_Range is range 0 .. 510; function Dimension_Table_Hash (Key : Node_Id) return Dimension_Table_Range; -- The following table associates nodes with dimensions package Dimension_Table is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable (Header_Num => Dimension_Table_Range, Element => Dimension_Type, No_Element => Null_Dimension, Key => Node_Id, Hash => Dimension_Table_Hash, Equal => "="); ------------------ -- Symbol types -- ------------------ type Symbol_Table_Range is range 0 .. 510; function Symbol_Table_Hash (Key : Entity_Id) return Symbol_Table_Range; -- Each subtype with a dimension has a symbolic representation of the -- related unit. This table establishes a relation between the subtype -- and the symbol. package Symbol_Table is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable (Header_Num => Symbol_Table_Range, Element => String_Id, No_Element => No_String, Key => Entity_Id, Hash => Symbol_Table_Hash, Equal => "="); -- The following array enumerates all contexts which may contain or -- produce a dimension. OK_For_Dimension : constant array (Node_Kind) of Boolean := (N_Attribute_Reference => True, N_Defining_Identifier => True, N_Function_Call => True, N_Identifier => True, N_Indexed_Component => True, N_Integer_Literal => True, N_Op_Abs => True, N_Op_Add => True, N_Op_Divide => True, N_Op_Expon => True, N_Op_Minus => True, N_Op_Mod => True, N_Op_Multiply => True, N_Op_Plus => True, N_Op_Rem => True, N_Op_Subtract => True, N_Qualified_Expression => True, N_Real_Literal => True, N_Selected_Component => True, N_Slice => True, N_Type_Conversion => True, N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion => True, others => False); ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for assignment statement. Check that the -- dimensions of the left-hand side and the right-hand side of N match. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for binary operators. Check the -- dimensions of the right and the left operand permit the operation. -- Then, evaluate the resulting dimensions for each binary operator. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for component declaration. Check that -- the dimensions of the type of N and of the expression match. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for extended return statement. Check -- that the dimensions of the returned type and of the returned object -- match. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for function call. General case: -- propagate the dimensions from the returned type to N. Elementary -- function case (Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions): If N -- is a Sqrt call, then evaluate the resulting dimensions as half the -- dimensions of the parameter. Otherwise, verify that each parameters -- are dimensionless. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for a subset of N_Has_Etype denoted by -- the list below: -- N_Attribute_Reference -- N_Identifier -- N_Indexed_Component -- N_Qualified_Expression -- N_Selected_Component -- N_Slice -- N_Type_Conversion -- N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion procedure Analyze_Dimension_Object_Declaration (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for object declaration. Check that -- the dimensions of the object type and the dimensions of the expression -- (if expression is present) match. Note that when the expression is -- a literal, no error is returned. This special case allows object -- declaration such as: m : constant Length := 1.0; procedure Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for object renaming declaration. Check -- the dimensions of the type and of the renamed object name of N match. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for simple return statement -- Check that the dimensions of the returned type and of the returned -- expression match. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Subtype_Declaration (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for subtype declaration. Propagate the -- dimensions from the parent type to the identifier of N. Note that if -- both the identifier and the parent type of N are not dimensionless, -- return an error. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Unary_Op (N : Node_Id); -- Subroutine of Analyze_Dimension for unary operators. For Plus, Minus and -- Abs operators, propagate the dimensions from the operand to N. function Create_Rational_From (Expr : Node_Id; Complain : Boolean) return Rational; -- Given an arbitrary expression Expr, return a valid rational if Expr can -- be interpreted as a rational. Otherwise return No_Rational and also an -- error message if Complain is set to True. function Dimensions_Of (N : Node_Id) return Dimension_Type; -- Return the dimension vector of node N function Dimensions_Msg_Of (N : Node_Id) return String; -- Given a node, return "has dimension" followed by the dimension vector of -- N or "is dimensionless" if N is dimensionless. procedure Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent (N : Node_Id; Exponent_Value : Rational); -- Evaluate the exponent it is a rational and the operand has a dimension function Exists (Dim : Dimension_Type) return Boolean; -- Returns True iff Dim does not denote the null dimension function Exists (Sys : System_Type) return Boolean; -- Returns True iff Sys does not denote the null system function From_Dimension_To_String_Of_Symbols (Dims : Dimension_Type; System : System_Type) return String_Id; -- Given a dimension vector and a dimension system, return the proper -- string of symbols. function Is_Dim_IO_Package_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Return True if E is the package entity of System.Dim.Float_IO or -- System.Dim.Integer_IO. function Is_Invalid (Position : Dimension_Position) return Boolean; -- Return True if Pos denotes the invalid position procedure Move_Dimensions (From : Node_Id; To : Node_Id); -- Copy dimension vector of From to To, delete dimension vector of From procedure Remove_Dimensions (N : Node_Id); -- Remove the dimension vector of node N procedure Set_Dimensions (N : Node_Id; Val : Dimension_Type); -- Associate a dimension vector with a node procedure Set_Symbol (E : Entity_Id; Val : String_Id); -- Associate a symbol representation of a dimension vector with a subtype function Symbol_Of (E : Entity_Id) return String_Id; -- E denotes a subtype with a dimension. Return the symbol representation -- of the dimension vector. function System_Of (E : Entity_Id) return System_Type; -- E denotes a type, return associated system of the type if it has one --------- -- "+" -- --------- function "+" (Right : Whole) return Rational is begin return Rational'(Numerator => Right, Denominator => 1); end "+"; function "+" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is R : constant Rational := Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Denominator + Left.Denominator * Right.Numerator, Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator); begin return Reduce (R); end "+"; --------- -- "-" -- --------- function "-" (Right : Rational) return Rational is begin return Rational'(Numerator => -Right.Numerator, Denominator => Right.Denominator); end "-"; function "-" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is R : constant Rational := Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Denominator - Left.Denominator * Right.Numerator, Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator); begin return Reduce (R); end "-"; --------- -- "*" -- --------- function "*" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is R : constant Rational := Rational'(Numerator => Left.Numerator * Right.Numerator, Denominator => Left.Denominator * Right.Denominator); begin return Reduce (R); end "*"; --------- -- "/" -- --------- function "/" (Left, Right : Rational) return Rational is R : constant Rational := abs Right; L : Rational := Left; begin if Right.Numerator < 0 then L.Numerator := Whole (-Integer (L.Numerator)); end if; return Reduce (Rational'(Numerator => L.Numerator * R.Denominator, Denominator => L.Denominator * R.Numerator)); end "/"; ----------- -- "abs" -- ----------- function "abs" (Right : Rational) return Rational is begin return Rational'(Numerator => abs Right.Numerator, Denominator => Right.Denominator); end "abs"; ------------------------------ -- Analyze_Aspect_Dimension -- ------------------------------ -- with Dimension => DIMENSION_FOR_SUBTYPE -- DIMENSION_FOR_SUBTYPE ::= (DIMENSION_STRING, DIMENSION_RATIONALS) -- DIMENSION_RATIONALS ::= -- RATIONAL, {, RATIONAL} -- | RATIONAL {, RATIONAL}, others => RATIONAL -- | DISCRETE_CHOICE_LIST => RATIONAL -- RATIONAL ::= [-] NUMERAL [/ NUMERAL] -- (see Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System for DIMENSION_STRING grammar) procedure Analyze_Aspect_Dimension (N : Node_Id; Id : Entity_Id; Aggr : Node_Id) is Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); Processed : array (Dimension_Type'Range) of Boolean := (others => False); -- This array is used when processing ranges or Others_Choice as part of -- the dimension aggregate. Dimensions : Dimension_Type := Null_Dimension; procedure Extract_Power (Expr : Node_Id; Position : Dimension_Position); -- Given an expression with denotes a rational number, read the number -- and associate it with Position in Dimensions. function Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions (Aggr : Node_Id) return Boolean; -- Determine whether aggregate Aggr contains only expressions that are -- known at compile time. function Position_In_System (Id : Node_Id; System : System_Type) return Dimension_Position; -- Given an identifier which denotes a dimension, return the position of -- that dimension within System. ------------------- -- Extract_Power -- ------------------- procedure Extract_Power (Expr : Node_Id; Position : Dimension_Position) is begin if Is_Integer_Type (Def_Id) then Dimensions (Position) := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (Expr))); else Dimensions (Position) := Create_Rational_From (Expr, True); end if; Processed (Position) := True; end Extract_Power; ---------------------------------------- -- Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions -- ---------------------------------------- function Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions (Aggr : Node_Id) return Boolean is Comp : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id; begin Expr := First (Expressions (Aggr)); if Present (Expr) then -- The first expression within the aggregate describes the -- symbolic name of a dimension, skip it. Next (Expr); while Present (Expr) loop Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr); if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Expr) then return False; end if; Next (Expr); end loop; end if; Comp := First (Component_Associations (Aggr)); while Present (Comp) loop Expr := Expression (Comp); Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr); if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (Expr) then return False; end if; Next (Comp); end loop; return True; end Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions; ------------------------ -- Position_In_System -- ------------------------ function Position_In_System (Id : Node_Id; System : System_Type) return Dimension_Position is Dimension_Name : constant Name_Id := Chars (Id); begin for Position in System.Names'Range loop if Dimension_Name = System.Names (Position) then return Position; end if; end loop; return Invalid_Position; end Position_In_System; -- Local variables Assoc : Node_Id; Choice : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id; Num_Choices : Nat := 0; Num_Dimensions : Nat := 0; Others_Seen : Boolean := False; Position : Nat := 0; Sub_Ind : Node_Id; Symbol : String_Id; Symbol_Decl : Node_Id; System : System_Type; Typ : Entity_Id; Errors_Count : Nat; -- Errors_Count is a count of errors detected by the compiler so far -- just before the extraction of names and values in the aggregate -- (Step 3). -- -- At the end of the analysis, there is a check to verify that this -- count equals to Serious_Errors_Detected i.e. no erros have been -- encountered during the process. Otherwise the Dimension_Table is -- not filled. -- Start of processing for Analyze_Aspect_Dimension begin -- STEP 1: Legality of aspect if Nkind (N) /= N_Subtype_Declaration then Error_Msg_NE ("aspect& must apply to subtype declaration", N, Id); return; end if; Sub_Ind := Subtype_Indication (N); Typ := Etype (Sub_Ind); System := System_Of (Typ); if Nkind (Sub_Ind) = N_Subtype_Indication then Error_Msg_NE ("constraint not allowed with aspect&", Constraint (Sub_Ind), Id); return; end if; if Nkind (Aggr) /= N_Aggregate then Error_Msg_N ("aggregate expected", Aggr); return; end if; -- Each expression in dimension aggregate must be known at compile time if not Has_Compile_Time_Known_Expressions (Aggr) then Error_Msg_N ("values of aggregate must be static", Aggr); return; end if; -- The dimension declarations are useless if the parent type does not -- declare a valid system. if not Exists (System) then Error_Msg_NE ("parent type of& lacks dimension system", Sub_Ind, Def_Id); return; end if; -- STEP 2: Structural verification of the dimension aggregate -- The first entry in the aggregate is the symbolic representation of -- the dimension. Symbol_Decl := First (Expressions (Aggr)); if No (Symbol_Decl) or else not Nkind_In (Symbol_Decl, N_Character_Literal, N_String_Literal) then Error_Msg_N ("first argument must be character or string", Aggr); return; end if; -- STEP 3: Name and value extraction -- Get the number of errors detected by the compiler so far Errors_Count := Serious_Errors_Detected; -- Positional elements Expr := Next (Symbol_Decl); Position := Low_Position_Bound; while Present (Expr) loop if Position > High_Position_Bound then Error_Msg_N ("type& has more dimensions than system allows", Def_Id); exit; end if; Extract_Power (Expr, Position); Position := Position + 1; Num_Dimensions := Num_Dimensions + 1; Next (Expr); end loop; -- Named elements Assoc := First (Component_Associations (Aggr)); while Present (Assoc) loop Expr := Expression (Assoc); Choice := First (Choices (Assoc)); while Present (Choice) loop -- Identifier case: NAME => EXPRESSION if Nkind (Choice) = N_Identifier then Position := Position_In_System (Choice, System); if Is_Invalid (Position) then Error_Msg_N ("dimension name& not part of system", Choice); else Extract_Power (Expr, Position); end if; -- Range case: NAME .. NAME => EXPRESSION elsif Nkind (Choice) = N_Range then declare Low : constant Node_Id := Low_Bound (Choice); High : constant Node_Id := High_Bound (Choice); Low_Pos : Dimension_Position; High_Pos : Dimension_Position; begin if Nkind (Low) /= N_Identifier then Error_Msg_N ("bound must denote a dimension name", Low); elsif Nkind (High) /= N_Identifier then Error_Msg_N ("bound must denote a dimension name", High); else Low_Pos := Position_In_System (Low, System); High_Pos := Position_In_System (High, System); if Is_Invalid (Low_Pos) then Error_Msg_N ("dimension name& not part of system", Low); elsif Is_Invalid (High_Pos) then Error_Msg_N ("dimension name& not part of system", High); elsif Low_Pos > High_Pos then Error_Msg_N ("expected low to high range", Choice); else for Position in Low_Pos .. High_Pos loop Extract_Power (Expr, Position); end loop; end if; end if; end; -- Others case: OTHERS => EXPRESSION elsif Nkind (Choice) = N_Others_Choice then if Present (Next (Choice)) or else Present (Prev (Choice)) then Error_Msg_N ("OTHERS must appear alone in a choice list", Choice); elsif Present (Next (Assoc)) then Error_Msg_N ("OTHERS must appear last in an aggregate", Choice); elsif Others_Seen then Error_Msg_N ("multiple OTHERS not allowed", Choice); else -- Fill the non-processed dimensions with the default value -- supplied by others. for Position in Processed'Range loop if not Processed (Position) then Extract_Power (Expr, Position); end if; end loop; end if; Others_Seen := True; -- All other cases are erroneous declarations of dimension names else Error_Msg_NE ("wrong syntax for aspect&", Choice, Id); end if; Num_Choices := Num_Choices + 1; Next (Choice); end loop; Num_Dimensions := Num_Dimensions + 1; Next (Assoc); end loop; -- STEP 4: Consistency of system and dimensions if Present (Next (Symbol_Decl)) and then (Num_Choices > 1 or else (Num_Choices = 1 and then not Others_Seen)) then Error_Msg_N ("named associations cannot follow positional associations", Aggr); elsif Num_Dimensions > System.Count then Error_Msg_N ("type& has more dimensions than system allows", Def_Id); elsif Num_Dimensions < System.Count and then not Others_Seen then Error_Msg_N ("type& has less dimensions than system allows", Def_Id); end if; -- STEP 5: Dimension symbol extraction if Nkind (Symbol_Decl) = N_Character_Literal then Start_String; Store_String_Char (UI_To_CC (Char_Literal_Value (Symbol_Decl))); Symbol := End_String; else Symbol := Strval (Symbol_Decl); end