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`include "sd_defines.v" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// sd_controller.v //// //// //// //// This file is part of the SD Card IP core project //// //// http://www.opencores.org/?do=project&who=sdcard_mass_storage_controller //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - Adam Edvardsson (adam.edvardsson@orsoc.se) //// //// //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2009 Authors //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module sdc_controller ( // WISHBONE common wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_dat_i, wb_dat_o, // WISHBONE slave wb_adr_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_ack_o, // WISHBONE master m_wb_adr_o, m_wb_sel_o, m_wb_we_o, m_wb_dat_o, m_wb_dat_i, m_wb_cyc_o, m_wb_stb_o, m_wb_ack_i, m_wb_cti_o, m_wb_bte_o, //SD BUS sd_cmd_dat_i,sd_cmd_out_o, sd_cmd_oe_o, card_detect, sd_dat_dat_i, sd_dat_out_o , sd_dat_oe_o, sd_clk_o_pad ,sd_clk_i_pad ,int_a, int_b, int_c ); // WISHBONE common input wb_clk_i; // WISHBONE clock input wb_rst_i; // WISHBONE reset input [31:0] wb_dat_i; // WISHBONE data input output [31:0] wb_dat_o; // WISHBONE data output // WISHBONE error output input card_detect; // WISHBONE slave input [7:0] wb_adr_i; // WISHBONE address input input [3:0] wb_sel_i; // WISHBONE byte select input input wb_we_i; // WISHBONE write enable input input wb_cyc_i; // WISHBONE cycle input input wb_stb_i; // WISHBONE strobe input output wb_ack_o; // WISHBONE acknowledge output // WISHBONE master output [31:0] m_wb_adr_o; output [3:0] m_wb_sel_o; output m_wb_we_o; input [31:0] m_wb_dat_i; output [31:0] m_wb_dat_o; output m_wb_cyc_o; output m_wb_stb_o; input m_wb_ack_i; output [2:0] m_wb_cti_o; output [1:0] m_wb_bte_o; //SD port input wire [3:0] sd_dat_dat_i; //Data in from SDcard output wire [3:0] sd_dat_out_o; //Data out to SDcard output wire sd_dat_oe_o; //SD Card tristate Data Output enable (Connects on the SoC TopLevel) input wire sd_cmd_dat_i; //Command in from SDcard output wire sd_cmd_out_o; //Command out to SDcard output wire sd_cmd_oe_o; //SD Card tristate CMD Output enable (Connects on the SoC TopLevel) output sd_clk_o_pad; input wire sd_clk_i_pad; //IRQ output int_a, int_b, int_c ; wire int_busy; //Wires from SD_CMD_MASTER Module wire [15:0] status_reg_w; wire [31:0] cmd_resp_1_w; wire [15:0] normal_int_status_reg_w; wire [4:0] error_int_status_reg_w; wire [31:0] argument_reg; wire [15:0] cmd_setting_reg; reg [15:0] status_reg; reg [31:0] cmd_resp_1; wire [7:0] software_reset_reg; wire [15:0] time_out_reg; reg [15:0] normal_int_status_reg; reg [15:0] error_int_status_reg; wire [15:0] normal_int_signal_enable_reg; wire [15:0] error_int_signal_enable_reg; wire [7:0] clock_divider; reg [15:0] Bd_Status_reg; reg [7:0] Bd_isr_reg; wire [7:0] Bd_isr_enable_reg; //Rx Buffer Descriptor internal signals wire [`BD_WIDTH-1 :0] free_bd_rx_bd; //NO free