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//***************************************************************************** // (c) Copyright 2009 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file contains confidential and proprietary information // of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and // international copyright and other intellectual property // laws. // // DISCLAIMER // This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any // rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as // otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by // Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable // law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND // WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING // BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- // INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and // (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, // including negligence, or under any other theory of // liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature // related to, arising under or in connection with these // materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, // special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage // (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of // loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought // by a third party) even if such damage or loss was // reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the // possibility of the same. // // CRITICAL APPLICATIONS // Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- // safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe // performance, such as life-support or safety devices or // systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, // applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any // other applications that could lead to death, personal // injury, or severe property or environmental damage // (individually and collectively, "Critical // Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. // //***************************************************************************** // ____ ____ // / /\/ / // /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx // \ \ \/ Version: %version // \ \ Application: MIG // / / Filename: mcb_soft_calibration_top.v // /___/ /\ Date Last Modified: $Date: 2010/10/27 17:40:12 $ // \ \ / \ Date Created: Mon Feb 9 2009 // \___\/\___\ // //Device: Spartan6 //Design Name: DDR/DDR2/DDR3/LPDDR //Purpose: Xilinx reference design top-level simulation // wrapper file for input termination calibration //Reference: // // Revision: Date: Comment // 1.0: 2/06/09: Initial version for MIG wrapper. // 1.1: 3/16/09: Added pll_lock port, for using it to gate reset // 1.2: 6/06/09: Removed MCB_UIDQCOUNT. // 1.3: 6/18/09: corrected/changed MCB_SYSRST to be an output port // 1.4: 6/24/09: gave RZQ and ZIO each their own unique ADD and SDI nets // 1.5: 10/08/09: removed INCDEC_TRESHOLD parameter - making it a localparam inside mcb_soft_calibration // 1.6: 02/04/09: Added condition generate statmenet for ZIO pin. // 1.7: 04/12/10: Added CKE_Train signal to fix DDR2 init wait . // // End Revision //********************************************************************************** `timescale 1ps/1ps module mcb_soft_calibration_top # ( parameter C_MEM_TZQINIT_MAXCNT = 10'h512, // DDR3 Minimum delay between resets parameter C_MC_CALIBRATION_MODE = "CALIBRATION", // if set to CALIBRATION will reset DQS IDELAY