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-- CD10002.A
-- Grant of Unlimited Rights
-- The Ada Conformity Assessment Authority (ACAA) holds unlimited
-- rights in the software and documentation contained herein. Unlimited
-- rights are the same as those granted by the U.S. Government for older
-- parts of the Ada Conformity Assessment Test Suite, and are defined
-- in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making this public release, the ACAA
-- intends to confer upon all recipients unlimited rights equal to those
-- held by the ACAA. These rights include rights to use, duplicate,
-- release or disclose the released technical data and computer software
-- in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and
-- to have or permit others to do so.
-- Check that operational items are allowed in some contexts where
-- representation items are not:
-- 1 - Check that the name of an incompletely defined type can be used
-- when specifying an operational item. (RM95/TC1 7.3(5)).
-- 2 - Check that operational items can be specified for a descendant of
-- a generic formal untagged type. (RM95/TC1 13.1(10)).
-- 3 - Check that operational items can be specified for a derived
-- untagged type even if the parent type is a by-reference type or
-- has user-defined primitive subprograms. (RM95/TC1 13.1(11/1)).
-- (Defect Report 8652/0009, as reflected in Technical Corrigendum 1).
-- 19 JAN 2001 PHL Initial version.
-- 3 DEC 2001 RLB Reformatted for ACATS.
-- 3 OCT 2002 RLB Corrected incorrect type derivations.
with Ada.Streams;
use Ada.Streams;
package CD10002_0 is
type Kinds is (Read, Write, Input, Output);
type Counts is array (Kinds) of Natural;
type T is private;
package Nonlimited_Stream_Ops is
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T);
function Get_Counts return Counts;
end Nonlimited_Stream_Ops;
type T (<>) is limited private; -- Should be self-initializing.
C : in out T;
package Limited_Stream_Ops is
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T);
function Get_Counts return Counts;
end Limited_Stream_Ops;
end CD10002_0;
package body CD10002_0 is
package body Nonlimited_Stream_Ops is
Cnts : Counts := (others => 0);
X : T; -- Initialized by Write/Output.
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T) is
X := Item;
Cnts (Write) := Cnts (Write) + 1;
end Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T is
Cnts (Input) := Cnts (Input) + 1;
return X;
end Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T) is
Cnts (Read) := Cnts (Read) + 1;
Item := X;
end Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T) is
X := Item;
Cnts (Output) := Cnts (Output) + 1;
end Output;
function Get_Counts return Counts is
return Cnts;
end Get_Counts;
end Nonlimited_Stream_Ops;
package body Limited_Stream_Ops is
Cnts : Counts := (others => 0);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T) is
Cnts (Write) := Cnts (Write) + 1;
end Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T is
Cnts (Input) := Cnts (Input) + 1;
return C;
end Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T) is
Cnts (Read) := Cnts (Read) + 1;
end Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T) is
Cnts (Output) := Cnts (Output) + 1;
end Output;
function Get_Counts return Counts is
return Cnts;
end Get_Counts;
end Limited_Stream_Ops;
end CD10002_0;
with Ada.Streams;
use Ada.Streams;
package CD10002_1 is
type Dummy_Stream is new Root_Stream_Type with null record;
procedure Read (Stream : in out Dummy_Stream;
Item : out Stream_Element_Array;
Last : out Stream_Element_Offset);
procedure Write (Stream : in out Dummy_Stream;
Item : Stream_Element_Array);
end CD10002_1;
with Report;
use Report;
package body CD10002_1 is
procedure Read (Stream : in out Dummy_Stream;
Item : out Stream_Element_Array;
Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is
Failed ("Unexpected call to the Read operation of Dummy_Stream");
end Read;
procedure Write (Stream : in out Dummy_Stream;
Item : Stream_Element_Array) is
Failed ("Unexpected call to the Write operation of Dummy_Stream");
end Write;
end CD10002_1;
with Ada.Streams;
use Ada.Streams;
with CD10002_0;
package CD10002_Deriv is
-- Parent has user-defined subprograms.
type T1 is new Boolean;
function Is_Odd (X : Integer) return T1;
type T2 is
F : Float;
end record;
procedure Print (X : T2);
type T3 is array (Boolean) of Duration;
function "+" (L, R : T3) return T3;
-- Parent is by-reference. No need to check the case where the parent
-- is tagged, because the defect report only deals with untagged types.