Rx_bd wire new_rx_bd; // New Bd writen wire [`RAM_MEM_WIDTH-1:0] dat_out_s_rx_bd; //Data out from Rx_bd to Slave //Tx Buffer Descriptor internal signals wire [`RAM_MEM_WIDTH-1:0] dat_in_m_rx_bd; //Data in to Rx_bd from Master wire [`RAM_MEM_WIDTH-1:0] dat_in_m_tx_bd; wire [`BD_WIDTH-1 :0] free_bd_tx_bd; wire new_tx_bd; wire [`RAM_MEM_WIDTH-1:0] dat_out_s_tx_bd; wire [7:0] bd_int_st_w; //Wire to BD status register //Wires for connecting Bd registers with the SD_Data_master module wire re_s_tx_bd_w; wire a_cmp_tx_bd_w; wire re_s_rx_bd_w; wire a_cmp_rx_bd_w; wire write_req_s; //SD_Data_master want acces to the CMD line. wire cmd_busy; //CMD line busy no access granted wire [31:0] cmd_arg_s; //SD_Data_master CMD Argument wire [15:0] cmd_set_s; //SD_Data_master Settings Argument wire [31:0] sys_adr; //System addres the DMA whil Read/Write to/from wire [1:0] start_dat_t; //Start data transfer //Signals to Syncronize busy signaling betwen Wishbone access and SD_Data_master access to the CMD line (Also manage the status reg uppdate) assign cmd_busy = int_busy | status_reg[0]; wire status_reg_busy; //Wires from SD_DATA_SERIAL_HOST_1 to the FIFO wire [`SD_BUS_W -1 : 0 ] data_in_rx_fifo; wire [31: 0 ] data_out_tx_fifo; wire [31:0] m_wb_dat_o_rx; wire [3:0] m_wb_sel_o_tx; wire [31:0] m_wb_adr_o_tx; wire [31:0] m_wb_adr_o_rx; //SD clock wire sd_clk_i; //Sd_clk provided to the system wire sd_clk_o; //Sd_clk used in the system wire [2:0] m_wb_cti_o_rx; wire [2:0] m_wb_cti_o_tx; wire [1:0] m_wb_bte_o_rx; wire [1:0] m_wb_bte_o_tx; //sd_clk_o to be used i set here `ifdef SDC_CLK_BUS_CLK assign sd_clk_i = wb_clk_i; `endif `ifdef SDC_CLK_SEP assign sd_clk_i = sd_clk_i_pad; `endif `ifdef SDC_CLK_STATIC assign sd_clk_o = sd_clk_i; `endif `ifdef SDC_CLK_DYNAMIC sd_clock_divider clock_divider_1 ( .CLK (sd_clk_i), .DIVIDER (clock_divider), .RST (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0]), .SD_CLK (sd_clk_o) ); `endif assign sd_clk_o_pad = sd_clk_o ; wire [15:0] settings; wire [7:0] serial_status; wire [39:0] cmd_out_master; wire [39:0] cmd_in_host; sd_cmd_master cmd_master_1 ( .CLK_PAD_IO (wb_clk_i), .RST_PAD_I (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0]), .New_CMD (new_cmd), .data_write (d_write), .data_read (d_read), .ARG_REG (argument_reg), .CMD_SET_REG (cmd_setting_reg[13:0]), .STATUS_REG (status_reg_w), .TIMEOUT_REG (time_out_reg), .RESP_1_REG (cmd_resp_1_w), .ERR_INT_REG (error_int_status_reg_w), .NORMAL_INT_REG (normal_int_status_reg_w), .ERR_INT_RST (error_isr_reset), .NORMAL_INT_RST (normal_isr_reset), .settings (settings), .go_idle_o (go_idle), .cmd_out (cmd_out_master ), .req_out (req_out_master ), .ack_out (ack_out_master ), .req_in (req_in_host), .ack_in (ack_in_host), .cmd_in (cmd_in_host), .serial_status (serial_status), .card_detect (card_detect) ); sd_cmd_serial_host cmd_serial_host_1 ( .SD_CLK_IN (sd_clk_o), .RST_IN (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0] | go_idle), .SETTING_IN (settings), .CMD_IN (cmd_out_master), .REQ_IN (req_out_master), .ACK_IN (ack_out_master), .REQ_OUT (req_in_host), .ACK_OUT (ack_in_host), .CMD_OUT (cmd_in_host), .STATUS (serial_status), .cmd_dat_i (sd_cmd_dat_i), .cmd_out_o (sd_cmd_out_o), .cmd_oe_o ( sd_cmd_oe_o), .st_dat_t (start_dat_t) ); sd_data_master data_master_1 ( .clk (wb_clk_i), .rst (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0]), .dat_in_tx (dat_out_s_tx_bd), .free_tx_bd (free_bd_tx_bd), .ack_i_s_tx (ack_o_s_tx ), .re_s_tx (re_s_tx_bd_w), .a_cmp_tx (a_cmp_tx_bd_w), .dat_in_rx (dat_out_s_rx_bd), .free_rx_bd (free_bd_rx_bd), .ack_i_s_rx (ack_o_s_rx), .re_s_rx (re_s_rx_bd_w), .a_cmp_rx (a_cmp_rx_bd_w), .cmd_busy (cmd_busy), .we_req (write_req_s), .we_ack (we_ack), .d_write (d_write), .d_read (d_read), .cmd_arg (cmd_arg_s), .cmd_set (cmd_set_s), .cmd_tsf_err (normal_int_status_reg[15]) , .card_status (cmd_resp_1[12:8]) , .start_tx_fifo (start_tx_fifo), .start_rx_fifo (start_rx_fifo), .sys_adr (sys_adr), .tx_empt (tx_e ), .tx_full (tx_f ), .rx_full (full_rx ), .busy_n (busy_n), .transm_complete(trans_complete ), .crc_ok (crc_ok), .ack_transfer (ack_transfer), .Dat_Int_Status (bd_int_st_w), .Dat_Int_Status_rst (Bd_isr_reset), .CIDAT (cidat_w), .transfer_type (cmd_setting_reg[15:14]) ); sd_data_serial_host sd_data_serial_host_1 ( .sd_clk (sd_clk_o), .rst (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0]), .data_in (data_out_tx_fifo), .rd (rd), .data_out (data_in_rx_fifo), .we (we_rx), .DAT_oe_o (sd_dat_oe_o), .DAT_dat_o (sd_dat_out_o), .DAT_dat_i (sd_dat_dat_i), .start_dat (start_dat_t), .ack_transfer (ack_transfer), .busy_n (busy_n), .transm_complete(trans_complete ), .crc_ok (crc_ok) ); sd_bd rx_bd ( .clk (wb_clk_i), .rst (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0]), .we_m (we_m_rx_bd), .dat_in_m (dat_in_m_rx_bd), .free_bd (free_bd_rx_bd), .re_s (re_s_rx_bd_w), .ack_o_s (ack_o_s_rx), .a_cmp (a_cmp_rx_bd_w), .dat_out_s (dat_out_s_rx_bd) ); sd_bd tx_bd ( .clk (wb_clk_i), .rst (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0]), .we_m (we_m_tx_bd), .dat_in_m (dat_in_m_tx_bd), .free_bd (free_bd_tx_bd), .ack_o_s (ack_o_s_tx), .re_s (re_s_tx_bd_w), .a_cmp (a_cmp_tx_bd_w), .dat_out_s (dat_out_s_tx_bd) ); sd_fifo_tx_filler fifo_filer_tx ( .clk (wb_clk_i), .rst (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0]), .m_wb_adr_o (m_wb_adr_o_tx), .m_wb_we_o (m_wb_we_o_tx), .m_wb_dat_i (m_wb_dat_i), .m_wb_cyc_o (m_wb_cyc_o_tx), .m_wb_stb_o (m_wb_stb_o_tx), .m_wb_ack_i (m_wb_ack_i), .m_wb_cti_o (m_wb_cti_o_tx), .m_wb_bte_o (m_wb_bte_o_tx), .en (start_tx_fifo), .adr (sys_adr), .sd_clk (sd_clk_o), .dat_o (data_out_tx_fifo ), .rd (rd), .empty (tx_e), .fe (tx_f) ); sd_fifo_rx_filler fifo_filer_rx ( .clk (wb_clk_i), .rst (wb_rst_i | software_reset_reg[0]), .m_wb_adr_o (m_wb_adr_o_rx), .m_wb_we_o (m_wb_we_o_rx), .m_wb_dat_o (m_wb_dat_o), .m_wb_cyc_o (m_wb_cyc_o_rx), .m_wb_stb_o (m_wb_stb_o_rx), .m_wb_ack_i (m_wb_ack_i), .m_wb_cti_o (m_wb_cti_o_rx), .m_wb_bte_o (m_wb_bte_o_rx), .en (start_rx_fifo), .adr (sys_adr), .sd_clk (sd_clk_o), .dat_i (data_in_rx_fifo ), .wr (we_rx), .full (full_rx) ); sd_controller_wb sd_controller_wb0 ( .wb_clk_i (wb_clk_i), .wb_rst_i (wb_rst_i), .wb_dat_i (wb_dat_i), .wb_dat_o (wb_dat_o), .wb_adr_i (wb_adr_i[7:0]), .wb_sel_i (wb_sel_i), .wb_we_i (wb_we_i), .wb_stb_i (wb_stb_i), .wb_cyc_i (wb_cyc_i), .wb_ack_o (wb_ack_o), .we_m_tx_bd (we_m_tx_bd), .new_cmd (new_cmd), .we_m_rx_bd (we_m_rx_bd), .we_ack (we_ack), .int_ack (int_ack), .cmd_int_busy (cmd_int_busy), .Bd_isr_reset (Bd_isr_reset), .normal_isr_reset (normal_isr_reset), .error_isr_reset (error_isr_reset), .int_busy (int_busy), .dat_in_m_tx_bd (dat_in_m_tx_bd), .dat_in_m_rx_bd (dat_in_m_rx_bd), .write_req_s (write_req_s), .cmd_set_s (cmd_set_s), .cmd_arg_s (cmd_arg_s), .argument_reg (argument_reg), .cmd_setting_reg (cmd_setting_reg), .status_reg (status_reg), .cmd_resp_1 (cmd_resp_1), .software_reset_reg (software_reset_reg ), .time_out_reg (time_out_reg ), .normal_int_status_reg (normal_int_status_reg), .error_int_status_reg (error_int_status_reg ), .normal_int_signal_enable_reg (normal_int_signal_enable_reg), .error_int_signal_enable_reg (error_int_signal_enable_reg), .clock_divider (clock_divider ), .Bd_Status_reg (Bd_Status_reg), .Bd_isr_reg (Bd_isr_reg ), .Bd_isr_enable_reg (Bd_isr_enable_reg) ); //MUX For WB master acces granted to RX or TX FIFO filler assign m_wb_cyc_o = start_tx_fifo ? m_wb_cyc_o_tx : start_rx_fifo ? m_wb_cyc_o_rx: 0; assign m_wb_stb_o = start_tx_fifo ? m_wb_stb_o_tx : start_rx_fifo ? m_wb_stb_o_rx: 0; assign m_wb_cti_o = start_tx_fifo ? m_wb_cti_o_tx : start_rx_fifo ? m_wb_cti_o_rx : 0; assign m_wb_bte_o = start_tx_fifo ? m_wb_bte_o_tx : start_rx_fifo ? m_wb_bte_o_rx : 0; assign m_wb_we_o = start_tx_fifo ? m_wb_we_o_tx : start_rx_fifo ? m_wb_we_o_rx : 0; assign m_wb_adr_o = start_tx_fifo ? m_wb_adr_o_tx : start_rx_fifo ? m_wb_adr_o_rx : 0; `ifdef SDC_IRQ_ENABLE assign int_a = |(normal_int_status_reg & normal_int_signal_enable_reg) ; assign int_b = |(error_int_status_reg & error_int_signal_enable_reg); assign int_c = |(Bd_isr_reg & Bd_isr_enable_reg); `else assign int_a = 0; assign int_b = 0; assign int_c = 0; `endif assign m_wb_sel_o = 4'b1111; //Set Bd_Status_reg always @ (posedge wb_clk_i ) begin Bd_Status_reg[15:8]=free_bd_rx_bd; Bd_Status_reg[7:0]=free_bd_tx_bd; cmd_resp_1<= cmd_resp_1_w; normal_int_status_reg<= normal_int_status_reg_w ; error_int_status_reg<= error_int_status_reg_w ; status_reg[0]<= status_reg_busy; status_reg[15:1]<= status_reg_w[15:1]; status_reg[1] <= cidat_w; Bd_isr_reg<=bd_int_st_w; end //cmd_int_busy is set when an internal access to the CMD buss is granted then immidetly uppdate the status busy bit to prevent buss access to cmd assign status_reg_busy = cmd_int_busy ? 1'b1: status_reg_w[0]; endmodule
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