to DQS_NUMERATOR/DQS_DENOMINATOR local_param values, and does dynamic recal, // if set to NOCALIBRATION then defaults to hard cal blocks setting of C_MC_CALBRATION_DELAY *and* no dynamic recal will be done parameter SKIP_IN_TERM_CAL = 1'b0, // provides option to skip the input termination calibration parameter SKIP_DYNAMIC_CAL = 1'b0, // provides option to skip the dynamic delay calibration parameter SKIP_DYN_IN_TERM = 1'b0, // provides option to skip the input termination calibration parameter C_SIMULATION = "FALSE", // Tells us whether the design is being simulated or implemented parameter C_MEM_TYPE = "DDR" // provides the memory device used for the design ) ( input wire UI_CLK, // Input - global clock to be used for input_term_tuner and IODRP clock input wire RST, // Input - reset for input_term_tuner - synchronous for input_term_tuner state machine, asynch for IODRP (sub)controller input wire IOCLK, // Input - IOCLK input to the IODRP's output wire DONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL, // active high flag signals soft calibration of input delays is complete and MCB_UODONECAL is high (MCB hard calib complete) input wire PLL_LOCK, // Lock signal from PLL input wire SELFREFRESH_REQ, input wire SELFREFRESH_MCB_MODE, output wire SELFREFRESH_MCB_REQ , output wire SELFREFRESH_MODE, output wire MCB_UIADD, // to MCB's UIADD port output wire MCB_UISDI, // to MCB's UISDI port input wire MCB_UOSDO, input wire MCB_UODONECAL, input wire MCB_UOREFRSHFLAG, output wire MCB_UICS, output wire MCB_UIDRPUPDATE, output wire MCB_UIBROADCAST, output wire [4:0] MCB_UIADDR, output wire MCB_UICMDEN, output wire MCB_UIDONECAL, output wire MCB_UIDQLOWERDEC, output wire MCB_UIDQLOWERINC, output wire MCB_UIDQUPPERDEC, output wire MCB_UIDQUPPERINC, output wire MCB_UILDQSDEC, output wire MCB_UILDQSINC, output wire MCB_UIREAD, output wire MCB_UIUDQSDEC, output wire MCB_UIUDQSINC, output wire MCB_RECAL, output wire MCB_SYSRST, output wire MCB_UICMD, output wire MCB_UICMDIN, output wire [3:0] MCB_UIDQCOUNT, input wire [7:0] MCB_UODATA, input wire MCB_UODATAVALID, input wire MCB_UOCMDREADY, input wire MCB_UO_CAL_START, inout wire RZQ_Pin, inout wire ZIO_Pin, output wire CKE_Train ); wire IODRP_ADD; wire IODRP_SDI; wire RZQ_IODRP_SDO; wire RZQ_IODRP_CS; wire ZIO_IODRP_SDO; wire ZIO_IODRP_CS; wire IODRP_SDO; wire IODRP_CS; wire IODRP_BKST; wire RZQ_ZIO_ODATAIN; wire RZQ_ZIO_TRISTATE; wire RZQ_TOUT; wire ZIO_TOUT; wire [7:0] Max_Value; assign RZQ_ZIO_ODATAIN = ~RST; assign RZQ_ZIO_TRISTATE = ~RST; assign IODRP_BKST = 1'b0; //future hook for possible BKST to ZIO and RZQ mcb_soft_calibration #( .C_MEM_TZQINIT_MAXCNT (C_MEM_TZQINIT_MAXCNT), .C_MC_CALIBRATION_MODE(C_MC_CALIBRATION_MODE), .SKIP_IN_TERM_CAL (SKIP_IN_TERM_CAL), .SKIP_DYNAMIC_CAL (SKIP_DYNAMIC_CAL), .SKIP_DYN_IN_TERM (SKIP_DYN_IN_TERM), .C_SIMULATION (C_SIMULATION), .C_MEM_TYPE (C_MEM_TYPE) ) mcb_soft_calibration_inst ( .UI_CLK (UI_CLK), // main clock input for logic and IODRP CLK pins. At top level, this should also connect to IODRP2_MCB CLK pins .RST (RST), // main system reset for both this Soft Calibration block - also will act as a passthrough to MCB's SYSRST .PLL_LOCK (PLL_LOCK), //lock signal from PLL .SELFREFRESH_REQ (SELFREFRESH_REQ), .SELFREFRESH_MCB_MODE (SELFREFRESH_MCB_MODE), .SELFREFRESH_MCB_REQ (SELFREFRESH_MCB_REQ ), .SELFREFRESH_MODE (SELFREFRESH_MODE), .DONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL (DONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL),// active high flag