if; if String_Length (Symbol) = 0 and then not Exists (Dimensions) then Error_Msg_N ("useless dimension declaration", Aggr); end if; -- STEP 6: Storage of extracted values -- Check that no errors have been detected during the analysis if Errors_Count = Serious_Errors_Detected then if String_Length (Symbol) /= 0 then Set_Symbol (Def_Id, Symbol); end if; if Exists (Dimensions) then Set_Dimensions (Def_Id, Dimensions); end if; end if; end Analyze_Aspect_Dimension; ------------------------------------- -- Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System -- ------------------------------------- -- with Dimension_System => DIMENSION_PAIRS -- DIMENSION_PAIRS ::= -- (DIMENSION_PAIR -- [, DIMENSION_PAIR] -- [, DIMENSION_PAIR] -- [, DIMENSION_PAIR] -- [, DIMENSION_PAIR] -- [, DIMENSION_PAIR] -- [, DIMENSION_PAIR]) -- DIMENSION_PAIR ::= (DIMENSION_IDENTIFIER, DIMENSION_STRING) -- DIMENSION_IDENTIFIER ::= IDENTIFIER -- DIMENSION_STRING ::= STRING_LITERAL | CHARACTER_LITERAL procedure Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System (N : Node_Id; Id : Entity_Id; Aggr : Node_Id) is function Is_Derived_Numeric_Type (N : Node_Id) return Boolean; -- Determine whether type declaration N denotes a numeric derived type ------------------------------- -- Is_Derived_Numeric_Type -- ------------------------------- function Is_Derived_Numeric_Type (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is begin return Nkind (N) = N_Full_Type_Declaration and then Nkind (Type_Definition (N)) = N_Derived_Type_Definition and then Is_Numeric_Type (Entity (Subtype_Indication (Type_Definition (N)))); end Is_Derived_Numeric_Type; -- Local variables Dim_Name : Node_Id; Dim_Pair : Node_Id; Dim_Symbol : Node_Id; Dim_System : System_Type := Null_System; Names : Name_Array := No_Names; Position : Nat := 0; Symbols : Symbol_Array := No_Symbols; Errors_Count : Nat; -- Errors_Count is a count of errors detected by the compiler so far -- just before the extraction of names and symbols in the aggregate -- (Step 3). -- -- At the end of the analysis, there is a check to verify that this -- count equals Serious_Errors_Detected i.e. no errors have been -- encountered during the process. Otherwise the System_Table is -- not filled. -- Start of processing for Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System begin -- STEP 1: Legality of aspect if not Is_Derived_Numeric_Type (N) then Error_Msg_NE ("aspect& must apply to numeric derived type declaration", N, Id); return; end if; if Nkind (Aggr) /= N_Aggregate then Error_Msg_N ("aggregate expected", Aggr); return; end if; -- STEP 2: Structural verification of the dimension aggregate if Present (Component_Associations (Aggr)) then Error_Msg_N ("expected positional aggregate", Aggr); return; end if; -- STEP 3: Name and Symbol extraction Dim_Pair := First (Expressions (Aggr)); Errors_Count := Serious_Errors_Detected; while Present (Dim_Pair) loop Position := Position + 1; if Position > High_Position_Bound then Error_Msg_N ("too many dimensions in system", Aggr); exit; end if; if Nkind (Dim_Pair) /= N_Aggregate then Error_Msg_N ("aggregate expected", Dim_Pair); else if Present (Component_Associations (Dim_Pair)) then Error_Msg_N ("expected positional aggregate", Dim_Pair); else if List_Length (Expressions (Dim_Pair)) = 2 then Dim_Name := First (Expressions (Dim_Pair)); Dim_Symbol := Next (Dim_Name); -- Check the first argument for each pair is a name if Nkind (Dim_Name) = N_Identifier then Names (Position) := Chars (Dim_Name); else Error_Msg_N ("expected dimension name", Dim_Name); end if; -- Check the second argument for each pair is a string or a -- character. if not Nkind_In (Dim_Symbol, N_String_Literal, N_Character_Literal) then Error_Msg_N ("expected dimension string or character", Dim_Symbol); else -- String case if Nkind (Dim_Symbol) = N_String_Literal then Symbols (Position) := Strval (Dim_Symbol); -- Character case else Start_String; Store_String_Char (UI_To_CC (Char_Literal_Value (Dim_Symbol))); Symbols (Position) := End_String; end if; -- Verify that the string is not empty if String_Length (Symbols (Position)) = 0 then Error_Msg_N ("empty string not allowed here", Dim_Symbol); end if; end if; else Error_Msg_N ("two expressions expected in aggregate", Dim_Pair); end if; end if; end if; Next (Dim_Pair); end loop; -- STEP 4: Storage of extracted values -- Check that no errors have been detected during the analysis if Errors_Count = Serious_Errors_Detected then Dim_System.Type_Decl := N; Dim_System.Names := Names; Dim_System.Count := Position; Dim_System.Symbols := Symbols; System_Table.Append (Dim_System); end if; end Analyze_Aspect_Dimension_System; ----------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension -- ----------------------- -- This dispatch routine propagates dimensions for each node procedure Analyze_Dimension (N : Node_Id) is begin -- Aspect is an Ada 2012 feature if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then return; end if; case Nkind (N) is when N_Assignment_Statement => Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement (N); when N_Binary_Op => Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op (N); when N_Component_Declaration => Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration (N); when N_Extended_Return_Statement => Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement (N); when N_Function_Call => Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call (N); when N_Attribute_Reference | N_Identifier | N_Indexed_Component | N_Qualified_Expression | N_Selected_Component | N_Slice | N_Type_Conversion | N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion => Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N); when N_Object_Declaration => Analyze_Dimension_Object_Declaration (N); when N_Object_Renaming_Declaration => Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration (N); when N_Simple_Return_Statement => if not Comes_From_Extended_Return_Statement (N) then Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement (N); end if; when N_Subtype_Declaration => Analyze_Dimension_Subtype_Declaration (N); when N_Unary_Op => Analyze_Dimension_Unary_Op (N); when others => null; end case; end Analyze_Dimension; -------------------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement -- -------------------------------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement (N : Node_Id) is Lhs : constant Node_Id := Name (N); Dims_Of_Lhs : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Lhs); Rhs : constant Node_Id := Expression (N); Dims_Of_Rhs : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Rhs); procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Assignment_Statement (N : Node_Id; Lhs : Node_Id; Rhs : Node_Id); -- Error using Error_Msg_N at node N. Output the dimensions of left -- and right hand sides. -------------------------------------------- -- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Assignment_Statement -- -------------------------------------------- procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Assignment_Statement (N : Node_Id; Lhs : Node_Id; Rhs : Node_Id) is begin Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in assignment", N); Error_Msg_N ("\left-hand side " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Lhs), N); Error_Msg_N ("\right-hand side " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Rhs), N); end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Assignment_Statement; -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Assignment begin if Dims_Of_Lhs /= Dims_Of_Rhs then Error_Dim_Msg_For_Assignment_Statement (N, Lhs, Rhs); end if; end Analyze_Dimension_Assignment_Statement; --------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op -- --------------------------------- -- Check and propagate the dimensions for binary operators -- Note that when the dimensions mismatch, no dimension is propagated to N. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op (N : Node_Id) is N_Kind : constant Node_Kind := Nkind (N); procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Binary_Op (N, L, R : Node_Id); -- Error using Error_Msg_NE and Error_Msg_N at node N. Output the -- dimensions of both operands. --------------------------------- -- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Binary_Op -- --------------------------------- procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Binary_Op (N, L, R : Node_Id) is begin Error_Msg_NE ("both operands for operation& must have same " & "dimensions", N, Entity (N)); Error_Msg_N ("\left operand " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (L), N); Error_Msg_N ("\right operand " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (R), N); end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Binary_Op; -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op begin if Nkind_In (N_Kind, N_Op_Add, N_Op_Expon, N_Op_Subtract) or else N_Kind in N_Multiplying_Operator or else N_Kind in N_Op_Compare then declare L : constant Node_Id := Left_Opnd (N); Dims_Of_L : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (L); L_Has_Dimensions : constant Boolean := Exists (Dims_Of_L); R : constant Node_Id := Right_Opnd (N); Dims_Of_R : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (R); R_Has_Dimensions : constant Boolean := Exists (Dims_Of_R); Dims_Of_N : Dimension_Type := Null_Dimension; begin -- N_Op_Add, N_Op_Mod, N_Op_Rem or N_Op_Subtract case if Nkind_In (N, N_Op_Add, N_Op_Mod, N_Op_Rem, N_Op_Subtract) then -- Check both operands have same dimension if Dims_Of_L /= Dims_Of_R then Error_Dim_Msg_For_Binary_Op (N, L, R); else -- Check both operands are not dimensionless if Exists (Dims_Of_L) then Set_Dimensions (N, Dims_Of_L); end if; end if; -- N_Op_Multiply or N_Op_Divide case elsif Nkind_In (N_Kind, N_Op_Multiply, N_Op_Divide) then -- Check at least one operand is not dimensionless if L_Has_Dimensions or R_Has_Dimensions then -- Multiplication case -- Get both operands dimensions and add them if N_Kind = N_Op_Multiply then for Position in Dimension_Type'Range loop Dims_Of_N (Position) := Dims_Of_L (Position) + Dims_Of_R (Position); end loop; -- Division case -- Get both operands dimensions and subtract them else for Position in Dimension_Type'Range loop Dims_Of_N (Position) := Dims_Of_L (Position) - Dims_Of_R (Position); end loop; end if; if Exists (Dims_Of_N) then Set_Dimensions (N, Dims_Of_N); end if; end if; -- Exponentiation case -- Note: a rational exponent is allowed for dimensioned operand elsif N_Kind = N_Op_Expon then -- Check the left operand is not dimensionless. Note that the -- value of the exponent must be known compile time. Otherwise, -- the exponentiation evaluation will return an error message. if L_Has_Dimensions and then Compile_Time_Known_Value (R) then declare Exponent_Value : Rational := Zero; begin -- Real operand case if Is_Real_Type (Etype (L)) then -- Define the exponent as a Rational number Exponent_Value := Create_Rational_From (R, False); -- Verify that the exponent cannot be interpreted -- as a rational, otherwise interpret the exponent -- as an integer. if Exponent_Value = No_Rational then Exponent_Value := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (R))); end if; -- Integer operand case. -- For integer operand, the exponent cannot be -- interpreted as a rational. else Exponent_Value := +Whole (UI_To_Int (Expr_Value (R))); end if; for Position in Dimension_Type'Range loop Dims_Of_N (Position) := Dims_Of_L (Position) * Exponent_Value; end loop; if Exists (Dims_Of_N) then Set_Dimensions (N, Dims_Of_N); end if; end; end if; -- Comparison cases -- For relational operations, only dimension checking is -- performed (no propagation). elsif N_Kind in N_Op_Compare then if (L_Has_Dimensions or R_Has_Dimensions) and then Dims_Of_L /= Dims_Of_R then Error_Dim_Msg_For_Binary_Op (N, L, R); end if; end if; -- Removal of dimensions for each operands Remove_Dimensions (L); Remove_Dimensions (R); end; end if; end Analyze_Dimension_Binary_Op; --------------------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration -- --------------------------------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N); Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); Etyp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Id); Dims_Of_Etyp : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Etyp); Dims_Of_Expr : Dimension_Type; procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Component_Declaration (N : Node_Id; Etyp : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id); -- Error using Error_Msg_N at node N. Output the dimensions of the -- type Etyp and the expression Expr of N. --------------------------------------------- -- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Component_Declaration -- --------------------------------------------- procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Component_Declaration (N : Node_Id; Etyp : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id) is begin Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in component declaration", N); Error_Msg_N ("\component type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Etyp), N); Error_Msg_N ("\component expression " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr), N); end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Component_Declaration; -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration begin if Present (Expr) then Dims_Of_Expr := Dimensions_Of (Expr); -- Return an error if the dimension of the expression and the -- dimension of the type mismatch. if Dims_Of_Etyp /= Dims_Of_Expr then Error_Dim_Msg_For_Component_Declaration (N, Etyp, Expr); end if; -- Removal of dimensions in expression Remove_Dimensions (Expr); end if; end Analyze_Dimension_Component_Declaration; ------------------------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement -- ------------------------------------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id) is Return_Ent : constant Entity_Id := Return_Statement_Entity (N); Return_Etyp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Return_Applies_To (Return_Ent)); Dims_Of_Return_Etyp : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Return_Etyp); Return_Obj_Decls : constant List_Id := Return_Object_Declarations (N); Dims_Of_Return_Obj_Id : Dimension_Type; Return_Obj_Decl : Node_Id; Return_Obj_Id : Entity_Id; procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id; Return_Etyp : Entity_Id; Return_Obj_Id : Entity_Id); -- Error using Error_Msg_N at node N. Output the dimensions of the -- returned type Return_Etyp and the returned object Return_Obj_Id of N. ------------------------------------------------- -- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement -- ------------------------------------------------- procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id; Return_Etyp : Entity_Id; Return_Obj_Id : Entity_Id) is begin Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in extended return statement", N); Error_Msg_N ("\returned type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Etyp), N); Error_Msg_N ("\returned object " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Obj_Id), N); end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement; -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement begin if Present (Return_Obj_Decls) then Return_Obj_Decl := First (Return_Obj_Decls); while Present (Return_Obj_Decl) loop if Nkind (Return_Obj_Decl) = N_Object_Declaration then Return_Obj_Id := Defining_Identifier (Return_Obj_Decl); if Is_Return_Object (Return_Obj_Id) then Dims_Of_Return_Obj_Id := Dimensions_Of (Return_Obj_Id); if Dims_Of_Return_Etyp /= Dims_Of_Return_Obj_Id then Error_Dim_Msg_For_Extended_Return_Statement (N, Return_Etyp, Return_Obj_Id); return; end if; end if; end if; Next (Return_Obj_Decl); end loop; end if; end Analyze_Dimension_Extended_Return_Statement; ------------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call -- ------------------------------------- -- Propagate the dimensions from the returned type to the call node. Note -- that there is a special treatment for elementary function calls. Indeed -- for Sqrt call, the resulting dimensions equal to half the dimensions of -- the actual, and for other elementary calls, this routine check that -- every actuals are dimensionless. procedure Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call (N : Node_Id) is Actuals : constant List_Id := Parameter_Associations (N); Name_Call : constant Node_Id := Name (N); Actual : Node_Id; Dims_Of_Actual : Dimension_Type; Dims_Of_Call : Dimension_Type; Ent : Entity_Id; function Is_Elementary_Function_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean; -- Given E, the original subprogram entity, return True if call is to an -- elementary function (see Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions). ----------------------------------- -- Is_Elementary_Function_Entity -- ----------------------------------- function Is_Elementary_Function_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (E); begin -- Is function entity in Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions? return Loc > No_Location and then Is_RTU (Cunit_Entity (Get_Source_Unit (Loc)), Ada_Numerics_Generic_Elementary_Functions); end Is_Elementary_Function_Entity; -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call begin -- Look for elementary function call if Is_Entity_Name (Name_Call) then Ent := Entity (Name_Call); -- Get the original subprogram entity following the renaming chain if Present (Alias (Ent)) then Ent := Alias (Ent); end if; -- Elementary function case if Is_Elementary_Function_Entity (Ent) then -- Sqrt function call case if Chars (Ent) = Name_Sqrt then Dims_Of_Call := Dimensions_Of (First (Actuals)); if Exists (Dims_Of_Call) then for Position in Dims_Of_Call'Range loop Dims_Of_Call (Position) := Dims_Of_Call (Position) * Rational'(Numerator => 1, Denominator => 2); end loop; Set_Dimensions (N, Dims_Of_Call); end if; -- All other elementary functions case. Note that every actual -- here should be dimensionless. else Actual := First (Actuals); while Present (Actual) loop Dims_Of_Actual := Dimensions_Of (Actual); if Exists (Dims_Of_Actual) then Error_Msg_NE ("parameter should be dimensionless for " & "elementary function&", Actual, Name_Call); Error_Msg_N ("\parameter " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Actual), Actual); end if; Next (Actual); end loop; end if; return; end if; end if; -- Other cases Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N); end Analyze_Dimension_Function_Call; --------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype -- --------------------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype (N : Node_Id) is Etyp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (N); Dims_Of_Etyp : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Etyp); begin -- Propagation of the dimensions from the type if Exists (Dims_Of_Etyp) then Set_Dimensions (N, Dims_Of_Etyp); end if; -- Removal of dimensions in expression case Nkind (N) is when N_Attribute_Reference | N_Indexed_Component => declare Expr : Node_Id; Exprs : constant List_Id := Expressions (N); begin if Present (Exprs) then Expr := First (Exprs); while Present (Expr) loop Remove_Dimensions (Expr); Next (Expr); end loop; end if; end; when N_Qualified_Expression | N_Type_Conversion | N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion => Remove_Dimensions (Expression (N)); when N_Selected_Component => Remove_Dimensions (Selector_Name (N)); when others => null; end case; end Analyze_Dimension_Has_Etype; ------------------------------------------ -- Analyze_Dimension_Object_Declaration -- ------------------------------------------ procedure Analyze_Dimension_Object_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N); Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); Etyp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Id); Dim_Of_Etyp : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Etyp); Dim_Of_Expr : Dimension_Type; procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Declaration (N : Node_Id; Etyp : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id); -- Error using Error_Msg_N at node N. Output the dimensions of the -- type Etyp and of the expression Expr. ------------------------------------------ -- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Declaration -- ------------------------------------------ procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Declaration (N : Node_Id; Etyp : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id) is begin Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in object declaration", N); Error_Msg_N ("\object type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Etyp), N); Error_Msg_N ("\object expression " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr), N); end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Declaration; -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Object_Declaration begin -- Expression is present if Present (Expr) then Dim_Of_Expr := Dimensions_Of (Expr); -- case when expression is not a literal and when dimensions of the -- expression and of the type mismatch if not Nkind_In (Original_Node (Expr), N_Real_Literal, N_Integer_Literal) and then Dim_Of_Expr /= Dim_Of_Etyp then Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Declaration (N, Etyp, Expr); end if; -- Removal of dimensions in expression Remove_Dimensions (Expr); end if; end Analyze_Dimension_Object_Declaration; --------------------------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration -- --------------------------------------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is Renamed_Name : constant Node_Id := Name (N); Sub_Mark : constant Node_Id := Subtype_Mark (N); procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Renaming_Declaration (N : Node_Id; Sub_Mark : Node_Id; Renamed_Name : Node_Id); -- Error using Error_Msg_N at node N. Output the dimensions of -- Sub_Mark and of Renamed_Name. --------------------------------------------------- -- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Renaming_Declaration -- --------------------------------------------------- procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Renaming_Declaration (N : Node_Id; Sub_Mark : Node_Id; Renamed_Name : Node_Id) is begin Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in object renaming declaration", N); Error_Msg_N ("\type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Sub_Mark), N); Error_Msg_N ("\renamed object " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Renamed_Name), N); end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Renaming_Declaration; -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration begin if Dimensions_Of (Renamed_Name) /= Dimensions_Of (Sub_Mark) then Error_Dim_Msg_For_Object_Renaming_Declaration (N, Sub_Mark, Renamed_Name); end if; end Analyze_Dimension_Object_Renaming_Declaration; ----------------------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement -- ----------------------------------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id) is Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N); Dims_Of_Expr : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Expr); Return_Ent : constant Entity_Id := Return_Statement_Entity (N); Return_Etyp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Return_Applies_To (Return_Ent)); Dims_Of_Return_Etyp : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Return_Etyp); procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Simple_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id; Return_Etyp : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id); -- Error using Error_Msg_N at node N. Output the dimensions of the -- returned type Return_Etyp and the returned expression Expr of N. ----------------------------------------------- -- Error_Dim_Msg_For_Simple_Return_Statement -- ----------------------------------------------- procedure Error_Dim_Msg_For_Simple_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id; Return_Etyp : Entity_Id; Expr : Node_Id) is begin Error_Msg_N ("dimensions mismatch in return statement", N); Error_Msg_N ("\returned type " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Return_Etyp), N); Error_Msg_N ("\returned expression " & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Expr), N); end Error_Dim_Msg_For_Simple_Return_Statement; -- Start of processing for Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement begin if Dims_Of_Return_Etyp /= Dims_Of_Expr then Error_Dim_Msg_For_Simple_Return_Statement (N, Return_Etyp, Expr); Remove_Dimensions (Expr); end if; end Analyze_Dimension_Simple_Return_Statement; ------------------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Subtype_Declaration -- ------------------------------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Subtype_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N); Dims_Of_Id : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (Id); Dims_Of_Etyp : Dimension_Type; Etyp : Node_Id; begin -- No constraint case in subtype declaration if Nkind (Subtype_Indication (N)) /= N_Subtype_Indication then Etyp := Etype (Subtype_Indication (N)); Dims_Of_Etyp := Dimensions_Of (Etyp); if Exists (Dims_Of_Etyp) then -- If subtype already has a dimension (from Aspect_Dimension), -- it cannot inherit a