Subversion Repositories openrisc_2011-10-31
[/] [openrisc/] [trunk/] [gnu-src/] [binutils-2.20.1/] [gas/] [bfin-parse.h] - Rev 557
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/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3. */ /* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public License without this special exception. This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in version 2.2 of Bison. */ /* Tokens. */ #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE # define YYTOKENTYPE /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers know about them. */ enum yytokentype { BYTEOP16P = 258, BYTEOP16M = 259, BYTEOP1P = 260, BYTEOP2P = 261, BYTEOP2M = 262, BYTEOP3P = 263, BYTEUNPACK = 264, BYTEPACK = 265, PACK = 266, SAA = 267, ALIGN8 = 268, ALIGN16 = 269, ALIGN24 = 270, VIT_MAX = 271, EXTRACT = 272, DEPOSIT = 273, EXPADJ = 274, SEARCH = 275, ONES = 276, SIGN = 277, SIGNBITS = 278, LINK = 279, UNLINK = 280, REG = 281, PC = 282, CCREG = 283, BYTE_DREG = 284, REG_A_DOUBLE_ZERO = 285, REG_A_DOUBLE_ONE = 286, A_ZERO_DOT_L = 287, A_ZERO_DOT_H = 288, A_ONE_DOT_L = 289, A_ONE_DOT_H = 290, HALF_REG = 291, NOP = 292, RTI = 293, RTS = 294, RTX = 295, RTN = 296, RTE = 297, HLT = 298, IDLE = 299, STI = 300, CLI = 301, CSYNC = 302, SSYNC = 303, EMUEXCPT = 304, RAISE = 305, EXCPT = 306, LSETUP = 307, LOOP = 308, LOOP_BEGIN = 309, LOOP_END = 310, DISALGNEXCPT = 311, JUMP = 312, JUMP_DOT_S = 313, JUMP_DOT_L = 314, CALL = 315, ABORT = 316, NOT = 317, TILDA = 318, BANG = 319, AMPERSAND = 320, BAR = 321, PERCENT = 322, CARET = 323, BXOR = 324, MINUS = 325, PLUS = 326, STAR = 327, SLASH = 328, NEG = 329, MIN = 330, MAX = 331, ABS = 332, DOUBLE_BAR = 333, _PLUS_BAR_PLUS = 334, _PLUS_BAR_MINUS = 335, _MINUS_BAR_PLUS = 336, _MINUS_BAR_MINUS = 337, _MINUS_MINUS = 338, _PLUS_PLUS = 339, SHIFT = 340, LSHIFT = 341, ASHIFT = 342, BXORSHIFT = 343, _GREATER_GREATER_GREATER_THAN_ASSIGN = 344, ROT = 345, LESS_LESS = 346, GREATER_GREATER = 347, _GREATER_GREATER_GREATER = 348, _LESS_LESS_ASSIGN = 349, _GREATER_GREATER_ASSIGN = 350, DIVS = 351, DIVQ = 352, ASSIGN = 353, _STAR_ASSIGN = 354, _BAR_ASSIGN = 355, _CARET_ASSIGN = 356, _AMPERSAND_ASSIGN = 357, _MINUS_ASSIGN = 358, _PLUS_ASSIGN = 359, _ASSIGN_BANG = 360, _LESS_THAN_ASSIGN = 361, _ASSIGN_ASSIGN = 362, GE = 363, LT = 364, LE = 365, GT = 366, LESS_THAN = 367, FLUSHINV = 368, FLUSH = 369, IFLUSH = 370, PREFETCH = 371, PRNT = 372, OUTC = 373, WHATREG = 374, TESTSET = 375, ASL = 376, ASR = 377, B = 378, W = 379, NS = 380, S = 381, CO = 382, SCO = 383, TH = 384, TL = 385, BP = 386, BREV = 387, X = 388, Z = 389, M = 390, MMOD = 391, R = 392, RND = 393, RNDL = 394, RNDH = 395, RND12 = 396, RND20 = 397, V = 398, LO = 399, HI = 400, BITTGL = 401, BITCLR = 402, BITSET = 403, BITTST = 404, BITMUX = 405, DBGAL = 406, DBGAH = 407, DBGHALT = 408, DBG = 409, DBGA = 410, DBGCMPLX = 411, IF = 412, COMMA = 413, BY = 414, COLON = 415, SEMICOLON = 416, RPAREN = 417, LPAREN = 418, LBRACK = 419, RBRACK = 420, STATUS_REG = 421, MNOP = 422, SYMBOL = 423, NUMBER = 424, GOT = 425, GOT17M4 = 426, FUNCDESC_GOT17M4 = 427, AT = 428, PLTPC = 429 }; #endif /* Tokens. */ #define BYTEOP16P 258 #define BYTEOP16M 259 #define BYTEOP1P 260 #define BYTEOP2P 261 #define BYTEOP2M 262 #define BYTEOP3P 263 #define BYTEUNPACK 264 #define BYTEPACK 265 #define PACK 266 #define SAA 267 #define ALIGN8 268 #define ALIGN16 269 #define ALIGN24 270 #define VIT_MAX 271 #define EXTRACT 272 #define DEPOSIT 273 #define EXPADJ 274 #define