task type T4 is
end T4;
protected type T5 is
end T5;
type T6 (D : access Integer := new Integer'(2)) is limited null record;
type T7 is array (Character) of T6;
package P is
type T8 is limited private;
type T8 is new T5;
end P;
type Nt1 is new T1;
type Nt2 is new T2;
type Nt3 is new T3;
type Nt4 is new T4;
type Nt5 is new T5;
type Nt6 is new T6;
type Nt7 is new T7;
type Nt8 is new P.T8;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt1'Base);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt1'Base;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Nt1'Base);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt1'Base);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt2);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt2;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt2);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt2);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt3);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt3;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt3);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt3);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt4);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt4;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt4);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt4);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt5);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt5;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt5);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt5);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt6);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt6;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt6);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt6);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt7);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt7;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt7);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt7);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt8);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt8;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt8);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt8);
for Nt1'Write use Write;
for Nt1'Read use Read;
for Nt1'Output use Output;
for Nt1'Input use Input;
for Nt2'Write use Write;
for Nt2'Read use Read;
for Nt2'Output use Output;
for Nt2'Input use Input;
for Nt3'Write use Write;
for Nt3'Read use Read;
for Nt3'Output use Output;
for Nt3'Input use Input;
for Nt4'Write use Write;
for Nt4'Read use Read;
for Nt4'Output use Output;
for Nt4'Input use Input;
for Nt5'Write use Write;
for Nt5'Read use Read;
for Nt5'Output use Output;
for Nt5'Input use Input;
for Nt6'Write use Write;
for Nt6'Read use Read;
for Nt6'Output use Output;
for Nt6'Input use Input;
for Nt7'Write use Write;
for Nt7'Read use Read;
for Nt7'Output use Output;
for Nt7'Input use Input;
for Nt8'Write use Write;
for Nt8'Read use Read;
for Nt8'Output use Output;
for Nt8'Input use Input;
-- All these variables are self-initializing.
C4 : Nt4;
C5 : Nt5;
C6 : Nt6;
C7 : Nt7;
C8 : Nt8;
package Nt1_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt1'Base);
package Nt2_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt2);
package Nt3_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt3);
package Nt4_Ops is new CD10002_0.Limited_Stream_Ops (Nt4, C4);
package Nt5_Ops is new CD10002_0.Limited_Stream_Ops (Nt5, C5);
package Nt6_Ops is new CD10002_0.Limited_Stream_Ops (Nt6, C6);
package Nt7_Ops is new CD10002_0.Limited_Stream_Ops (Nt7, C7);
package Nt8_Ops is new CD10002_0.Limited_Stream_Ops (Nt8, C8);
end CD10002_Deriv;
package body CD10002_Deriv is
function Is_Odd (X : Integer) return T1 is
return True;
end Is_Odd;
procedure Print (X : T2) is
end Print;
function "+" (L, R : T3) return T3 is
return (False => L (False) + R (True), True => L (True) + R (False));
end "+";
task body T4 is
end T4;
protected body T5 is
end T5;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt1'Base)
renames Nt1_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt1'Base
renames Nt1_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt1'Base)
renames Nt1_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt1'Base)
renames Nt1_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt2)
renames Nt2_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt2
renames Nt2_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt2)
renames Nt2_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt2)
renames Nt2_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt3)
renames Nt3_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt3
renames Nt3_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt3)
renames Nt3_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt3)
renames Nt3_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt4)
renames Nt4_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt4
renames Nt4_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt4)
renames Nt4_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt4)
renames Nt4_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt5)
renames Nt5_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt5
renames Nt5_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt5)
renames Nt5_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt5)
renames Nt5_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt6)
renames Nt6_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt6
renames Nt6_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt6)
renames Nt6_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt6)
renames Nt6_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt7)
renames Nt7_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt7
renames Nt7_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt7)
renames Nt7_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt7)
renames Nt7_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt8)
renames Nt8_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt8
renames Nt8_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt8)
renames Nt8_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt8)
renames Nt8_Ops.Output;
end CD10002_Deriv;
with Ada.Streams;
use Ada.Streams;
with CD10002_0;
type T1 is (<>);
type T2 is range <>;
type T3 is mod <>;
type T4 is digits <>;
type T5 is delta <>;
type T6 is delta <> digits <>;
type T7 is access T3;
type T8 is new Boolean;
type T9 is private;
type T10 (<>) is limited private; -- Should be self-initializing.
