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[/] [openrisc/] [trunk/] [gnu-dev/] [or1k-gcc/] [gcc/] [ada/] [snames.adb-tmpl] - Rev 776
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-- --
-- --
-- S N A M E S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Opt; use Opt;
with Table;
with Types; use Types;
package body Snames is
-- Table used to record convention identifiers
type Convention_Id_Entry is record
Name : Name_Id;
Convention : Convention_Id;
end record;
package Convention_Identifiers is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Convention_Id_Entry,
Table_Index_Type => Int,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 50,
Table_Increment => 200,
Table_Name => "Name_Convention_Identifiers");
-- Table of names to be set by Initialize. Each name is terminated by a
-- single #, and the end of the list is marked by a null entry, i.e. by
-- two # marks in succession. Note that the table does not include the
-- entries for a-z, since these are initialized by Namet itself.
Preset_Names : constant String :=
-- Generated Names --
-- This section lists the various cases of generated names which are
-- built from existing names by adding unique leading and/or trailing
-- upper case letters. In some cases these names are built recursively,
-- in particular names built from types may be built from types which
-- themselves have generated names. In this list, xxx represents an
-- existing name to which identifying letters are prepended or appended,
-- and a trailing n represents a serial number in an external name that
-- has some semantic significance (e.g. the n'th index type of an array).
-- xxxA access type for formal xxx in entry param record (Exp_Ch9)
-- xxxB tag table for tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxB task body procedure for task xxx (Exp_Ch9)
-- xxxD dispatch table for tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxD discriminal for discriminant xxx (Sem_Ch3)
-- xxxDn n'th discr check function for rec type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxE elaboration boolean flag for task xxx (Exp_Ch9)
-- xxxE dispatch table pointer type for tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxE parameters for accept body for entry xxx (Exp_Ch9)
-- xxxFn n'th primitive of a tagged type (named xxx) (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxJ tag table type index for tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxM master Id value for access type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxP tag table pointer type for tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxP parameter record type for entry xxx (Exp_Ch9)
-- xxxPA access to parameter record type for entry xxx (Exp_Ch9)
-- xxxPn pointer type for n'th primitive of tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxR dispatch table pointer for tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxT tag table type for tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxT literal table for enumeration type xxx (Sem_Ch3)
-- xxxV type for task value record for task xxx (Exp_Ch9)
-- xxxX entry index constant (Exp_Ch9)
-- xxxY dispatch table type for tagged type xxx (Exp_Ch3)
-- xxxZ size variable for task xxx (Exp_Ch9)
-- TSS names
-- xxxDA deep adjust routine for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxDF deep finalize routine for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxDI deep initialize routine for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxEQ composite equality routine for record type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxFA PolyORB/DSA From_Any converter for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxIP initialization procedure for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxRA RAS type access routine for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxRD RAS type dereference routine for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxRP Rep to Pos conversion for enumeration type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxSA array/slice assignment for controlled comp. arrays (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxSI stream input attribute subprogram for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxSO stream output attribute subprogram for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxSR stream read attribute subprogram for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxSW stream write attribute subprogram for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxTA PolyORB/DSA To_Any converter for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- xxxTC PolyORB/DSA Typecode for type xxx (Exp_TSS)
-- Implicit type names
-- TxxxT type of literal table for enumeration type xxx (Sem_Ch3)
-- (Note: this list is not complete or accurate ???)
-- Get_Attribute_Id --
function Get_Attribute_Id (N : Name_Id) return Attribute_Id is
return Attribute_Id'Val (N - First_Attribute_Name);
end Get_Attribute_Id;
-- Get_Convention_Id --
function Get_Convention_Id (N : Name_Id) return Convention_Id is
case N is
when Name_Ada => return Convention_Ada;
when Name_Ada_Pass_By_Copy => return Convention_Ada_Pass_By_Copy;
when Name_Ada_Pass_By_Reference =>
return Convention_Ada_Pass_By_Reference;
when Name_Assembler => return Convention_Assembler;
when Name_C => return Convention_C;
when Name_CIL => return Convention_CIL;
when Name_COBOL => return Convention_COBOL;
when Name_CPP => return Convention_CPP;
when Name_Fortran => return Convention_Fortran;
when Name_Intrinsic => return Convention_Intrinsic;
when Name_Java => return Convention_Java;
when Name_Stdcall => return Convention_Stdcall;
when Name_Stubbed => return Convention_Stubbed;
-- If no direct match, then we must have a convention
-- identifier pragma that has specified this name.