dimension from its subtype. if Exists (Dims_Of_Id) then Error_Msg_N ("subtype& already" & Dimensions_Msg_Of (Id), N); else Set_Dimensions (Id, Dims_Of_Etyp); Set_Symbol (Id, Symbol_Of (Etyp)); end if; end if; -- Constraint present in subtype declaration else Etyp := Etype (Subtype_Mark (Subtype_Indication (N))); Dims_Of_Etyp := Dimensions_Of (Etyp); if Exists (Dims_Of_Etyp) then Set_Dimensions (Id, Dims_Of_Etyp); Set_Symbol (Id, Symbol_Of (Etyp)); end if; end if; end Analyze_Dimension_Subtype_Declaration; -------------------------------- -- Analyze_Dimension_Unary_Op -- -------------------------------- procedure Analyze_Dimension_Unary_Op (N : Node_Id) is begin case Nkind (N) is when N_Op_Plus | N_Op_Minus | N_Op_Abs => declare R : constant Node_Id := Right_Opnd (N); begin -- Propagate the dimension if the operand is not dimensionless Move_Dimensions (R, N); end; when others => null; end case; end Analyze_Dimension_Unary_Op; -------------------------- -- Create_Rational_From -- -------------------------- -- RATIONAL ::= [-] NUMERAL [/ NUMERAL] -- A rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient or -- fraction a/b of two integers, where b is non-zero positive. function Create_Rational_From (Expr : Node_Id; Complain : Boolean) return Rational is Or_Node_Of_Expr : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Expr); Result : Rational := No_Rational; function Process_Minus (N : Node_Id) return Rational; -- Create a rational from a N_Op_Minus node function Process_Divide (N : Node_Id) return Rational; -- Create a rational from a N_Op_Divide node function Process_Literal (N : Node_Id) return Rational; -- Create a rational from a N_Integer_Literal node ------------------- -- Process_Minus -- ------------------- function Process_Minus (N : Node_Id) return Rational is Right : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Right_Opnd (N)); Result : Rational; begin -- Operand is an integer literal if Nkind (Right) = N_Integer_Literal then Result := -Process_Literal (Right); -- Operand is a divide operator elsif Nkind (Right) = N_Op_Divide then Result := -Process_Divide (Right); else Result := No_Rational; end if; return Result; end Process_Minus; -------------------- -- Process_Divide -- -------------------- function Process_Divide (N : Node_Id) return Rational is Left : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Left_Opnd (N)); Right : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Right_Opnd (N)); Left_Rat : Rational; Result : Rational := No_Rational; Right_Rat : Rational; begin -- Both left and right operands are an integer literal if Nkind (Left) = N_Integer_Literal and then Nkind (Right) = N_Integer_Literal then Left_Rat := Process_Literal (Left); Right_Rat := Process_Literal (Right); Result := Left_Rat / Right_Rat; end if; return Result; end Process_Divide; --------------------- -- Process_Literal -- --------------------- function Process_Literal (N : Node_Id) return Rational is begin return +Whole (UI_To_Int (Intval (N))); end Process_Literal; -- Start of processing for Create_Rational_From begin -- Check the expression is either a division of two integers or an -- integer itself. Note that the check applies to the original node -- since the node could have already been rewritten. -- Integer literal case if Nkind (Or_Node_Of_Expr) = N_Integer_Literal then Result := Process_Literal (Or_Node_Of_Expr); -- Divide operator case elsif Nkind (Or_Node_Of_Expr) = N_Op_Divide then Result := Process_Divide (Or_Node_Of_Expr); -- Minus operator case elsif Nkind (Or_Node_Of_Expr) = N_Op_Minus then Result := Process_Minus (Or_Node_Of_Expr); end if; -- When Expr cannot be interpreted as a rational and Complain is true, -- generate an error message. if Complain and then Result = No_Rational then Error_Msg_N ("must be a rational", Expr); end if; return Result; end Create_Rational_From; ------------------- -- Dimensions_Of -- ------------------- function Dimensions_Of (N : Node_Id) return Dimension_Type is begin return Dimension_Table.Get (N); end Dimensions_Of; ----------------------- -- Dimensions_Msg_Of -- ----------------------- function Dimensions_Msg_Of (N : Node_Id) return String is Dims_Of_N : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (N); Dimensions_Msg : Name_Id; System : System_Type; procedure Add_Dimension_Vector_To_Buffer (Dims : Dimension_Type; System : System_Type); -- Given a Dims and System, add to Name_Buffer the string representation -- of a dimension vector. procedure Add_Whole_To_Buffer (W : Whole); -- Add image of Whole to Name_Buffer ------------------------------------ -- Add_Dimension_Vector_To_Buffer -- ------------------------------------ procedure Add_Dimension_Vector_To_Buffer (Dims : Dimension_Type; System : System_Type) is Dim_Power : Rational; First_Dim : Boolean := True; begin Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('('); for Position in Dims_Of_N'First .. System.Count loop Dim_Power := Dims (Position); if First_Dim then First_Dim := False; else Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (", "); end if; Add_Whole_To_Buffer (Dim_Power.Numerator); if Dim_Power.Denominator /= 1 then Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer ('/'); Add_Whole_To_Buffer (Dim_Power.Denominator); end if; end loop; Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (')'); end Add_Dimension_Vector_To_Buffer; ------------------------- -- Add_Whole_To_Buffer -- ------------------------- procedure Add_Whole_To_Buffer (W : Whole) is begin UI_Image (UI_From_Int (Int (W))); Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (UI_Image_Buffer (1 .. UI_Image_Length)); end Add_Whole_To_Buffer; -- Start of processing for Dimensions_Msg_Of begin -- Initialization of Name_Buffer Name_Len := 0; if Exists (Dims_Of_N) then System := System_Of (Base_Type (Etype (N))); Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("has dimensions "); Add_Dimension_Vector_To_Buffer (Dims_Of_N, System); else Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("is dimensionless"); end if; Dimensions_Msg := Name_Find; return Get_Name_String (Dimensions_Msg); end Dimensions_Msg_Of; -------------------------- -- Dimension_Table_Hash -- -------------------------- function Dimension_Table_Hash (Key : Node_Id) return Dimension_Table_Range is begin return Dimension_Table_Range (Key mod 511); end Dimension_Table_Hash; ---------------------------------------- -- Eval_Op_Expon_For_Dimensioned_Type -- ---------------------------------------- -- Evaluate the expon operator for real dimensioned type. -- Note that if the exponent is an integer (denominator = 1) the node is -- evaluated by the regular Eval_Op_Expon routine (see Sem_Eval). procedure Eval_Op_Expon_For_Dimensioned_Type (N : Node_Id; Btyp : Entity_Id) is R : constant Node_Id := Right_Opnd (N); R_Value : Rational := No_Rational; begin if Is_Real_Type (Btyp) then R_Value := Create_Rational_From (R, False); end if; -- Check that the exponent is not an integer if R_Value /= No_Rational and then R_Value.Denominator /= 1 then Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent (N, R_Value); else Eval_Op_Expon (N); end if; end Eval_Op_Expon_For_Dimensioned_Type; ------------------------------------------ -- Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent -- ------------------------------------------ -- For dimensioned operand in exponentiation, exponent is allowed to be a -- Rational and not only an Integer like for dimensionless operands. For -- that particular case, the left operand is rewritten as a function call -- using the function Expon_LLF from s-llflex.ads. procedure Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent (N : Node_Id; Exponent_Value : Rational) is Dims_Of_N : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (N); L : constant Node_Id := Left_Opnd (N); Etyp_Of_L : constant Entity_Id := Etype (L); Btyp_Of_L : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etyp_Of_L); Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N); Actual_1 : Node_Id; Actual_2 : Node_Id; Dim_Power : Rational; List_Of_Dims : List_Id; New_Aspect : Node_Id; New_Aspects : List_Id; New_Id : Entity_Id; New_N : Node_Id; New_Subtyp_Decl_For_L : Node_Id; System : System_Type; begin -- Case when the operand is not dimensionless if Exists (Dims_Of_N) then -- Get the corresponding System_Type to know the exact number of -- dimensions in the system. System := System_Of (Btyp_Of_L); -- Generation of a new subtype with the proper dimensions -- In order to rewrite the