SEARCH 275 #define ONES 276 #define SIGN 277 #define SIGNBITS 278 #define LINK 279 #define UNLINK 280 #define REG 281 #define PC 282 #define CCREG 283 #define BYTE_DREG 284 #define REG_A_DOUBLE_ZERO 285 #define REG_A_DOUBLE_ONE 286 #define A_ZERO_DOT_L 287 #define A_ZERO_DOT_H 288 #define A_ONE_DOT_L 289 #define A_ONE_DOT_H 290 #define HALF_REG 291 #define NOP 292 #define RTI 293 #define RTS 294 #define RTX 295 #define RTN 296 #define RTE 297 #define HLT 298 #define IDLE 299 #define STI 300 #define CLI 301 #define CSYNC 302 #define SSYNC 303 #define EMUEXCPT 304 #define RAISE 305 #define EXCPT 306 #define LSETUP 307 #define LOOP 308 #define LOOP_BEGIN 309 #define LOOP_END 310 #define DISALGNEXCPT 311 #define JUMP 312 #define JUMP_DOT_S 313 #define JUMP_DOT_L 314 #define CALL 315 #define ABORT 316 #define NOT 317 #define TILDA 318 #define BANG 319 #define AMPERSAND 320 #define BAR 321 #define PERCENT 322 #define CARET 323 #define BXOR 324 #define MINUS 325 #define PLUS 326 #define STAR 327 #define SLASH 328 #define NEG 329 #define MIN 330 #define MAX 331 #define ABS 332 #define DOUBLE_BAR 333 #define _PLUS_BAR_PLUS 334 #define _PLUS_BAR_MINUS 335 #define _MINUS_BAR_PLUS 336 #define _MINUS_BAR_MINUS 337 #define _MINUS_MINUS 338 #define _PLUS_PLUS 339 #define SHIFT 340 #define LSHIFT 341 #define ASHIFT 342 #define BXORSHIFT 343 #define _GREATER_GREATER_GREATER_THAN_ASSIGN 344 #define ROT 345 #define LESS_LESS 346 #define GREATER_GREATER 347 #define _GREATER_GREATER_GREATER 348 #define _LESS_LESS_ASSIGN 349 #define _GREATER_GREATER_ASSIGN 350 #define DIVS 351 #define DIVQ 352 #define ASSIGN 353 #define _STAR_ASSIGN 354 #define _BAR_ASSIGN 355 #define _CARET_ASSIGN 356 #define _AMPERSAND_ASSIGN 357 #define _MINUS_ASSIGN 358 #define _PLUS_ASSIGN 359 #define _ASSIGN_BANG 360 #define _LESS_THAN_ASSIGN 361 #define _ASSIGN_ASSIGN 362 #define GE 363 #define LT 364 #define LE 365 #define GT 366 #define LESS_THAN 367 #define FLUSHINV 368 #define FLUSH 369 #define IFLUSH 370 #define PREFETCH 371 #define PRNT 372 #define OUTC 373 #define WHATREG 374 #define TESTSET 375 #define ASL 376 #define ASR 377 #define B 378 #define W 379 #define NS 380 #define S 381 #define CO 382 #define SCO 383 #define TH 384 #define TL 385 #define BP 386 #define BREV 387 #define X 388 #define Z 389 #define M 390 #define MMOD 391 #define R 392 #define RND 393 #define RNDL 394 #define RNDH 395 #define RND12 396 #define RND20 397 #define V 398 #define LO 399 #define HI 400 #define BITTGL 401 #define BITCLR 402 #define BITSET 403 #define BITTST 404 #define BITMUX 405 #define DBGAL 406 #define DBGAH 407 #define DBGHALT 408 #define DBG 409 #define DBGA 410 #define DBGCMPLX 411 #define IF 412 #define COMMA 413 #define BY 414 #define COLON 415 #define SEMICOLON 416 #define RPAREN 417 #define LPAREN 418 #define LBRACK 419 #define RBRACK 420 #define STATUS_REG 421 #define MNOP 422 #define SYMBOL 423 #define NUMBER 424 #define GOT 425 #define GOT17M4 426 #define FUNCDESC_GOT17M4 427 #define AT 428 #define PLTPC 429 #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED typedef union YYSTYPE #line 407 "bfin-parse.y" { INSTR_T instr; Expr_Node *expr; SYMBOL_T symbol; long value; Register reg; Macfunc macfunc; struct { int r0; int s0; int x0; int aop; } modcodes; struct { int r0; } r0; Opt_mode mod; } /* Line 1529 of yacc.c. */ #line 409 "bfin-parse.h" YYSTYPE; # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif extern YYSTYPE yylval;
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