signals soft calibration of input delays is complete and MCB_UODONECAL is high (MCB hard calib complete) .IODRP_ADD(IODRP_ADD), // RZQ and ZIO IODRP ADD port, and MCB's UIADD port .IODRP_ADD (IODRP_ADD), // RZQ and ZIO IODRP ADD port .IODRP_SDI (IODRP_SDI), // RZQ and ZIO IODRP SDI port, and MCB's UISDI port .RZQ_IN (RZQ_IN), // RZQ pin from board - expected to have a 2*R resistor to ground .RZQ_IODRP_SDO (RZQ_IODRP_SDO), // RZQ IODRP's SDO port .RZQ_IODRP_CS (RZQ_IODRP_CS), // RZQ IODRP's CS port .ZIO_IN (ZIO_IN), // Z-stated IO pin - garanteed not to be driven externally .ZIO_IODRP_SDO (ZIO_IODRP_SDO), // ZIO IODRP's SDO port .ZIO_IODRP_CS (ZIO_IODRP_CS), // ZIO IODRP's CS port .MCB_UIADD (MCB_UIADD), // to MCB's UIADD port .MCB_UISDI (MCB_UISDI), // to MCB's UISDI port .MCB_UOSDO (MCB_UOSDO), // from MCB's UOSDO port (User output SDO) .MCB_UODONECAL (MCB_UODONECAL), // indicates when MCB hard calibration process is complete .MCB_UOREFRSHFLAG (MCB_UOREFRSHFLAG), //high during refresh cycle and time when MCB is innactive .MCB_UICS (MCB_UICS), // to MCB's UICS port (User Input CS) .MCB_UIDRPUPDATE (MCB_UIDRPUPDATE), // MCB's UIDRPUPDATE port (gets passed to IODRP2_MCB's MEMUPDATE port: this controls shadow latch used during IODRP2_MCB writes). Currently just trasnparent .MCB_UIBROADCAST (MCB_UIBROADCAST), // to MCB's UIBROADCAST port (User Input BROADCAST - gets passed to IODRP2_MCB's BKST port) .MCB_UIADDR (MCB_UIADDR), //to MCB's UIADDR port (gets passed to IODRP2_MCB's AUXADDR port .MCB_UICMDEN (MCB_UICMDEN), //set to take control of UI interface - removes control from internal calib block .MCB_UIDONECAL (MCB_UIDONECAL), .MCB_UIDQLOWERDEC (MCB_UIDQLOWERDEC), .MCB_UIDQLOWERINC (MCB_UIDQLOWERINC), .MCB_UIDQUPPERDEC (MCB_UIDQUPPERDEC), .MCB_UIDQUPPERINC (MCB_UIDQUPPERINC), .MCB_UILDQSDEC (MCB_UILDQSDEC), .MCB_UILDQSINC (MCB_UILDQSINC), .MCB_UIREAD (MCB_UIREAD), //enables read w/o writing by turning on a SDO->SDI loopback inside the IODRP2_MCBs (doesn't exist in regular IODRP2). IODRPCTRLR_R_WB becomes don't-care. .MCB_UIUDQSDEC (MCB_UIUDQSDEC), .MCB_UIUDQSINC (MCB_UIUDQSINC), .MCB_RECAL (MCB_RECAL), //when high initiates a hard re-calibration sequence .MCB_UICMD (MCB_UICMD ), .MCB_UICMDIN (MCB_UICMDIN ), .MCB_UIDQCOUNT (MCB_UIDQCOUNT ), .MCB_UODATA (MCB_UODATA ), .MCB_UODATAVALID (MCB_UODATAVALID ), .MCB_UOCMDREADY (MCB_UOCMDREADY ), .MCB_UO_CAL_START (MCB_UO_CAL_START), .MCB_SYSRST (MCB_SYSRST ), //drives the MCB's SYSRST pin - the main reset for MCB .Max_Value (Max_Value ), // Maximum Tap Value from calibrated IOI .CKE_Train (CKE_Train) ); IOBUF IOBUF_RZQ ( .O (RZQ_IN), .IO (RZQ_Pin), .I (RZQ_OUT), .T (RZQ_TOUT) ); IODRP2 IODRP2_RZQ ( .DATAOUT(), .DATAOUT2(), .DOUT(RZQ_OUT), .SDO(RZQ_IODRP_SDO), .TOUT(RZQ_TOUT), .ADD(IODRP_ADD), .BKST(IODRP_BKST), .CLK(UI_CLK), .CS(RZQ_IODRP_CS), .IDATAIN(RZQ_IN), .IOCLK0(IOCLK), .IOCLK1(1'b1), .ODATAIN(RZQ_ZIO_ODATAIN), .SDI(IODRP_SDI), .T(RZQ_ZIO_TRISTATE) ); generate if ((C_MEM_TYPE == "DDR" || C_MEM_TYPE == "DDR2" || C_MEM_TYPE == "DDR3") && (SKIP_IN_TERM_CAL == 1'b0) ) begin : gen_zio IOBUF IOBUF_ZIO ( .O (ZIO_IN), .IO (ZIO_Pin), .I (ZIO_OUT), .T (ZIO_TOUT) ); IODRP2 IODRP2_ZIO ( .DATAOUT(), .DATAOUT2(), .DOUT(ZIO_OUT), .SDO(ZIO_IODRP_SDO), .TOUT(ZIO_TOUT), .ADD(IODRP_ADD), .BKST(IODRP_BKST), .CLK(UI_CLK), .CS(ZIO_IODRP_CS), .IDATAIN(ZIO_IN), .IOCLK0(IOCLK), .IOCLK1(1'b1), .ODATAIN(RZQ_ZIO_ODATAIN), .SDI(IODRP_SDI), .T(RZQ_ZIO_TRISTATE) ); end endgenerate endmodule
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