operator as a type conversion, a new -- dimensioned subtype with the resulting dimensions of the -- exponentiation must be created. -- Generate: -- Btyp_Of_L : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etyp_Of_L); -- System : constant System_Id := -- Get_Dimension_System_Id (Btyp_Of_L); -- Num_Of_Dims : constant Number_Of_Dimensions := -- Dimension_Systems.Table (System).Dimension_Count; -- subtype T is Btyp_Of_L -- with -- Dimension => ("", -- Dims_Of_N (1).Numerator / Dims_Of_N (1).Denominator, -- Dims_Of_N (2).Numerator / Dims_Of_N (2).Denominator, -- ... -- Dims_Of_N (Num_Of_Dims).Numerator / -- Dims_Of_N (Num_Of_Dims).Denominator); -- Step 1: Generate the new aggregate for the aspect Dimension New_Aspects := Empty_List; List_Of_Dims := New_List; Append (Make_String_Literal (Loc, ""), List_Of_Dims); for Position in Dims_Of_N'First .. System.Count loop Dim_Power := Dims_Of_N (Position); Append_To (List_Of_Dims, Make_Op_Divide (Loc, Left_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Int (Dim_Power.Numerator)), Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Int (Dim_Power.Denominator)))); end loop; -- Step 2: Create the new Aspect Specification for Aspect Dimension New_Aspect := Make_Aspect_Specification (Loc, Identifier => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Dimension), Expression => Make_Aggregate (Loc, Expressions => List_Of_Dims)); -- Step 3: Make a temporary identifier for the new subtype New_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T'); Set_Is_Internal (New_Id); -- Step 4: Declaration of the new subtype New_Subtyp_Decl_For_L := Make_Subtype_Declaration (Loc, Defining_Identifier => New_Id, Subtype_Indication => New_Occurrence_Of (Btyp_Of_L, Loc)); Append (New_Aspect, New_Aspects); Set_Parent (New_Aspects, New_Subtyp_Decl_For_L); Set_Aspect_Specifications (New_Subtyp_Decl_For_L, New_Aspects); Analyze (New_Subtyp_Decl_For_L); -- Case where the operand is dimensionless else New_Id := Btyp_Of_L; end if; -- Replacement of N by New_N -- Generate: -- Actual_1 := Long_Long_Float (L), -- Actual_2 := Long_Long_Float (Exponent_Value.Numerator) / -- Long_Long_Float (Exponent_Value.Denominator); -- (T (Expon_LLF (Actual_1, Actual_2))); -- where T is the subtype declared in step 1 -- The node is rewritten as a type conversion -- Step 1: Creation of the two parameters of Expon_LLF function call Actual_1 := Make_Type_Conversion (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (Standard_Long_Long_Float, Loc), Expression => Relocate_Node (L)); Actual_2 := Make_Op_Divide (Loc, Left_Opnd => Make_Real_Literal (Loc, UR_From_Uint (UI_From_Int (Int (Exponent_Value.Numerator)))), Right_Opnd => Make_Real_Literal (Loc, UR_From_Uint (UI_From_Int (Int (Exponent_Value.Denominator))))); -- Step 2: Creation of New_N New_N := Make_Type_Conversion (Loc, Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (New_Id, Loc), Expression => Make_Function_Call (Loc, Name => New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Expon_LLF), Loc), Parameter_Associations => New_List ( Actual_1, Actual_2))); -- Step 3: Rewrite N with the result Rewrite (N, New_N); Set_Etype (N, New_Id); Analyze_And_Resolve (N, New_Id); end Eval_Op_Expon_With_Rational_Exponent; ------------ -- Exists -- ------------ function Exists (Dim : Dimension_Type) return Boolean is begin return Dim /= Null_Dimension; end Exists; function Exists (Sys : System_Type) return Boolean is begin return Sys /= Null_System; end Exists; ------------------------------------------- -- Expand_Put_Call_With_Dimension_Symbol -- ------------------------------------------- -- For procedure Put defined in System.Dim.Float_IO/System.Dim.Integer_IO, -- the default string parameter must be rewritten to include the dimension -- symbols in the output of a dimensioned object. -- Case 1: the parameter is a variable -- The default string parameter is replaced by the symbol defined in the -- aspect Dimension of the subtype. For instance to output a speed: -- subtype Force is Mks_Type -- with -- Dimension => ("N", -- Meter => 1, -- Kilogram => 1, -- Second => -2, -- others => 0); -- F : Force := 2.1 * m * kg * s**(-2); -- Put (F); -- > 2.1 N -- Case 2: the parameter is an expression -- In this case we call the procedure Expand_Put_Call_With_Dimension_Symbol -- that creates the string of symbols (for instance "m.s**(-1)") and -- rewrites the default string parameter of Put with the corresponding -- the String_Id. For instance: -- Put (2.1 * m * kg * s**(-2)); -- > 2.1 m.kg.s**(-2) procedure Expand_Put_Call_With_Dimension_Symbol (N : Node_Id) is Actuals : constant List_Id := Parameter_Associations (N); Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N); Name_Call : constant Node_Id := Name (N); New_Actuals : constant List_Id := New_List; Actual : Node_Id; Dims_Of_Actual : Dimension_Type; Etyp : Entity_Id; New_Str_Lit : Node_Id := Empty; System : System_Type; function Has_Dimension_Symbols return Boolean; -- Return True if the current Put call already has a parameter -- association for parameter "Symbols" with the correct string of -- symbols. function Is_Procedure_Put_Call return Boolean; -- Return True if the current call is a call of an instantiation of a -- procedure Put defined in the package System.Dim.Float_IO and -- System.Dim.Integer_IO. function Item_Actual return Node_Id; -- Return the item actual parameter node in the put call --------------------------- -- Has_Dimension_Symbols -- --------------------------- function Has_Dimension_Symbols return Boolean is Actual : Node_Id; begin Actual := First (Actuals); -- Look for a symbols parameter association in the list of actuals while Present (Actual) loop if Nkind (Actual) = N_Parameter_Association and then Chars (Selector_Name (Actual)) = Name_Symbols then -- return True if the actual comes from source or if the string -- of symbols doesn't have the default value (i.e ""). return Comes_From_Source (Actual) or else String_Length (Strval (Explicit_Actual_Parameter (Actual))) /= 0; end if; Next (Actual); end loop; -- At this point, the call has no parameter association -- Look to the last actual since the symbols parameter is the last -- one. return Nkind (Last (Actuals)) = N_String_Literal; end Has_Dimension_Symbols; --------------------------- -- Is_Procedure_Put_Call -- --------------------------- function Is_Procedure_Put_Call return Boolean is Ent : Entity_Id; Loc : Source_Ptr; begin -- There are three different Put routines in each generic dim IO -- package. Verify the current procedure call is one of them. if Is_Entity_Name (Name_Call) then Ent := Entity (Name_Call); -- Get the original subprogram entity following the renaming chain if Present (Alias (Ent)) then Ent := Alias (Ent); end if; Loc := Sloc (Ent); -- Check the name of the entity subprogram is Put and verify this -- entity is located in either System.Dim.Float_IO or -- System.Dim.Integer_IO. return Chars (Ent) = Name_Put and then Loc > No_Location and then Is_Dim_IO_Package_Entity (Cunit_Entity (Get_Source_Unit (Loc))); end if; return False; end Is_Procedure_Put_Call; ----------------- -- Item_Actual -- ----------------- function Item_Actual return Node_Id is Actual : Node_Id; begin -- Look for the item actual as a parameter association Actual := First (Actuals); while Present (Actual) loop if Nkind (Actual) = N_Parameter_Association and then Chars (Selector_Name (Actual)) = Name_Item then return Explicit_Actual_Parameter (Actual); end if; Next (Actual); end loop; -- Case where the item has been defined without an association Actual := First (Actuals); -- Depending on the procedure Put, Item actual could be first or -- second in the list of actuals. if Has_Dimension_System (Base_Type (Etype (Actual))) then return Actual; else return Next (Actual); end if; end Item_Actual; -- Start of processing for Expand_Put_Call_With_Dimension_Symbol begin if Is_Procedure_Put_Call and then not Has_Dimension_Symbols then Actual := Item_Actual; Dims_Of_Actual := Dimensions_Of (Actual); Etyp := Etype (Actual); -- Add the symbol as a suffix of the value if the subtype has a -- dimension symbol or if the parameter is not dimensionless. if Symbol_Of (Etyp) /= No_String then Start_String; -- Put a space between the value and the dimension Store_String_Char (' '); Store_String_Chars (Symbol_Of (Etyp)); New_Str_Lit := Make_String_Literal (Loc, End_String); -- Check that the item is not dimensionless -- Create the new String_Literal with the new String_Id generated by -- the routine