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-- TCTouch.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687, -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein. -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government. -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others -- to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- FOUNDATION DESCRIPTION: -- The tools in this foundation are not peculiar to any particular -- aspect of the language, but simplify the test writing and reading -- process. Assert and Assert_Not are used to reduce the textual -- overhead of the test-that-this-condition-is-(not)-true paradigm. -- Touch and Validate are used to simplify tracing an expected path -- of execution. -- A tag comment of the form: -- -- TCTouch.Touch( 'A' ); ----------------------------------------- A -- -- is recommended to improve readability of this feature. -- -- Report.Test must be called before any of the procedures in this -- package with the exception of Touch. -- The usage paradigm is to call Touch in locations in the test where you -- want a trace of execution. Each call to Touch should have a unique -- character associated with it. At each place where a check can -- reasonably be performed to determine correct execution of a -- sub-test, a call to Validate should be made. The first parameter -- passed to Validate is the expected string of characters produced by -- call(s) to Touch in the subtest just executed. The second parameter -- is the message to pass to Report.Failed if the expected sequence was -- not executed. -- -- Validate should always be called after calls to Touch before a test -- completes. -- -- In the event that calls may have been made to Touch that are not -- intended to be recorded, or, the failure of a previous subtest may -- leave Touch calls "Unvalidated", the procedure Flush will reset the -- tracker to the "empty" state. Flush does not make any calls to -- Report. -- -- Calls to Assert and Assert_Not are to replace the idiom: -- -- if BadCondition then -- or if not PositiveTest then -- Report.Failed(Message); -- end if; -- -- with: -- -- Assert_Not( BadCondition, Message ); -- or -- Assert( PositiveTest, Message ); -- -- Implementation_Check is for use with tests that cross the boundary -- between the core and the Special Needs Annexes. There are several -- instances where language in the core becomes enforceable only when -- a Special Needs Annex is supported. Implementation_Check should be -- called in place of Report.Failed in these cases; it examines the -- constants in Impdef that indicate if the particular Special Needs -- Annex is being validated with this validation; and acts accordingly. -- -- The constant Foundation_ID contains the internal change version -- for this software. -- -- ERROR CONDITIONS: -- -- It is an error to perform more than Max_Touch_Count (80) calls to -- Touch without a subsequent call to Validate. To do so will cause -- a false test failure. -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 02 JUN 94 SAIC Initial version -- 27 OCT 94 SAIC Revised version -- 07 AUG 95 SAIC Added Implementation_Check -- 07 FEB 96 SAIC Changed to match new Impdef for 2.1 -- 16 MAR 00 RLB Changed foundation id to reflect test suite version. -- 22 MAR 01 RLB Changed foundation id to reflect test suite version. -- 29 MAR 02 RLB Changed foundation id to reflect test suite version. -- --! package TCTouch is Foundation_ID : constant String := "TCTouch ACATS 2.5"; Max_Touch_Count : constant := 80; procedure Assert ( SB_True : Boolean; Message : String ); procedure Assert_Not( SB_False : Boolean; Message : String ); procedure Touch ( A_Tag : Character ); procedure Validate( Expected: String; Message : String; Order_Meaningful : Boolean := True ); procedure Flush; type Special_Needs_Annexes is ( Annex_C, Annex_D, Annex_E, Annex_F, Annex_G, Annex_H ); procedure Implementation_Check( Message : in String; Annex : in Special_Needs_Annexes := Annex_C ); -- If Impdef.Validating_Annex_<Annex> is true, will call Report.Failed -- otherwise will call Report.Not_Applicable. This is to allow tests -- which are driven by wording in the core of the language, yet have -- their functionality dictated by the Special Needs Annexes to perform -- dual purpose. -- The default of Annex_C for the Annex parameter is to support early -- tests written with the assumption that Implementation_Check was -- expressly for use with the Systems Programming Annex. end TCTouch; with Report; with Impdef; package body TCTouch is procedure Assert( SB_True : Boolean; Message : String ) is begin if not SB_True then Report.Failed( "Assertion failed: " & Message ); end if; end Assert; procedure Assert_Not( SB_False : Boolean; Message : String ) is begin if SB_False then Report.Failed( "Assertion failed: " & Message ); end if; end Assert_Not; Collection : String(1..Max_Touch_Count); Finger : Natural := 0; procedure Touch ( A_Tag : Character ) is begin Finger := Finger+1; Collection(Finger) := A_Tag; exception when Constraint_Error => Report.Failed("Trace Overflow: " & Collection); Finger := 0; end Touch; procedure Sort_String( S: in out String ) is -- algorithm from Booch Components Page 472 No_Swaps : Boolean; procedure Swap(C1, C2: in out Character) is T: Character := C1; begin C1 := C2; C2 := T; end Swap; begin for OI in S'First+1..S'Last loop No_Swaps := True; for II in reverse OI..S'Last loop if S(II) < S(II-1) then Swap(S(II),S(II-1)); No_Swaps := False; end if; end loop; exit when No_Swaps; end loop; end Sort_String; procedure Validate( Expected: String; Message : String; Order_Meaningful : Boolean := True) is Want : String(1..Expected'Length) := Expected; begin if not Order_Meaningful then Sort_String( Want ); Sort_String( Collection(1..Finger) ); end if; if Collection(1..Finger) /= Want then Report.Failed( Message & " Expecting: " & Want & " Got: " & Collection(1..Finger) ); end if; Finger := 0; end Validate; procedure Flush is begin Finger := 0; end Flush; procedure Implementation_Check( Message : in String; Annex : in Special_Needs_Annexes := Annex_C ) is -- default to cover some legacy -- USAGE DISCIPLINE: -- Implementation_Check is designed to be used in tests that have -- interdependency on one of the Special Needs Annexes, yet are _really_ -- tests based in the core language. There will be instances where the -- execution of a test would be failing in the light of the requirements -- of the annex, yet from the point of view of the core language without -- the additional requirements of the annex, the test does not apply. -- In these cases, rather than issuing a call to Report.Failed, calling -- TCTouch.Implementation_Check will check that sensitivity, and if -- the implementation is attempting to validate against the specific -- annex, Report.Failed will be called, otherwise, Report.Not_Applicable -- will be called. begin case Annex is when Annex_C => if ImpDef.Validating_Annex_C then Report.Failed( Message ); else Report.Not_Applicable( Message & " Annex C not supported" ); end if; when Annex_D => if ImpDef.Validating_Annex_D then Report.Failed( Message ); else Report.Not_Applicable( Message & " Annex D not supported" ); end if; when Annex_E => if ImpDef.Validating_Annex_E then Report.Failed( Message ); else Report.Not_Applicable( Message & " Annex E not supported" ); end if; when Annex_F => if ImpDef.Validating_Annex_F then Report.Failed( Message ); else Report.Not_Applicable( Message & " Annex F not supported" ); end if; when Annex_G => if ImpDef.Validating_Annex_G then Report.Failed( Message ); else Report.Not_Applicable( Message & " Annex G not supported" ); end if; when Annex_H => if ImpDef.Validating_Annex_H then Report.Failed( Message ); else Report.Not_Applicable( Message & " Annex H not supported" ); end if; end case; end Implementation_Check; end TCTouch;
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