when others =>
for J in 1 .. Convention_Identifiers.Last loop
if N = Convention_Identifiers.Table (J).Name then
return Convention_Identifiers.Table (J).Convention;
end if;
end loop;
raise Program_Error;
end case;
end Get_Convention_Id;
-- Get_Convention_Name --
function Get_Convention_Name (C : Convention_Id) return Name_Id is
case C is
when Convention_Ada => return Name_Ada;
when Convention_Ada_Pass_By_Copy => return Name_Ada_Pass_By_Copy;
when Convention_Ada_Pass_By_Reference =>
return Name_Ada_Pass_By_Reference;
when Convention_Assembler => return Name_Assembler;
when Convention_C => return Name_C;
when Convention_CIL => return Name_CIL;
when Convention_COBOL => return Name_COBOL;
when Convention_CPP => return Name_CPP;
when Convention_Entry => return Name_Entry;
when Convention_Fortran => return Name_Fortran;
when Convention_Intrinsic => return Name_Intrinsic;
when Convention_Java => return Name_Java;
when Convention_Protected => return Name_Protected;
when Convention_Stdcall => return Name_Stdcall;
when Convention_Stubbed => return Name_Stubbed;
end case;
end Get_Convention_Name;
-- Get_Locking_Policy_Id --
function Get_Locking_Policy_Id (N : Name_Id) return Locking_Policy_Id is
return Locking_Policy_Id'Val (N - First_Locking_Policy_Name);
end Get_Locking_Policy_Id;
-- Get_Pragma_Id --
function Get_Pragma_Id (N : Name_Id) return Pragma_Id is
if N = Name_AST_Entry then
return Pragma_AST_Entry;
elsif N = Name_Fast_Math then
return Pragma_Fast_Math;
elsif N = Name_Interface then
return Pragma_Interface;
elsif N = Name_Priority then
return Pragma_Priority;
elsif N = Name_Relative_Deadline then
return Pragma_Relative_Deadline;
elsif N = Name_Storage_Size then
return Pragma_Storage_Size;
elsif N = Name_Storage_Unit then
return Pragma_Storage_Unit;
elsif N not in First_Pragma_Name .. Last_Pragma_Name then
return Unknown_Pragma;
return Pragma_Id'Val (N - First_Pragma_Name);
end if;
end Get_Pragma_Id;
-- Get_Queuing_Policy_Id --
function Get_Queuing_Policy_Id (N : Name_Id) return Queuing_Policy_Id is
return Queuing_Policy_Id'Val (N - First_Queuing_Policy_Name);
end Get_Queuing_Policy_Id;
-- Get_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id --
function Get_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id
(N : Name_Id) return Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id
return Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id'Val
(N - First_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name);
end Get_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
P_Index : Natural;
Discard_Name : Name_Id;
P_Index := Preset_Names'First;
Name_Len := 0;
while Preset_Names (P_Index) /= '#' loop
Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Preset_Names (P_Index);
P_Index := P_Index + 1;
end loop;
-- We do the Name_Find call to enter the name into the table, but
-- we don't need to do anything with the result, since we already
-- initialized all the preset names to have the right value (we
-- are depending on the order of the names and Preset_Names).
Discard_Name := Name_Find;
P_Index := P_Index + 1;
exit when Preset_Names (P_Index) = '#';
end loop;
-- Make sure that number of names in standard table is correct. If
-- this check fails, run utility program XSNAMES to construct a new
-- properly matching version of the body.
pragma Assert (Discard_Name = Last_Predefined_Name);
-- Initialize the convention identifiers table with the standard
-- set of synonyms that we recognize for conventions.