C10 : in out T10;
type T11 is array (T1) of T2;
package CD10002_Gen is
-- Direct descendants.
type Nt1 is new T1;
type Nt2 is new T2;
type Nt3 is new T3;
type Nt4 is new T4;
type Nt5 is new T5;
type Nt6 is new T6;
type Nt7 is new T7;
type Nt8 is new T8;
type Nt9 is new T9;
type Nt10 is new T10;
type Nt11 is new T11;
-- Indirect descendants (only pick two, a limited one and a non-limited
-- one).
type Nt12 is new Nt10;
type Nt13 is new Nt11;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt1'Base);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt1'Base;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Nt1'Base);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt1'Base);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt2'Base);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt2'Base;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Nt2'Base);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt2'Base);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt3'Base);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt3'Base;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Nt3'Base);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt3'Base);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt4'Base);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt4'Base;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Nt4'Base);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt4'Base);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt5'Base);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt5'Base;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Nt5'Base);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt5'Base);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt6'Base);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt6'Base;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Nt6'Base);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt6'Base);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt7);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt7;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt7);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt7);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt8'Base);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt8'Base;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Item : out Nt8'Base);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt8'Base);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt9);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt9;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt9);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt9);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt10);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt10;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt10);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt10);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt11);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt11;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt11);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt11);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt12);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt12;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt12);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt12);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt13);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt13;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt13);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt13);
for Nt1'Write use Write;
for Nt1'Read use Read;
for Nt1'Output use Output;
for Nt1'Input use Input;
for Nt2'Write use Write;
for Nt2'Read use Read;
for Nt2'Output use Output;
for Nt2'Input use Input;
for Nt3'Write use Write;
for Nt3'Read use Read;
for Nt3'Output use Output;
for Nt3'Input use Input;
for Nt4'Write use Write;
for Nt4'Read use Read;
for Nt4'Output use Output;
for Nt4'Input use Input;
for Nt5'Write use Write;
for Nt5'Read use Read;
for Nt5'Output use Output;
for Nt5'Input use Input;
for Nt6'Write use Write;
for Nt6'Read use Read;
for Nt6'Output use Output;
for Nt6'Input use Input;
for Nt7'Write use Write;
for Nt7'Read use Read;
for Nt7'Output use Output;
for Nt7'Input use Input;
for Nt8'Write use Write;
for Nt8'Read use Read;
for Nt8'Output use Output;
for Nt8'Input use Input;
for Nt9'Write use Write;
for Nt9'Read use Read;
for Nt9'Output use Output;
for Nt9'Input use Input;
for Nt10'Write use Write;
for Nt10'Read use Read;
for Nt10'Output use Output;
for Nt10'Input use Input;
for Nt11'Write use Write;
for Nt11'Read use Read;
for Nt11'Output use Output;
for Nt11'Input use Input;
for Nt12'Write use Write;
for Nt12'Read use Read;
for Nt12'Output use Output;
for Nt12'Input use Input;
for Nt13'Write use Write;
for Nt13'Read use Read;
for Nt13'Output use Output;
for Nt13'Input use Input;
type Null_Record is null record;
package Nt1_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt1'Base);
package Nt2_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt2'Base);
package Nt3_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt3'Base);
package Nt4_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt4'Base);
package Nt5_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt5'Base);
package Nt6_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt6'Base);
package Nt7_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt7);
package Nt8_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt8'Base);
package Nt9_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt9);
package Nt11_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt11);
package Nt13_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (Nt13);
function Get_Nt10_Counts return CD10002_0.Counts;
function Get_Nt12_Counts return CD10002_0.Counts;
end CD10002_Gen;
package body CD10002_Gen is
use CD10002_0;
Nt10_Cnts : Counts := (others => 0);
Nt12_Cnts : Counts := (others => 0);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt1'Base)
renames Nt1_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt1'Base
renames Nt1_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt1'Base)
renames Nt1_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt1'Base)
renames Nt1_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt2'Base)
renames Nt2_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt2'Base
renames Nt2_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt2'Base)
renames Nt2_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt2'Base)