From_Dimension_To_String. elsif Exists (Dims_Of_Actual) then System := System_Of (Base_Type (Etyp)); New_Str_Lit := Make_String_Literal (Loc, From_Dimension_To_String_Of_Symbols (Dims_Of_Actual, System)); end if; if Present (New_Str_Lit) then -- Insert all actuals in New_Actuals Actual := First (Actuals); while Present (Actual) loop -- Copy every actuals in New_Actuals except the Symbols -- parameter association. if Nkind (Actual) = N_Parameter_Association and then Chars (Selector_Name (Actual)) /= Name_Symbols then Append_To (New_Actuals, Make_Parameter_Association (Loc, Selector_Name => New_Copy (Selector_Name (Actual)), Explicit_Actual_Parameter => New_Copy (Explicit_Actual_Parameter (Actual)))); elsif Nkind (Actual) /= N_Parameter_Association then Append_To (New_Actuals, New_Copy (Actual)); end if; Next (Actual); end loop; -- Create new Symbols param association and append to New_Actuals Append_To (New_Actuals, Make_Parameter_Association (Loc, Selector_Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Symbols), Explicit_Actual_Parameter => New_Str_Lit)); -- Rewrite and analyze the procedure call Rewrite (N, Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc, Name => New_Copy (Name_Call), Parameter_Associations => New_Actuals)); Analyze (N); end if; end if; end Expand_Put_Call_With_Dimension_Symbol; ----------------------------------------- -- From_Dimension_To_String_Of_Symbols -- ----------------------------------------- -- Given a dimension vector and the corresponding dimension system, -- create a String_Id to output the dimension symbols corresponding to -- the dimensions Dims. function From_Dimension_To_String_Of_Symbols (Dims : Dimension_Type; System : System_Type) return String_Id is Dimension_Power : Rational; First_Symbol_In_Str : Boolean := True; begin -- Initialization of the new String_Id Start_String; -- Put a space between the value and the symbols Store_String_Char (' '); for Position in Dimension_Type'Range loop Dimension_Power := Dims (Position); if Dimension_Power /= Zero then if First_Symbol_In_Str then First_Symbol_In_Str := False; else Store_String_Char ('.'); end if; -- Positive dimension case if Dimension_Power.Numerator > 0 then if System.Symbols (Position) = No_String then Store_String_Chars (Get_Name_String (System.Names (Position))); else Store_String_Chars (System.Symbols (Position)); end if; -- Integer case if Dimension_Power.Denominator = 1 then if Dimension_Power.Numerator /= 1 then Store_String_Chars ("**"); Store_String_Int (Int (Dimension_Power.Numerator)); end if; -- Rational case when denominator /= 1 else Store_String_Chars ("**"); Store_String_Char ('('); Store_String_Int (Int (Dimension_Power.Numerator)); Store_String_Char ('/'); Store_String_Int (Int (Dimension_Power.Denominator)); Store_String_Char (')'); end if; -- Negative dimension case else if System.Symbols (Position) = No_String then Store_String_Chars (Get_Name_String (System.Names (Position))); else Store_String_Chars (System.Symbols (Position)); end if; Store_String_Chars ("**"); Store_String_Char ('('); Store_String_Char ('-'); Store_String_Int (Int (-Dimension_Power.Numerator)); -- Integer case if Dimension_Power.Denominator = 1 then Store_String_Char (')'); -- Rational case when denominator /= 1 else Store_String_Char ('/'); Store_String_Int (Int (Dimension_Power.Denominator)); Store_String_Char (')'); end if; end if; end if; end loop; return End_String; end From_Dimension_To_String_Of_Symbols; --------- -- GCD -- --------- function GCD (Left, Right : Whole) return Int is L : Whole; R : Whole; begin L := Left; R := Right; while R /= 0 loop L := L mod R; if L = 0 then return Int (R); end if; R := R mod L; end loop; return Int (L); end GCD; -------------------------- -- Has_Dimension_System -- -------------------------- function Has_Dimension_System (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is begin return Exists (System_Of (Typ)); end Has_Dimension_System; ------------------------------ -- Is_Dim_IO_Package_Entity -- ------------------------------ function Is_Dim_IO_Package_Entity (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is begin -- Check the package entity corresponds to System.Dim.Float_IO or -- System.Dim.Integer_IO. return Is_RTU (E, System_Dim_Float_IO) or Is_RTU (E, System_Dim_Integer_IO); end Is_Dim_IO_Package_Entity; ------------------------------------- -- Is_Dim_IO_Package_Instantiation -- ------------------------------------- function Is_Dim_IO_Package_Instantiation (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is Gen_Id : constant Node_Id := Name (N); begin -- Check that the instantiated package is either System.Dim.Float_IO -- or System.Dim.Integer_IO. return Is_Entity_Name (Gen_Id) and then Is_Dim_IO_Package_Entity (Entity (Gen_Id)); end Is_Dim_IO_Package_Instantiation; ---------------- -- Is_Invalid -- ---------------- function Is_Invalid (Position : Dimension_Position) return Boolean is begin return Position = Invalid_Position; end Is_Invalid; --------------------- -- Move_Dimensions -- --------------------- procedure Move_Dimensions (From, To : Node_Id) is Dims_Of_From : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (From); begin -- Copy the dimension of 'From to 'To' and remove dimension of 'From' if Exists (Dims_Of_From) then Set_Dimensions (To, Dims_Of_From); Remove_Dimensions (From); end if; end Move_Dimensions; ------------ -- Reduce -- ------------ function Reduce (X : Rational) return Rational is begin if X.Numerator = 0 then return Zero; end if; declare G : constant Int := GCD (X.Numerator, X.Denominator); begin return Rational'(Numerator => Whole (Int (X.Numerator) / G), Denominator => Whole (Int (X.Denominator) / G)); end; end Reduce; ----------------------- -- Remove_Dimensions -- ----------------------- procedure Remove_Dimensions (N : Node_Id) is Dims_Of_N : constant Dimension_Type := Dimensions_Of (N); begin if Exists (Dims_Of_N) then Dimension_Table.Remove (N); end if; end Remove_Dimensions; ------------------------------ -- Remove_Dimension_In_Call -- ------------------------------ procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Call (Call : Node_Id) is Actual : Node_Id; begin if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then return; end if; Actual := First (Parameter_Associations (Call)); while Present (Actual) loop Remove_Dimensions (Actual); Next (Actual); end loop; end Remove_Dimension_In_Call; ----------------------------------- -- Remove_Dimension_In_Statement -- ----------------------------------- -- Removal of dimension in statement as part of the Analyze_Statements -- routine (see package Sem_Ch5). procedure Remove_Dimension_In_Statement (Stmt : Node_Id) is begin if Ada_Version < Ada_2012 then return; end if; -- Remove dimension in parameter specifications for accept statement if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Accept_Statement then declare Param : Node_Id := First (Parameter_Specifications (Stmt)); begin while Present (Param) loop Remove_Dimensions (Param); Next (Param); end loop; end; -- Remove dimension of name and expression in assignments elsif Nkind (Stmt) = N_Assignment_Statement then Remove_Dimensions (Expression (Stmt)); Remove_Dimensions (Name (Stmt)); end if; end Remove_Dimension_In_Statement; -------------------- -- Set_Dimensions -- -------------------- procedure Set_Dimensions (N : Node_Id; Val : Dimension_Type) is begin pragma Assert (OK_For_Dimension (Nkind (N))); pragma Assert (Exists (Val)); Dimension_Table.Set (N, Val); end Set_Dimensions; ---------------- -- Set_Symbol -- ---------------- procedure Set_Symbol (E : Entity_Id; Val : String_Id) is begin Symbol_Table.Set (E, Val); end Set_Symbol; --------------- -- Symbol_Of -- --------------- function Symbol_Of (E : Entity_Id) return String_Id is begin return Symbol_Table.Get (E); end Symbol_Of; ----------------------- -- Symbol_Table_Hash -- ----------------------- function Symbol_Table_Hash (Key : Entity_Id) return Symbol_Table_Range is begin return Symbol_Table_Range (Key mod 511); end Symbol_Table_Hash; --------------- -- System_Of -- --------------- function System_Of (E : Entity_Id) return System_Type is Type_Decl : constant Node_Id := Parent (E); begin -- Look for Type_Decl in System_Table for Dim_Sys in 1 .. System_Table.Last loop if Type_Decl = System_Table.Table (Dim_Sys).Type_Decl then return System_Table.Table (Dim_Sys); end if; end loop; return Null_System; end System_Of; end Sem_Dim;
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