Convention_Identifiers.Append ((Name_Asm, Convention_Assembler));
Convention_Identifiers.Append ((Name_Assembly, Convention_Assembler));
Convention_Identifiers.Append ((Name_Default, Convention_C));
Convention_Identifiers.Append ((Name_External, Convention_C));
Convention_Identifiers.Append ((Name_C_Plus_Plus, Convention_CPP));
Convention_Identifiers.Append ((Name_DLL, Convention_Stdcall));
Convention_Identifiers.Append ((Name_Win32, Convention_Stdcall));
end Initialize;
-- Is_Attribute_Name --
function Is_Attribute_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
-- Don't consider Name_Elab_Subp_Body to be a valid attribute name
-- unless we are working in CodePeer mode.
return N in First_Attribute_Name .. Last_Attribute_Name
and then (CodePeer_Mode or else N /= Name_Elab_Subp_Body);
end Is_Attribute_Name;
-- Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name --
function Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Pragma_Name .. Last_Configuration_Pragma_Name
or else N = Name_Fast_Math;
end Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name;
-- Is_Convention_Name --
function Is_Convention_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
-- Check if this is one of the standard conventions
if N in First_Convention_Name .. Last_Convention_Name
or else N = Name_C
return True;
-- Otherwise check if it is in convention identifier table
for J in 1 .. Convention_Identifiers.Last loop
if N = Convention_Identifiers.Table (J).Name then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end if;
end Is_Convention_Name;
-- Is_Entity_Attribute_Name --
function Is_Entity_Attribute_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Entity_Attribute_Name .. Last_Entity_Attribute_Name;
end Is_Entity_Attribute_Name;
-- Is_Function_Attribute_Name --
function Is_Function_Attribute_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in
First_Renamable_Function_Attribute ..
end Is_Function_Attribute_Name;
-- Is_Keyword_Name --
function Is_Keyword_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return Get_Name_Table_Byte (N) /= 0
and then (Ada_Version >= Ada_95
or else N not in Ada_95_Reserved_Words)
and then (Ada_Version >= Ada_2005
or else N not in Ada_2005_Reserved_Words)
and then (Ada_Version >= Ada_2012
or else N not in Ada_2012_Reserved_Words);
end Is_Keyword_Name;
-- Is_Locking_Policy_Name --
function Is_Locking_Policy_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Locking_Policy_Name .. Last_Locking_Policy_Name;
end Is_Locking_Policy_Name;
-- Is_Operator_Symbol_Name --
function Is_Operator_Symbol_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Operator_Name .. Last_Operator_Name;
end Is_Operator_Symbol_Name;
-- Is_Pragma_Name --
function Is_Pragma_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Pragma_Name .. Last_Pragma_Name
or else N = Name_AST_Entry
or else N = Name_Fast_Math
or else N = Name_Interface
or else N = Name_Relative_Deadline
or else N = Name_Priority
or else N = Name_Storage_Size
or else N = Name_Storage_Unit;
end Is_Pragma_Name;
-- Is_Procedure_Attribute_Name --
function Is_Procedure_Attribute_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Procedure_Attribute .. Last_Procedure_Attribute;
end Is_Procedure_Attribute_Name;
-- Is_Queuing_Policy_Name --
function Is_Queuing_Policy_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Queuing_Policy_Name .. Last_Queuing_Policy_Name;
end Is_Queuing_Policy_Name;
-- Is_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name --
function Is_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name ..
end Is_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name;
-- Is_Type_Attribute_Name --
function Is_Type_Attribute_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
return N in First_Type_Attribute_Name .. Last_Type_Attribute_Name;
end Is_Type_Attribute_Name;
-- Record_Convention_Identifier --
procedure Record_Convention_Identifier
(Id : Name_Id;
Convention : Convention_Id)
Convention_Identifiers.Append ((Id, Convention));
end Record_Convention_Identifier;
end Snames;
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