renames Nt2_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt3'Base)
renames Nt3_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt3'Base
renames Nt3_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt3'Base)
renames Nt3_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt3'Base)
renames Nt3_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt4'Base)
renames Nt4_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt4'Base
renames Nt4_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt4'Base)
renames Nt4_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt4'Base)
renames Nt4_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt5'Base)
renames Nt5_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt5'Base
renames Nt5_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt5'Base)
renames Nt5_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt5'Base)
renames Nt5_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt6'Base)
renames Nt6_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt6'Base
renames Nt6_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt6'Base)
renames Nt6_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt6'Base)
renames Nt6_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt7)
renames Nt7_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt7
renames Nt7_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt7)
renames Nt7_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt7)
renames Nt7_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt8'Base)
renames Nt8_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt8'Base
renames Nt8_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt8'Base)
renames Nt8_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt8'Base)
renames Nt8_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt9)
renames Nt9_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt9
renames Nt9_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt9)
renames Nt9_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt9)
renames Nt9_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt10) is
Nt10_Cnts (Write) := Nt10_Cnts (Write) + 1;
end Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt10 is
Nt10_Cnts (Input) := Nt10_Cnts (Input) + 1;
return Nt10 (C10);
end Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt10) is
Nt10_Cnts (Read) := Nt10_Cnts (Read) + 1;
end Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt10) is
Nt10_Cnts (Output) := Nt10_Cnts (Output) + 1;
end Output;
function Get_Nt10_Counts return CD10002_0.Counts is
return Nt10_Cnts;
end Get_Nt10_Counts;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt11)
renames Nt11_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt11
renames Nt11_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt11)
renames Nt11_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt11)
renames Nt11_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt12) is
Nt12_Cnts (Write) := Nt12_Cnts (Write) + 1;
end Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt12 is
Nt12_Cnts (Input) := Nt12_Cnts (Input) + 1;
return Nt12 (C10);
end Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt12) is
Nt12_Cnts (Read) := Nt12_Cnts (Read) + 1;
end Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt12) is
Nt12_Cnts (Output) := Nt12_Cnts (Output) + 1;
end Output;
function Get_Nt12_Counts return CD10002_0.Counts is
return Nt12_Cnts;
end Get_Nt12_Counts;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt13)
renames Nt13_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Nt13
renames Nt13_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out Nt13)
renames Nt13_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : Nt13)
renames Nt13_Ops.Output;
end CD10002_Gen;
with Ada.Streams;
use Ada.Streams;
with CD10002_0;
package CD10002_Priv is
External_Tag_1 : constant String := "Isaac Newton";
External_Tag_2 : constant String := "Albert Einstein";
type T1 is tagged private;
type T2 is tagged
C : T1;
end record;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T1);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T1;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T1);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T1);
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T2);
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T2;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T2);
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T2);
for T1'Write use Write;
for T1'Input use Input;
for T2'Read use Read;
for T2'Output use Output;
for T2'External_Tag use External_Tag_2;
function Get_T1_Counts return CD10002_0.Counts;
function Get_T2_Counts return CD10002_0.Counts;
for T1'Read use Read;
for T1'Output use Output;
for T1'External_Tag use External_Tag_1;
for T2'Write use Write;
for T2'Input use Input;
type T1 is tagged null record;
package T1_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (T1);
package T2_Ops is new CD10002_0.Nonlimited_Stream_Ops (T2);
end CD10002_Priv;
package body CD10002_Priv is
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T1)
renames T1_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T1
renames T1_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T1)
renames T1_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T1)
renames T1_Ops.Output;
procedure Write (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T2)
renames T2_Ops.Write;
function Input (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T2
renames T2_Ops.Input;
procedure Read (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T2)
renames T2_Ops.Read;
procedure Output (Stream : access Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : T2)
renames T2_Ops.Output;
function Get_T1_Counts return CD10002_0.Counts renames T1_Ops.Get_Counts;
function Get_T2_Counts return CD10002_0.Counts renames T2_Ops.Get_Counts;
end CD10002_Priv;
with Ada.Streams;
use Ada.Streams;
with Report;
use Report;
with System;
with CD10002_0;
with CD10002_1;
with CD10002_Deriv;
with CD10002_Gen;
with CD10002_Priv;
procedure CD10002 is
package Deriv renames CD10002_Deriv;
generic package Gen renames CD10002_Gen;
package Priv renames CD10002_Priv;
type Stream_Ops is (Read, Write, Input, Output);
type Counts is array (Stream_Ops) of Natural;
S : aliased CD10002_1.Dummy_Stream;
Test ("CD10002",
"Check that operational items are allowed in some contexts " &
"where representation items are not");
X1 : Priv.T1;
X2 : Priv.T2;
use CD10002_0;
("Check that the name of an incompletely defined type can be " &
"used when specifying an operational item");
-- Partial view of a private type.
