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[/] [openrisc/] [trunk/] [gnu-src/] [gcc-4.5.1/] [gcc/] [ada/] [memroot.adb] - Rev 328
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- M E M R O O T -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1997-2008, AdaCore -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with GNAT.Table; with GNAT.HTable; use GNAT.HTable; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Memroot is Main_Name_Id : Name_Id; -- The constant "main" where we should stop the backtraces ------------- -- Name_Id -- ------------- package Chars is new GNAT.Table ( Table_Component_Type => Character, Table_Index_Type => Integer, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 10_000, Table_Increment => 100); -- The actual character container for names type Name is record First, Last : Integer; end record; package Names is new GNAT.Table ( Table_Component_Type => Name, Table_Index_Type => Name_Id, Table_Low_Bound => 0, Table_Initial => 400, Table_Increment => 100); type Name_Range is range 1 .. 1023; function Name_Eq (N1, N2 : Name) return Boolean; -- compare 2 names function H (N : Name) return Name_Range; package Name_HTable is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable ( Header_Num => Name_Range, Element => Name_Id, No_Element => No_Name_Id, Key => Name, Hash => H, Equal => Name_Eq); -------------- -- Frame_Id -- -------------- type Frame is record Name, File, Line : Name_Id; end record; function Image (F : Frame_Id; Max_Fil : Integer; Max_Lin : Integer; Short : Boolean := False) return String; -- Returns an image for F containing the file name, the Line number, -- and if 'Short' is not true, the subprogram name. When possible, spaces -- are inserted between the line number and the subprogram name in order -- to align images of the same frame. Alignment is computed with Max_Fil -- & Max_Lin representing the max number of character in a filename or -- length in a given frame. package Frames is new GNAT.Table ( Table_Component_Type => Frame, Table_Index_Type => Frame_Id, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 400, Table_Increment => 100); type Frame_Range is range 1 .. 10000; function H (N : Integer_Address) return Frame_Range; package Frame_HTable is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable ( Header_Num => Frame_Range, Element => Frame_Id, No_Element => No_Frame_Id, Key => Integer_Address, Hash => H, Equal => "="); ------------- -- Root_Id -- ------------- type Root is record First, Last : Integer; Nb_Alloc : Integer; Alloc_Size : Storage_Count; High_Water_Mark : Storage_Count; end record; package Frames_In_Root is new GNAT.Table ( Table_Component_Type => Frame_Id, Table_Index_Type => Integer, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 400, Table_Increment => 100); package Roots is new GNAT.Table ( Table_Component_Type => Root, Table_Index_Type => Root_Id, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 200, Table_Increment => 100); type Root_Range is range 1 .. 513; function Root_Eq (N1, N2 : Root) return Boolean; function H (B : Root) return Root_Range; package Root_HTable is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable ( Header_Num => Root_Range, Element => Root_Id, No_Element => No_Root_Id, Key => Root, Hash => H, Equal => Root_Eq); ---------------- -- Alloc_Size -- ---------------- function Alloc_Size (B : Root_Id) return Storage_Count is begin return Roots.Table (B).Alloc_Size; end Alloc_Size; ----------------- -- Enter_Frame -- ----------------- function Enter_Frame (Addr : System.Address; Name : Name_Id; File : Name_Id; Line : Name_Id) return Frame_Id is begin Frames.Increment_Last; Frames.Table (Frames.Last) := Frame'(Name, File, Line); Frame_HTable.Set (To_Integer (Addr), Frames.Last); return Frames.Last; end Enter_Frame; ---------------- -- Enter_Name -- ---------------- function Enter_Name (S : String) return Name_Id is Old_L : constant Integer := Chars.Last; Len : constant Integer := S'Length; F : constant Integer := Chars.Allocate (Len); Res : Name_Id; begin Chars.Table (F .. F + Len - 1) := Chars.Table_Type (S); Names.Increment_Last; Names.Table (Names.Last) := Name'(F, F + Len - 1); Res := Name_HTable.Get (Names.Table (Names.Last)); if Res /= No_Name_Id then Names.Decrement_Last; Chars.Set_Last (Old_L); return Res; else Name_HTable.Set (Names.Table (Names.Last), Names.Last); return Names.Last; end if; end Enter_Name; ---------------- -- Enter_Root -- ---------------- function Enter_Root (Fr : Frame_Array) return Root_Id is