Priv.T1'Write (S'Access, X1);
Priv.T1'Read (S'Access, X1);
Priv.T1'Output (S'Access, X1);
X1 := Priv.T1'Input (S'Access);
if Priv.Get_T1_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
Failed ("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Priv.T1");
elsif Priv.T1'External_Tag /= Priv.External_Tag_1 then
Failed ("Incorrect external tag for Priv.T1");
end if;
-- Incompletely defined but not private.
Priv.T2'Write (S'Access, X2);
Priv.T2'Read (S'Access, X2);
Priv.T2'Output (S'Access, X2);
X2 := Priv.T2'Input (S'Access);
if Priv.Get_T2_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
Failed ("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Priv.T2");
elsif Priv.T2'External_Tag /= Priv.External_Tag_2 then
Failed ("Incorrect external tag for Priv.T2");
end if;
end Test_Priv;
type Modular is mod System.Max_Binary_Modulus;
type Decimal is delta 1.0 digits 1;
type Access_Modular is access Modular;
type R9 is null record;
type R10 (D : access Integer) is limited null record;
type Arr is array (Character) of Integer;
C10 : R10 (new Integer'(19));
package Inst is new Gen (T1 => Character,
T2 => Integer,
T3 => Modular,
T4 => Float,
T5 => Duration,
T6 => Decimal,
T7 => Access_Modular,
T8 => Boolean,
T9 => R9,
T10 => R10,
C10 => C10,
T11 => Arr);
X1 : Inst.Nt1 := 'a';
X2 : Inst.Nt2 := 0;
X3 : Inst.Nt3 := 0;
X4 : Inst.Nt4 := 0.0;
X5 : Inst.Nt5 := 0.0;
X6 : Inst.Nt6 := 0.0;
X7 : Inst.Nt7 := null;
X8 : Inst.Nt8 := Inst.False;
X9 : Inst.Nt9 := (null record);
X10 : Inst.Nt10 (D => new Integer'(5));
Y10 : Integer;
X11 : Inst.Nt11 := (others => 0);
X12 : Inst.Nt12 (D => new Integer'(7));
Y12 : Integer;
X13 : Inst.Nt13 := (others => 0);
use CD10002_0;
Comment ("Check that operational items can be specified for a " &
"descendant of a generic formal untagged type");
Inst.Nt1'Write (S'Access, X1);
Inst.Nt1'Read (S'Access, X1);
Inst.Nt1'Output (S'Access, X1);
X1 := Inst.Nt1'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt1_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt1");
end if;
Inst.Nt2'Write (S'Access, X2);
Inst.Nt2'Read (S'Access, X2);
Inst.Nt2'Output (S'Access, X2);
X2 := Inst.Nt2'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt2_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt2");
end if;
Inst.Nt3'Write (S'Access, X3);
Inst.Nt3'Read (S'Access, X3);
Inst.Nt3'Output (S'Access, X3);
X3 := Inst.Nt3'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt3_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt3");
end if;
Inst.Nt4'Write (S'Access, X4);
Inst.Nt4'Read (S'Access, X4);
Inst.Nt4'Output (S'Access, X4);
X4 := Inst.Nt4'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt4_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt4");
end if;
Inst.Nt5'Write (S'Access, X5);
Inst.Nt5'Read (S'Access, X5);
Inst.Nt5'Output (S'Access, X5);
X5 := Inst.Nt5'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt5_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt5");
end if;
Inst.Nt6'Write (S'Access, X6);
Inst.Nt6'Read (S'Access, X6);
Inst.Nt6'Output (S'Access, X6);
X6 := Inst.Nt6'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt6_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt6");
end if;
Inst.Nt7'Write (S'Access, X7);
Inst.Nt7'Read (S'Access, X7);
Inst.Nt7'Output (S'Access, X7);
X7 := Inst.Nt7'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt7_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt7");
end if;
Inst.Nt8'Write (S'Access, X8);
Inst.Nt8'Read (S'Access, X8);
Inst.Nt8'Output (S'Access, X8);
X8 := Inst.Nt8'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt8_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt8");
end if;
Inst.Nt9'Write (S'Access, X9);
Inst.Nt9'Read (S'Access, X9);
Inst.Nt9'Output (S'Access, X9);
X9 := Inst.Nt9'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt9_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt9");
end if;
Inst.Nt10'Write (S'Access, X10);
Inst.Nt10'Read (S'Access, X10);
Inst.Nt10'Output (S'Access, X10);
Y10 := Inst.Nt10'Input (S'Access).D.all;
if Inst.Get_Nt10_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt10");
end if;
Inst.Nt11'Write (S'Access, X11);
Inst.Nt11'Read (S'Access, X11);
Inst.Nt11'Output (S'Access, X11);
X11 := Inst.Nt11'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt11_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt11");
end if;
Inst.Nt12'Write (S'Access, X12);
Inst.Nt12'Read (S'Access, X12);
Inst.Nt12'Output (S'Access, X12);
Y12 := Inst.Nt12'Input (S'Access).D.all;
if Inst.Get_Nt12_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt12");
end if;
Inst.Nt13'Write (S'Access, X13);
Inst.Nt13'Read (S'Access, X13);
Inst.Nt13'Output (S'Access, X13);
X13 := Inst.Nt13'Input (S'Access);
if Inst.Nt13_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Inst.Nt13");
end if;
end Test_Gen;
X1 : Deriv.Nt1 := Deriv.False;
X2 : Deriv.Nt2 := (others => 0.0);
X3 : Deriv.Nt3 := (others => 0.0);
X4 : Deriv.Nt4;
Y4 : Boolean;
X5 : Deriv.Nt5;
Y5 : System.Address;
X6 : Deriv.Nt6;
Y6 : Integer;
X7 : Deriv.Nt7;
Y7 : Integer;
X8 : Deriv.Nt8;
Y8 : Integer;
use CD10002_0;
Comment ("Check that operational items can be specified for a " &
"derived untagged type even if the parent type is a " &
"by-reference type, or has user-defined primitive " &
Deriv.Nt1'Write (S'Access, X1);
Deriv.Nt1'Read (S'Access, X1);
Deriv.Nt1'Output (S'Access, X1);
X1 := Deriv.Nt1'Input (S'Access);
if Deriv.Nt1_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Deriv.Nt1");
end if;
Deriv.Nt2'Write (S'Access, X2);
Deriv.Nt2'Read (S'Access, X2);
Deriv.Nt2'Output (S'Access, X2);
X2 := Deriv.Nt2'Input (S'Access);
if Deriv.Nt2_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Deriv.Nt2");
end if;
Deriv.Nt3'Write (S'Access, X3);
Deriv.Nt3'Read (S'Access, X3);
Deriv.Nt3'Output (S'Access, X3);
X3 := Deriv.Nt3'Input (S'Access);
if Deriv.Nt3_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Deriv.Nt3");
end if;
Deriv.Nt4'Write (S'Access, X4);
Deriv.Nt4'Read (S'Access, X4);
Deriv.Nt4'Output (S'Access, X4);
Y4 := Deriv.Nt4'Input (S'Access)'Terminated;
if Deriv.Nt4_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Deriv.Nt4");
end if;
Deriv.Nt5'Write (S'Access, X5);
Deriv.Nt5'Read (S'Access, X5);
Deriv.Nt5'Output (S'Access, X5);
Y5 := Deriv.Nt5'Input (S'Access)'Address;
if Deriv.Nt5_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Deriv.Nt5");
end if;
Deriv.Nt6'Write (S'Access, X6);
Deriv.Nt6'Read (S'Access, X6);
Deriv.Nt6'Output (S'Access, X6);
Y6 := Deriv.Nt6'Input (S'Access).D.all;
if Deriv.Nt6_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Deriv.Nt6");
end if;
Deriv.Nt7'Write (S'Access, X7);
Deriv.Nt7'Read (S'Access, X7);
Deriv.Nt7'Output (S'Access, X7);
Y7 := Deriv.Nt7'Input (S'Access) ('a').D.all;
if Deriv.Nt7_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Deriv.Nt7");
end if;
Deriv.Nt8'Write (S'Access, X8);
Deriv.Nt8'Read (S'Access, X8);
Deriv.Nt8'Output (S'Access, X8);
Y8 := Deriv.Nt8'Input (S'Access)'Size;
if Deriv.Nt8_Ops.Get_Counts /= (1, 1, 1, 1) then
("Incorrect calls to the stream attributes for Deriv.Nt8");
end if;
end Test_Deriv;
end CD10002;
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