Old_L : constant Integer := Frames_In_Root.Last; Len : constant Integer := Fr'Length; F : constant Integer := Frames_In_Root.Allocate (Len); Res : Root_Id; begin Frames_In_Root.Table (F .. F + Len - 1) := Frames_In_Root.Table_Type (Fr); Roots.Increment_Last; Roots.Table (Roots.Last) := Root'(F, F + Len - 1, 0, 0, 0); Res := Root_HTable.Get (Roots.Table (Roots.Last)); if Res /= No_Root_Id then Frames_In_Root.Set_Last (Old_L); Roots.Decrement_Last; return Res; else Root_HTable.Set (Roots.Table (Roots.Last), Roots.Last); return Roots.Last; end if; end Enter_Root; --------------- -- Frames_Of -- --------------- function Frames_Of (B : Root_Id) return Frame_Array is begin return Frame_Array ( Frames_In_Root.Table (Roots.Table (B).First .. Roots.Table (B).Last)); end Frames_Of; --------------- -- Get_First -- --------------- function Get_First return Root_Id is begin return Root_HTable.Get_First; end Get_First; -------------- -- Get_Next -- -------------- function Get_Next return Root_Id is begin return Root_HTable.Get_Next; end Get_Next; ------- -- H -- ------- function H (B : Root) return Root_Range is type Uns is mod 2 ** 32; function Rotate_Left (Value : Uns; Amount : Natural) return Uns; pragma Import (Intrinsic, Rotate_Left); Tmp : Uns := 0; begin for J in B.First .. B.Last loop Tmp := Rotate_Left (Tmp, 1) + Uns (Frames_In_Root.Table (J)); end loop; return Root_Range'First + Root_Range'Base (Tmp mod Root_Range'Range_Length); end H; function H (N : Name) return Name_Range is function H is new Hash (Name_Range); begin return H (String (Chars.Table (N.First .. N.Last))); end H; function H (N : Integer_Address) return Frame_Range is begin return Frame_Range (1 + N mod Frame_Range'Range_Length); end H; --------------------- -- High_Water_Mark -- --------------------- function High_Water_Mark (B : Root_Id) return Storage_Count is begin return Roots.Table (B).High_Water_Mark; end High_Water_Mark; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (N : Name_Id) return String is Nam : Name renames Names.Table (N); begin return String (Chars.Table (Nam.First .. Nam.Last)); end Image; function Image (F : Frame_Id; Max_Fil : Integer; Max_Lin : Integer; Short : Boolean := False) return String is Fram : Frame renames Frames.Table (F); Fil : Name renames Names.Table (Fram.File); Lin : Name renames Names.Table (Fram.Line); Nam : Name renames Names.Table (Fram.Name); Fil_Len : constant Integer := Fil.Last - Fil.First + 1; Lin_Len : constant Integer := Lin.Last - Lin.First + 1; use type Chars.Table_Type; Spaces : constant String (1 .. 80) := (1 .. 80 => ' '); Result : constant String := String (Chars.Table (Fil.First .. Fil.Last)) & ':' & String (Chars.Table (Lin.First .. Lin.Last)); begin if Short then return Result; else return Result & Spaces (1 .. 1 + Max_Fil - Fil_Len + Max_Lin - Lin_Len) & String (Chars.Table (Nam.First .. Nam.Last)); end if; end Image; ------------- -- Name_Eq -- ------------- function Name_Eq (N1, N2 : Name) return Boolean is use type Chars.Table_Type; begin return Chars.Table (N1.First .. N1.Last) = Chars.Table (N2.First .. N2.Last); end Name_Eq; -------------- -- Nb_Alloc -- -------------- function Nb_Alloc (B : Root_Id) return Integer is begin return Roots.Table (B).Nb_Alloc; end Nb_Alloc; -------------- -- Print_BT -- -------------- procedure Print_BT (B : Root_Id; Short : Boolean := False) is Max_Col_Width : constant := 35; -- Largest filename length for which backtraces will be -- properly aligned. Frames containing longer names won't be -- truncated but they won't be properly aligned either. F : constant Frame_Array := Frames_Of (B); Max_Fil : Integer; Max_Lin : Integer; begin Max_Fil := 0; Max_Lin := 0; for J in F'Range loop declare Fram : Frame renames Frames.Table (F (J)); Fil : Name renames Names.Table (Fram.File); Lin : Name renames Names.Table (Fram.Line); begin Max_Fil := Integer'Max (Max_Fil, Fil.Last - Fil.First + 1); Max_Lin := Integer'Max (Max_Lin, Lin.Last - Lin.First + 1); end; end loop; Max_Fil := Integer'Min (Max_Fil, Max_Col_Width); for J in F'Range loop Put (" "); Put_Line (Image (F (J), Max_Fil, Max_Lin, Short)); end loop; end Print_BT; ------------- -- Read_BT -- ------------- function Read_BT (BT_Depth : Integer) return Root_Id is Max_Line : constant Integer := 500; Curs1 : Integer; Curs2 : Integer; Line : String (1 .. Max_Line); Last : Integer := 0; Frames : Frame_Array (1 .. BT_Depth); F : Integer := Frames'First; Nam : Name_Id; Fil : Name_Id; Lin : Name_Id; Add : System.Address; Int_Add : Integer_Address; Fr : Frame_Id; Main_Found : Boolean := False; pragma Warnings (Off, Line); procedure Find_File; pragma Inline (Find_File); -- Position Curs1 and Curs2 so that Line (Curs1 .. Curs2) contains -- the file name. The file name may not be on the current line since -- a frame may be printed on more than one line when there is a lot -- of parameters or names are long, so this subprogram can read new -- lines of input. procedure Find_Line; pragma Inline (Find_Line); -- Position Curs1 and Curs2 so that Line (Curs1 .. Curs2) contains -- the line number. procedure Find_Name; pragma Inline (Find_Name); -- Position Curs1 and Curs2 so that Line (Curs1 .. Curs2) contains -- the subprogram name. function Skip_To_Space (Pos : Integer) return Integer; pragma Inline (Skip_To_Space); -- Scans Line starting with position Pos, returning the position -- immediately before the first space, or the value of Last if no -- spaces were found --------------- -- Find_File -- --------------- procedure Find_File is begin -- Skip " at " Curs1 := Curs2 + 5; Curs2 := Last; -- Scan backwards from end of line until ':' is encountered for J in reverse Curs1 .. Last loop if Line (J) = ':' then Curs2 := J - 1; end if; end loop; end Find_File; --------------- -- Find_Line -- --------------- procedure Find_Line is begin Curs1 := Curs2 + 2; Curs2 := Last; -- Check for Curs1 too large. Should never happen with non-corrupt -- output. If it does happen, just reset it to the highest value. if Curs1 > Last then Curs1 := Last; end if; end Find_Line; --------------- -- Find_Name -- --------------- procedure Find_Name is begin -- Skip the address value and " in " Curs1 := Skip_To_Space (1) + 5; Curs2 := Skip_To_Space (Curs1); end Find_Name; ------------------- -- Skip_To_Space -- ------------------- function Skip_To_Space (Pos : Integer) return Integer is begin for Cur in Pos .. Last loop if Line (Cur) = ' ' then return Cur - 1; end if; end loop; return Last; end Skip_To_Space; procedure Gmem_Read_Next_Frame (Addr : out System.Address); pragma Import (C, Gmem_Read_Next_Frame, "__gnat_gmem_read_next_frame"); -- Read the next frame in the current traceback. Addr is set to 0 if -- there are no more addresses in this traceback. The pointer is moved -- to the next frame. procedure Gmem_Symbolic (Addr : System.Address; Buf : String; Last : out Natural); pragma Import (C, Gmem_Symbolic, "__gnat_gmem_symbolic"); -- Get the symbolic traceback for Addr. Note: we cannot use -- GNAT.Tracebacks.Symbolic, since the latter will only work with the -- current executable. -- -- "__gnat_gmem_symbolic" will work with the executable whose name is -- given in gnat_argv[0], as initialized by Gnatmem.Gmem_A21_Initialize. -- Start of processing for Read_BT begin while F <= BT_Depth and then not Main_Found loop Gmem_Read_Next_Frame (Add); Int_Add := To_Integer (Add); exit when Int_Add = 0; Fr := Frame_HTable.Get (Int_Add); if Fr = No_Frame_Id then Gmem_Symbolic (Add, Line, Last); Last := Last - 1; -- get rid of the trailing line-feed Find_Name; -- Skip the __gnat_malloc frame itself if Line (Curs1 .. Curs2) /= "<__gnat_malloc>" then Nam := Enter_Name (Line (Curs1 .. Curs2)); Main_Found := (Nam = Main_Name_Id); Find_File; Fil := Enter_Name (Line (Curs1 .. Curs2)); Find_Line; Lin := Enter_Name (Line (Curs1 .. Curs2)); Frames (F) := Enter_Frame (Add, Nam, Fil, Lin); F := F + 1; end if; else Frames (F) := Fr; Main_Found := (Memroot.Frames.Table (Fr).Name = Main_Name_Id); F := F + 1; end if; end loop; return Enter_Root (Frames (1 .. F - 1)); end Read_BT; ------------- -- Root_Eq -- ------------- function Root_Eq (N1, N2 : Root) return Boolean is use type Frames_In_Root.Table_Type; begin return Frames_In_Root.Table (N1.First .. N1.Last) = Frames_In_Root.Table (N2.First .. N2.Last); end Root_Eq; -------------------- -- Set_Alloc_Size -- -------------------- procedure Set_Alloc_Size (B : Root_Id; V : Storage_Count) is begin Roots.Table (B).Alloc_Size := V; end Set_Alloc_Size; ------------------------- -- Set_High_Water_Mark -- ------------------------- procedure Set_High_Water_Mark (B : Root_Id; V : Storage_Count) is begin Roots.Table (B).High_Water_Mark := V; end Set_High_Water_Mark; ------------------ -- Set_Nb_Alloc -- ------------------ procedure Set_Nb_Alloc (B : Root_Id; V : Integer) is begin Roots.Table (B).Nb_Alloc := V; end Set_Nb_Alloc; begin -- Initialize name for No_Name_ID Names.Increment_Last; Names.Table (Names.Last) := Name'(1, 0); Main_Name_Id := Enter_Name ("main"); end Memroot;
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